Fav Teacher Chap 2: A New Friend

Story by CitanOsumi on SoFurry

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#2 of "Fav Teacher"

Hello Everyone. It is me Citan again. This is Chapter 2 of "Fav Teacher". First I would like to say thanx to everyone who read my first story and and extra thanx to thouse who e-mailed me or posted there comments. I was surprised and how much everyone liked it. Well here it is Chapter 2 of Fav Teacher, called, A new Freind. Enjoy!

Well the rundown for ya. You should be 18 or older to read this blah blah blah. I am positive this is not ur first yiff stroy, since probly most of you read chapter 1. ^_^ This story contains YAOI like the first one so if you don't like that ur in the wrong spot buddy. Well you know the drill by now, so well, have fun. And once again hope ya enjoy.

Citan woke up early next morning. He sat up and noticed his right eye still won't open. "Oh well, Kraden said it will get better." Thats when reality hit and he remember where he was. He quickly got up and remebered he slept without his shirt on. "Crap where did I put that." It was difficult trying to find anything with only one eye. He eventualy found it and threw it on. He took some time to actually look around the room. It was a small room with just the bed, a dresser and the two doors, one leading to the bathroom and the other.. well he did not know. He never left Kradens room besides the bathroom. He walked to the far door and opened it. There was a short hallway leading to a open room. When he reached the end and turned the corner he almost tripped over himself. There on the couch still asleep was kraden, only in boxers. His blanket must have fallen off during the night cause it was on the floor in front of the couch. He tiptoed over to the couch picked up the blanket and layed it over Kraden. He finnal took the time to look at the mark he left on his teacher. Right across his built chest was a deep scar. "Man, I got him good". He realized that he was feeling over the scar with his paw and quickly stopped when kraden turned on his side. "Whew, that was close"

He looked around and noticed this room was small as well. Across was another room which was the kitchen. He walked into the also small room and thought he should repay Kraden in the only way that he could, make his some breakfast, although he wished he could repay him a different way thou. He found some pots and pans and went to the fridge and took some eggs, bacon and some other things out and began to cook. The smell must have awoken Kraden cause he heard him strech and get up from the couch. As he streched he let out a load roar that made the room

shake. He sniffed the air and turned and faced Citan. "Oh your up, how is your..." stopping mid sentence and sniffed the air "whoa what smells so good?" Citan almost burnt himself at the remark. He had never been complimentet for his cooking before, although he never cooked for anyone else thou.

"Umm, just making some breakfast for us, you were asleep when I got up so I thought I should make something." Kraden walked into the small kitchen and scanned the pans of food, he put his arm on Citan who blushed cause kraden never got fully dressed yet and was standing right next to him half naked. "Uhh ya might wanna get dressed, food should be done by the time you get back." Kraden jumped and remebered he never got dressed.

"Uh sorry bout that, not used to having others around here." Kraden left to get dressed and Citan stood there and remembered last night.

"Damn, this is going to be hard to keep under wraps if he does that again." Citan remarked after noticing a buldge start to form.

Kraden came back fully dressed to find the little table covered in plates of food. "Wow kid, where did you learn to cook, this smells great!"

Wile blushing citan replyed "Well I do live by myself and all, but I never thought my cooking was anything special thou, glad someone likes it." They both sat down and began to eat. Citan just watched and smiled as Kraden inhaled the food.

"Man, this is really good kid, I'll have to have you cook all the time for me.

"Well only if ya come visit me at my house thou." Kraden looked up "Oh, are you going home today?"

"Yeah I think I can take care of myself again now. Thanks for taking care of me untill now."

"Don't mention it, I love ya kid." Citan dropped his fork and spilled food all over the floor.

"What? What did you say?

"I said that I like ya kid, ur a nice guy."

"Oh ok" he bent down and started to clean up the mess.

"What did you think I said?"

"Er nothing, it's nothing." Kraden shrugged it off and continued to eat. The rest of the meal neither said a word. After words they sat down and watched tv untill Kraden stood up suddenly.

"Crap!" He ran into his room and came back a minute later with his teaching robe on and headed for the door. "Sorry kid, gonna be late for work." With that he ran out the door and Citan herd the car pull out.

