Fallout 8- new kills

Story by Terraphage on SoFurry


 This chapter it is my goal to get back to things more fallout-y-ish. Getting out of the city, roaming the wide open wastes, meeting exciting and exotic people and creatures...                                                              and killing them. I'm hoping to fit in some epic firefights and other cool stuff, but as usual, I'm improvising from the start. I don't even know what the big evil plot is yet of David's dad. Sort of. I'm open to any suggestions for plot ideas and stuff.

 David lay awake in the warm double bed. Adeline lay asleep beside him. Her breasts heaved lightly with each breath She hugged the blankets close to her breast as she dozed. David put his hands behind his head. Should he just leave her to sleep after last nights scare, let her rest, or try wake her up and get some more action? He suddenly felt something else in his mind, like a little cloud. He felt it slowly growing; he couldn't tell what it was yet.  It finally showed itself as a sudden impulse.

 'Foley!' David whispered loudly. 'You awake?' There was a period of silence.

 'Yeah, I am.' Foley whispered back from somewhere.

 'I want to leave.'


 'I want to get out of here.'

 'What's with the rush? You have plenty of time.' David shook his head.

 'I don't know why, I just feel like I want to go.'

 'so you suddenly feel like you want to leave, and you act on that?'

 'Yeah, what's wrong with that?'

 'You shouldn't just act on impulses.' David threw back the heavy blanket and stood up.

 'I'm leaving. That's that.' Foley sighed from somewhere in the dark.

 'Where are you going?' He asked. David pulled off his nightwear and fumbled about for his other clothes.

 'Is there a radio station anywhere nearby?' David asked as he dressed himself.

 'There's one up north in the D.C ruins.' He stopped suddenly. 'You seriously aren't thinking of going there are you?' His voice showed genuine concern.

 'What does it matter to you? I'm not asking you to come with me.' David zipped up his suit. The two were silent.

 'I just feel sort of close to you.' Foley told him. David nodded in understanding. He knew what he meant. He also knew it was one of those awkward things to say, if you say it wrong you sound like a homosexual, if you say it wrong in a different way you seem like you're not sincere. 'You and I are from the same place, we both are now in this random-ass crazy place and we don't know how to get out.' David turned towards Foley's voice. Foley had the tone dead-on.

 'What would you have me do then?' David retorted.

 'Tony and Don.'

 'What?' David asked. What about tony and don?

 'They think they know how we got here.' Foley said. David walked towards Foleys voice.

 'So you think I should talk with Tony and Don?' David asked. Foley nodded. David's eyes had accustomed to the dark quickly now. David sighed.

 'Fine then. We'll go see Tony and Don.' David scribbled a goodbye note on a scrap of paper and sat it on the other side of Adeline's bed.

 'Let's go then.'


 After a heated discussion with the guards outside Adeline's door David and Foley were on their way. They shortly arrived at the military encampment outside the city. It was about half-past four in the morning and the moon cast an eerie glow across the snow. The two passed a pair of guards at the entrance of the camp unheeded.  Foley lead to a bleak dark green building. He saluted the guard at the entrance, who lazily raised his hand in acknowledgement and stepped aside. The inside was filled with dozens of bunk beds. Many had trunks or bags at the end to hold personal possession. A chorus of snores constantly hung in the air. Foley lead David to a bunk in the far corner where Tony was lying.

 'What are you doing here?' David froze in brief shock. David had been ambushed by raiders dozens of times, a mirelurk had landed on top of him once out of nowhere, he had even turned around one day after investigating a wrecked train to find a mutie behemoth charging down a hill towards him at full speed wielding a fire hydrant in one hand, yet he still got a shock when Tony spoke suddenly. 'I can't sleep.' Tony explained. 'I'm thinking.' Foley knodded.

 'David wants to hear your theory. We came from the same place, so I thought he might want to hear.' Tony sighed and sat up on his bed, motioning for David to come closer.

