A New Venture: Bathing Fun

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#8 of A New Venture

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The large house that stood back from the hustle and bustle of the city seemed like so many others that could be seen lined up along either side of the street. They were set back with long drives and the spill of well manicured lawns as well as walls to keep out those who weren't invited. The rich red brick and the bright door proclaimed a cheery enough home while there were chairs and tables set out on the porch as if inviting one to relax. It was like a dozen others, but it was home. It had been home for quite some time and to the stallion that pushed open the gate and ducked his head it was a relief to see. His coat gleamed with a sheen of sweat as the borrowed sweat pants that hugged his lower body rolled up towards his calves. He looked down at them in amusement as he realized he looked as if he had tried to squeeze into a colts clothes rather than a full adults. Yes, Roan was secretly quite pleased with the change the drug had given him.

He had worried at first that it was simply a change that would show along his exterior, but the muscles would be purely decorative. The idea of being so large, but trying to balance with the muscles of a smaller form had made him nervous. It had been easy to grin and joke with Skar and Artemis that he was better off walking. He had already formed a plan that didn't just involve walking, it involved stopping by the gym. He had watched the taxi take off with a fond smile before walking his way down along the side walks. He had always been large for a stallion, but today he was well on par with those rhinos that walked the streets and glanced hi way. His chest had expanded and his neck had thickened until he dreamily thought of draft horses of gargantuan size. He'd been amused at a few of the men around him that skirted far around with nervous glances up towards his face.

Roan had received a far warmer welcome the moment he ducked his head down to step into his play of employment. The gym had been a second home ever since he had been old enough to take up a job. The scent and sights and sounds all mingled together to relax him as he clopped towards the front desk. He watched a few of the regular's give him an appraising glance as if he were a stranger and stifled a slight smile. How many red eyed black stallions were there around here? Then again most of the regular's only saw him on his way to and from appointments or in the private part of the gym where he could enjoy working out in front of the mirror. He'd gone to the front counter to see Max standing there and the bear's jaw had dropped open and worked a little bit. The eyes went from confusion, to realization, to surprise all at once.

"Roan?!" His voice came out almost as a bark, "The hell happened to you?"

"Roan?" One of the towel boy's, a cute enough pony stopped from carrying his pile of folded clothes and gaped at him. "Holy crap. Did you get your own home gym?"

"You know Skar, he said I wasn't allowed burying the house in my stuff." He whuffled in amusement, but his neck arched with pride. "Figured I'd stop by and use a bit of the equipment before I go home."

"You can't pound in here looking like that without giving away SOME secrets!" Max had objected and crossed his powerfully muscled arms over his chest. "So dish it out."

Roan had grinned and evaded the questions one at a time with obvious delight. He loved attention, he loved feeling others look over him and admire his body, he loved to show off his muscular physique to anyone who wanted to look at it. It was part of the reason that he had become a personal trainer. Most of those he trained did more so to look at him then to actually work and he didn't mind. To his way of thinking there was no harm done. They got a hard work out under his guiding eye and they got to ogle him. His heart belonged to Artemis and Skarlath, he wasn't going to betray their trust, in turn they enjoyed teasing him about his obvious hedonism when it came to being admired and he denied it firmly. He soon had had a small group gathered around him all bustling to be heard and trying to get a good look at his changed body.

It had been with difficulty that he had extracted himself from the group with his secrets held in check to go back to work out. Normally he preferred to work out in the more private club in back. He enjoyed others looking at him, but he realized he'd get distracted if he tried to do it while working out. Instead he kept away from the floor and kept every inch of himself in shape and normally ended it all with a few laps in the pool or relaxing in the steam room. Today he kept to the public venue and picked out some of the weights to start to do reps with. He wanted he attention as much as he wanted to burn off excess energy. He NEEDED to burn off that excess energy. He could feel need running through him in a carefully checked wave that threatened to spill over. He couldn't and wouldn't hurt Skarlath and he didn't want the wolf to feel uncomfortable or guilty for what he'd agreed too.

