The House Dahan

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#1 of Dahan

Right, so this is my first story on SF or indeed anywhere. I never thought of myself as the type of person that writes things like this, but I got bored so I thought I'd give it a whirl. And lo and behold it all came out pretty smoothly I have to say. If things go as planned, I would make this into a series. I have several ideas on what direction to go in and it depends a bit on the feedback I get from this.

So this beeing my first story of any kind ever, I'm expecting many of the more experienced writers (i.e. anyone with at least two stories) might be able to provide some constructive critisism, please do so. Anything from imagery to sentence structure or grammar. Anything that might be useful, PM me if you like.

So with no further beating about the bush...oh, wait disclaimers right? :P

Let's just imagine you're not someone who accidentally made an account on an adult furry site, logged in and opened this story shall we? You see the tags, anything in there you dissaprove of then go away and read something else.

Li Dahan is lying on a set of pillows with a bowl of wine in his hand, next to his wife in his home in the province of Hunnan Changa, which is in the south of 14th century China. Well I say home, it really is more of a palace. Built from stone and adorned with many delicate pieces of art. It is surrounded by vast tracts of land, most of which produces rice. The rest of the land is covered in gardens, labyrinths, comfortable sitting areas and the sort of sculptures that don't look like anything in particular but still manage to convey a sense of pride and sophistication as well as the feeling that the owner could likely afford to buy you and your entire family.

The inside is home to an even greater hoard of priceless artifacts. Delicate vases, vivid paintings and embroideries and sculptures representing a wolf in traditional armor wielding a traditional sword in the sort of way that indicates your remaining experiences in this life have grown terribly few in number and indeed are likely to be filled with a lot of pain and screaming.

Li Duhan is a wolf that looks remarkably like the one in the sculptures. He is 30 years of age. His coat of fur is the sort of grey you would imagine a grey wolf would have. Really very average. His eyes are brown and he stands about 1m80 tall, not too tall but certainly respectable. He is of average muscle build and is not particularly knowledgeable. He has a scar on his chest from the spear of a Yuan soldier, looking rather nasty. This scar is why he is in the particularly comfortable position he is in now.

He received it, you see, while using his own body to protect that of his liege, the Warlord Chèn Youliàng. This Warlord was very successful in the wars he lorded over and was quite grateful for the act which most likely saved his life. Being grateful and successful, he awarded Li with the estate he now is lying in and the accompanying title, as well as some of the art he is surrounded by. The rest has been collected by Li himself over the years.

The estate is quite productive and so Li has hundreds of servants and a gorgeous wife, life is good. But sometimes a bit dull, which explains why he engages in scenes like the one to follow.

His wife is called Ling. She was a peasant girl working the rice paddies during the wars, but caught the eye of Li while he was strolling through the fields. She is a marvelous black wolf with silver streaks running down her back, her breasts are perky and of the sort of size that is neither large nor small. Her eyes are a shade of grey that matches the streaks in her fur brilliantly. They married when he was 25 and she was 15. It was a marriage of lust more than anything, but several years later they had grown fond of each other and the marriage was going swimmingly. Li spent his days running the estate, training fighting men for his liege and having the occasional party. His wife painted and generally made herself useless in a sort of esthetically pleasing way.

At night, they often entertained one of their many perversions, usually in response to the aforementioned dullness.

Anyway, back to the scene of Li lying in the pile of pillows:

Li took a sip of his wine. He nodded in appreciation.

"Hmmm, this is a very good batch my love. Are you sure you won't try some?" He said.

Ling replied: "You know I don't drink Li, I like my senses clear for these occasions".

"Your loss, my love"

He gestured to the guards and said: "you can bring him in now men"

They bowed in such a way that one wonders at the flexibility of their spine and walked through the doors backwards. Moments later they returned with a cub wolf, roughly 12 years of age. The cub had been given a hot bath prior to the meeting by one of the eunuchs, so his fur would be at his best. The cub was completely white, save for his nose and eyes, which were strikingly green. The white of his fur was so brilliantly white that one would almost avoid looking directly at him. The sort of white you see covering the tops of particularly high mountains. It was this beautiful feature that had gotten him here, taken by eunuchs from his family on the estate somewhere.