 'So from what I know,' Tony started, 'you probably woke up somewhere random and had no idea where you were. You fell asleep in this... land of sand, and woke up here.' David nodded in affirmation. 'I suppose you have been through a bunch of interesting things while you were here then?' David tried to understand what he was trying to get at. Seeing David's look of confusion, Tony pressed on. 'For example. In the last week I spent every day roughly the same way. I went about on my usual routine. Up until the point I met you, the most interesting thing that happened to me all week was when I spilled my coffee.' Tony explained, rubbing his eyes halfway through. 'When Foley and I met, he had recently been dragged back to the city by a scout patrol after he had been mauled by Abbo's.' Tony held up a hand to quiet David before he could ask. 'Two days later he killed two muggers in an alley, the day after that he was in a bank when it was robbed...'

 'Attempted to be robbed.' Foley corrected him proudly. 'Killed the guy of course.' Tony nodded in confirmation.

 'And the list goes on.' He concluded. 'You randomly show up one day as a prisoner, having killed seven armed men bare handed, by some incredible coincidence end up being lead around by Foley, mate the ambassador the same night and walk in on a murder scene the day after.'

 'Not to mention survive an assassination attempt that same night.' David added. Foley nodded gravely to confirm this.

 'Exactly. Doesn't it strike you as strange that so much happens to you so often?' After a moment of careful deliberation David said:

 'Yes. A little. Why?' Tony jumped to his feet.

 'You are- you and Foley I mean, are surrounded by... ' Tony snapped his fingers and lowered his head in thought, '...an improbability field.' He explained. 'Incredibly improbable events happen around you on a regular basis.' David shrugged dismissively. Stuff like that happened to him all the time. But on the other hand, not as frequently as this. 'This could mean a number of things, there is one theory about however that makes a little sense.' He paused to catch his breath and his tone turned more mystical. 'Some believe you may be gods.' David couldn't help laugh a little bit at the accusation. Back where he had come from he had been known as many things, among them was a lot of "Messiah" terms going around. Until now David had just dismissed them as references to his skill, but now he was forced to think more deeply about it.

 'Some of the other scientists I have met with, mainly to discuss Foley's circumstances, believe this to be so.' Tony said. Foley grunted shortly.

 'Yeah, and the bastard turned up on my doorstep the next morning worshipping me.' Foley said with a frown. 'Can't tell you about all the shit I got for that.' Tony cleared his throat to regain everybody's attention. 'I am not a very strong believer in that sort of thing, but I have to say, it's the most logical explanation we have right now. That and the whole series of events are some huge incredible coincidence and you both have been hallucinating about 19 years of your life.' David could see where this was coming from. When it was being a god or being a meeting ground of improbable coincidences of such epic proportions, the whole god thing didn't seem too crazy.

 'So what, I'm like Jesus (Sorry for any offense you religious ppl) or something?' Tony shrugged.

 'You could put it that way.' He answered. David though this over further.

 'So what does that have to do with me being here?' David asked as he tried to take this all in.

 'According to Foley, you are some kind of hero, aren't you? Foley told me you assisted in starting a water purifier of some kind.' David smiled at the word hero. It made him feel good.

 'Yeah, that was me.' David answered.

 'And I am sure that would have made your world better for everybody, wouldn't it?'

 'Yeah of course. Everybody had water to drink.' David said.

 'So perhaps, you were brought to this world to make it better, to make life better for everybody.' David thought back to the crime lord he had killed in megatown. 'That's some people's theory at least.' David nodded. Tony had given him a lot to think about. What if he was a god? David didn't really care much for religion. It only giver him trouble in the past. He felt something again, the sudden impulse.

 'I'm leaving.' He said. Tony yawned and sat back in his bed.

 'Well, I am sure you have other things to do.' He lay down in his bed again. 'Don't let me stop you.' Foley watched him for a few moments.

 'I'm going with him.' He said. Tony nodded and muttered.

 'Have fun Josh.' Tony pulled his sheet over.  'Try not to get yourself killed.' David gave Foley a concerned look.

 'Are you sure you want to come? I'll tell you now, it'll be dangerous, and won't that be like going AWOL?' Foley shrugged, then grinned.

 'Honestly, who gives a shit? I'm bored to tears in this place and nobody's going to chase us out to the D.C ruins.'

 'you absolutely sure?' David asked

 'Yes, I'm sure.' David felt a warm feeling of anticipation. This was it. Back on the road. Free at last.