He ended up working mainly his upper body while others around him tried their best to appear to be doing their own work outs. He could see them out of the corner of his eyes though staring at him or looking in the mirror to see his reflection as well as their own. It was a balm to his ruffled and fiery motions when combined with the feel of his muscles extending and retracting with each lift. He could feel them harden and tense up so that the veins stood out slightly before relaxing again. The hide over the muscles had rippled and gleamed like the midnight sky made flesh and as he caught his reflection he could see the deep red of his eyes flashing with inner fire. By the time he had finished working out he had worked up a sweat, but also had found out that the muscle and mass he had gained worked as honestly as if he had gained it by working out in truth. What he used to strain over came far more easily and readily than it ever had before.

He did a work out that would have left him shaking and panting in the past, it would have exhausted him until he would have only thought of going to bed, yet as he left the gym he felt invigorated. He had felt the energy thrumming through his body and demand an outlet as he threw his head back and smoothed his mane into a pony tail with his fingers. He had given into that energy, he wanted too, he wanted to feel how well his larger body responded to his demands on it. He stepped out onto the road and had started to jog home. His tail flashed and lifted up like a banner behind him as he felt the impact of his shod hooves against the ground. The clatter was like some great drum that kept the time as he went through town. By the end he had not even cared to acknowledge those folks that stopped to stare at him. He was too busy reveling in the glory of his own body.

He had come to the gate coated in a sheen of sweat and as he walked up the road to cool himself off he still wasn't exhausted. Why should he be? The extra weight and height he'd put on seemed to extend his endurance. For a moment he paused as he came to garage and thought about how many young athletes would fight to get a hold of such a drug. He'd have to tell Artemis about that, the lion was always good at making sure that loose ends were tied up legally. Content that the lion would deal with it he pulled out the hose from the side of the garage and indulged in another vice as he sprayed the water over his head. The cold liquid trickled down his broad muscular chest and over his hardened abdomen. He glanced towards the hidden road before shrugging his shoulder and then peeled out his sweat pants as well letting his far larger sheath hang free as well as his heavy leathery orbs.

Roan could still smell Skarlath on his body and that linger scent was enough to make his heart start pounding faster and faster against his chest. His entire body tensed up until he ducked his head under the cold spray again. He could feel the thick equine glans pushing it's way out of the sock of his sheath and stretching it open. He finally gritted his teeth and flattened his ears. With his breath held he trickled the cold water directly down his stomach towards his emerging cock so that he stifled a yelp before his shaft pulled back into his sheath to hide. A tremor ran down his back as he let himself relax from that thrill of arousal. The cold water at least washed the sweat off with his desire until he was somewhat clean and pushed his way into the house. Oh it was going to be a long few weeks of this. Maybe he should see about having more ice delivered, he could sit on it. He whickered laughter to himself as he stepped into the chill AC, until a sharp scent struck him head on.


Skarlath trembled slightly just under the lion who held him down against the edge of the tub. He didn't need to be held, not with the desire that pulsed through his body. His cock had finally stopped twitching and spitting out thick wads of cum until it was hanging free in the warm water. His knot was still flared open wide so that Artemis' gentle touch was almost a sweet sort of torture as it pulled and rubbed from the base to the tip. It was so incredibly sensitive. All he wanted to do was arch and twist backwards to get away from it, but at the same time try to push into it. The weight on his back was warm and damp as a long rough red tongue brushed along the back of his neck teasing the sensitive nerves there. He lidded his eyes slightly and let out a little whimper as he felt the muscled stomach start to tense up before a little hiss came out.

"That's different." Artemis' normally genteel voice came out in a breathy sound, it was almost a growl or a purr.

"You okay?" The wolf cast his head back as his brows furrowed together. What if this hurt his lover? Was it safe? The Doctor had seemed sure they should wait and yet somehow he had allowed himself to be lured in by the hot brush of desire.

"Yes, rrrrr...oh yes." The voice deepened slightly and he felt the blunt fangs gently nipping the back of his nape.

The first change was felt, not seen. The stomach muscles of the lion were pressed tight against his back and suddenly started to ripple and twitch. It felt as if he had some sort of muscle spasm he was trying to get through. The muscles spread outwards until he felt them pushing harder against them and the hand clutching his cock gave a slightly firmer squeeze until he yelped out. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle all the way as the lion rumbled an apology and loosened his grasp. He could feel the change along the chest and his head twisted back to watch as the muscles along the shoulders started to thicken and broaden. He could almost imagine the bones beneath it changing and growing larger in preparation of dealing with the larger form. The lions plush thick mane started to grow as well revealing a thickening of his neck.

