There IS More Then One Way

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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(A commission for zyxxs, a very interesting one to say the least. Enjoy!)

There IS More Than One Way...

Rothagar laughed merrily as he draped his huge, muscular arms across the two female lionesses that had sat next to him in the tavern. The barbarian lion had just come back from his latest quest, destroying the hideout of a fox wizard that had taken resident in the far hillside of the kingdom. The tower fell easily under his brute might; after he had slain the wizard's minions it took only a few swings of his axe to bring down the magically constructed stone walls on top of the wizard's head. Naturally for him he escaped completely unscathed, returning to the tavern of the nearest city to celebrate.

"Another tankard of ale, good sir?" A young, well-proportioned cheetah girl said as she held the drink for him to take. As he looked up at her he couldn't help but stare, her spotted pattern almost mesmerizing as he took a drink of the alcohol. While he tended to stay towards his own kind, the mystifying allure of the feline before him caused him to disregard the beautiful girls beside him and get up. When they protested he turned and flashed them his usual grin as he ran a hand through his shiny mane, telling them there was more than enough of him to go around. While they still pouted it quickly silenced them, and he grabbed his half-full tankard to pursue his new potential conquest.

"You are quite beautiful." Rothagar purred as he deliberately flexed a bicep on the bar where the cheetah was filling more empty tankards. "Perhaps you've heard of me?"

"Of course, who hasn't heard of the legendary lion barbarian Rothagar?" The cheetah girl giggled as she twirled around him back into the serving area, with Rothagar right behind her. "You've saved the kingdom from the kobald invasion force with only your axe, found the ancient amulet of the Brismine Order to restore the artifact to its rightful place, as well as the slayer of both orcs and virginities. Now you've come to this down to spread word of your glorious victory over the evil wizard of the northern hills, both in the crowds of the townspeople that admire you and in the soft year of a female or two while in your bed."

Rothagar was surprised, not so much at her knowledge of him but at the coy way she kept herself out of his reach. With most women he just had to stare in their general direction in order to swoon towards him, but this girl was proving to be quite the tease. Plus there was just something about her that drew him towards her, perhaps the confidence she held or the way she gracefully danced about while she served the drinks. Either way he knew that he had to have her in his bed tonight. Before she had a chance to reenter the back of the bar he leaned against the wall, using his strong, bulky body to block the way for her.

"Since you know so much about me, I was wondering if perhaps you had anything you needed... slaying." Rothagar suggested as he let his bulging muscles do most of the talking for him.

At first he thought she might be one of the prudish, married sorts that couldn't have anything to do with him though they usually ended up in his bed anyway, but as she gave him a small smile and squeezed his chest he knew this wasn't the case. "I live in the house next door from here." She said in a whispered tone as her delicate fingers trailed down his hard eight-pack abs and sank teasingly into his loincloth, where she deposited something small and metallic. "Why don't you go there and make yourself comfortable while I finish up here?"

Rothagar didn't need to be told twice, with a suave nod he turned and sauntered out of the bar. As soon as he got out of public sight he darted towards the house she had indicated, fishing the key from his undergarment and unlocking the door. When he got inside he noticed the house to be a bit threadbare, with only the simplest a furniture decorating the place. On the table however there was a bottle of wine, which he eagerly popped the cork of and took a few long swings to help slake his needs before the enchanting cheetah came home. The wine was something he had never tasted before, fruity but with a strong tang to it that caused his body to shudder slightly as he downed the rest of the bottle.

No sooner did the last drop of wine hit his tongue did the object of his desire open the door, the cheetah moving inside with such fluidity that he had never seen before as she came right up to him. As she touched his fur he could feel himself becoming slightly light-headed, which concerned him since he only had four tankards of mead and a bottle of wine. But the cheetah moved once more and began to shed her clothing, which caused any worries to fly out the window as he stood there transfixed. He could swear he saw the dots themselves move as he removed the leather straps that held his weapons as well as his ever tightening loincloth.

Once they were both completely naked she led him to the bed, her pert breasts and wet nether region causing the barbarian to lick his lips as he mindlessly followed her. Before he knew it his back was on the bed, their muzzles entwined as their tongues danced in each other's mouths. This was more than a mere conquest, he realized as their hands lavished upon one another, something came with it that he had never felt before. His entire body tingled with pleasure as she sauntered down his body, her form constantly in motion as she danced for him as that exquisite muzzle began to rub and nuzzle against his ten inch feline cock.