 'Then let's get out of here.'


 Two figures crept along the dead quiet street. They slipped in and out of view like shadows. David held a red cylindrical object in each hand. The two ran towards the gates of the city and the camp on the outside. Every exit to the city was guarded by a military encampment. Soldiers patrolled about the camp. David bent down as he ran. He scraped the red stick against the ground as he ran. The top burst into flames as sparks hit the top. David drew back his arm and heaved the stick as high as he could into the air. The fizzing stick quickly soared out of sight. David sped up a little as he approached the gate. Foley seemed to be slowing down. One of the guards noticed David and watched him as he approached. The soldier eventually raised his gun and yelled a warning. David looked back at Foley, who was still falling behind and swore. He suddenly stopped and crouched down. Foley was unable to stop and crashed into David. David wrapped his arms around Foleys legs and lifted him up in a crude piggyback. He resumed his charge towards the gate at an incredible speed. Ignoring Foley's protests, David sped up. He was lost in a strange state, he could feel the wind whip across his face as he ran, the landscape flashed past him in a blur as he charged towards the guard, and he was loving it. It was an incredible sensation he had never felt before. Speed.

 First the street around David lit up, the guard looked up, and then an earth-shaking blast filled David's ears. David charged past the distracted guard in an instant. David went straight through he camp, straight past the patrolling guards who jumped back in surprise. The felines tried closing the front entrance gate, but David simply shot past before it closed. He heard shots echo from behind him, but none came close as he sprinted off into the darkness.


 David and Foley lay on their back atop a small snowy hill. David looked across at Foley, who returned his own exhilarated smile.

 'That...was...awesome!' David managed between breaths. Foley shook his head breathlessly.

 'How the hell can you run so fast? That was insane!' The two lay on the cool snow dune for a while longer. David stood up eventually and picked up his belongings. Foley had found his magnums and glasses before they left.  David holstered his guns and bent down to pick up the rest of his equipment. He had: Two magnums, one concealed knife, a stick of dynamite, two plasma mines (stolen from the feline armoury by Foley), his Pip-boy 3000 device that was firmly attached to his wrist and the clothes he was wearing. He tucked the loose items into various pockets he had on the inside of his suit. Foley stood and packed his equipment. He wore a satchel to compensate for his lack of pockets, due to wearing power armour. He packed some food, a combat knife, a medical kit and microfusion cells into the satchel, and slung his laser rifle over his back.

 'I don't suppose you knew what tony meant by "Abbo's" did you?' David shook his head. 'Well imagine a super mutant.' Foley said, giving David a chance to think. 'Now imagine a white, furry super mutant with three foot long icy spikes sticking out of its back.' David grinned at the thought of such an opponent. Truly a more worthy foe of a god, or one of such calibre. 'Ah,' Foley interrupted his thinking, 'Now imagine if they were more intelligent.'


 'Well, more intelligent than your average mutie.' David frowned at this fought. It was one thing fighting a super mutant who had a single-minded desire to crush you with a nail-board, or a sword wielding raider berserker, but it was another thing entirely when they set traps around every corner. David could still remember the occasion with the grenade bouquet, half-a-dozen grenades set to arm themselves when somebody opened the door.  David turned and climbed to the top of the hill behind him.

 David looked to the north. An orange-white glow radiated from the horizon and wispy specks snaked across.

 'So, that's where we're going?' David stood tall as he gazed to the north. Foley stood beside him and followed his gaze.

 'Yeah, that's it.' The two men were mere silhouettes against the rising sun. They looked down at the crumbling metropolis that lay before them. Snow settled on the roofs of the scorched and blackened buildings that comprised the skeletal city. David remembered the first time he looked upon the D.C ruins, it held its own dangerous beauty. It still held the same mystic charm.

 'Some things never change.' He spoke reflectively to the world in general. Foley nodded in understanding.

 'Hell is hell. Don't matter how you get there.'


