Pouring Rain

Story by Dragon Knight XXX on SoFurry

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Markus was a dog with light white fur and he had blue eyes. He was 18 years old and he had a girlfriend named Jane who was 17 years old. They had both known each other since they were middle school and loved each other and were boyfriend and girlfriend. Jane was a Cat with gray fur and yelllow eyes, one day they took thier realtionship to a whole new level.

It had started like this; they were walking home from high school together. Jane's parents were out for the weekend and Markus was just walking her home, because she had asked him to. Anyway the sky was nice and the sun was out. Markus and Jane were holding hands while smiling and walking. Jane had gray fur and a gray tail and yellow eyes she had pointy ears while Markus had floppy dog ears. Jane was very beautiful and in very good shape and so was Markus. She was wearing a green shirt and brown pants, while Markus was wearing a brown shirt and green pants. He had a white shaggy tail and he was very muscular and his muscles could be seen beneath his brown shirt.

While Markus and Jane, were walking to her house. Jane suddenly said, "Hey Markus can we walk a little faster I heard there was going to be a violent thunderstorm today."

Markus quickly looked at the sky and replied, "I don't think there will be a thunderstorm today Jane. I mean there is not a single cloud in the sky and the sun is shining."

Jane said, "I know but you know how fast the weather can change. Besides didn't you notice that there aren't any birds outside today?"

After Jane said this Markus realized that he had not seen a single bird today; he looked at the sky again and saw that some big grey clouds had suddenly appeared and were starting to crawl closer to the sun. Markus then looked a little worried, but he tried to be optimistic and said, "I am sure the clouds will go away also even if it does rain today I am sure you will be inside your house by then."

After Markus said this Jane stopped walking and said, "What about you I don't want you outside in a violent thunderstorm. Why don't you have dinner at my house tonight even if it doesn't rain? It's been a while since we have been on a date and I would love to have dinner with you."

Markus smiled and gave Jane a quick hug and replied, "I would love to have dinner with you Jane, but I should call my parents first to see if they are alright with me having dinner at your house with your parents gone."

Jane replied, "Alright then I am sure they will say yes. So let's get a move on and go okay."

Markus and Jane then started running to Jane's house. They were both very fast; however the changing weather was faster. The sky soon became grey and covered black rain clouds. The moment Markus and Jane reached her front lawn and started walking to the front door of her house. The clouds released the rain stored up inside them and the rain fell to the ground and hit it, hard. In fact the amount of rain was so vast and so great. That it knocked Jane and Markus to the ground. Their clothes instantly became soaked and so did their fur. Markus loved the water and so did Jane even though she was a cat. They liked swimming at the swimming pool together every chance they could get and went to the pool on many of their dates. The water in the pool was always nice and cool and soft. The rain water that was now pouring on them was cold and hard.

Markus and Jane held tight onto each other's hands and they managed to open the front door to Jane's house and get inside. They then closed the door and shook themselves to get the rain water out of their fur. Once they did that, they gave each other a hug and then Jane said, "That rain water hit us pretty hard. Are you alright Markus?"

Markus kissed Jane's forehead and said, "I'm fine Jane, I think I should give my parents a call to make sure there alright and then I will make dinner for us."

Jane said, "Alright then."

Markus kissed Jane's forehead again and then called his parents and told him he was at Jane's house. His parents told him to stay their because of how strong the rain was. They said he should stay the night and be able to come home tomorrow. Markus told his parents he loved them and then said goodbye. Markus then made dinner for himself and Jane and poured them two nice big glasses of water. Once they had eaten all their food and drank all their water. Jane and Markus felt the shook of the rain hitting them wear off and they released their clothes were completely soaked. So without even thinking they took all their clothes off until they were wearing nothing but their underwear. When they saw each other in their underwear they both blushed and looked at each other. Markus had a pair of white red spotted boxers on and he had a very strong chest with six pack abs, and muscle covered arms and legs. Jane had very nice arms and legs a smooth tummy, a blue bra and blue panties, her bra hid her breasts perfectly but did show them to be a good size. Jane and Markus blushed a bit more and then Jane said, "Wait, we don't need to be embarrassed Markus. I mean our underwear is just like our bathing suits. We're not seeing any more of each other then what we see at the pool. Besides being in our underwear together is kind of fun."

After Jane said this she playfully poked Markus's chest with her tail and he smiled and said, "Yes, yes it is. Should we put our clothes in the drier and then go to bed together?"

Jane smiled and said, "Yes."

After Jane said this she and Markus put their clothes in the drier to be dried. Then they ran upstairs to Jane's bed room, kissing and tickling each other all the way. When they got to her bedroom they turned the light on and her bed room became as bright as day. The inside of Jane's bedroom was pure pink. The walls and ceiling, the dresser, the desk, the book shelf, the bed the blankets on it and the pillows and the sheets were all pink as pink could be. Also it is important to know two things, one this was not the first time Markus had been in Jane's bedroom. He and Jane did homework together in it many times and when they were younger they use to play with Jane's dolls and doll house in it. Now there was no dolls are doll house in the room since Jane had gotten tired of her dolls as she had gotten older and so had Markus.