"I bet you're feeling it now..." the cheetah girl said with a grin before her tongue gently swirled around the tip, sending shivers and tingles down his spine. Normally by now he would have taken over and had her on her back, letting her moan and mewl as he penetrated her sick. Now he was content to let her tease and suckle on it, every muscle in his body relaxing as he let her lavish his impressive tool with her mouth. It wasn't before long she got to the main event, her warm mouth pressing against the sensitive flesh as she took as much as she could into her mouth. He couldn't help but let out a low growl as he sank into the bed, his body almost feeling like its floating as she continued to push herself down on his cock.

"Don't choke yourself on it hon." Rothagar chuckled as he felt her tongue press against his shaft. "I once had a naga take the whole thing, but they don't have a gag reflex and you could see it pressed halfway down her throat by the time... she was..." he trailed off as his lustful boasting turned to confusion as he felt her nose nuzzle against his furry groin. When he looked up he saw she had completely fit his cock in her maw, though he didn't feel the usual clamping of the throat muscles against the head.

Rothagar tried to push himself up to figure out what was going on, but as he tried to do so his arms felt extremely weak and he ended up falling back to the bed. In fact at that point all he could do was lift his head, which allowed him to see his muscles almost deflate and deform into something else entirely. The cheetah girl's grin had turned wicked as he watched her full cheeks begin to lessen as well, her tongue loose in her mouth as she continued to keep his cock encased in it. "Wha... what dark magic is this?"

"Revenge!" The cheetah girl laughed as she gave one last lick to his now completely smooth groin, her hand playing in between his legs. "Did you really think I would just let you walk away after what you did to me?!"

The barbarian's mind raced as he tried to comprehend with the loss of his manhood, only to feel the extremely pleasurable sensations continue under her spotted paw. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I can atone for it!" The lion cried out, choking slightly as those fingers had begun to push into his body where a very feminine slit had formed. "What did I do, break up your marriage? Kill your husband? ...if I got you pregnant I promise I'll do whatever I can for the child! Don't turn me into a girl for this!"

His protests turned into a groan as she withdrew her fingers, her hand wreathed in blue flame as she got up from the bed. As his wonderful, shiny fur began to turn completely white and curl he watched as the cheetah's entire body became engulfed by the fire, engulfing her for a second before they ceased completely. Rothagar's jaw dropped as a sleek, black-furred male fox replaced the feminine feline, that same evil smile on his lips as he walked over to a nearby wardrobe and took out a set of regal blue robes.

"You think you can just come in and destroy the lives of others without any sort of consequence,?" He leered as he watched the helpless male begin to shrink before his very eyes. "Did you even think to talk to me before you came in and slaughtered all my constructs? Do you know how much those things cost me in the first place?! Not to mention the fact I was in about to finish my final exams for the kingdom's wizardry certification course when you barged in! And for what? So you can sink your cock into one of those females that you had your arms around? At this point losing that tool of yours and being female should be the least of your worries."

"Listen, I-" Rothagar started to say, only to have his... well, her words slur as his face began to melt slightly like warm wax, just like the rest of her body as she could no longer touch her new female slit when her arms shrunk.

"No excuses!" The fox shouted angrily. "You've made a fool of me in front of my peers and respected acolytes, destroyed my work, and then called yourself a hero for doing it! And let me guess, you did it because a noble wolf turned dragon had come to you saying that he had been transformed by me to ransom back to his wolfen family? While you were there, did you HAPPEN to notice that one of their servants is also a handsome, well-muscled male dragon that probably exchanged more than one leering gaze to him?"

It didn't take long for Rothagar, even in the midst of his transformation, to figure out what the fox was driving at. "Yeah, he had come to me earlier begging for my help so he could run away with his boyfriend and never have to worry about his family finding out." The wizard continued bitterly. "Personally I don't care about the sexual appetites of others, when you shapeshift often enough the line between male and female is rather pointless when you can be both of them. I'm guessing though that a noble family would look less favorably upon their patriarch if he forsook his wife for a servant dragon, especially when he is caught in bed with said dragon as he had begun to transform in order to give his old body 'one last romp in the hay'. I should have known he would turn on me if things went south, but I did not expect him to go this far to sell his lie."

Rothagar tried to say something, anything to defend himself, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a loud 'baaaaaa!' as her muzzle reformed into something smaller. Her fur had completely whitened and poofed out everywhere, her smaller body covered in the stuff as her stance shifted to allow him to only be on four legs. Her weakened limbs had also lost a lot of definition, and the fox grabbed her head and forced it down so he could watch as his hands and feet hardened into useless black hooves. The wizard laughed as the seven foot tall, musclebound, male anthro lion was gone, replaced by a weak, feral sheep.