 Towering metropolitan ruins stretched to the sky. They were much larger and much more modern than the ones David was used to. David would see the occasional flicker of movement, a quick flash of white. With each he would look at Foley, who would nod back. Foley held his laser rifle ready in both hands. David casually spun a magnum around his finger. The two men walked around an old pale-green car, most of the paint had been stripped away and it was rusted. The street they were on was the same. Old cars lay strewn about everywhere, containing highly unstable material in their nuclear powered engines. Everything was too quiet.

 'It's too quiet, I don't like it.' David stopped and stared at Foley with a grin. 'What?' Foley asked, referring to David's smile.

 'You've done it now.' David said as he flicked the safeties off his dual-magnums and looked around with a grin.

 'What do you mean?'

 'What I mean is, whenever it's too quiet, and somebody says "It's too quiet" that's when the shit hits the fan.'


 'Something's about to happen because you said "It's too quiet". It's like a cue for something to explode suddenly, or drop out of the sky and land on you, or some kind of huge scary-ass super-

  David dived to the ground as a high pitched whine filled the air. He broke his fall with a roll and landed on his feet. Where he had been standing a moment before, a three foot long icicle spike protruded from the ground. The two went back-to-back as a chorus of roars filled the air.

 'Well it's about god-damn time!' David yelled as he held his guns out in front of him. The first burst out from around a corner in front of them. It held an assault rifle in one ape-like white hand, and a long ice spear in the other. It roared as it let loose with its rifle. Foley dived to the ground as David ducked behind a nearby pillar. Out of the corner of his eye, David caught sight of another on the second floor of the opposite building. He swung around and took it out before it could fire. Foley was lying on his back firing at, presumably, another on a floor above David's head. After a couple of searing rays of light, he turned his attention on the first. David stepped out from his hiding spot and looked up to see bullets hailing down from the third floor above him. Foley rolled underneath a large chunk of scrap metal to cover himself. With a step back first, David ran forward and jumped at the wall. He landed in a second storey window. Just one more above. Leaning out from the window, he jumped up and caught hold of the bottom of the next floor window. He unsheathed his right claws and used the left to pull himself up quickly. He soared through the window above him and surprised the monster. It's ugly pale features contorted into a look of pure rage as it lifted an arm in defence.  David briefly lost himself in his ferocious offensive, and found himself standing over his enemy's dismembered bloody corpse. The arm it had raised was cut off, as was the other arm, and there were numerous deep gashes and cuts on the torso. He turned around and looked across at the Abbo in the building opposite. It roared as it raised it's gun. With a feral roar, David charged at the window and jumped. He felt the world slow around him as he soared across the street below. He drew a magnum and unloaded the clip on two of the monsters in the street below. He hit the wall below the second storey window and grabbed the bottom of it. He quickly hoisted himself up and stood in the window. The monster stood in a battle stance of sorts, it held an icy spear in each hand like swords. The two charged at each other with ferocious warcrys. The abbo swung his weapon at David hard. His hands reflexively came up to block, but he found himself holding onto the spear in both hands. The monster raised the other spear for another attack. David twisted his hands quickly and snapped the spear in half. As the second spear came towards him, he parried the blow with his two smaller weapons. While the monster was unable to react in mid-swing David drew back both mini-spears and thrust them into the beast. The beast screamed I agony as it stumbled back, the spears stuck out from its eyes. It stumbled further and fell back on the floor. Dead.

 David looked back out the window at Foley. He was leaning against a pillar with his weapon dangling loosely at his side. He looked up at David and gave him a thumbs up. David nodded. He looked down at his claws. The pure white of bone was now stained with thick crimson blood. It clogged his nose. It was strong. David quickly stepped away from the window so he was out of Foleys sight. He looked around quickly to make sure he couldn't be seen, and raised his claw to his face. He inhaled deeply as the intoxicating smell filled him. It was like the smell equivalent of sex. He loved it. What am I doing? He asked himself. He brought the claw a little closer to his face. With each breath the smell tingled his senses. He paused for a second, then carefully stuck out his tongue. He briefly touched it on the surface on the bloody claw. It was amazing. He was disgusted with himself for it, but it was sooo good. He ran his tongue along the claw, and then the others, getting all the sweet nectar he possibly could.  He licked clean the last claw and growled deeply out of satisfaction in his throat, in a bestial way. It was like a drug.

