Office Conflict: Part 2 - Tuesday

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#2 of Office Conflict

This story and all characters within are the property of the user Ghosty on SoFurry (Ghostwolf36 on Furaffinity)

Do not copy or redistribute this work in any way!

This story involves harsh language and strong sexual themes, if you are not comfortable with such themes in your reading please leave this page now. Further themes will be explored in later chapters.

Enjoy your reading and please leave comments.


Lisa's heart was racing as she arrived at work earlier than usual. As she exited the elevator on the floor she was surprised to find the lights on and the sound of clicking coming from James' side of the office. Her tail twitched nervously as she slowly made her way to the sound, hoping to find it wasn't James who had turned up early; she jumped as a chair rolled out of a cubical with the Wolf staring at her.

Recoiling in sudden but not wholly unexpected shock Lisa found her eyes locking to James' as he sat in the isle and shook his head at her. Lisa felt a nervousness she had never felt before; she had always been so confident in her work, but now the Timber Wolf had moved from being a secret loving crush of hers to a very definite threat.

Pulling her paws to her chest and softly biting her bottom lip, Lisa backed away cautiously and then nearly ran to her office, just to get away from his harsh gaze. She shuddered as she leaned back against her office door, worried about what might happen for the rest of the day.

* * *

The day hadn't been easy. There was a near tangible tension in the air and just about everyone in the office could sense it. No-one was sure why, but the few that saw Lisa during the day were aware of a certain caution in her step and an unusual quietness in her voice.

Lisa was more than aware of it; she dreaded every minute she had to spend out side her office. She had managed to go most of the day without seeing James but on the few occasions they had crossed paths or their eyes met across the room, it was followed by an eerie silence before Lisa retreated back to her office. She couldn't help but feel like a prisoner, but part of her felt like she deserved it.

James on the other hand was for the first time in months enjoying his work. For once he was holding all the cards, and Lisa was left with a poor hand and her normally perfect poker face was no use to her, but she was either too stubborn or afraid to say or do anything to change the situation. James had half expected her to make a big scene of dragging him into her office and giving him a dressing down again. He chuckled to himself as he realized how far from her comfort zone he had knocked the Husky. There was a genuine vulnerability to her that he could see now and he thought it suited her; he just had to keep the upper hand in their game of wits and posturing. James patted his jacked pocket and smiled; she wouldn't expect what he had in mind for their discussions next.

* * *

Lisa looked out of her office window and watched as the majority of workers began to gather their belongings and leave for the day. She had been so focused on watching everyone leave that she hadn't noticed James walking to her office. Without even knocking James entered the large office and closed the door behind him, snapping Lisa out of her near trance-like state.

"James!" Lisa yipped in surprise. "I'm sorry I didn't... I didn't se you coming."

James looked un-phased by her words. "Really?" He said flatly. "Distracted perhaps?"

Lisa shuffled uncomfortably in her chair as she felt his gaze hold on her. "You might say that." She said a she tried to gather her confidence and take control of the situation. "James, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot yesterday but I'm glad you're willing to talk this through."

"Actually I'm not here to talk exactly." He growled softly but with a hint of menace. Lisa suddenly felt quite small in his presence. "I'm going to put you on the level and I'm going to get an apology out of you. After that we'll start talking if I'm happy with your actions.

"Now wait a minute James..." Was all Lisa managed to bark before James spoke up again.

James took a seat of the leather couch on the far side of her office; he spoke clearly and flatly, as he focused on the speech he had prepared, making sure he kept in control of the conversation. "Lisa, you have gone out of your way to make my life difficult since you got here, the first few times I thought you were just trying to settle into the role of sector manager but after the first two months of your constant badgering of my staff and myself I started documenting these incidents." James hid a smile as Lisa suddenly realized what he was up to, her new understanding of the situation wasn't going to stop him drawing it out and enjoying himself though. "I have prepared a report for the sector staff, the line managers, and the board of directors; there are multiple copies not just at my home but throughout the office as well. It'll take me less than a minute to send that report to everyone that the current situation relates to."

Lisa's eyes narrowed. "You're blackmailing me?" She said trying to suppress a venomous hiss in her tone.

"For lack of better words, yes I am." James got up and pulled something from his pocket then threw it at Lisa's desk. "Put that on Lisa." He commanded.

Lisa picked up the item; it was a simple leather collar with a polished steel buckle on it and a central ring. She looked at it with contempt then turned her gaze back to the wolf across the room. "You can't be serious James?"