He wore robes in oriental style, similar to what Li and Ling wore, but much simpler. Instead of the royal blue (in the case of Ling) or blood red (in the case of Li) robes embroidered with silver dragons his was of a simple brown fabric, unadorned, a common appearance for the local peasants. The somewhat dirty brown made his white fur stand out even more.

"Hi there youngling", said Ling, "what's your name?"

The cub looked frightened and stumbled a bit, then he replied: "ehm..I...Chen, my name is Chen"

"You will address lady Ling properly!" Yelled one of the guards and slapped the boy against the back of his head.

Chen flinched and let out a yip.

"Now, now, treat our guest with some respect please." Said Li. "We can't expect him to know our customs here. He will learn in time." His eyes twinkled as he said this.

"Please, sit down Chen." He gestured to a pillow in front of him.

Chen looked from the guard to Li and back again, then slowly moved to the pillow. The guard did nothing and he sat down on his knees with relief.

"You may leave now" Li said as he waved to the guards. They bowed that remarkable bow once more and backed out of the room, closing the doors. The sound of marching boots was heard fading away.

"So, Chen is it?" Chen nodded.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"No Sir"

"I thought as much, well let me try to explain it to you Chen. You see, me and my wife Ling here like beautiful things. We send out servants to all parts of the realm to look for beautiful things. The paintings and the flowers you see are examples of these things.... Do you like looking at beautiful things Chen?"

Chen blinked in surprise at such a question. He sat thinking for a little while and said: "Yes I do sir"

"And what do you like the most about them?"

He furrowed his brow even deeper at this question and said "They make me feel good I guess."

"Yes!" Exclaimed Li. "You understand why we collect these things."

Chen smiled happily at the approval.

Ling quietly stood up and walked to the back of the room.

Li continued: "We brought you here because you're beautiful too, Chen. We want you to help us feel good. If you behave and do what we say you will get to live here in this house."

Chen looked surprised and said: "Stay here? But what about my family?"

Li: "They will be taken care of. They'll never go hungry again, Chen. That is if you agree to stay with us here. You'll get to see them of course, but you'll live here. You'd be given all the comforts you would like, as long as you serve me and my wife. Would you like to do that for us Chen?"

Chen furrowed his brow and thought hard. One the one hand he'd see much less of his family...but on the other none of them would have to go hungry and he'd never have to worry about that again. The famine 4 years ago was still engraved in his young mind. He decided that if he could help his family like that, he had to do it even if it meant he'd have to leave them.

"I'll stay here sir" He said seriously.

"Good!" Said Li "I'm sure you'll make us very happy." He grinned widely, his white teeth catching the light brilliantly.

Ling knelt down behind him, her robe having seemingly decided it was more comfortable in the corner on the floor, and lent forward, pressing her chest in his back. Her hard nipples rubbing up against him. She whispered in his ear: "You made the right choice Chen, now I'll give you a reward"

She pulled his robe off over his head and stroked his chest. His body fur was just as white as the rest, the beginning muscles starting to stand out. She gave him a lick in his neck and reached down into the cub's nether regions, to undo his undergarments.

Chen flushed red (which wasn't visible due to the fur) and let out a yip, surprised by this action. As he was thinking this, he couldn't help but focus on the pressure of her chest against him and her hands on his groin. As she worked to undo the complicated knots, he felt his cock stiffen. A sensation he had felt before, but never acted on.

"Don't worry Chen, it's alright" she whispered "Just relax, you're going to like this".

Her soothing tone and the undeniably good feeling of the pressure in his groin caused Chen to relax a bit and he leant back against Ling. He moaned a bit and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile Li had gotten up and removed his robe. His cock stood proudly erect, the only part of his anatomy that might have been described as above average, it wasn't massive but certainly large. He walked over to Chen and stopped with his cock hanging over Chen's face.

"Open your eyes Chen." Whispered Ling.

Chen looked and his eyes grew big and his muzzle fell open.

Taking advantage of this rather fortunate situation, Li thrust his cock into the cub's waiting maw. Chen was, understandably I should think, taken off guard and gave a little scream, which was muffled by the hard meat currently residing in his mouth. Li moaned approvingly at the vibrations.

"Relax Chen" Wispered Ling again. "It's alright. He just wants you to make him feel good"

Chen calmed down somewhat.

