The Greatest Disgrace – Trials

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#2 of The Greatest Disgrace

'When the Cenarion Circle hears of this, you will hang orc!' Kaylai's mind cried out, knowing full well he could hear her.

"If they had told me the spirit bond formed between the two of us would result in your ability to talk my ears off, I might just have turned this mission down Night Elf," Salvo replied, a cold irritation in his tone.

'If I can do anything to bring you pain, then it brings nothing but pleasure to me,' Kaylai responded, an arrogance building about her.

"Night Elf, perhaps you don't comprehend the gravity of the situation. You belong to me now, you serve as my pet. You will do as I say and you will do so without question," Salvo's irritation clearly growing.

'You may have succeeded with whatever arcane augment you were given, but I assure you that I am no one's pet, certainly not to an Orc as cowardly as yourself.'

Salvo, who had slowly been gathering his supplies from the clearing stopped in his track and immediately fixated his eyes upon the druid. "I know what the problem is; I can't believe I didn't deal with this issue sooner. Maybe if I give you a name you it make it more clear that you are nothing more than a tool not unlike my bow or spear," With that, Salvos quickly began to sort through his bags looking for something before pulling out a leather collar, affixed with a small silver tag. He beckoned the night elf over signaling with his finger. Kaylai's body obeyed without question, her paws slowly making their way towards the Orc.

"Sit Girl," he said, quickly getting to his knees, his hands reaching out for the gem encrusted necklace that hung around the Druids Neck. His hands ruffled through the fur atop her neck, looking for where a clasp might be. He quickly grew tired of his hunt for the clasp and simply pulled a small knife from his belt and began to cut away at the necklace.

'Please don't,' Kaylai pleaded with the Orc, if it were possible for the cat to cry she would have. The Orc stopped his sawing at the leather "I'd say I'm doing this to make a point, but it is a couple of shiny rocks attached to some leather, I didn't figure it was all that important to you". Kaylai mind flashed through images of her training in Moon Glade, 'There is much about the druidic culture and Night Elves you do not understand Orc, please, for the sake of Elune. Your pet has taken my innocence while you watched in boredom ; You have clearly put me under some form of controlling spell, else your blood would decorate this field; and as you have stated I am to be some kind of breeding harlot for that lynx of yours, Is that not enough?'

Salvo sat in front of the Night Elf, his knife still taught against the leather of the necklace. He looked deep into the cat's glowing eyes, as if staring past the bestial form directly at Kaylai. He stared at her for what seemed to last longer than she could bear, and with a simple flick of his wrist; he uttered in nearly a whisper "No".

The necklace fell to the ground beneath Kaylai, her mind blanked and she was simply encompassed in a deep sadness. Despite the massive amount of magical power the augment held over her body, she managed to use her paw to brush against the pendent in the grass, her eyes drooped looking into the image reflected in the Jewels.

'Elune, Why have your forsaken your daughter?' her mind reeling with a mixture of anger and sadness. Salvo was taken aback by the sudden rush of emotions, never having had his spirit bound to a creature with sentience, let alone the emotional complexity of this druid. Even so, his resolve had not waivered; he quickly began to attach the leather collar he had with him to the neck of his new purple coated prize. His green hands relaxed on her neck after fastening the clasp for the collar. His head leaned in against her snout, surprising Kaylai.

"I am sorry Night Elf, but this mission is of critical importance to the Horde. I would much rather face you in honorable combat as warriors than have been requested to take you as a pet. Even so, what is done is done and we must continue on. I do not seek your forgiveness or understanding, but you are going to have to start to accept your new life rather quickly," his green hand moving away from her neck, his massive frame slowly starting to rise. "Your name shall be Luna, and you are to become my So'Rath," the last word failing to translate. "We shall hopefully go on many journeys together, and in time perhaps you will come to accept what has happened to you," his last words an idle hope even for Salvo.

'If you ever think that I will bow down as some slave, some pet to an honorless dog like yourself, than you have a great deal more to learn of Night Elf culture than I thought. You keep close watch on that augmentation of yours, for I swear on the blood of those that came before me, if that which controls me breaks, I will not hesitate to kill you where you stand.'

"Duly noted Luna," he said, returning his items to their various compartments. "Come on then Red, Luna. I would like to get off this mountain top before the Alliance sends a patrol to hunt for their missing comrade". With that, Salvo began to make his way out of the clearing and down the narrow mountain path. Despite what little force of will she could muster to resist, her body trotted alongside him, watching as the sun slowly descended into the night. Her head held high, her eyes constantly patrolled the skies and the nearby mountain side for possible signs of life or enemies. What sickened her even more was that with each step she could feel as Red's seed slowly dripped from her swollen vulva, running down the already cum encrusted fur of her hind legs.

