Grounded 3; Smoke on the Water

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Okay so here's a cool story for you guys. I've been working on this for the last few days and thanks to an awesome proofreader I have cool turnaround times :D So here you go, enjoy my next installment of Grounded. I may put more to this in the not so near future.


Jake sighed happily as he was led out toward the car, his bushy tail wagging back and forth as he smiled a bit. It was hot outside but that didn't seem to matter to the little kit. His ears were perked forward at a motorcycle in the driveway. "Come on Kit, I wanna get this done quick so we can get back and play." Josh said while snapping a buckle on his helmet. He offered the little fox a smaller helmet, helping him to put it on before making sure it was buckled correctly.

Once the two were set Josh hopped onto the bike, his tail wagging before his little brother lifted himself, hopping onto the bike before wrapping his arms around the older wolf and holding on. He giggled as his brother's tail wagged against his side while the lupine kick started the bike. With a few revs to make sure the bike was functioning alright the wolf twisted his wrist and the pair started down the street. This morning started as a dream, seeming like it hadn't really happened. Luke leaving had stressed them both out a lot and Josh knew the perfect remedy.

He pulled into a smoke shop parking lot and pulled off his helmet, helping his little brother once more. He smiled as the kit's ears perked at him, his tail swishing back and forth while he murred softly. Josh locked the bike's tires before leading the kit inside. They moved straight to the counter where Josh picked out a package of coals and pointed at a few colorful jars at about the Kit's eye level behind the counter. "What flavors do you have Mike?" Josh asked, smiling as his friend stepped out and grinned.

"Well didn't think I'd see you here now. I helped Luke move out but I thought you'd stay with your little brother..." Mike looked down beyond the counter and perked his ears, his tail wagging a bit. "Hey there lil guy." he said while chuckling down at the fox. Jake perked his ears and looked up, smiling as he wagged his tail.

"Heya." he said while giggling.

"Right well we have a lot of flavors so just pick one and I'll let you know if we have it." he said while looking up at Josh.

"Well Kit what's your favorite?" he asked while looking down to his little brother.

"Uh.... Grape!" the kit chimed, his tail wagging excitedly as he watched the man pull out a purple colored container.

"Got it." he said while laying the container on the counter.

"How much?" Josh asked while pulling out his wallet.

"$5.75 with tax." Mike said while ringing up the few items. "And uh Josh...make sure you don't get caught, you'll get in deep shit if people think you bought it only for him." Mike said while nodding to Jake.

"Yeah yeah who said I was buying it for him anyway?" Josh teased before heading for the door. "Oh! Mike, be sure you stop by my old house tonight. You and I haven't hung out nearly enough lately." he said with a smile.

"Yeah sure." Mike said while waving. The drive back was short, Jake murring happily into his sibling's fur as they pulled back into the driveway.

"Alright Kit head inside and I'll be in after I grab something." Jake nodded and skipped up to the house, humming idly while his brother fished about in the box behind his bike's seat. He entered the house and flopped on the couch and stretched a bit, his stomach growling lightly as he yawned as well. The kit pushed off his shorts and underwear as well, stretching out on the couch with a light murr as his brother walked in. "Kit can you grab me a cup of water while I get this set up?" Josh asked while setting a case on the table near them.

"Sure." Jake said while chuckling as his brother's paw lightly spanked him as he walked past. He looked back from the kitchen doorway, smirking as his brother copied him. Jake quickly filled a cup with water from the tap before walking back out to his brother. He looked over the wolf's shoulder to see him assembling something silvery. "Put the water in here." Josh said simply, his paw setting a vase-like object on the ground while he screwed something together over the case and pulled out a tube.

"What is this thing?" Jake asked, his paws shaking lightly as he tried to pour the water into the vase carefully. He managed it, only spilling a drop or two before his brother set the metal thing he was working on into it.

"This is called a hookah and it's another one of those things you shouldn't tell mom or dad about." Josh said with a light ruffle of the kit's headfur. His brother pulled out the jar from before and pulled a slimey looking mixture from it. His brother placed it in the fixture's bowl before setting up a metal screen. Jake sat and watched as his brother set the lamp-looking object up before lighting a coal above the lamp. "Alright lemme get it started and then I'll let you try it." Josh said while pulling up the tube. He brought the metal tip to his lips and inhaled deeply, a bubbling sound coming through the base of the odd contraption as Jake perked his ears towards his brother.

After a few seconds the wolf pulled the tube from his muzzle and exhaled a white smoke with a contented sigh. "You picked a good flavor Kit." he said with a wag of his tail. When he offered the tube to the fox at first the cub pinned his ears back, his tail trying to tuck a bit.

