An Unexpected Event: James's Tail

Story by Lord_Rahl on SoFurry

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#2 of The Unexpected Event Series




James Hoecker was in a daze for the next few hours after both he and Steve Anderson had sucked Max off. The newly formed Satyr's already potent cum, was tainted by the very drug that turned the once nerdy Maxwell Holmes into a muscle god and then a mythical sex creature. That drug was now running rampant through both Steve's and James's systems. James would be the first to succumb.

James Hoecker was a junior at Columbia University. He was on the varsity football, and track teams. A stupendous athlete, well known for his superb body, he had all the girls lusting after him and quite a few guys, some who weren't gay. One would never guess that he was gay or even bi. He always seemed to have one hot girlfriend after another. There was once a rumor that he was even engaged to one. He and Steven had known each other throughout college, and had instantly clicked. The two were often seen together and were best of friends. Both were hiding a secret from one another. Both men had fallen deeply in love with each other and kept it secret for three years. Finally at the start of their junior year, James asked Steve to meet him at his dorm one Friday night. James was lucky enough to room alone. Once Steve arrived, James pulled him inside and shut the door behind him. They stood there silent for a while and just as Steve was about to open his mouth to say something, James walked across the room and kissed him. Steve eagerly returned his embrace. Thus started the two's whirlwind yet secret romance. No one ever knew or suspected a thing until that night in January.

James had somehow made it back to his dorm without anyone discovering that he was naked, and somehow he didn't freeze. He had lain down in his bed before waking up out of his stupor. At first he panicked not knowing where he was, he relaxed a little bit when he recognized his familiar surroundings. He still was concerned, he had no clue how he had gotten back to his room, and he was naked. He got up to pull on his pajamas and go to sleep. The memory of Max's transformation still ripe in his mind, he was constantly thinking of how hot the transformation was. Just thinking about it was making him horny. As he pulled on a pair of boxers his hand brushed his dick. The feeling was so intense; he nearly buckled due to the pleasure. James sat back down on his bed, stroking, he swung his feet over onto the bed and began the best jack off session of his life. He was on a pleasure high. He felt a tingling in his feet and looked at them noticing that his toenails were black. He dismissed it thinking that it was from the cold. James continued to jack off, the blackness on his toenails spread as his toes merged into one solid mass. His ankles moving further away from his foot, now both were hooves. James looked down again and was in shock. First he was scared to see that he had hooves, but that soon turned into excitement as he thought he would transform like Max did. However the hooves that Max had been cloven and his were not. James thought something was off, but he didn't think much of it.

The changes next moved up his body to his ears. His ears grew pointed, like Max's had done, except this time the just kept growing and growing, until they were a foot above his head. His ears then became covered in brown fuzz matching his hair. His cock was next to change, with each stroke his dick lengthened growing well past 10 inches, and continuing to grow until it was nearly 18 inches long. His balls swelled and grew in size to match his larger equipment. James then noticed something strange at the base of his penis. A strange black smudge of sorts had covered the base of his dick. James tried to see if it would rub off; he only ended up exciting himself further. The discoloration spread to the top and he watched as his mushroom head flattened out and flared out as well. James then realized that his transformation would not be the same. He then began looking all over his body to see what else had changed. He felt his ears and knew immediately that he was turning into a donkey. He then felt more tingling as his muscles expanded to support his new structure. Brown fur began to grow, starting around his dick and spreading so that his whole body was covered with the thick, but short brown fur that all equines posses. He lifted his hands to his face and saw too that his fingernails were black. He watched as the blackness spread down forming little hooflets on his fingers. He breathed a sigh of relief as he could continue to jack off. James then felt a pulling sensation above his ass and then stood up to watch a tail sprout out and be covered in fur complete with a black tassel at the end. James's transformation was nearly complete.

Next James felt pain for the first time in his transformation as his face pushed out into the muzzle of a donkey. James, his transformation complete stood in awe at himself. He was now an anthro donkey that stood nearly 7 feet and was well defined in muscle with an 18 inch dick that demanded his attention. James continued to jack off and was in a world of pleasure as his new penis was much more sensitive than before. James felt his orgasm approach and he let out a great "HAWWW!!" as his balls emptied their tremendous load all over his dorm room. James then passed out from the pleasure lay down on his bed. Slowly reverting to human form, which possessed a little more in the size department than before. His donkey form could be called back at will like Max. James lay sleeping peacefully, his dreams full of him in his donkey form pounding Steve's ass.