"How long do you think you will be in estrus for Luna?" the Orc asked in a cold and uncaring manner. 'Your guess is as good as mine Orc. Considering that a Druid is not supposed to be capable of coming into season unwillingly, I'd say this is a first,' Kaylai's mind peppered with a mix of rage and disgust at the whole concept. "Well in that case, I guess I will have to breed you and Red as many times as possible in the next couple of days. I would hate for that splendid set of nipples along your belly to go unused after all of this. We will stop off in the Swamps of the Dustwallow Marsh, I know an old buddy there who owes me a favor. He also happens to oen an airship that can take us to the Eastern Kingdoms. Hopefully before we reach Silvermoon City, you'll have an entire litter of children growing inside of you."

The thought hadn't really quite hit Kaylai before that point. The concept that she had not only been deflowered, but in the process, possibly impregnated by a feral animal caused her emotions to stir. The thought alone of being taken again by that hulking creature was not a pleasant one; however pleasant the physical feelings may have been. Having never been with a male before, the memories still rushed through her mind. The feeling of being deflowered, the intense feeling of her insides being ravaged again and again by the Lynx's hardened member, the rush that came with the feeling of his seed coating her fertile insides. The mere thought of the act sent a tingling sensation along her spine.

Salvo and his feline companions finally came to a large tree limp that jutted from the side of the trail. Atop the limb, an armored wyvern sat calmly overlooking the night sky. The wyvern upon noticing his master's return immediately stretched it swings prepared for flight. The Orc slowly made his way atop the large beast back, making himself comfortable in the incredibly large saddle. He was quickly followed by Red who curled himself up into a large ball atop his master's lap purring contently. As Kaylai began to climb the great beast, a sound caught her ear.

" Bandu thoribas!"

Kaylai's mind perked up immediately. She had heard that phrase a dozen times and each time it brought her confidence. It was a Night Elf battle cry; perhaps her sisters had found her. Arrows began ripping through the air, narrowly missing the massive wyvern. Salvo was none too pleased about the whole predicament. He was hoping that he might be able to get out of the Stonetalon mountains without running into its infamous sentinels. He quickly drew his bow and returned fire into the darkness of the narrow and winding path below.

Kaylai wanted to do nothing more than call out to her sisters, to let them know that she was here and in need of their assistance, but she could not find her voice. She couldn't even manage something as simple as a growl. Her eyes however quickly noticed that the group that was attacking them was not simply one or two sentinels. It was a group of them, protecting a tall man at the center.

"It doesn't look like they're going to let me just fly out of here tonight. I guess I will show them the glory of battle. LOK'TAR OGAR," Salvo screamed launching another volley of arrows into the path below. Kaylai could only watch in anguish as several of the arrows found their mark hitting several of her sisters as they tried to climb the path. The man behind them quickly became clearer. It was Arch Druid Mardant, of the Druids of the Talon. He was quickly growing tired of the onslaught of arrows, and she watched with heated anticipation as he began to call forth a thunderstorm to strike down his opponents.

Luckily for Salvo, Kaylai's years of training as a druid betrayed her. She knew exactly where Mardant had intended to cast this thunderstorm, and Salvo dodged in anticipation, throwing himself over the ledge and holding on to the branch to avoid the strike. Kaylai's mind was like an open book to Salvo, and he intended to use it. Salvo quickly climbed back on to the narrow pass, launching more arrows into the Sentinel group, but he was clearly growing tired of playing with this foolish patrol.

"Red, Luna deal with these interlopers, we don't have time for this."

With that simple command, she watched as Red leaped from his position atop the wyvern into the patrol below. A bellowing roar escaping from the ferocious beast mouth. Kaylai could only watch on in horror as Red began to tear into her sisters; blood spilling across the ground; one even being knocked off the side of the narrow trail into the valley below. But the mental anguish that Kaylai was about to endure had only just begun.

Even as her mind screamed for her to stop, she felt as her back paws quickly pushed against the dirt of the narrow path, her muscles tensing up for an imminent release. Despite using the some of the last of her willpower, it was of no effect. She quickly leaped into the group of Sentinels, her claws outstretched. The moment seemed to move in slow motion, every fiber of her being fighting against what was happening. Her mind let loose a roar of anguish that would have echoed through the valley had she said it aloud. Her feline claws ripped into the shoulder of one of the Sentinels. Her fangs sunk themselves into the side of another, blood dripping from her claws and mouth.