"Mom and dad said I shouldn't smoke..." Jake said while looking at his brother.

"Yes but you're old enough to get drunk at a party so I think you'll be fine." Josh said while leaning down to lightly lick his little brother's muzzle.

"Okay..." Jake said before taking the tube.

"Just inhale normally and if you think you'll cough just pull the tube out and take in some fresh air and you should be fine." Josh said with a smile before he sat next to his little brother. He watched his brother timidly inhaling, waiting for the flavor to hit. As soon as it did the fox's ears perked and his eyes widened before he inhaled with a bit more confidence. When he was done he let out a sigh, whispy smoke escaping his muzzle along with a happy murr.

"Good?" Josh asked with a grin. Jake nodded enthusiastically before putting the tube back to his lips, sucking the air through the tube with a happy murr. When he was done he passed the tube back to his brother and wagged his tail as his older sibling took another hit from the bubbling object. Within a few minutes the pup was giggling and light headed while his older brother was stretching out. Jake had no clue what possessed him to but he slipped from the couch and crawled over to his brother, nosing into the male's fur until his muzzle hovered over the lupine's sheath. The kit's tongue swiped over the musky maleness before him as his tail wagged happily. "What's my lil foxy up to?" Josh asked while grinning a bit.

"I wanna do what we did last night." Jake said wagging his tail happily.

"Alright." Josh said softly, his hand lightly petting the younger male's headfur. He reached down onto the floor and pulled a bottle from his jeans. Setting it onto the couch he sat up and pulled his brother into his lap, setting the fox kit so his legs were on either side of the wolf's hips. His sheath was wedged up under the vulpine's tailbase, the tip dripping pre against his younger brother's pucker. Josh popped the cap on the bottle, squeezing a bit of the gel onto his paw before massaging it under the kit's tail.

Jake's tail hiked higher, his ears turning back as he nosed against his brother's shoulder. He let a soft moan escape his muzzle only to be muffled in the male's fur as he waited. He felt his brother reach down again, his paw pushing his sheath down to expose his shaft to the cool air. He let out a soft murr as his brother positioned himself before pressing himself in, the tip slipping into his rear as he moaned happily.

Josh nosed into the kit's fur, his tongue slathering over his younger brother's neckfur as he murred contently. His paws drifted to the younger vulpine's hips as he began to bounce the male in his lap slowly. "Still as tight as last night." Josh said quietly before he pressed his nose to his sibling's. Their lips locked in a small kiss as their tongues danced together in Jake's muzzle.

The vulpine's rear was already tingling, his muscles were squeezing his brother's shaft for all they were worth. He could feel it probing deep enough to prod his prostate as it throbbed his brother's pre into his body. "Big brother..." he whined softly into his brother's fur. "Harder....please...." he asked, his tail lifted as high as it would go. His brother nodded and began bouncing him harder, his half swollen knot pressing up against his immature pucker with each bounce against his brother's lap.

"I want you to tie me again big brother." Jake said hoarsely into his brother's fur.

"Okay little brother..." Josh whispered. He pulled himself out of his brother and set him down, letting the kit position himself. Jake got onto the couch, letting his chest lay on the couch's back with his knees spread on the cushion. Josh stood behind his little brother, pressing a finger into his brother's rear with a smile. He placed himself with his paw before removing his finger, pushing in as soon as his finger was clear. He built into his pace again, thrusting quickly into his brother as he moaned above the young fox.

He could feel how close he was and how ready his brother was to take him. The eagerness of his little brother combined with the fox's warmth as enough to set the wolf off. His knot began to flare as he shoved forward, his little brother whining as he clenched in response to the lupine's knot stretching him open.

"Big brother..." Jake whimpered, his ears splayed back as he whined. Josh realized what was happening and reached around his brother's hips to feel the kit's shaft at attention. His paw squeezed his brother's knot making the kit moan out loud and relax long enough for the wolf's knot to push in all the way. Josh's knot swelled out fully, his balls pulling up against his brother's as he gritted his teeth and ground himself against his brother. He could feel the kit's shaft pulsing in his paw as the little fox began to cum, his body squeezing the wolf's shaft just enough to put him over the edge.

As Josh came, filling his brother, he let out a low howl, his tail flagging as he pumped his brother's rear full of wolf seed. He waited for his little brother to come down a bit before he hugged him close and turned, sitting down on the couch with his knot buried in his brother's rear. Jake moaned as the new position caused his brother to slip a little further into him. "Thank you Kit." Josh said softly, his nose lightly rubbing against his sibling's cheek before his tongue swiped against the vulpine's muzzle.