"I want you to suck on it", continued Ling, "Lick it with your tongue and suck on it, be careful with your teeth"

Chen hesitantly moved around his tongue in his mouth. Li gave out a moan as he felt the wet, warm muscle caress his hard cock. Ling dug into Chen's now loose undergarments and grabbed his stiff cock, poking out of his sheath. It wasn't as small as she'd expected, but certainly not full-grown yet.

Chen moaned and thrust up his hips in reponse.

"Not too fast now Chen, sit still and let me do the work. You just worry about that meat in your muzzle" Wispered Ling into his ear.

Encouraged by this, Chen started to work more earnestly on Li's cock. Swirling his tongue around the cock and occasionally sucking.

Li started thrusting his cock in and out of the little cub's mouth. Slowly at first, then ever so slightly faster over time. His knot was beginning to swell. Meanwhile, Ling was stroking Chen's cock, circling his tip with her fingers and cupping his balls with her other hand, occasionally squeezing his knot. She sped up and she felt his hard little dick throb in her hand.

Chen was confused, worried, thrilled and ecstatic all at the same time. He felt like he was in heaven, or hell. He hadn't decided yet. Ling sped up her strokes and he could feel something was about to happen, something building up inside his cock. Suddenly he started pulsing, his hips jerked up and he spurted one thick rope of cum straight up onto his chest. He sat back down on his knees in a state of bliss, he was definitely in heaven.

Ling started rubbing his cum all over his chest and gave him little kisses on his neck. She pinched his nipples and rubbed his deflating cock.

Li meanwhile was still busy thrusting into Chen's maw. After seeing Chen spurt his load he decided to pick it up a notch. He started thrusting harder and deeper into the cub. Chen was still high from his first orgasm ever, when he felt Li starting to nudge the back of his throat. He gave a little moan of concern.

"Just relax honey, lift up you head for him" Whispered Ling, licking his cum off of her fingers.

Chen did so and Li immediately thrust down into his throat. His entire cock was now pumping in and out of the cub at what might be described as a rough pace, considering the virgin state of the young cub's throat. His knot forced its way into Chen's muzzle and popped in and out in a lewd display.

Chen gagged around the meat invading his throat, but Ling's caresses and gentle whispers kept him calm. He swallowed reflexively, but this just seemed to spur on Li even harder.

Li felt the cub's throat massaging his cock, every inch of his meat was in heaven, his swollen knot popping in and out of the boy's muzzle. The sight of this snow-white little cub taking all of his wolf-meat was driving him close to the edge quickly. His thrust sped up to a crescendo until he felt himself starting to cum. He pulled out, rubbing his cock furiously and sprayed thick ropes of cum over the cubling's pristine white fur. Hitting his face and chest with what can only be called a copious amount of cum.

Chen felt the hot liquid splatter all over him and looked on wide-eyed. He was still in a sort of blissful shock when Ling turned his face around and kissed him on the mouth. Her tongue broke past his muzzle and played with his. He responded eagerly. Their tongues swirled around in his mouth, he enjoyed every second of it.

Ling broke the kiss and looked the cub in those impossibly green eyes.

"Did you like that Chen?" She asked.

He nodded numbly.

"Then you'll love what's next...stand up."

He did so, stumbling somewhat. As he stood his loosened undergarments dropped down, he stepped out of them. Ling started kissing him again, playing with his tongue and reaching around to his firm, young buttocks. She squeezed them and pushed herself against him. Her tits rubbing against his chest, spreading Li's cum around. Slowly she broke the kiss, looked lustfully into his eyes and started moving down his body, licking the mixed cum off his chest and paying particular attention to his nipples, never breaking eyecontact. She worked lower and lower until she had to get on her knees. Then she grabbed his cock and took it in her mouth. Chen moaned in pleasure. Ling swirled her tongue around his hardening meat. She sucked and caressed it with her tongue, still looking him straight in the eyes. When he was hard again she took him out and stood up. Chen looked disappointed.

"Don't worry sweetie, it gets better" she laughed. Li chuckled.

She walked over to a low bed in the corner of the room, decked out in royal blue and silver embroidery and lay down on her back. She looked back and gestured Chen to come over.

"Now Chen, I want you to put that", she pointed at his hard cock, "in here." As she said this she put a finger in her pussy, slowly sliding it in and out.