Citan turned off the tv and decided to go outside for a wile He walked to the same door Kraden went out and opened it. He was surprised at what he saw. He was in what he could only think to call a house of houses. He looked down and saw door after door all attached to the same house. He saw a sign that said "Aria Hights Condominium" He walked back inside and closed the door.

"Why would kraden live in a place like this? It's so small and it's right next to all these other people." He kept thinking of it and eventually shrugged it off. He decided he should probly get home. He went all around the room looking for his sword but couldn't find it. "Hmm I will just leave a note for Kraden to bring it to me." After finding a small peice of paper, he wrote a few things down and left it on the table. He opened the door and stepped outside closing it behind him. "Now I just need to find out where I am." As he walked around and finnaly found a tall male fox.

"Excuse me sir, could you please tell me where I can find Aria Forest from here?"

"Oh sure" He listed off some directions and after giving the fox a thank you, Citan went on his way. Half an hour later he was at the end of his driveway.

After a few minutes of walking up the driveway he finnaly was at his house door. "Ah home sweet all by myself home." He opened the door and walked in. His house dwarfed Kradens in every way. He went up some stairs and into the master bedroom. He jumped on his bed and threw off his shirt and pants and decided to take a nap. He woke up some time later and was sporting a really big hardon. He had dreamed of Kraden and how he wanted to "repay" him for watching over him the past 4 days. His member was already exposed and was starting to leak pre. He threw off his boxers and began to stroke all 8 inches of his wolfhood. He closed his eyes and tryed to remember his dream. Picturing himself taking Kradens lion hood in his mouth. Slowly licking each of the barbs on his member. Stroking faster he began to let out load moans, not holding them in because he knew he was alone. He continued to stroke faster and faster and finnaly shot his load all over his chest. The warm wolf seed felt good and he lay there trying to regain his breath. He got up and walked over to the bathroom and grabed a towel and cleaned himself off. Glancing out the window and saw that it was raining really hard out. Just then the doorbell rang. "Shit, Kradens here already?" He quickly threw on a shirt and a pair of pants and ran to the front door and pulling it open/

"Hey Kraden how are..." Citan stopped when he saw that it was not Kraden in the doorway. It was a leopard, a snow leopard to be exact.

"Umm Citan Uzuki?" said the leopard in a shy voice.

"Yes thats..." He looked at the leopard whos fur was just drenched "Did you walk here?" The leopard noded. "Here come in and dry off"

"No thats ok i'm..." He couldn't finish for Citan was already pulling him in. He closed the door behind himself and headed towards a hallway. "Here let me get you a towel." Citan left the white leopard standing in the entrance to his house.

"Wow this place is huge" he thought as he looked around. Citan came back with a big towel and some clothes. "

Here let me take thouse clothes, dry off and put these ones on. There is a bathroom right over there" The leopard happily took the cloths and towel and dissapeard into the bathroom and closed the door. Five minutes later he came back out. The cloths were kinda loose for him but Citan just found it cute.

"So whats your name kid?

"It's Issac, Issac Cruz."

"Well Issac what brings you to my house?"

"Oh right, here Mr. Kraden wanted me to give you this." Issac got up and ran to the front door and grabed a bundle.

"It's you sword, you left it in class"

"In class, wait you weren't in class when I was there."

"I joined today, I just moved here."

"Ah, man it is really coming down out there," Citan said out of nowhere. "It's late as well, your going to have to stay the night here, I am sure your parents won't mind."

"No thats not neccesary I can walk here, my parents arn't ever home so I walk everywhere I go."

"Don't worry kid, i'll take care of it, whats your parent's work number?" Issac told Citan and he walked out of the room.

"Hello Mr. Cruz? Hi, my name is Citan Uzuki, your son is at my house, he delivered a package to me and it is still raining so I offered him to stay the night....uhuh... oh no problem, I always enjoy company... yeah you too sir...goodnight." Citan came back to find Issac swinging a sword of his own.

"Oh you have a sword as well?"

"What? oh! yes, I just got it today, Mr. Kraden gave it to me, Oh! another thing, he wanted me to give this to you as well. Issac reached into the bundle and handed Citan a curved blade.