Skar had just enough time to notice many of these changes when he felt the hand around his cock growing larger as the lion shifted in the water restlessly. The already muscled forearm grew until it was nearly as thick around as Roan's when he was a normal stallion. That was all he could comprehend when the most dramatic change was felt. The cock inside of him surged deeper, it penetrated with a strange smoothness that no set of thrusting hips could match. His jaws gaped open wide as he let out a strangled noise when the girth didn't just grow longer, it started to thicken. His snug walls stretched around the lions length as he felt a trickle of cum starting to leap free when Artemis shifted his hips backwards to feel his changing body. The rubbery barbs flared wide open and drug along him until his cock lurched up against his stomach.

"Oh gods Artemis!" He yelped out and flattened his ears down against his head as his muscular tunnel clamped down tight as if trying to hold the shaft as deep inside of him as possible.

"Rrr oh very tight, lover." The lion rumbled and his tongue rolled out against his neck again. The voice sounded thicker, deeper than it had before. "I could learn to like these changes."

To show his appreciation for his changes the lion thrust forward harder until he could feel a massive set of balls shoved right against his own smaller ones. They ground upwards and together for a long moment teasing and rubbing there before he felt the cock inside of him flex slightly and pulse. It started growing further, the tip penetrating deeper into his bowels as he let out a series of short hard yelping sounds of pleasure. His paws moved to grip against part of the tub and he tried to dig his nails into it. The growing had stopped leaving the lion roughly the size Roan had been, but it wasn't the muscle and body growth that was stretching his tailhole. The lion had been mostly soft! He was simply hardening inside of the passage as desire started to grow again. Skarlath's long red tongue flicked out along his whiskers as he whimpered.

"D-don't you have to rest first?" He panted out as he managed to find his voice again. The feel of the thickening shaft rubbing and tugging along his passage was rapidly starting to make him grow more aroused.

"Best part about felines, my dear wolf, we have better recovery time then canines." There was a superior tone to the voice, it was a long loved and well worn argument between the pair to mock fight like cats and dogs.

"Yes, but we last longer." He chimed in with his own normal response to Artemis' jibe at his inability to recover faster.

"Perhaps so, but maybe we should see how many rounds I'm good for." The teeth very gently nipped the back of his neck as the hips rolled and stirred the thick shaft inside of him, tugging outwards and then stabbing in before the hottest splash of precum he had ever experienced oozed out. The wolf let out a louder cry.

"I'd say at least three, four if you have something good to watch." The voice was powerful, the rumble of amusement unmistakable and Skar lifted his head with a yelp to see the massive stallion standing in the doorway.

No, Roan wasn't just standing, he was leaning against the edge of the door with one hand cupped down against the underside of his sheath and rubbed along it. The movements coaxed and pulled over the thick sheath while the head was drooling out over the curve of his hand and dropping down. Much like Artemis, the stallion had grown in more than just his body, his entire shaft was as large as Skarlath's forearm easily. He was watching the pair of them with amusement and eagerness in his eyes as he squeezed his growing shaft until a thick clear drop of precum bubbled up and he used his finger to rub around the tip teasing it back and forth lightly. It was mesmerizing and enticing all at once and when he heard Artemis chuckle and suddenly thrust forward he lost all hold on the idea he had half been thinking. Instead he let out a sharp cry of desire as their voices were drowned out by his own body.


The scent was everywhere in the house. Roan lifted his head and let out a low groan of despair as he picked it up strongest in the hall. How could he sleep next to that all night? Even if he had promised himself he wouldn't, he'd likely be having the most erotic dreams. He tried to breathe through his mouth as he walked into the living room and closed the back door behind him. The chill of the AC helped a little bit and kept him from reacting with much more than a thickening of his sheath and the faster heart beat. The breakfast bar in the kitchen held a large plate of food and he flicked his ears up, his stomach was the one thing that could detract from that scent especially after he had worked out and cooled down. He arrowed in towards it when a sound froze him in place and set every muscle rigid. It was the long drawn out moan of the wolf from upstairs.