The next moments seemed to be nothing but a terrible blur, her mind trying desperately to block out what was happening as she leapt from night elf to night elf, her claws and fangs sinking into each. She summoned up ever last ounce of her willpower, pulling ever last shred of mental energy that she had to try and control her voice, if only for a moment.

"MARDANT, END ME!" she screamed, before the massive arcane energies of the taming spell pushed her mind further back, allowing the feral beast even more control.

Arch Druid Mardant's shock at the matter was indescribable. Even at the Molten Front he had never seen such a vicious attack by a druid, and most certainly not from a Druid whose markings were those of a Night Elf. "Kaylai!?" the Arch Druid called out, his staff nearly falling from his hands. He did not know what was happening here, but he understood the desperation and fear in Kaylai's voice. "Sentinels, Kaylai is your primary target," his voice shaking as he uttered the command.

One of the remaining Sentinels turned in the midst of battle, her face filled with a mixture of shock and fear. "Arch Druid?" she said, tears falling from her eyes. "You Heard me Sentinel, you only objective is to ensure the death of the Druid of the Stag Kaylai Moonblade," his voice as cold as the ices of Northrend.

Again thanks to the spirit bond between himself and Kaylai, Salvo immediately realized that the Sentinels were no longer focusing on him, but instead had turned their attention to his new prize. He knew that the druid was exceptional for a feline of her size, but she would be no match for the likes of what remained of the patrol and the Arch Druid. Realizing this, and knowing that his only objective here was to ensure the capture of a cat form druid, he knew he must fall back from combat.

Salvo began pulling back on his bow, pulling from his quiver several arrows meant purely to immobilize. He had no intention of losing such a lucky catch to the likes of some Night Elf patrol. With a snap, and the attention of the entire patrol on Kaylai, each and every arrow found its mark; disabling what remained of the group including Mardant.

As they stood there, unable to break free of the poison, Mardant managed to say something

"Vile Orc, I imagine that my sister Kaylai is currently serving as a translator, so hear my words. I don't pretend to understand how or why you have managed to capture a fellow druid, but know this. Your actions have left you hear by marked for death not only by the Alliance, but the Cenarion Circle."

Salvo chuckled, once again drawing back on his bow string, "The Cenarion Circle isn't going to know of this". He released his bow string, the arrows tearing through the remaining ranks of Sentinels, and one landing square in Mardant's chest, ensuring a fatal wound. "Come on Luna, Red we have a great deal of work still ahead of us."

As her body began to return to the wyvern, her mind screamed out in agony at the atrocity that she had just helped to commit. The flashes of the night went through her head again and again no matter how much she tried to block them out. As the 3 boarded the wyvern, Kaylai's mind simply blacked out from the trauma of it all, sinking into an endless darkened void. As the wyvern slipped silently into the night, its 3 passengers all cramped together atop its back, the physical exhaustion of a variety of factors had finally pushed Kaylai's feline form into the depths of sleep, perched in a tight ball near Red.

"I don't know Red, this Spirit Bond between me and she is stronger than any other creature I have encountered," Salvo said, as Red seemed to stare into his master's eyes with confused amusement. "This girl is special to divisions within the Horde, but I fear that the emotions she carries may prove to be a burden if I can't find a more stable way to control them. But you like her don't you?" the green Orc smiled as he pet Red's soft furred head. Red returned his affection by licking his Master's hands a few times before drifting back to sleep.

The Orc sat and pondered as the wyvern made its way into the night sky, flying ever closer to Dustwallow Marsh. As the stars of the night sky made their way overhead, his hands reached out and ran along Kaylai's delicate fur coat. "There are better fates than the one you have met here tonight girl, were our roles reversed, I don't think I would have had the same will you do". The trip to Dustwallow would take until sunrise. The thought occurred to Salvo that he had yet to have anything to eat, and he imagined the battle in addition to all they had been through were making his feline companions incredibly hungry.


The sound of a campfire stirred Kaylai from her slumber, her nose smelling the delectable scent of something sizzling. She quickly realized that she must be somewhere in a swamp given the sinking feeling the ground gave as she stood. As she sniffed the air, trying to identify the smell, a ray of light shone on her fur coat, allowing of her eyes to quickly realize she was covered in blood. 'It wasn't a dream...' was all she could manage.

The smell of the cooking food in combination with her growing hunger was overpowering though. She quickly scanned around to see both Salvo and Red sitting next to a campfire, atop which a large number of swamp trout were cooking. Red seemed to be eyeing the fish quite intently, his tongue gracing his muzzle in anticipation. As Kaylai approached the campfire, it quickly became apparent that she was moving of her own volition. Perhaps the spell had faded in the night? As she began to think of leaping forward to end the life of the Orc, the massive burst of Arcane magic came flooding back to her, blocking out any attempt to commit such an action.