"Kraden calls this one a Katana and wanted you to have it."

"Wow, hey thanks from bringing this to me." Citan scanned the blade. It was about the same length as his other sword. He set it down and waved for Issac to follow him.

"Here lets get you a room. By the way kid how old are you?"

"Oh, I am 18 uhh why?"

"Just wondering, cause you still live with your parents and you look younger than 18"

"Yeah I get that alot, where's your parents Citan?"

"There not around anymore, they died when i was really young, I don't even remember them."

"Oh, sorry" Citan just patted him on the head

"It's ok, I am used to it by now. don't worry my little freind."

"I'm your freind? Issac responded with a blush. "

Yeah, your in my class, and went thru all the trouble to bring me my things, of course you are." Citan patted Issac on the head again and smiled."

After what felt like a long walk for Issac they came across a big room with a huge bed. "You can stay here tonight kid. My room is just down the hall so if you need anything just knock on my door. Well goodnight Issac." Leaving him behind Issac scanned the room.

"Wow, this is just a guest room, I wonder what his room looks like?" Issac jumped on the big bed and found it was very soft. He turned on his back and thought of things. He kept thinking of Citan. He was such a nice guy for a wolf. Issac had always had a thing for wolves and Citan peaked is interest. When he changed into the cloths Citan had given him, he caught Citans scent on the extra pair of boxers he had given him and the scent was very intoxicating to him. He felt his sheath start to grow at the thought of Citan's body. He wanted to know what he looked like without his clothes on. Issac got undressed and began to stroke himself. His member was exposed and was fully erect at 7 inches. He went back to stroking his member. He moaned everytime he stroked over his barbs, closing his eyes as he continued to paw off

"Damn, I forgot to tell him about that toilet doesn't work in that room." Citan got up and didn't bother puting cloths on, walking down the hall only in his boxers. He came too Issac's door and didn't bother to knock as it was halfway open. Walking in but before he could say anytthing he just stood in shock. There on the bed was Issac, member fully erect in his paw laying naked on the bed, the boxers that citan gave him were in his other hand close to his nose. Issac opened his eyes and went pale

"Shit!" He instently got up and ran to the bathroom and slamed the door. Citan could hear Issac crying though the door. He opened it to find Issac in the bathtub. Issac saw citan."I'm sorry, I shouldn't of, GOD please don't hate me! Damnit, I'm so sorry." He covered his face in his arms and started to cry again. Citan walked over and stood the leopard up.

"Now why would hate you?" He gave Issac a kiss on the cheek.

"You mean *sniff* you don't hate me?" Citan smiled

"I could never hate you, as long as you don't hate me if I pawwed off thinking of you as well sometime." He said with a laugh/ Issacs face just gleamed as he blushed deeply before snuggling into Citans chest.

"So you find me attractive Kitty?" Issac just noded still crying a little on Citan's chest fur.

"Well I think your cute too Issac." Issac looked up and smiled. "Lets go to bed, i'd love to have a kitty to snuggle with" And with that Citan and his new freind walked into the master bedroom and closed the door behind them.

OOHHH. YAY i have always wanted to do this..

*clears throat and speaks in the cool movie voice*

What is next to come in this tale of unknown love?

Did Citan and Issac yiff that night?

Will Citan ever tell Kraden how he feels?

Will Issac fall in love with Citan?

Will Citan fall in love with Issac?

Will I ever stop talking like this?

To find ansewrs to these questions and more please read Chapter 3 of "Fav teacher"

Ohh Citans got another freind ^_^

Awww, Isn't Issac so cute and innocent?

Well I modled Issac off of one of my freinds, and more charectors still to come! Well There it is, Chapter 2. I hope you like it, and for thouse who think, ahh it had the same kind of yiff as last chapter, I felt the need not to have alot of new Yiff this time, to introduce Issac. He is going to be a big charector in the future. Well once again thanx to everyone who loved my first story and once again E-mail me about what ya thought at [email protected] Tell me what ya think of this one. Like it? Hate it?. Oh one more thing. You yiff fans out there will love Chapter 3, trust me, there is going to be alot more BETTER yiff so have no fear, next chapter YIFF IS HEAR ^_^