"Maybe this will teach you to blindly follow the leader, little sheep." The fox chuckled as he tied a rope around Rothagar's neck and led her off the bed. "First into the noble's lies through your lust for recognition, then into my trap through your lust for woman... although I have to admit the hypnotic form I used was rather potent. Maybe this will give you some time to focus your thoughts on where you are in your life. Now I have to go deal with that noble next, luckily I have just the place to keep you until I can get back to you..."


Rothagar didn't know how long she had had been led by the angry fox, who had continued his tirade the second they left town. She was still getting used to her new body, her legs shaking slightly as she tried to get the hang of walking once more. Already the former barbarian lamented his fate, though he was glad he had retained his mind up till this point. All she had to do was find a way out of the wizard's grasp, find a competent sorcerer, and get her old body back so he could skin the fox alive. She stuck his tongue out in disgust as she recounted the events of the night once more, realizing the male had given him a blowjob just so he would work his nefarious magic without his knowledge until it was too late.

"Here we are." The fox said as he opened the gate to what looked like a small farm. "Grayson! I got that thing you wanted!"

As they saw the barn door open Rothagar could feel a shiver run down her sheep spine as he saw a maybe five foot tall rat walk out of the door, clad only in a pair of overalls as he walked over to them. While she didn't consider herself a species-ist, she generally didn't hang around anyone of the rodent family because they were either sewer-dwelling thieves or inbred back country hicks. Grayson was obviously one of the latter as he came down and shook the wizard's hand, lightly furred tail swaying back and forth excitedly as he turned his attention to the sheep.

"Well lookit here, that's a mighty fine specimen ya gots there." Grayson said as he smiled down at Rothagar, one of his primary incisor teeth missing. "Yous really gonna let me keep em fer tha harvest festival tamarrow?"

"And for a few weeks after that yes." The fox replied as he handed over the rope. "I have pressing business out of down I need to take care of and would hate to see this one get into any trouble. Feel free to do whatever you like in exchange for my thanks for allowing me to use your barn for my private affairs."

"Shoot! Weren't nuthin." The rat said with a chuckle, even near ground level the former lion could smell the alcohol on his breath. "If yeh get back here in time yeh should come an watch me, goin fer my third blue ribbon."

"I would very much like to see that." The fox replied, a malicious tone in his voice as he grinned evilly down at the sheep. "Alas, my business will take me some time, so I'm afraid I will not be able to go. You must tell me all about it though when I return."

"I reckon I will." Grayson said happily. After another round of parting good-byes, the rat led Rothagar towards a run-down barn, the paint peeling and the wood rotten. As she was taken inside a wave of foul odor hit her nose, causing her entire body to shudder slightly as she was dragged along by the rope. It looked like it had been some time since the building held any actual animals; instead it seemed to merely be storage for the rat's farming equipment now. The whole situation made Rothagar extremely nervous, especially as she passed by the bones of what appeared to be several past animal residents.

Grayson tied the rope up to a rotten beam, making sure it was secure before he left the barn while he whistled to himself. Rothagar gave a sigh of relief after the rat left, and then began to contemplate her escape plan. First she tried to tug on the rope and possibly loosen it from the support, but as continued to strain against it he suddenly heard the beams above him start to crack and shudder. It immediately caused her to stop, several splinters of wood getting caught in her wooly coat as she waited nervously for the roof to stop creaking.

So much for that escape route, he thought once the entire barn stopped creaking. The whole structure was a deathtrap, though whether she was put there on purpose to prevent her from running or merely the idiocy of the farmer she didn't know. Her second thought was chewing on the rope, wearing it down enough to facilitate her escape like when she dealt with the lich that captured her in the ancient ruins. She could feel her blood begin to boil as she once more recalled her former glory, at least the lich didn't turn her into a female sheep for his own amusement.

No sooner did Rothagar grab the rope in her mouth then he had to spit it out, tingles of magical energy dancing around her teeth. It figured to her that the fox would enchant the rope as well, knowing full well she would do anything short of death to try and escape. It didn't seem possible at the moment for her to do it, but just because an opportunity didn't present itself now didn't mean she couldn't wait until the festival, or even when the rat transported her to it. All she had to do was think of some cunning plan to overwhelm her captor and make her escape, preferably close to the city.

A few hours had passed since his initial confinement in the rickety building, leaving her alone with his thoughts until a large creak brought her back to her senses. No doubt it was the hick, she thought angrily, hopefully to merely feed him and once more be on his way. She didn't even want to look at the sorry creature as a metal tin of food and water was placed next to him. As she waited patiently for the rat to leave a sudden noise caused her to jump slightly, especially when she realized that the farmer had continued to stand behind her. When she noticed the pair of overalls on the ground behind her, her distain quickly turned to panic as she felt thin, mangy fingers dig into her curly fur. She couldn't believe it, first she was sucked off by a guy pretending to be a woman, and now she was about to be raped by a guy while she was a woman?