The second important thing to know is that Jane's room was very big and her bed was a double sized bed that was the perfect size for two adults and a child or two who wished to cuddle up with them. The reason for that was when Jane was little she use to have nightmares all the time. So her parents got a double bed put into her room so they could both sit with her until her nightmares stopped and be able to spend the night with her without having a small amount of room to move and being able to hug her and make her happy. Anyway the light was on and Markus and sat on her bed and kissed Jane lovingly and passionately. Jane put her hands on Markus's bare chest while kissing him that caused his penis to become hard and for a tent to appear in his pants and poke her panties.

As soon as that happened they stopped kissing and looked down and they both saw the tent in Markus's boxer's caused by his sudden hard on. Markus blushed bright red and looked at his tent in shame and said, "Sorry."

Jane giggled and kissed Markus's forehead and said, "You have nothing to be sorry about my love. Your body just had a natural reaction to me kissing you while having my hands on your chest."

Markus's replied, "Yeah but still I shouldn't just get hard from you putting your hands on my chest; I think getting hard from just that is....wait a second our underwear is soaked."

After Markus's said this Jane noticed that her underwear was wet and her nipples were hard. She noticed that Markus's underwear was soaked to. She realized that the shock of the rain hitting them had made them a bit dumb for a while and only now were they back to their full senses. Jane knew that she and Markus could not go to sleep in her bed in wet underwear. She knew what she and Markus had to do and she blushed and said, "We can't go to sleep in wet underwear, so we should sleep naked together and warm each other up with our body heat."

Markus blushed and said, "Alright then, I would love to sleep naked with you Jane, but what if it leads to other things?"

Jane kissed Markus's forehead and said, "So what if it does we love each other and if we end up making love or just sleeping naked together, tonight should be a happy night for both of us."

Markus said, "Your right, so how are we going to do this?"

Jane said, "What do you mean?"

Markus said, "Well are we going to turn around or just take off all are clothes of on the bed right now?"

Jane said, "Why don't I just take my bra off and will take it from there."

Markus said, "Okay."

Jane quickly unbuckled her bra and threw it on the ground and her breasts became bare to Markus's gaze and his penis grew to its full height and a drop of pre cum left it. Jane's breasts were beautiful in every sense of the word. Her breasts were grey and they were round pieces of flesh that were nice and big and were the perfect size for his hands. Her nipples were pink and pointy; her breasts were truly the best breasts ever in the history of cat people. Markus stared at Jane's bare breasts for a whole minute and then Jane smiled and said, "I take it from your silence and staring that you like them."

Markus replied, "Of course I like them there part of you and there beautiful just like you."

Jane said, "Your chest is beautiful to Markus and so are you. I think that we should turn around when we take our underwear off and we should look at each other's butts before we look at each other's most private parts, I know it sounds a little weird but I think it's the way things should be done. Does that sound okay to you?"

Markus nodded and said, "Let's do it."

Markus and Jane got off of the bed and stood on its opposing sides and stood back, they both glanced backwards and took their soaking wet underwear off and became naked. They both saw each other's backs and butts, Jane saw that's Markus's butt was tight and round, while Markus saw that Jane's butt was round and just the right size for his hands to squeeze. Jane blushed and said, "You have a cute butt Markus."

Markus blushed and replied, "So do you Jane."

Jane said, "Are you ready to turn around Markus?"

Markus said, "Yeah."

Jane and Markus then turned around at the same time and saw each other's most private parts and saw what the opposite sex looked like naked for the first time in their lives. Jane saw that Markus had two white round balls, white pubic fur and a ten inch long pink penis. Markus saw Jane's vagina and saw that it had grey pubic fur, a nub on top and a slit going down it's middle. The sigh of it made his penis grow in inch bigger. Jane and Markus both blushed bright red and Jane's nipples hardened then she and Markus sat down on the bed together still staring at each other's naked bodies. For a while they said and did nothing then Jane kissed Markus lovingly and he happily returned her kiss and they kissed while they were both butt naked and became more aroused. Markus put his hands on Jane's butt and gave it a nice long squeeze and then she did the same to him. They kept kissing and then Jane pressed her breasts against Markus's nice strong chest and they both moaned in pleasure and a drop of pre cum left Markus's penis.

Then Jane laid down on top of Markus and he breasts pressed against his chest and her vagina pressed against his balls and two drops of pre cum left his penis and pleasure flowed though his body and through Jane's body. They kissed for five whole minutes and when their loving kiss broke all Markus could say was, "Wow!"

Jane smiled and said, "Yeah this is something and it will only get better if we make love tonight. So Markus do you want to make love?"