Chen frowned, but seeing as how she said this would be even better than before, didn't hesitate for long. He walked up to her and did what he was told. She helped him in with her paw as he slowly pushed inside. The wet warmth inside of her made Chen breathless with comfort. The velvet walls pressing down on his not-so-small wolf meat. He stood motionless with his cock in Ling's pussy.

Ling moaned as he went inside her.

"Very good I want you to start moving, just like Li did just now."

Chen needed little encouragement and he started to rock back and forth. An irregular, fast rhythm at first, but soon steadied by Ling's own motions. She didn't want him finishing too soon.

Li meanwhile had gotten rock-hard again, watching his wife getting humped by this pristine white cub, still with fur matted by both his and the cub's own cum. He approached Chen from behind and lifted his tail. He began rubbing it with his cock, still wet from the cub's saliva.

Chen was startled. He quickly made the connection from what he was doing to what Li was about to do. He slowed down and whined.

"Don't be scared Chen, it's fine" said Li. "It'll hurt at first, but it gets better"

Now Chen was really worried.

Li rubbed his wet cock against the cub's tailhole, moistening it with his own saliva. He lined himself up and started pushing.

Chen stopped completely now, his attention entirely confiscated by the hard, wet intrusion in his tailhole. He felt the tip nudge inside, followed unstoppably by more. His ring burned at the violation. He yipped and whined.

"You need to relax Chen" said Ling comfortingly. "Just let it happen." She rubbed his chest and caressed his face. She pulled him down, lifted her head and kissed him. In doing so she gave her husband a better angle to thrust his meat into the cub's ass.

Ling seemed to have a calming effect on Chen as he did relax, slowly but surely. Li saw his window and took it, he gave one hard thrust and buried his cock three quarters of the way in. Chen yipped hard.

He began to grind back and forth, slowly. He pawed at the cub's radiant white butt, squeezing those young muscles. Chen felt pleasure rising through the pain. Li was hitting a spot that felt great. He relaxed and focused on that feeling.

Li was slowly working his way in deeper, thrusting in at a fraction of an inch at a time. "Damn this one is tight" he mumbled as he worked his way in deeper and deeper. Suddenly, he felt his knot bump against the cub's fur. "Right", he thought, "time for some real fun."

He started thrusting more violently into Chen's tailhole, who was still buried inside Ling. Ling started moving again and Chen had no choice but to start fucking her again. As Li's thrusts started getting harder, he thrust Chen deeper into Ling's wet pussy. The wet slapping noises of Li's knot pounding the cub's ass and of Chen pounding Ling rising in volume and rapidity.

"Ugh! Yes, just like that!" screamed Ling. She was being pounded hard now, her tits bouncing back and forth. She grapped her nipples and squeezed them hard. "Yes! Fuck my pussy little white cub, fuck it hard!" She embraced him and pulled his face between her tits.

"His ass is so fucking tight!" exclaimed Li. He moved forward somewhat and leant down so his cock was now fucking the cub from above, he grabbed Chen's hair and pulled on it hard. "Such a tight little bitch!" He felt his knot slamming against the cub's opening and thrust even harder in an attempt to get it in.

Chen was caught in a vortex of feelings. The stimulation was almost to much. His cock pumping in and out of Ling while his ass was being filled by Li's hard cock. Li pulled his hair hard, but he didn't care, it just felt too good. He felt his knot swelling fast and as Li picked up his thrusts, it was forced in and back out of Ling, as Li pumped his tight little ass.

Ling felt the knot go in and out of her and screamed in pleasure. She felt her muscles tighten and she came hard around the cub's cock. She squeezed around his length and his knot. For Chen, this was the last drop and he exploded inside of her pussy. His cock throbbed and pulsed and his ass tightened.

Li felt the cub's orgasm clamp down on his cock. He bent forward and growled, slamming his knot inside. He came hard, pumping the cub full of his seed while biting down on his neck. He felt his cock pulsing inside Chen's warm cavern.

The three of them were panting for air. Chen collapsed on top of Ling. Li waited until his knot went down enough and ripped it out of him. Chen yet out a light yip, a trickle of cum running down his leg. Ling worked herself out from under him and put him down on the bed. She gave him a lick on his muzzle and put the sheets over him.

"I think we'll keep this one, what do you say dear?" She said.

"Definitely" He said.