From his other pocket James pulled a small leash with a latch clip at the top. "Oh I'm deadly serious Lisa. Now I won't say it again. Put that on now!" He growled

Lisa recoiled at his sudden fierce tone and glanced at the phone on her desk. She sighed softly as she realized it would take her too long to dial out for help and even the security desk had no-one on it at this time. She relented and pulled her hair to the side as she put the collar on then folded her arms across her chest and gave the wolf an irritated huff. "Satisfied now?" She snorted.

"Nope." He said in a half growl, half laugh. "Take off your heels and come here."

"Is this just some boyish attempt to humiliate me James?"

"No, it's a very serious way to humiliate you and have you taught a lesson Lisa; I might have received the brunt of your attention, but I'm not the only one whose toes you've stepped on since you got here. Consider this the first round of payback for what you've done to everyone here." The first round, she thought; what else did he have in mind she wondered. Lisa stepped out of her heels and walked confidently up to her co-worker and looked up at him with a scowl on her face. "Now that won't do." James growled as he attached the clip on the leash to the collar around Lisa's neck. "On your knees."

Lisa was going to stand defiant against him; she was still his boss after all but his body language suggested he may turn violent, so she capitulated and knelt in front of him. James smiled as she looked down at the floor in disgust. "Come on bitch, it's time for walkies." James chuckled and gave the leash a sharp tug as he stepped away and began walking around Lisa's office. The sudden action had caught Lisa off guard and she suddenly found herself being forced to move around her office on all fours.

"James!" Lisa barked "You are in so much trouble when I get out of this!"

James just laughed. "Really Lisa? I'm quitting remember? And with the evidence I've got against you, you'll be blackballed through the system and fired before you can even blink."

"Your letter hasn't been opened yet." She growled. "I did hope we could discuss the issue in a civilized manner."

James stopped in front of her desk and leaned back against it. "With the shit you've laid on me time and time again, you don't deserve civility Lisa." A wide smirk crossed his muzzle. "So how does it feel having to look up to those under you?" Lisa growled to herself but didn't answer. "Let me guess, you don't like not being in control?" He chuckled. "Well the last few months have taught me that much about you. So let's see how you do with no control. I think it's time for that apology now don't you?" Lisa huffed and looked away from the wolf; her silence was answered by a sharp tug upwards on the leash that raised her up to a kneeling position. Lisa coughed when James relaxed the tension on the leash. "Beg to take me back Lisa, and be sincere about it."

Lisa felt her shoulders sagging a little, she hated not being in control of the situation, but there was something comforting about being told what to do even if it went against everything she stood for. As she turned her gaze back up towards James she took a good look at him again and saw the male that she had been so attracted to in the beginning; sturdy, reliable, and hard working; but something was missing and replaced by a seething anger. She wondered if she could find the fun and humorous side of him she had first seen when she joined as his sector manager.

James watched her carefully and she slowly brought her paws to the top of her chest and clasped them together. Her pupils dilated and became large black wells of openness as she began to speak uncharacteristically softly. "James, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. Can we please start again on a fresh slate, I promise things will be better for you and your team." Lisa looked back into the wolf's eyes her bottom lip quivered ever so slightly as she waited for his response.

For the first time James saw exactly what all the hardship had been about. He knew enough about psychology and body language to know that she had an attraction to him. It had taken him to go this far in order for her to drop the barrier she kept her emotions behind. It was something he had not expected but he suddenly found it playing on his heart strings; he did find Lisa physically attractive but now he had seen through her iron curtain, he wondered just how much more he could learn and push his luck.

For a brief instant Lisa was certain she saw the wolf's gaze soften, but a wicked smile quickly crossed his muzzle. "So how far are you willing to go to keep me here Lisa?"

Pressing her paws lightly against his thighs she rose up a little. "Anything James, you're the best at what you do in the sector. The company can't afford to lose you; I can't afford to loose you." There was a genuine tone to her voice as she spoke, her last words coming even softer than before.

James lightly scratched his chin "Hold on to my letter Lisa, you just earned another day of my services."

"Wait, you're not...." Lisa said as her eyes widened further, hoping a consensus had been reached.

"No I've not decided yet Lisa, but how about this. You suck me off right now and be back here at seven-thirty tomorrow morning and we'll talk further." James said with a hint of mischief in his voice.

"James I..."

James firmly pressed a finger to her muzzle to silence the husky kneeling before him. "You did say you'd do anything didn't you Lisa, or aren't you true to your word?"

Lisa blushed heavily and squirmed uncomfortably. "I am true to my word." She said quietly.

James unzipped his trousers and reached in to pull himself free. Lisa Gasped when she saw him pull his member free; she hadn't thought he would actually do it. James stroked himself a few times as his member firmed up in his paw before he brushed his tip across Lisa's lips. "Then prove it Lisa." James said quietly.