"Isn't it a bit early to be trying to kill me? You haven't even had your breakfast," Salvo snickered, rotating the fish on the spigot. Kaylai's mind once again began to flash through the scene from last night, all of her sisters dead, some at her own hand. She could never return to her own people, she would be killed on sight. The stench of blood was heavy on her fur coat, and that of Red's. She tried to think of ways to make use of her limited freedom, quickly realizing that any attempt to run or kill her captors was met with an inability to do so.

Salvo stood, removing the fish from their place above the fire. He quickly knelt down making sure to shovel some on the ground before Red. The big Lynx couldn't have been happier and happily began to eat the serving presented before him. Salvo quickly picked a few off for himself, before making his way to Kaylai. "You should eat, I can't imagine that you've had all that much over the past night or so," quickly dropping the remaining fish before her feet. Kaylai stood their defiant, realizing that while things that were detrimental to the hunter would clearly provoke a reaction from the Hunter's magic, not eating apparently was not something the magic actively enforced against. "Can lead a horse to water..." Salvo muttered, "You gain nothing by not eating Luna, if you were trying to escape, it would only make your chances of doing so worse," he said, petting the fur atop her head, "Please don't make me force you to eat this fish, it would be incredibly burdensome".

Kaylai realized that he was likely correct that actively attempting not to eat would not serve her goals. Against her better judgment she nosed around in the fish taking in the smell of them. They weren't exactly dining cuisine, in fact she had eaten better field rations before, but her hunger made the smell irrelevant.

'Elune, thank you for providing this meal for me to consume, allow me to use its strength to find my freedom," the night elf said before burying her face in the pile of fish at her feet. Salvo's jaw dropped, "First off, let's make something clear here. That moon god of yours didn't get this fish for you, I did. And second, Night Elves pray before their meals?". Kaylai looked up, 'Of course we pray before our meals, we must thank the goddess for the resources she allows us to use,' she thought, her mouth full of mud fish. "You people are just as strange as the Tauren, it's a strange notion the two of you don't get along better," Salvo said in between eating bites of his own mudfish.

Kaylai pondered the thought for a bit, remembering that it had been a Tauren who she trained with at Moonglade. He was a great leader among the druids and taught many pupils, his name was Hamuul Runetotem. His large cow like body had been there at all times, teaching the druids in the class the ways of nature. Sadly, reports from the front lines of Hyjal had shown that he had been injured in an attempt to clear the way to the Molten Front. He was one of many people who Kaylai now realized she may never get to see again.

"Mourning the past will bring you nothing Luna, it is important to continue on regardless of what has happened," the Orc said spitting out fish bones. 'That's easy for you to say Orc, I don't see you suffering the indignities of servitude,' Kaylai thought, her mouth trying desperately to separate a particularly tough piece of mudfish from the bone. "I serve masters of a different kind," the Orc said grinning as he fiddled with a scroll in his backpack "You'll be happy to know that my buddy will be able to meet with us sometime later today. Once we've met up with him and his crew, we'll continue on to the Ghostlands. We'll stay there until my contacts in Silvermoon city ensure me that the Tauren and Darkspear Emissaries there are kept busy. After that, I guess I'm turning you over to the Royal Apothecary Society. I do not know what they want with you, but I will be sure to remind them that you are still mine".

With that he dragged a set of small poles and a canvas tarp and quickly began making a suitable tent. "Now if you don't mind, I've been trying to keep a rather stubborn wyvern on the right flight plan all night, so I'm going to nod off. Why don't you and Red keep yourselves entertained? ". With that, the Orc began to lay out a small cot on the swamp's rather muddy ground, removing his armor in favor of something more comfortable to sleep in. Had the situation been completely different, Kaylai might have even found the well-toned Orc attractive.

"Thanks for the sentiment my dear, but neither Felines nor Long Eared Elves are really my type," he said before pulling a small linen blanket over himself and going to sleep. Kaylai wondered if the unconscious Orc might somehow lessen his hold on her, only realizing that she was no more capable of slitting his throat in his sleep than she was while he was awake. It was about this time that the physical needs of her body came rushing back to her. She had been so lost in the emotional roller coaster ride of the last day that she had almost forgotten about the strange tingling sensation emanating from her loin.