 'David! What are you doing?' David snapped out of it as he heard Foley call his name.

 'Yeah, I'm coming, don't get your panties in a knot.' He was trying to understand what had overcome him. Some kind of random extreme bloodlust, a literal bloodlust. He licked his lips unwarily. Most of the sensuality had left, but a tinge remained. He spat it out.

 'Damn, what the hell did I just do?'


 'Well that looks inviting.'

 'What are you scared Foley?' David grinned at him.

 'No, I just don't go wandering about in dark metro tunnels for fun every day.' David shook his head in pity.

 'You have no idea what you're missing out on.' David lead the thought the rusted gates and into the dark tunnel. He turned on the light on his pip-boy so the two could see. Foley followed warily with his laser rifle raised.

 'So what do you suppose we'll find in this tunnel?' David shrugged.

 'Usually it would be gouls, but hopefully it's something more exciting.'

 'Is this a hobby of yours? Finding all sorts of interesting things to kill?' David nodded quickly.

 'Yep, killing interesting things, killing uninteresting things, repairing guns, pissing off Jericho, showing off and drinking with the brotherhood of steel every Friday night.' Foley smiled at that last one.

 'Was that fun?' David shrugged.

 'Depends. There was one night sentinel Lyons was with us. We managed to get her piss drunk enough to play strip poker with us.' Foley laughed at this.

 'I suppose that was one of the better nights?' David shook his head.

 'No. She kicked our asses. I was down to a sock and a bandana, while she had taken a shoe off. Although, she always picked me to strip. She's been into me for ages. The better night was when we got her piss drunk enough to give me a lap dance. Now that was really some-'

 The sound of six shots in quick succession rang through the air. The two dived to the ground, but soon realised the shots were not aimed at them. David stood and ran to the corner. He peeked around. There were three men, they were facing away from David and firing at something. David and Foley stepped out from the corner and watched the men. The thing they were fighting was unable to be seen, the pip-boy light only reached so far. One of the men suddenly flung through the air to the right, as if hit by an unseen force. The other two were suddenly engulfed by a cone of fire. They stumbled around a bit before falling to the ground, burning. David and Foley raised their weapons. A strange sound filled the air. It was like a rumbling, getting louder, moving closer, sort of a rumbling sound that rolled through the air... Rolling! The two men dived out of the way simultaneously as a brown ball of spikes flew past and crashed into the wall behind them. The thing stopped and uncurled itself. It turned and faced David with a high screech. It was about six feet tall, brown, and had muscular arms with a claw on each finger. It had six thick insect like legs and a mouth like a giant feral dog. The things entire back was covered in spikes. It screeched as it advanced on David. It swung a huge arm at him. David jumped back and fired at it with his magnums. It charged again and lashed out with both arms. One arm caught David on the arm and knocked him over. David flipped himself onto his back just as the beast pulled its head back. David rolled away quickly as a plume of fire scorched the ground. The monster howled as a few laser beams struck its back. David jumped to his feet and fired at the beast's underbelly. It pulled it's head back for another attack. David jumped to the side-straight into a vending machine. He collapsed on the ground. As he looked up, his world was bathed in scorching fire. He yelled out in agony as the fire struck him. And waited. And waited. David opened his eyes and looked down at himself. His entire body was alight, flames licked at him as he burned. He felt warm. David stood up as the fire still burned. He looked down at his flaming arms. This is so weird. He said to himself. The monster was facing away from David, it skittered towards Foley on its insect legs.  Are fire breathing monsters immune to fire? He swore when he remembered his failed attempt to kill a fire ant with a flamethrower. Nevertheless, David charged. Just as the thing neared Foley, David tackled it from the side, running at speed. He bowled the thing over and it landed on its back, with David lying on top. David punched the monster in the stomach repeatedly. The thing brought an arm up and swatted David off. David got off the floor and crouched.

 'All right bitch, come get some!' The monster roared again and curled itself into a ball. It rolled towards David at full speed. A little further... David sprung over the rolling monster. The thing kept going and went through the spot David was previously standing in.