He might have been able to ignore it as something his fevered and randy imagination had brought up for no reason. He might have even been able to force his way past it and gone ahead to start eating, but it came again this time louder as his sharp ears picked up the sound of sloshing water. The stallion glanced down at the note and had to take a moment to stop his pounding heart to make sense of the words, but when he did his lips parted in a wicked smile. The next whimpering moan didn't make him dig his fingers into his palm or try to stop the flush of desire that ran through him. He moved to the base of the steps and as quietly as a hooved creature could he walked upwards towards the third floor where their shower and bathroom was kept. The deeper noises of Artemis' voice vibrated to his ears before the softer reply of their wolf's came out.

The heavy bodied stallion came right upstairs just in time to catch the comment about cats and dogs before he leaned up against the edge of the door. Skarlath was pressed with his chest against the edge of the deep marble tub with a rather larger Artemis over his back. The lion was nipping against the nape while his ice blue eyes rolled up to catch the stallion's glance. For a moment they shared the lust that was running through both of them. The scent and sight of Skarlath was enough to send the stallion into a frenzy, seeing his other lover's hips grinding and bucking forward made his hand slide up to his velvety sheath and give it a firm squeeze before coaxing out the first few inches of his glans. This time he let himself drop inch by inch as he replied and saw the stunned look cross the red furred lupine's face in shock at seeing him there.

"Perhaps you'll give me something to watch the, Roan?" The lion showed his teeth in a grin. "After all, you look as if you'd like to join the party."

"Oh I'm more then eager to attend." The stallion whickered laughter and tossed his head before pushing away from the door. "Though his mouth might not fit me that well."

"I think it will, the drug is working to make him more...accepting of our size." The lion thought about the word before drawing his hips back and he heard the sharp moan come out from Skarlath's mouth.

"Please..please Roan." The sound was a panting sound of desire and pleading as the emerald eyes glittered up at him. He watched that soft red tongue roll over his muzzle. "Come join us, please."

"Yes, please do Roan.." The pair of voices and the offer was all it took to send the stallion clopping forward before gently lowering himself down near the edge of the tub.

He didn't have to wait or reposition himself, instead Skar squirmed and wriggled under the massive lion to shift his head to the side and Artemis lifted his weight to allow the wolf to nestle into that massive lap. The hands looked so small compared to his body, but they moved up with one wrapping right around the semi-hard girth and the other cupped right down to squeeze one ball so that he tensed and let out a hiss of pleasure. He leaned back and let his forelock slide over his eyes just as that hot soft tongue spilled out to drag along the head of his cock. It stroked and swirled around his glans until it dipped just inside the opening to coax out a thick syrupy drop of his pre to splatter over the muzzle. To his amazement he felt the wolf's mouth straining open to wrap around his tip and gave him a sudden hard suck that made him let out an equine squeal of pleasure.


Skarlath caught them talking towards the end of the conversation. When had his body ever throbbed with so much desire as it did now? It made him feel dizzy with it as he watched Roan lower himself to the edge of the tub and wriggled trying to get to the stallions turgid girth as it bobbed outside of the sheath. It was made harder as Artemis drug his hips backwards and gave a sudden thrust forward making him feel every last inch of that enlarged cock. The weight on his back let up so that he was able to turn and grip his fingers on either side of the broad legs to pull himself into the lap so that the heavy girth was swaying just near his muzzle. He moved a hand to cup it and guide it forward as his other hand sought the swollen balls to roll against his fingers before his tongue started to bath over it. He muffled his cries of pleasure as the hips behind him slapped forward and then drug back purposefully slow.

Artemis new his body well, even with the far larger cock he maneuvered his form so that he was working his barbs right over the wolf's prostate so that he was arching up and digging his paws harder against the smooth bottom of the tub. The next thrust forward spread his maw open wider until he started to impossibly grip around the fist sized cock tip and his tongue curled up and around it. It was thick enough that it rested right on his tongue and made his jaw ache slightly but the sight of the stallion arching up and letting out a squeal of pleasure was more than worth it. He moved his fingers up and rubbed lightly along either side of the swollen orbs, he plucked and tugged lightly feeling the weight of them against his finger tips before letting them snap right back up again. They were large enough now that he could only cup one at a time, but he savored the feel of them tensing up and relaxing moments before thick drops of precum lathered over his tongue.

