Minonthros' Love

Story by Kilesa Mara on SoFurry

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Hey guys! Me here with my first story on SF. I hope you all enjoy. By the way, this story contains homosexual themes that may not be appropriate for minors. Blah blah blah disclaimers etc. Etc.

"You'll never be anything but a queer" -- "You're worthless! Why don't you just die" -- "Who do you think you are?" -- My head swam with images of what tomorrow would come to be if they knew. If the person they trusted their entire lives turned out to be this freak that I am. I knew it would have to come eventually, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell them; to finally have proven that I am disappointment. That I have gone against everything they could have wanted me to be. I pulled away from the comfort of my pillow and somehow drug myself out of the room. I had woken fully dressed after a night of crying myself to sleep again. The house was empty so I checked my watch. Surprisingly, it was only seven in the morning. A new record if I do say so myself. I walked into the bathroom and peered into the mirror. My blondish-red hair was in disarray and my eyes were bloodshot. "Awesome. Keep this up, and you'll end up looking like you live in a box," I said to my reflection. After my usual staring contest with myself, I combed my hair down and turned on the faucet to splash my face with water. One could definitely say I looked like a loser. I was chubby and weak, having barely any muscle in my arms since I did nothing more than sit around on the couch reading or staring off into space. I finally shook my head and walked into the living room. Deciding that it would do me some good, I exited the house. It was a typical summer morning. Slightly cool before it raged into a living inferno of triple digit heat. Ugh, Texas. I hate it here. I only moved down from Oklahoma to get closer to my father's side of the family. What a big mistake that was. Well, it turned out that he and the rest of the family, aka: sister, grandparents, etc, were psycho morons who would get upset over the most trivial thing and claim that there was more to it. Thankfully, I left all that nonsense. I looked down the street and saw a neighbor mowing his lawn, a couple of children playing on a swing set, and a dog sniffing along a fence. I stepped off the curb and began my trek into the neighborhood. I gazed at the sky, letting my body go into autopilot. I just let my mind wander until I stumbled over a root and rolled down hill. "Huh?" I lifted my head to see that I had walked into a small forest. I pulled myself up from the pile of twigs and leaves I landed in and looked around. Small trees stood from the ground as their branches stirred in the wind. I took a moment to breathe in the sweet air before trying to find my way back. The smell almost reminded me of home. My real home, not the makeshift duplex that I live in here. Slightly annoyed, I had no idea where I had come from. Oh well, this "forest" couldn't be that large. Or so I thought as I wandered for what seemed like an hour. "These fucking trees stretch on for miles!" I said to myself, angrily. I finally gave up and pulled out my phone to use its gps to check where I was. Sure enough, my phone didn't have a signal. Of course. I sighed and sat against a tree in defeat. Looking around, the scenery really brought back memories from my childhood. My friends and I would always be the first to explore a new places. Hell, we even built a makeshift fort in a clearing once. I was barely paying attention when the crackling of sticks sounded near me. I jumped up, thinking it was a cougar. Cougars were known for attacking any animals that happened to get loose from their owners. Let's just say the Lucky the dog wouldn't be that lucky afterwards. I looked around the tree knowing I'd be fucked if it was. But the most spectacular thing happened I stared into the eyes of the beast and couldn't look away. His green eyes mesmerized me in a way I couldn't perceive. It was all in slow motion from there. I wasn't afraid of the hulking monster that stood before me. It's frame matched a mans body, but he had the beautiful head of a bull and his body was covered in fur. Horns stood from the sides of his head in front of his ears, sticking out far to the sides, curving slightly at the ends. My awe was noticed by the minotaur. "Do you like what you see, human?" he rumbled in a deep voice. I tried to work my jaw, but found that I was unable to. "What is your name?" he asked gently. "C-Collin," I stammered, finally able to work my tongue. "Collin Williams." He took a step forward on his bulging legs towards me, crunching some leave with his hoof. "Would you like to learn the way? To find strength and courage that you thought you never had?" his deep voice brought meaning into my soul as he tread closer to me. "I --" I looked down for the first time. The beast put his massive hand on my shoulders and our eyes connected. "This is your only chance. If you do not accept, I will leave your life forever. If you do..." we both knew what he meant. The very thought of the minotaur leaving made me want to break down and cry. A single word. "Yes..." it slipped from my lips with such ease. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Passion grew between us as we gazed into each other's soul. I wished the kiss had lasted forever; to be in his arms as our lips locked together in pure bliss. His coarse tongue slipped into my mouth and I met it happily. We explored each other's mouths tentatively causing me to let out a small moan. My body felt weak in his arms, but he held me close. My eyes fluttered and my vision faded slowly. I tried to hold on, to keep our kiss from dying, but it was just too strong. I fell into the confines of unconsciousness at last.