"I love you big brother..." Jake said with a happy murr.

"I love you too Jake." the wolf said quietly.

There was a light knock at the door a moment later. "It's unlocked Mike." Josh called while rubbing his little brother's tummyfur. He could feel his brother tense up a bit as the door opened and the husky stepped in.

"Started without me huh?" Mike said while picking up the tube on the hookah. His thumb opened the purge valve before he blew the stale smoke out. Once he was done he sucked in the new smoke, his chest puffing out a bit as he wagged his tail. "So what are you guys....up....too...." Mike trailed off as he caught sight of the two from the front. Josh was grinning at the husky while Jake's ears were splayed and turning pink with a blush.

"Kick off your shorts pup I could use some help here." Josh said with a smirk.

"No way man, I don't do cubs especially my friends' brother." Mike said while backing up a bit.

"Then it's a good thing I want you to yiff me huh?" Josh said with a smirk.

"Oh...yeah I could do that." Mike said softly, a tent already forming in his shorts. The wolf hugged his brother from behind and murred softly before he turned his brother around on his knot. The kit wrapped his legs around his brother's hips, letting out a soft moan as his siblings knot pulled lightly at his abused rear. Josh laid his little brother's back on the cushion and leaned over him, holding himself up on his paws as his tail hiked. Behind him Mike pulled off his shorts, his shaft already peeking out of its sheath as the blue furred canine undressed.

Josh moaned quietly, his tail hiking up as he felt his friend's paw rubbing the lube into his tailhole. After the husky was sure his friend's rear was lubed up he stroked his shaft, the leftover lube slickening the head of his cock as he prepared to take the wolf's ass. In one quick thrust of his hips the canine's member slipped into Josh fully, his muzzle hanging open in a moan as his thrust caused the wolf to thrust into his brother again. After a few seconds the husky made another thrust, slowly building himself into a rhythm of humping into the kit's brother.

Jake gave his brother a soft whimper as he felt the large knot in his rear beginning to move within him. "You okay lil guy?" Josh asked while nuzzling his younger sibling. Jake nodded as his brother's rear was used by the husky. Mike's member was throbbing inside of the lupine's tailhole, dripping pre as he thrusted in and out of the wolf's rear happily. It didn't take long for his knot to swell out, preparing to lock him with the wolf. Josh smiled at his brother's blissful expression as he began making small thrusts into the kit's rear in time with the husky's movements.

"I'm so close..." Mike whined as he humped against the wolf harder, trying to drive his knot in.

"So am I..." Josh said in a low moan before he locked his sibling's muzzle to his, their tongues dancing again as Jake hugged himself into his brother's fur. Mike let out a happy yip as his knot slipped into Josh's rear, swelling out quickly. He ground himself forward with each shot of cum he pumped into the lupine, groaning as his knot was squeezed by the wolf's rear. Josh's shaft was pumping a second round of cum into his little brother's rear as he got filled with the husky's spunk at the same time. "Gods...." Josh growled softly.

"Fuck...been a while..." Mike said softly as he panted. "So are you two dating now?" Mike teased Josh.

"Oh shush." Josh said with a smile. He pressed his nose into his little brother's neckfur, nibbling lightly as he murred happily. "I just..." he sighed softly, "It just happened the other night and he asked me if we could do it again." Josh said as Jake nuzzled into his chestfur.

"I see..." Mike said softly. "Well I was just kidding you know." Mike said with a light smack on the wolf's ass.

"Big brother I like him...can he stay here tonight?" Jake asked with a light wag of his tail.

"That would be nice. I don't have work tomorrow so I can hang out tonight. Maybe we could have a bit more fun later." Mike said with a grin.

"Yeah yeah." Josh said while nuzzling his little brother. "I guess that's fine." Josh said quietly. The trio separated a short while later when Mike's knot went down. Josh pulled out of his little brother's rear after that and gave him another small kiss. Mike went to take a shower, leaving Josh on the couch, grooming his little brother affectionately. The kit was fast asleep in his brother's arms while the lupine found himself lost in thought. He really did love his little brother but he was beginning to think there was more to it than simply brother to brother. The little kit asleep against his chest wasn't only his little brother anymore and the wolf knew it. He was the younger vulpine's mate, even if the pair didn't say it aloud. "I love you Jake..." he whispered into the kit's ear.

"I love you too big brother..." the kit said sleepily.