Her attention was quickly drawn to Red, who seemed to have taken quite the liking to a pile of fish bones. He was busy playing with them, knocking them into the fire and quickly pulling them back out as a source of amusement. Was it not for the fact that the same creature deflowered her only one sunset ago, she might have found the whole activity cute. She watched on in bemusement at Red's activities, trying to think of how she was going to handle the situation when his nose reminded him that she was still in heat.

As Red's amusement with the Fish Bones died down, his attention was quickly diverted to the other feline in the camp. She watched as the beast of a creature padded his way over to her, quickly sniffing at her head and side. Her swollen vulva seemed to call out to him, almost begging for him to take her again and again without relent. She could smell as her own mix of pheromones quickly began to take over the scent in the air. She was none too happy with her own body at the moment, but the first time had not been a completely unenjoyably experience, and wasn't like the Orc seemed to take any pleasure in the whole activity. While the prospect of being filled with his seed again was not something that put her mind to ease, her feline body needed it like a craving.

Kaylai thought that if was going to be the only joy that she got from this whole adventure, than she might as well make the best of it. She quickly lifted her tail, swaying it in the air and stirring up the already pheromone laden scent. She was already beginning to feel her slit get wetter with each passing moment. Her feral body seemed to be communicating with Red, emitting small grunts and roars as Red circled the ecstasy driven Druid. He began to brush up against her fur, his whiskers brushing alongside her own. He did this several more times, each time licking at the blood stains that seemed to cover her fur coat. Kaylai became growingly impatient with the whole affair.

'Just go ahead and mount me big fella, it's right there,' she thought to herself, the gentle breeze of the swamp passing through her fur. Red however seemed content with continuing to try and groom Kaylai's fur coat, nuzzling against what were clearly battle wounds from the night before. She watched as he finally stopped circling and stood to face her, his brilliant yellow eyes locking with her own. He gracefully pressed his head against hers, purring all the while. 'I guess this dance isn't as simple as I thought...' her eyes quickly scanning the feline form in front of her.

Her feral side certainly found Red to be quite attractive, though she thought it may have some biases given that she was in heat. She did know that her entrance and tunnel grew all the more slick with each passing moment, wanting desperately to be filled again. With a flick of his tongue, Red licked Kaylai's face, before padding behind her. The moment she had been waiting for was finally here.

'Well at least the day's not a complete waste I suppose,' her mind and eyes darting to look behind her to see what the Lynx was up to. She watched with mounting anticipation as the Lynx slowly began sniffing around her red and irritated entrance. She watched with almost amazement as the Lynx's pink member slowly made its way out of his sheath. She had seen male creatures of all kinds, but she had never really taken the time to pay attention to their gifts before. Her insides flared as she saw the small spines which covered Red's member beginning to emerge.

She was brought back from her visual exploration of Red's body by a quick pressure against her entrance. Red was getting to work, his rough tongue going over her sensitive outer lips, drawing some of her sweet juices with each pass. Though the attention with his tongue was well worth its own reward, it was not what Kaylai was after. She wanted to feel the Lynx deep inside her again, his flesh buried within her, her insides milking him for all the seed that he was worth. She wanted his seed to fertilize her, to gift here with a healthy set of cubs.

She quickly began grinding against Red's nose and mouth, getting the attention of the Lynx. She heard as his purring increased, feeling his weight atop her back once more, his paws wrapping around her, bringing her closer to him. He bit into the loose flesh on the back of her neck, sending her nervous system into waves of electricity. He wasted no time claiming his prize, his barbed member sliding between her legs, penetrating her. Within moments, he was quickly pumping in and out Kaylai, his claws raking her belly.

'That's right big fella, just take me like I'm one of the girls,' she said, the confusion of wanting to be taken mixed with a torrent of emotion. Now was not time for emotions though, she just wanted to feel as each spine pulled against her delicate inner wall, ensuring only his seed would reach her waiting womb. Her tunnel widening to encompass the now familiar intruder, she began to push back against Red.

As she did, she felt him bite down harder, causing even more of her senses to flare. Her tongue once again hung from her mouth, as she fought desperately to ignore the emotions that weighed on her soul. She just wanted some control, and this felt at the very least like she was in control. She let lose a yowl as one of Red's claws raked against her sensitive nipples.

Red was very quick with his work though. No sooner had he mounted her than she felt as he released jet after jet of his sticky, hot seed into her waiting snatch. As he leapt off of her, she turned around to find Red lying in the mud on his side. She quickly began to use her tongue to clean the mess the two had caused, running her tongue along his delicate shaft. He in return continued working on cleaning her fur, making large delicate strokes. The two felines lay purring in the heat of the swamp.

~[To Be Continued]~