The Visit
My Foxy friend
The visit
"We picked up Chinese on the way home." Terry called as he strolled through the front door, the burly gray equine announced brightly as he lead their visitor in. His voice was warm and cheerful, not a bit of nervousness within it. 'Yeah sure what did he have to be nervous about.' Silvusta his pretty Elk mate thought, as their guest strolled in behind the bulk Mule. Tall, slender and wry the red and white Vulpine smiled pleasantly when he saw the Elk. The Fox was there for the Elk's forbidden desires, Silvusta wanted something done. Something that was taboo in this so called modern enlightened age, even tho' it was his own body. But the medical establishment made a fella jump through all the hoops they could come up with, for something that should be a simple request.
"Silvusta..." The smiling Fox greeted, as he came in and carefully lay his suitcase down. "Its good to finally meet you... your mate is a really sweet guy." The little Fox purred, as he hugged the much bigger Elk. Who had staggered to his hooves as the pair had came in, they had talked literal a dozen times. Over the internet, even used a web cam to talk muzzle to muzzle. Still it was different now that they were in the same room, the Fox had traveled five hundred miles for this. The Elk and Mule had paid more to have this done in there own home.
"Yeah Terry is the best." Silvusta snorted, as he watched his mate laying out the dinner plates.
"Ahem we had best hold off on dinner until after-wards, this needs to be done on an empty stomach. Trust me... he'll vomit if he eats and then get's castrated." The Fox explained as his fingers cupped the Elk's fat package, making Silvusta jump slightly at this. "Have you taken those pain killers like I told you to?" The Fox asked as the big Elk looked down at him a bit shocked, as the little Vulpine was all business now.
"Yes almost a half hour ago..." The Elk answered as the Fox smiled up at him pleasantly.
"Good then lets move this to the bedroom, and get you laid down... So I can get you banded up, and then we'll start your second round. You didn't want a last cum as I recall."
"No I had my last cum last night when Terry brought me off, with a vibrator up my tailhole." The tall Elk explained, as he lead the Fox down the hall to the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend.
The sleek Fox spread out the sterile plastic sheet over the bed top, which already had plastic covering the otherwise bare mattress. Letting the huge Elk Bull climb up in it, and then spread out as the Fox moved between his upraised knee's. Smiling as he saw that those hefty genitals were already shaved and washed. He still washed the area down with a Betadine scrub to make sure, before applying the bands to those mighty low dangling testicles.
It was kind of a challenge working those hefty orbs through the tightly stretch bands. The tool had no self locking mechanism, so only the little Fox's grip had to hold the grips tightly. As he used his awkward left paw to tug and finesse those fat seed sack's through. He placed five bands on that sack neck, one thick tri-band for Bull's and four smaller green bands for smaller furs. The Tri-band would do the real work of gelding, the smaller bands were for blood lose control. Once the bands were in place came the second dosage of pain med's, and the really hard part waiting for the bands to do there work.
Normally the little Fox liked to use this time for fun stuff like working that last orgasm out of the soon to be neutered client. But Silvusta had decided against that kind of thing, so that Shibby was forced to sit and make idle conversation. With the Elk and his big Mule boyfriend, who was watching with great and great sexual excitement. The Fox had seen it all before of course, lovers, girlfriends, brothers, some watching with lust... some with mild disapproval others with down right anger and hostility. Terry was sitting beside his lover on the bed, looking down between those sleek thigh's. Watching as those big naked plums grew a deeper and deeper shade of purple, soon of course they would turned black and be ready to harvest.
The Fox's gloved paws lifted those big black plums up, claw tips pinching them savage. The big Elk not feeling anything, taking a fresh disposal scalpel out of a brand new package. Shibby began slicing through that strangled sack neck, dark crimson blood spurted out at once. But there was only a table spoon or so of it, the rest trapped by the bands. Although soft and smooth feeling the fresh of a scrotum was rough, and the muscles and tubed connecting those potent orbs to the body even more so. The big Elk moaned as that sharp blade sawed at the connective muscles, there was still some feeling there causing sickening pain in the pit of his stomach. And there was a tugging on those cords that could be felt farther back within his groin, although numbed his body still instinctively knew its reproductive organs were being attacked. It since a primal fear racing through the big Elk Bull, from the days when predators used powerful jaws on those organs to bring his ancestors down.
It took real effort to geld a male, a big potent one especially. But this wasn't the little sexy Fox's first time at the dance, and his strong paws work with brutal effect. Until at last that hefty male jewel pouch was sliced free, Silvusta let out a long gusty sigh of relieve as he felt those heavy weight pull free. His long powerful leg's shooting out straight and flailing a bit in raw primal instinct. Shibby handed that sack with it's now dead contents off to Silvusta's boyfriend. Who was having a good time taking those big pale orbs out of their sac, and holding them up to examine them before putting then into a clear glass jar. Where they floated around, lazily bouncing against the sides as the pair watched seemingly enchanted by the show.
While down between the big Elk's thigh's Shibby was finishing the job, trimming up the ragged edges of that sack neck. Removing any dead flesh and then carefully stitching the wound closed, and then soaking the stitches in Betadine. "Ok like we discussed you'll need to go naked for a few day, keeping the wound dry." Shibby explained as he began clean up, even as Terry took the jar with his Steers ball's over to the web cam. Eager to show them off to some of their online friends, who had help them find the sweet Foxy cutter. Silvusta was looking very drowsy now, as the painkiller were having full effect on him. His big sleek furry body frothy with sweat, a slightly queasy look on his muzzle.
"Well how about some of that sweet and sour chicken..." Shibby exclaimed as he strolled off towards the kitchen, Silvusta inviting him to have all he liked. While Terry was busy typing away on the computer, obvious giving their friends the rundown on his boyfriends snipping. Shibby was sitting at the dinner table with all the food spread out before him. Would he heard the soft moans and creaking of bed springs, thinking he would most likely be restitching here in a bit. "Take it easy on him... you don't want to tear the stitches loose." He called down the hall, even as he knew it wouldn't do any good... Steers Geldings and Neuters were just soooooo sexy.