 Pptzzzzzzzzew! (my sound effects are not the best, ok?) The ground exploded in a flash of green energy and the beast was propelled into the wall. The ground around the ignition point was scorched and covered in green powder.

 'You're on fire!' Foley yelled. David

 'Yup, cool eh?

 'It doesn't hurt?'


 'You should probably put it out.'


 'Your clothes are burning.' David dropped and rolled about on the ground for a while until the fire was out. 'That was weird.' David nodded in agreement.

 'You suck, you know that? It was almost dead! I was going to shoot it.' Foley held up his laser rifle in protest. 'It was a waste of a good plasma mine.' David shrugged.

 'Dude, it's a rolling monster. I couldn't resist, ok? Not using the mine would have been like, a crime against humanity.' David said. Foley snorted.

 'If you say so.' He said as he averted his eyes.

 'What's wrong?' David asked.

 'Your clothes are burned.' David looked down at himself in surprise.

 'Oh fuck.' He muttered. He looked at Foley. 'Got some spares?' Foley shook his head. David swore under his breath as he felt the sudden chill come across him. He looked around in search of something to maybe wrap himself up in, and then noticed something...


 'Oh, my, god. That is...wow.' Foley rubbed his eyes.

 'Really that good?' David asked.

 'Yeah. It's awesome.'  David looked down at his improvised suit.

 'This is the third most awesome thing I've ever made.' He concluded. Sure, the poison dart gun he made was cool, but a fire-proof spikey leather suit of armour? Awesome.

 'How the hell do you come up with these things?' Foley asked in awe. David shrugged. The spikes shuffled around against each other.

 'I'm just a genius really.' David lied as he stretched a bit to see how flexible his suit was. David had used bits of his burnt suit for the joints to soften them, and he had taken a lot of the spikes off to make it more lightweight. 'This is more like it. Roaming about, killing stuff and making random shit from salvage.' David said.

 'Ten metres down, hundreds to go. This is going to take a while.' Foley said as he looked into the darkness of the metro tunnels.

 'Let's run it then.' David said. Foley looked back at him in confusion.

 'We sprint hard-core through the tunnels without stopping and shooting everything as we go past.' David explained.

 'Is that a good idea?'

 'Trust me. It'll be fine.'


 'How the hell could you think this was a good idea!?' Foley screamed as he ran.

 'What do you mean?' David called back.

 'We are being chased through dark metro tunnels by giant spiked rolling fire-breathing hedgehog mutants!'

 'I reckon it's pretty fun.' David said as he shot Foley a maniac smile. The two charged across the metro station floor as the low rumbling trailed after them. They took a right, David looked back to see the things crash into the corner behind them, and then continue in pursuit.

 'Holey shit! Holey shit! Holey shit!' Foley yelled as he ran at full pace. The two rounded another corner. Light filtered through the mesh gate that separated the metro from the world outside. It was, metaphorically speaking, a low wall in hell. 'Shit! The gates locked!' Foley called to David

 'Oh well that's a shame, I guess we'll just have to go back and around!' David called back sarcastically. He Accelerated towards the gate, spun and kicked his right foot up into the lock, shattering it and flinging the gates open. The men ran out of the metro tunnel and into the light.

 The scene before them was not pretty. The two men looked about them in horror (Foley) and surprise (David) at the horde of monsters pointing their various guns and spikes in their general direction.

 'David how good are you exactly?' Foley asked nervously without moving.

 'Let's put it this way,' David whispered as he leaned in a little bit, 'It wouldn't end well for you.' The horde slowly closed in on the two. David was thinking, thinking about something that could get them out of this situation. Then it struck him. He recognised this place.

 'Foley,' David whispered. 'When the shit hits the fan, hit back hard.' He said.

 'What is that supposed -'

 There was a sudden, high pitch whirr; some of the abbo's stopped. A searing fusillade of lasers cut through the monsters ranks from the right. Plasma balls impacted randomly against them and a volley of frag grenades broke the monsters ranks. David drew his weapons and fired without hesitation, as did Foley after a second. The abbos had been caught off guard, and now they were dead. The two remaining parties met at the corner of the building that cut off their line of sight. The others were...strange. The leader of the group was a woman. She had a blue bandana on her head, a pair of white cargo-trousers and a blue tube-top made from a couple more bandanas tied together with bits of string that looked far too small and inadequate for such a woman of such great...gifts. The mere sight of her made David feel cold. And aroused. He had always liked dark-skinned girls, but this was off the hook sexy. Her followers wore similar attire, the men wore tank tops, and one wore a suit of custom-painted power armour.