Lisa stared wide eyed at his length for a long moment. She had hoped she might take him in her mouth some day if she had been able to start a relationship with him, but this was not what she wanted, regardless of how tempting he was. She looked up briefly with pleading eyes, hoping he would change his mind. A shake of his head was his answer; she lowered her gaze once more to see James' fully erect member hovering just in front of her muzzle. A shallow breath escaped her mouth and passed over his exposed flesh, as his scent filled her nostrils. Barely believing it was happening she opened her mouth and moved over him, letting his length fill her muzzle.

With a little surprise, James gave her an encouraging scratch behind her ear. "See how much easier it is when you... just get it done Lisa." Embarrassment burned in her cheeks as James referred to her statement from the previous day; it was a statement she knew she used all too often when she had addressed the wolf.

She decided to try and make up for her previous errors now; she'd give him a blow job he'd never forget. Gradually she began to slide her tongue over his meaty shaft, occasionally pressing it to the roof of her mouth to rub over the ridges there. James shuddered in response, clearly enjoying the husky's attention; Lisa suppressed a grin and turned her full attention to the timber wolf's shaft.

Lisa firmly gripped the base of James' shaft and began firmly sucking on his full length. She still felt remarkably vulnerable but she was going to make the most of this while she had it. Bobbing her head back and forth along his length she savoured every moment as she twirled her tongue over the tip of his member then quickly engulfed his full length once more.

She felt a jolt of fear run down her spine when James' paw firmly but gently gripped the back of her head. "You're eager aren't you?" Came his rhetorical question as he held her head in place and began thrusting into her mouth. Lisa gagged a little as James pushed his cock to the back of her mouth again and again; yet she managed to meet him part way. Opening her mouth a little wider and gripping his cock firmly, she took all he had to give her.

James was more than a little impressed at how well she was doing under his direction and wondered for a moment how eager she might have been if she was taking him of her own free will. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer, but her eagerness was also distracting from the lesson. He thought further about their meeting in the morning and smiled to himself; He'd do something that would drive her crazy and make her highly self conscious.

A sharp tug to her hair pulled Lisa off of his member and made her suddenly gasp for air as she fell back onto the floor. As she gathered her wits and looked up she saw James standing over her, stroking himself furiously. She winced as she realized what he was about to do.

With a deep growl James came; his seed shooting across her face and blemishing her suit. Lisa leant back and sighed; was this the real humility he had been thinking about, she wondered. She brushed some of his cum off of her muzzle and looked at it on her fingers before turning her gaze back to the timber wolf who stood in a near triumphant stance over her. "Happy now? She muttered quietly.

James tucked his member back into his trousers and zipped up before giving the leash a quick tug as he knelt beside her and spoke quietly. "Well you're certainly impressive Lisa, but I don't think you got the point of this." Lisa felt a cold shiver run through her body as he moved a little closer, his eyes locked to hers as a predator might look at its prey. "If you'd taken this with a bit more humility and hadn't been so eager to please I might have just agreed to stay on with an agreement from you, but I think I'll have to teach you another lesson tomorrow."

"James please, we're both professionals isn't there another way to work this out?" Lisa said with a distinct quiver in her voice.

"There might have been Lisa, but that door has long since closed." He growled. "Now be here at seven-thirty tomorrow morning, and don't think about telling anyone."

Lisa scowled at the wolf. "Why not?"

"Well you wouldn't want pictures of this getting out would you?"

Lisa covered her muzzle and began to cry. "How did you do it? Why are you doing this to me?"

James just smiled to himself and got up, unfastening the leash as he did. "I think you're getting it now Lisa." He said with a chuckle. "You'll want to keep a hold of that collar by the way; you'll be needing it." His tone was dark and hinted at what was to come.

The door to her office closed behind him as he left and turned out most of the lights before getting into the elevator. Lisa sat on her office floor for several minutes and cried to herself. She was now certain she had approached James the wrong way for months now and was becoming more and more afraid of what she had turned him into. She knew her pride wouldn't let her go to others for help to resolve the issue, but deep inside, something dark and lusty inside her made her want more of this punishment. In some way she felt James needed his fill to let his anger out and that she deserved every bit of rough treatment she would receive.

She sat in silence for almost an hour, wondering and worrying about what he had in mind for her in the morning. When she finally got up to leave she felt different, more of a pawn to be played with rather than the player she had been used to being. It was a new feeling to her and she couldn't decide if she should embrace it or fight it. Tomorrow would give her the answer; she thought.