The lion moved his lips up and gripped firmly right against the nape of his neck before he felt and heard the deep purr that vibrated from the broad chest. It thrummed through his body as a pair of white gold hands moved up to rest against Roan's thighs as if helping to hold him steady. Some part of the wolf's mind looked at that comparison with a rush of possessive pleasure. The powerful hands squeezed against muscled thighs, contrasting light and dark perfectly while the hips rolled against his ass. Each time he thrust forward he felt his walls straining open wide as the tip jabbed so deep inside of him he could feel the skin over his stomach stretching slightly before the girth receded again letting him relax. He clenched his walls down and squeezed as he felt each vein, each bump over the shaft that pulled around the tight strained anal ring.

He let his mouth concentrate on something other than the pressure and pleasure inside of him. He worked his hand right around the base and pulled upwards as the stallion's cock stiffened fully until he had to cock his head down and pull it towards him to get another slow inch gliding along his tongue. He used his tongue to guide it, pulling and twisting as it tried to curl around it. His saliva built up making it gleam as Roan's hands moved down to rub along his shoulders and he could feel the tremor of eagerness that ran through those heavy muscles. He guided his hands upwards right towards the medial ring and gave it a gentle massage and squeeze before moving down. He was rewarded by a short hard snort of pleasure before the hips lifted up and guided inch by inch a good seven inches of thick muscled cock along his muzzle and throat as he stifled his groan of pleasure.


Artemis reveled in his new body. It was heavier then he was before, his chest broader and he distinctly felt more like the stallion then the shorter and less bulky lion. He could feel his body flush with energy and it was only partly due to his desire for his lover. He wanted to see what he could do, he wanted to know what had changed. The desire only increased as he had felt his cock stretching open the passage until it was tighter then he had ever experienced even though he was soft. He had worked and pumped his hips while hiding the soft cries as the intensity of the tightness only grew as his cock started to harden stretching Skar further. Now it was as if he was held on the constant edge of orgasm as he pumped his hips against the warm water and his pale blue eyes watched as the red wolf's muzzle was slowly impaled on Roans.

The stallion was more than eager to have it there, and he had moved his hands up to grip the black thighs to brace himself and restrain the snorting male. He could see the quiver and widened eyes as it was by will alone that he didn't lunge his hips forward into that heat. He knew that desire and he finally lost the battle as his hips gave a sharp hard thrust that sent his balls grinding up against Skarlath's. The wolf made a whimpering shallow cry as he pushed backwards rather than away and that was all the feline needed. His lips curved back as he nibbled against the nape of the neck and felt the damp hair fall over his muzzle before pulling just four inches back before bucking forward again feeling the slighter body beneath him shudder and twist in place trying to grind back. The muzzle stretched just that much more around the thick cock.

Roan let out an almost chocked sound and Artemis watched as the wolf's paws both dropped out of sight and he let out a deep purr of amusement. Those hands were likely busy right below the stallion's sheath teasing and rubbing along the heavy balls just like he liked. He drew his hips back and started to set a brutal short series of thrusts. Barely letting a bit of his cock slide free before burying it into the wolf again. The writhing and bucking movements of the hips only coaxed him onwards while the walls clamped down and squeezed so that his barbs were pulled out and grazing over the tender passage. His breath came out hot and short while he dropped a hand down to glide along the comparatively slender wolf's chest and came to the still hardened shaft. His fingers teased against the tip as he felt Skar jerk and there was a muffled burst of sound as he writhed in reaction. It was so much fun to tease him like this.


Roan flared his nostrils out and then tipped his head back. The sight of the lion working over the wolf's back was almost too lovely. He wanted nothing more than to drag them both out of the water and reposition them just enough to watch the wolf being penetrated. He reined in the desire by strength of will as the hot suckling mouth forced more of him down. The teeth barely brushed against his flesh, while the tongue lashed and twisted along the dark flesh making him bite his lower lip and raise his hips upwards in reaction. His precum started to drool out steadily, but each time it built up Skar swallowed and he felt every inch of that muzzle clamping down around him as if he were trying to swallow down his entire cock. It was intoxicating, as intoxicating as the scent that washed over the air and was a glorious torment.