I woke with a groan. My body felt like it had been ran over by a steam roller. It didn't help that I had a mass of muscular bull laying on top of me either. He must have felt me wake because he rolled us so that we were face to face on our sides. "Hrrllmm," I tried to speak but found it impossible. "Try to get used to your new body before speaking," he rumbled in his deep, baritone voice. New body? Did it really happen? I looked down at myself and saw that I had grown into a muscular beast. I brought my hand to my eyes and examined it. The fingers had merged into 3 massive ones and a tuft of brownish-red fur had grown on the back of it. I separated from the bull and examined the rest of my body. My clothes had been removed already, seemingly in shreds of course. My chest and stomach had become a silky white color while the rest of my body turned light brown. My shoulders were covered in dark brown fuzz while most of the rest of my body had sprouted the same red-brown fur that was on my hands. All of the excess fat had been transformed into muscles. I finally had a form to be proud of. My legs had changed too. My calves had grown to be much thicker but my ankles had turned out strangely. They curved inwards slightly and it met where my foot used to be with a black hoof. To my amusement, I had found that my privates had changed in proportion to the rest of my body. My manhood had grown to a nice ten inches during my transformation. I couldn't help but giggle when I found that I had also grown a tail. It was about two and a half feet long and had the same colored fur as the rest of my body, except at the tip, it had a tuft that matched the hair on my shoulders. The minotaur stood and offered me his hand. "Come," he said, gently, causing me to blush at the sound of his beautiful voice. I took his hand and stood wearily. He helped me to my feet - sorry, hooves, and I tried to adjust to the feel of standing. Oddly enough, I felt more stable on hooves than I did before on feet. I took a step, holding my arms out for balance, and would have toppled over if it wasn't for the massive bull standing beside me. "I realize now that I never told you my name," he said as he caught me once more as I tried to walk. "I was named Minonthros by my father when I completed my trials. However, you may call me Minos to save time." I tried to reply, but I still hadn't gotten used to the feel of my tongue, so I just nodded instead. Minos led me through the forest, occasionally having to keep me from falling, and brought me to a lush spring. Full "Ish beausiful," I finally managed. "Yes it is. I wanted to show how clear my love for you is in my eyes," he said with passion deep in his voice. My eyes teared up to those words, feeling them touch my very heart. I brought my lips to his and embraced him tightly. I broke the kiss slowly as curiosity got the best of me. I kneeled and peered into the water. My reflection was truly a sight to take in. Most of the features of my old body were completely gone, save for the red fur. I stared at my face for the longest time, taking in all of the new detail that had been added. I now had a long muzzle where my facial features had been before. My head had pushed forward to make room for my giant shoulders and neck. The dark fur that was on my shoulders stretched to the top of my head, stopping at the horns that sprouted from the sides of my head. They curved out sideways and turned parallel to each other and ended in upwards arch. I brought my hand up and felt the pristine horn. They were smooth and cold as I ran my fingers along them. I rose from the shore and smiled at Minos. "It feels good - no, it feels RIGHT being this way," I said to him, careful not to trip over my tongue. "Come. I have more I wish to show you," he rumbled with a grin. He placed his hand in mine and led me past the spring to a running creek. We walked along side it as it joined together with other streams. Time passed, but nothing seemed to matter but Minos anymore. I leaned against his form, feeling the warmth radiating from his body, and sighed. This was perfect. I couldn't think of any place I would rather be, other than right next to him. Soon the creek formed into a rushing river that grew louder by the second. Soon the trees cleared away and we stood before a massive waterfall. The sound was nearly deafening. Minonthros held my hands to his chest and stared deep into my eyes. "My love for you will always be louder than any waterfall, any blazing inferno, any crack of lightning!" he bellowed, bringing me in once more for a kiss, our tongues slipping into each other's mouths. Minos finally broke the kiss and brought me forward and wrapped his arms around my shoulders in a tight embrace. "There is one last thing that I wish to show to you, my love," he whispered into my ear. I nodded in response and he led me back into the forest. As we walked, Minos