"You are such a pertty sheep." Rothagar heard behind her, a shiver rolling through her body as she could feel the rat saddle up behind her. There was nothing she could do to stop him, her body was far too weak to fight and if she tried to run they would both die in the resulting building collapse. Although as she could feel his disgusting body begin to rub against him, the idea of death began to look like a decent alternative.

Up until that point the fact the former barbarian was a sheep far outweighed the fact that he was female. The latter became frighteningly apparent, however, when he something hot and slick press against her nether lips. It caused her to bleat involuntarily as she could feel the tip push inside of her. Her knees buckled as the rat wasted no time in pressing his tapered rod into him; if she could she would have screamed from the sudden violation. Unfortunately the only thing she could do was bleat as the farmer pinned her to the ground with his weight.

The rat groaned and jeered as he had his way with Rothagar, the sheep merely holding on as she felt his slick, slightly barbed cock push further into her body. In some sick way a small part of her enjoyed it, after all of her conquests as a strong, virile male being on the other side made him shudder slightly from delight. She had never had anything inside her, even when he was younger and experimented with her close male friend she was always the one on top. If it wasn't so humiliating and violating she suspected she may have even enjoyed herself slightly, though she never would admit it.

Unfortunately there was nothing good for her in this form; no small amount of pleasure could be salvaged from the famer's lovemaking. After a few minutes she could feel the rat begin to tense up, her new womb filled with his vile seed. She could feel his weight on her as he collapsed, though at least he was able to do one small bit of justice by shaking him off. She nearly gagged as she felt the wet member slide out of her with a wet pop, followed by him chuckling and pulling up his coveralls.

"Maybe that magician will let me keep you." Grayson said as he slapped Rothagar in her fuzzy shanks. "Now get some sleep, yer gonna have a big day tomorrow."


The next day Rothagar, after another poor meal at the barn, was led from the barn into the town she was in only a day before as a famous Barbarian. It was yet another slap in the face for the now sheep as Grayson led him into a festival, something that she hadn't even noticed they had happening. She even saw several lionesses that she had been wooing that fateful night at the bar, though they merely regarded her now with a pat on the head as Grayson led her into what appeared to be a giant pen with several other sheep. There were also several farmers in the pen as well, each one paired off with one of the sheep as the town mayor came up to a small platform that sat in one corner of the pen.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen!" The wolf shouted to the throngs of people that had gathered at the square. "Welcome to today's main event, the sheep shearing contest! Contestants, ready your shears!"

Rothagar could feel his stomach drop once more as she looked back to see the evil farmer with a pair of shining scissors. As though it weren't bad enough that she had been molested the night before, but now the rat would further his humiliation in a public spectacle. At that point though she didn't care, no one knew she was the well-muscled male lion that strutted his stuff through the town with a perfect mane and shiny fur that drew the ladies like moths to a flame. Instead she was merely a sheep, abused by her temporary owner that now sheered her for both amusement and sport.

The process only took several minutes before Rothagar was nearly knee deep in her own wool, the rat farmer raising his arms in victory amongst the cheers of the spectators. As he went up to receive his prize, however, the focus quickly turned from the victor back to Rothagar as she began to feel funny. Amidst gasps and cries she could feel his body begin to shift and grow, muscles popping under the bare flesh as bones snapped and reformed. She quickly fell into the large pile of wool, which moved around with increasing ferocity as the pained bleating suddenly turned to loud snarls. Hooves could be seen losing their luster and splitting into separate digits as they reached out from the wool pile, only to sink back down as it stopped moving.

For a few seconds nothing happened, the stunned onlookers unsure on what to do as the other farmers quickly jumped out of the pen. Then the pile of wool exploded outward, Rothagar letting out a loud roar as he flexed the muscles of his male lion body once more. Several screams broke out as the naked lion let out another enraged roar, mainly from the fear that he inspired but also because he was completely stark naked. He was also completely furless, his long mane and silky fur completely gone and replaced with pink skin. His embarrassment only pushed him further over the edge, and before anyone could stop him he took several strides and slammed his fist into the rat's face.

Rothagar wasn't sure whether he merely broke the farmer's jaw or actually killed him, but no one dared to stand in his way to stop him as he left the pen. The crowd parted for him as the hairless lion barbarian went back to the house next to the tavern where he hoped his stuff remained. If it was, then he swore that before his fur grew completely back he would get his revenge on that fox...