The hand at his base moved up and down and pulled against the rigid velvety flesh. Each time it reached the medial ring he felt the fingers squeeze down and then knead around in circles so that his tail jerked behind him trying to flag up. The fingers danced down and ran along the edge of his sheath pulling it down just enough that it was entirely smoothed out as the wolf arched and let out a sharp noise as his entire back arched up out of the water. He could see the tremors rocking through him before he watched the hips starting to thrust forward into the water. And, judging by the one hand missing from his leg, the lion's paw that was wrapped around his shaft. He almost let out a throaty laugh when the hand dropped down to join the other between his legs.

The paws were warm and gentle as they smoothed along his balls, they pushed them up snugly right against the inner part of his leg before they pulled downwards again. The slight tension sent a shudder through him before he felt the fingers slipping just behind them to stroke and tease the sensitive spot there. He snorted and threw his head back before letting out another equine squeal and his hips rose up until the wolf's throat was stretching wide as he mouthed and teased around the heavy equine cock. The tongue lapped and twisted as the fingers gave another light rolling massage of his balls and he felt himself start to tense up. His cock tried to flex upwards until it was pulsing visibly while the tip started to flare open wider and wider inside of the wolf's throat. It wasn't until the blue and purple haired head started to drag off and push down that he flattened his ears and felt his balls drawing up tightly against his inner thighs.


Skarlath was lost in pleasure, any thoughts he wanted to have were simply gone as the lion's thrusts behind him forced his mouth deeper onto Roan's cock. The tip slipped along his throat until he had to angle his head oddly to make sure that it was slipping down and then pulling out with the motion of his head. His slick mouth has lubricated the cock until it moved smoothly while the splattering of precum was eagerly swallowed down. His eyes closed concentrating on the moment of feeling the hips hammering in against him at a pace that he was shocked didn't send him bolting from the bathroom. His body adjusted around the lion's barbed cock eagerly, spreading the walls open wide and pulling him in deep each time he felt the heavier balls kiss against his own. His tail twitched slightly in time with his rapidly pounding heart while he struggled to control his own ragged thrusts.

Artemis' hand rolled around his cock and teased not only the sensitive tip, but his knot as well. The large hand wrapped around it and gave it a squeeze so that he started into a burst of rapid thrusts forward before he managed to gain control of himself again. He didn't have to thrust, not with the hips clapping against his head and that heavy veined cock pulling over his prostate. He twisted and jerked after a moment and drove his head down until his muzzle was splayed open wide and he convulsively swallowed as he rapidly lost the battle first. His entire body seized up until he felt his walls massaging and pulling around the lions shaft, milking and pulling at it as his throat let out muffled cries that vibrated down the swelling flesh. He didn't even pull back as he felt the tip flaring open wide stretching his throat. His cock jerked and let out a sudden wash of cum as he trembled and his muscles hardened and tensed.

The feral roar in his ears signaled Artemis' own pleasure the lions weight shoved down hard against him as he felt the cock swelling just enough that he could feel how tight his walls were around it. His entire body seemed flush with heat as the first hot rope of sticky cum splattered out of the tip and flooded into his stomach. His throat convulsed again and he moved his fingers down to grip lightly around the tightening balls. Normally he would have pulled away before Roan would come, but his mind was a blur of desire as he pulled around the flare and felt his body filling with warm sticky ropes that pushed so deeply inside of him that he was starting to stretch open wider. He moved his lips back just a little and pulled his head before the stallion's entire cock lurched within his muzzle and he felt the dribbling of precum change into a sudden thick wash that rolled down his throat.

He nursed and squeezed around the cock, trying to swallow each hot wave as his ears flattened down against his head. His body flooded with rolls of ecstasy that made him feel light headed and dimly he felt the paw sliding down to cup against his stomach. Was his stomach supposed to be stretched out that way? He shifted and pushed his head down to swallow another greedy rush as his anal passage rippled and squeezed around Artemis. He could feel the skin straining open wide, stretching until it felt as if he would burst as his bowels were forced to take every last drop the heaving leonine balls could give him. He pushed and back and finally had to jerk his head back to let out a ragged cry as a sticky strand of horse cum splashed over the top of his muzzle. His body trembling as he gasped out a whimpering cry that might have been his lovers' names.