After Jane said she got off of Markus and they sat down on the bed together, blushing. Markus said, "I would love to make love to you Jane but, well how do we do this?"

Jane said, "Well let's just kiss again and then I think everything should become clear from there."

Markus said, "Alright then."

Markus and Jane then put their arms around each other and shared another loving and deep kiss. While they were kissing Markus put his hands on Jane's breasts and she moaned in pleasure and felt her nipples harden and Markus felt another drop of pre cum leave his penis. Markus rubbed Jane's breasts together and rolled her nipples between his fingers. His penis touched the top of her vagina and they both moaned in pleasure. Markus rubbed her breasts together for a whole minute while never breaking his kiss with her. Then when their kiss ended he squeezed her breasts and Jane screamed in pleasure. Markus squeezed her breasts again and Jane grabbed his penis and quickly stroked it and Markus moaned in pleasure as a drop of pre cum left it and he kissed the tops of Jane's breasts and pleasure flowed through her and she stroked Markus's penis again and he then licked her nipples and Jane screamed in pleasure and then he touched her vagina with his right hand and Jane screamed in pleasure and opened her legs as wide as they would go , in doing so she showed Markus her round pink vagina opening.

They both blushed and looked at it for a while then they kissed lovingly and Markus rubbed her breasts together again and Jane's vagina opening became wet as pre cum started dropping out of as her the pleasure she was feeling just grew and grew, then Markus licked Jane's nipples again and she screamed in pleasure and felt pleasure pour through her as hot cum shot out of her vagina opening as she cummed all over the bed sheets.

The sight of Jane coming made seven drops of pleasurable pre cum leave Markus's penis and made his penis head grow an inch bigger. As soon as Jane was done Cumming she and Markus shared another loving kiss and he rubbed her nipples between fingers while rubbing her breasts together again, Jane then rubbed Markus's balls with her left hand while stroking his penis with her right hand. Four drops of pre cum left his penis as it's got bigger and started to shake. Just as soon as Markus was about to come Jane stopped pleasuring him with her hands and put his penis between her feet and started rubbing them together and Markus screamed in pleasure and then he rubbed the nub on top of Jane's vagina and pre cum poured out of it, she then screamed in pleasure and opened her legs as wide as they would go again and she cummed and pure pleasure flowed through her and seven drops pre cum left Markus's penis, while he watched Jane cum, then he felt his cum rise and pure pleasure took him and he almost cummed right then and their but Jane put her hands on top of his penis and stopping him from Cumming. Then Markus said, "We have to, make love now Jane, I don't know how much longer I can hold it in."

Jane put her hands on Markus's shoulders and said, "Alright then let's do this."

Jane kissed Markus's forehead and playfully touched his chest with her tail. They kissed again and Markus 's penis head was so close to Jane's cum soaked vagina opening that he could feel the moisture. Pre cum was pouring out of Jane's vagina opening and Markus knew that he would soon cum, he was about to enter Jane, but then she got off the bed and crawled on the floor and then opened her legs all the way and stood on her hands and feet with her legs spread apart. Markus saw her butt and the backwards view of her wet pink vagina opening. Markus got behind Jane and his thrust his penis head into her warm tight vagina opening, it got stuck for a minute because it was so big, but soon he got in all the way in and then he broke Jane's virgin seal and they were one and their virginity was gone. His entire penis was now all the way inside her warm, tight wet vagina and Jane felt no pain only pleasure since cat women never felt pain the first time they have sex, unlike other female creatures. Markus thrust his big huge penis into her vagina opening and the inside of her vagina just got tighter and tighter.

The pleasure just got better and better for the both of them and after 40 strong thrusts Jane screamed in pleasure as she cummed and her wet tight vagina walls closed together and hugged Markus's penis as she cummed for the final time and pure great pleasure flowed through her and made her scream and close her eyes. Her cum ran down her bum and Markus's hips and legs. Markus closed his eyes and screamed to as he cummed for the first and last time and he felt pure great pleasure take him as he cummed and his cum flowed through Jane's vagina and into her womb, and some of it dropped out of her vagina opening and down her bum and his legs and mixed with her cum. Jane's nipples were now rock hard and her breasts had been bouncing with every thrust Markus had made into her with his penis.

Now the act of making love was done and after a three minute pure pleasure shared orgasm, the pleasure left them and Markus took his penis out of Jane and they laid down the floor together and kissed lovingly and passionately. They were suddenly very sleepily but before sleep took them, Markus kissed Jane's forehead and said, "I love you Jane."

Jane smiled and kissed Markus's forehead and said, "I love you to Markus."

A week after they made love a car hit Markus and he died, it broke Jane's heart to lose the man she loved with all her heart and soul, however the one time they made love managed to get her with child and nine months latter Jane gave birth to two twin cogs, who looked just like her and Markus. She loved them with all her heart and soul and make sure they knew everything about their father and she raised them with the love of two parents and they had a happy life.

The End