occasionally would look into the tree tops. I thought nothing of it and continued onwards, resting my head on his shoulder. Suddenly, he stopped at fairly large tree and started to climb up the branches. "Where are you going?" I called up to him, getting a fairly nice view of his rump as I stood below. "Just stay down there," he called back. "I have a surprise for you." I watched as hooves disappeared into the leaves. Eventually he climbed back into view carrying a plump yellow fruit that I had never seen before. He jumped down from the branch he was hanging on and landed with a loud thud. He walked back over to where I was standing and cracked open the fruit, releasing an aroma so fragrant that I had no words to describe it. "My love for you has a scent that no other fruit, perfume, or smell can match. Not even this," Minos' snout hung in front of mine as my eyes filled with tears once more. I hugged the minotaur, nearly making him drop the fruit. I buried my face into his fur as he rubbed my back passionately. I pulled back and wiped a tear away from my eye. Minonthros held the fruit in front of me. "Eat, I know you must be famished after you went through your transformation." I hadn't noticed until now, but my stomach was rumbling violently. I giggled and took the fruit. I broke a piece off and stuffed it into my mouth. I nearly choked at how flavorful at was. It was even better than it smelled! I feasted ravenously on it, and soon nothing remained of it but the stem. Minos and I sat against the tree, resting each other. "My love for you is so strong, that the taste of your lips is better than the greatest meal, no matter how famished I may be," he placed me on my back and laid atop of me, gazing into my eyes. I gazed back, wondering how someone could be so romantic as he began to kiss my neck softly. I moaned and stroked my hand through his smooth fur as he moved down my body, kissing and licking my muscled chest. He slid down past my sensitive stomach and eyed my hardening length. He took the bottom of the shaft with his hand and slipped the mushroom-tipped head in between his lips. My whole body shivered to the sensation, causing me to gasp in pleasure. He slid more and more of the length into his maw, earning moans from me. When he reached the back of his throat, he started to bob his head back and forth, causing my rump to raise from the ground. Suddenly, he shoved the rest of the fully hard meat into his throat. I would have shot my load into his throat right then if I didn't have the stamina of a bull. However he did receive a loud moan from me. I began thrusting subconsciously as he throated my pulsing length. I placed my hand behind his head and guided his bobbing gently. Pleasure was searing through my veins and I felt that I could barely hold on. Minos must have sensed this, for he pulled off, having a line of pre still connected to his lip. He flipped me over and applied some of the drool from my hard length onto my tight hole as he held my cheeks apart with his other hand. The sensation of his finger on my rim nearly drove me crazy. He positioned me on my hands and knees in front of his already dripping tip and pressed it against my rear teasingly. He leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "My love for you is so strong, that no other sensation is more pleasurable to me than holding you in my arms." Tears finally ran down my face. "Minos, I love you too." He squeezed me gently and pressed the head of his shaft into my waiting hole. I groaned in pain as it slowly entered, but Minos was there to comfort me as he slid in. He thrust into me once more, sliding another inch of the massive cock into me. I gritted my teeth as I felt my backside being stretched open. He thrusted more and more of the beast into me. As he pushed into me, I felt less and less pain and more pleasure. Soon I was moaning along with him as his thrusts became larger. I felt his sack slap against my rump as he lunged into me once more, finally having me hilted onto his length. He then pulled partially of the way out and thrusted back in, causing his sack to slap against me satisfactorily. I gasped loudly as he continued to impale me on his cock. Reaching down, he gripped my leaking length and stroked it tentatively. I gasped as I felt his cock slid over something inside of my rectum. Minos felt it too so he began to thrust in harder and faster. He began to gasp with each lunge and I knew what was about to come. He reared his head back and let out a bellowing "moo" as spurt after spurt of his warm seed filled up my insides. Unable to contain myself either, I shot mine into his stroking hand. We collapsed onto the ground, panting. Minos' softening meat still inside of my hole, he wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me into him. "I love you more than anything in the entire world." With those words, I drifted off to sleep.

The End