A Fox Amongst Wolves Part 9: Seperation

Story by Dfox789 on SoFurry

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#9 of A Fox Amongst Wolves

It has been a month since Alec collared me, and it has been the best month of my life. When I'm not acting like his pet in front of his pack, laying in his lap, walking on all fours, or playing fetch with him (now one of my favorite things to do) we are lovers. We go back to the beach some days to watch the sunset or just lay in his room cuddling while watching a movie.

I always wondered how we were able to do these things since I had yet to see Alec even leave for work. We spend almost every waking moment together and not once had he left to work in a home office, or leave for the day. While it was just him and me lying in his bed I decided to ask him. "Alec hun, I was wondering. What do you do for a living?"

He nuzzled me closer "Well foxy, do you remember that little store we got you collar from?" How could I forget? It was the first day Alec and I spent together, the day I saw him in leather, and the day I was collared. I simply gave him a short nod to let him know I understood.

"Well, it just so happens I'm the founder and owner of that little franchise. I have stores across the country, and some outside of it." I looked up and met his eyes. Even with his sly grin on his face, I was still marveled at how gorgeous his eyes were. The shade of emerald they were never seemed to dull, or loose the spark they held.

"You own Leather's goods. Oh god, does this mean all of that leather in there is yours?" Pictures began running through my mind of Alec standing in front of the store wearing the finest leather items in there, holding a leash with me attached at the end in the same style as his, only more pet then master like. The image sent a shiver down my spine thinking of it now.

"Technically yes I do, so whenever you and me want some good attire for let's say a leather bar, if you ever wanted to go, I can order the best of the best and we could wear it." Now I was getting hard. I pictured Alec sitting in front of a bar, both of us in the same attire, holding his drink with me kneeling next to him, the smell of leather of all types filling my nose making my member strain against whatever held it.

I lunged forward and locked lips with him. My tongue claimed dominance over his. I sat there holding us together till I ran short of breath. While gasping for breath I said, "Please stop... I can't help but picture us..... like that." He started chuckling at me. He lifted the sheets off us both to reveal my hard member.

"Does foxy like picturing me in leather?" he reached down and took a firm hold on my dick. I had grown comfortable with him giving me hand and blow jobs, yet I'm still not ready for him to take me. Some scars take longer to heal than others.

"Why don't you tell me how I look while I help you out down here?" He began to slowly stroke me as I struggled to maintain focus.

"Well you're wearing black combat boots. They make a slight clicking noise when you walk, they look worn yet sturdy." He began to stroke a little faster. "As for pants you're wearing long, snug grey leather that has a single red stripe down one of the legs."

I was starting to pant. I don't know if I could finish describing him before I came. "You're not wearing a shirt, but you are wearing an X-harness underneath a biker vest." His stokes were speeding up now. Almost as if he didn't want me to finish.

"You're holding a leash, with me attached to it."

He stopped stroking and just held my knot, keeping me from letting loose. "OH and what is my little foxy wearing? I'm not going to let go till you tell me." I knew he was joking but at the moment I was in pleasurable bliss.

"I'm wearing Leather biker gloves and some knee pads, so I can be on my knees for a long time. I'm also wearing a Y-harness across my chest, and black shorts." He began to slowly stroke again, still holding the firm grip from the beginning.

He leaned towards my ear while still having a grip on my member and whispered "That's not enough detail foxy, I need more."

I was so close, but I knew he would let me if I finished. "All of it is sleek, glossy, new leather, and the shorts are only maybe three inches from my waist." I started panting like crazy. He began stroking again, hitting his max speed. I was there at the edge, just a little more.

Alec then latched his muzzle onto my dick and began using his tongue to stroke the underside of my flesh. It was enough for me to release my cum into his awaiting muzzle. I shot three times and then passed out.

That was a week ago and now Alec had started getting several calls throughout the day. After one such call he seemed to be in a fury. What could have made him so mad? "Alec, what's wrong?" He stared at me with a scowl across his face.

"Some damn otter screwed up an entire shipping order in one of the shops out of the country. I have to leave and fix everything." His scowl turned into a frown and said, "I have to leave tonight and I can't bring anyone."

I wasn't surprised he had to leave just sad that he wouldn't be with me. The rest of the day was composed of us snuggling and packing his things. By 5 o'clock, Alec, the pack, and I were standing at the door saying our goodbyes. He pulled me into one final hug." Now Dereck" he said "I want you to be a good boy and behave yourself." He broke the hug and turned to face Jack.

"Jack, I want you to look after him for me. Give plenty of food, make sure he bathes, and give time to not act like a pet. If he ever gets in trouble you call me for the punishment." Alec handed my leash over to Jack and turned to me and said "Dereck you are to call jack sir until I get back."

I lunged forward and gave Alec another hug and said, "Yes Master I'll be good for you." I leaned in more and whispered "I promise Alec. I won't screw up." I gave his forehead a small lick and stepped over to Jack.

"Well, my flight leaves soon, so I should be going. I'll be back in two weeks." Said Alec.

He turned and was about to walk out before I said, "Wait!" I ran to our room and fished through my stuff looking for my bracelet. When I found it, I pulled off the Yang half, making two bracelets. I came back and gave him the yang half and put the yin on my own wrist. "To remember me." He leaned in and gave me a loving hug

He then turn and walked out the door, towards his car, and was gone. It then hit me that I wasn't going to see him for two weeks. Two weeks without lying in his lap, or spending a day together.

While lost in my thoughts I began to whine a little. Jack heard this and began to slowly pet my head. "It's ok Dereck. These two weeks will fly by in no time."

They didn't by the end of the first week I was miserable. I would spend hours, day dream about Alec and me spending one of our special days together. I was laying in the living room on the sofa one day, in the middle of my day-dream when I felt Jack come and sit next to me. He began to pet me when he said "You really miss him don't you foxy?"

When Jack called me that I nearly lost it. I quickly reached over and latch myself to his arm and said, "Yes sir. I do, I'm not use to him not being next to me. I just wish he didn't have to be gone for so long."

What Jack did next surprised me. He took me into his arms and held me close to him. "It's ok Dereck" he said, "I think I know something that might help you."

He carried me into mine and Alec's room and set me down on our bed. Jack went into the closet and began scavenging for something. I was curious so I asked, "Sir, what are you looking for?"

He turned around to face me and said, "Look Dereck, drop the pet thing. You're too cute to be a pet, plus I can tell Alec cares about you."

I was shocked and confused at this, mainly confused so I asked, "What do you mean sir?" He turned around holding something behind his back.

"I mean that I don't see you as Alec's cute little fox pet. You are a smart, cute, little fuzz butt, and Alec really cares for you. If it were up to me, you would be part of this pack, but I'm not sure how the others would feel about it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Jack wanted Alec and me to be together. I couldn't stop the torrent of tears from escaping my eyes as I latched myself into his brown chest. "Thank you Jack, you don't know how much it means for me to hear you say that."

He just stood there and petted my head. "It's ok Dereck. I have a little present for you." He pulled from behind his back a little plush fox. "This was Alec's while growing up, he said it was his favorite toy, and he named it Damien."

I took hold of the plush. It was a small arctic fox with two little buttons for eyes. I held it up to my nose. It even had his scent. "Thanks Jack, I think I'm going to be better now, and thanks for accepting me." He gave me a small hug and walked me back out to the living room, where I laid on his lap, being petted, with Damien in my arms.