 'Who are you? What are you doing here?' She asked with a familiar accent. (south American, it just fits in with the whole rebel thing)

 'David. Travelling.' He answered, with a smile.

 'You are lucky we showed up when we did.' She said. David nodded.

 'Yes, thank you. You really saved Foley's ass there.' Foley shot David a look of annoyance. 'So who are you?' David asked.

 'We are the Children of Adam. The people. We are-'

 'PAW.' Foley said.

 'Yes, we are the People's Army of the Wasteland. We oppose these dictatorships that control the cities. We take in those who wish to become part of a fair and honest society, and lead them to victory.'

 'So you aim to create a better government.' Foley said.

 'Yes, in short. A place where everybody is treated fairly and equally.' She said. David nodded his head.

 'So can I join?' He asked suddenly. The woman approached him and looked him up and down.

 'Why do you wish to join us K'urr man?' She asked thoughtfully. David took his time to come up with an answer.

 'I'm sick of this bureaucratic and political shit. I signed up for the army because politics got us nowhere. I was willing to go out and kill the enemy to achieve my ideals, do something worthwhile. Ended up doing reconnaissance. I couldn't stand all the watching, so I went AWOL.' He said confidently. The woman nodded.

 'And what would you get out of joining us?' She asked inquisitively.

 'Be part of something  bigger.' David said quickly. 'I want to feel like I contributed to something beneficial.' The woman smiled and nodded.

 'You understand us then. Come with us if you will. We will see what we can do.' The woman looked at Foley. 'So who are you then? Are you travelling with this man?' Foley nodded.

 'Yes ma'am.'

 'You may come with us if you wish. But be aware both of you, we are on important business, and if you try anything funny we shall kill you.' The woman pointed at her companions and named them.

 'Sully, heavy weapons.' The power armoured figure with the Gatling laser raised a hand. 'Raana, sniper, Lenny, assault. And Tobias. Close quarters.' Tobias unsheathed a combat knife and twirled it in his hand before replacing it.  'My name is Kesha. I lead this group.' Kesha motioned towards the group with her hands. 'We are heading towards the Stratus radio building.  You may follow us a long as you do not get in the way.' Kesha motioned towards the group and they started moving. David moved in behind them with Foley.

 'Kesha, please wait.' The group stopped.

 'What is it Raana?' Kesha asked as she looked from Raana to David. 'Do you sense something bad of these two?' David turned around to look at the sniper. His entire appearance was mystic. His bald head had a series of white swirling tattoos covering it and he wore a necklace of teeth, but that was not the strangest part. Raana walked towards David slowly and stared deeply into his eyes. Raana's eyes were white. Pure white. No iris, no pupils, just white.

 'You...' Raana pointed at David with a trembling finger. 'You are like him. You are like Danny. You are the possessed.' Raana backed away slowly. David blinked at him a few times in confusion.

 'Raana! That is classified information!' Kesha whispered loudly.

 'You know what happened!' Raana snapped at Kesha. You know what happened to Danny.' He hissed. Kesha looked at David with a mystified expression.

 'You think it will happen to him?' She asked Raana.

 'Definitely, if not properly handled. Look...it has started...' Raana pointed at David's face. David realised he could have still had a bit of left over blood from the fight.

 'What do we do with him? Kill him?' Kesha asked. David back and forth between the two with a sinking feeling.

 'No. He has offered to help us. We can use him, but we must contain him...' Raana looked at David with a piercing gaze.

 'Is this something I should know about?' David asked with a worried tone. It was not usual for him to be worried about things.

 'Not at the moment.' Raana said. 'But we will tell you when the time comes. First, we shall see.' Kesha turned around and started walking. The rest followed.

What is this all about? Possessed? By what? This is so fucked up...


 Interesting developments. 38 and 41. What shall come next?