Roan felt his eyes snap open wide enough to show hints of white as he watched the eager mouth wrapped around his tip as his flare reached its full girth. His balls heaved up and he sent out hot streams of his seed while the wolf started to suckle and pull. It had been so easy to go over that edge. The sudden roar of pleasure as he watched he normally calm Artemis tip over the edge had been it, the sight of the hips flush with the red ones had only been icing on the cake. The wolf was being assaulted with virile seed at both ends as his body seized and shuddered. The tongue lapped at him while the throat swallowed over and over again. He expected Skarlath to jerk backwards and pull away, but he pushed forward as if eager for each drop.

He felt the head moving back after a few long moments and drew his pulsing black shaft backwards as a sticky strand splattered against the red muzzle. He watched the head drop as the lips parted in a soft cry while his hips rocked backwards. He experienced a moment of panic that he had hurt the smaller wolf, but the eyes were unfocused with pleasure, not pain. After what seemed like eternity they were all panting and resting as Artemis hissed and pulled his hips back to free his shaft from the wolf. Skarlath simply squirmed and twisted in reaction before going limp again, the tail wagging beneath the water contentedly. Roan waited for the change to happen again, he even expectantly looked over at Artemis who was glancing down at himself in bemusement.

"Perhaps the good doctor was mistaken?" The lion's voice was hoarse and out of breath. "We might want to tell him that."

"Mmmpherrrbrrph.." The noise came from Skarlath who had his entire head nestled against the stallion's thigh. He grinned slightly and cupped his hand up to coax the muzzle up and saw the lazy smile on the red muzzle.

"What was that? I can't hear you if you're too busy wallowing in your afterglow." Roan teased and leaned down to kiss the red forehead gently. One green eye peeked open and there was a soft snort.

"I said good, you guys are gonna love me to death." The voice was clear enough and Artemis chuckled softly and rubbed a hand against one curved rump cheek.

"How about we call in the morning, I think all three of us could do with a good nights sleep." Artemis murmured softly, "After we clean up a little."

Roan was the only one that was a bit more fresh then the others so he took Skarlath out of the water with one large hand and ruffled the furred head before grinning. The poor wolf's stomach was stretched out until he was walking slightly awkwardly and his ears were flushed. The stallion wisely said nothing as Artemis padded out to get robes and he drained the tub to start the water. His eyes lingered on that form though, the curve of the hips, the swollen stomach, the red cock still swollen at the base and resting against the curved underside. It was a sexy sight in his eyes and he wished to savor it while he could. He only laughed as he stepped into the shower with Skarlath and saw the wolf flick his ears back with a nervous look on his face.

"Anymore and I'm going to blow up." The wolf complained plaintively.

"No hanky panky, just clean I promise." The stallion held up one hand as he clamped down his own desires. A bit of sleep would put him into a more eager state, he wanted to see Skarlath with foal, more than anything else in the world.

"Heard and witnessed!" He heard Artemis' muffled voice before he poked his head out from the shower curtain to see the naked white gold lion laying out clothes.

The black stallion simply snorted, but he was as good as his word as he started to help wash off Skarlath. He wouldn't tell Artemis, but he enjoyed pampering others. He liked to feel his fingers bathing through the wolf's fur and watch the tail wag sending sprays of water when he got sensitive spots. It was only towards the end of the shower that he frowned a little bit and washed along the wolf's hips. Normally when he'd had a go at the wolf he tended to get less paunchy around the middle after a shower. He had slimmed down, but he noticed that there was a slight bulge right in the lower portion of his belly. It was as broad as his hand and he carefully gave it a gentle touch with his finger tips as his heart started to pound faster.

"Probably because he went twice." Skarlath sounded exhausted as he nuzzled the stallion and Roan kept his lips sealed. "Let's go to bed, I'll shower again in the morning. I just wanna sleep." The voice was thick with exhaustion.

"Of course, let's get some sleep." Roan murmured and held the door open so Skarlath could walk past. It had been a very long day after all.

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