The meeting Pt. 1

Story by engetsu on SoFurry

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#1 of The Meeting

He woke up, but instead of opening his eyes, he shut them harder, shivering all the way from the tip of his nose to his toes. Shuddering, he felt his cold sweat dripping through his back, feeling feverish and uneasy. "Are you awake?" a male, calm voice asked somewhere. A slight moan was the only answer he could muster, he felt so dizzy the voice seemed to come from everywhere, far away yet close. He opened his eyes slowly, the dim light startling him, feeling like it was the first time he ever saw light. "Wh...where am I?" he muttered, feeling his mouth dry, and trying to make out the shape of the man that was beside him. "Shh...there's no need to be afraid. You are in my apartment, everything's fine now." He was a tall, cream colored wolf with black hair, sitting by his bed. Julian looked around at his surroundings, he was in a bedroom alright, dimnly lit by a table lamp, it was a simply room and the door was closed. From the window the night lights of the city shone through, he could hear cars in the street below. "What happened?...who are you?" now he felt more awake, questions rose in his mind at great speed, making him feel dizzy again. "You had a bad case of appendicitis, which later evolved to peritonitis, so we scheduled a surgery at the hospital. You are alright now, you've been sleeping for a couple of days." He smiled and placed his hand on Julian's arm, his warm touch made him relax. "Forgive me, I doubt you remember my name...I'm Willis. While walking through the park, I found you lying unconscious...I'm a physician, so just by looking at you I knew something was wrong. I took you to the hospital, and my colleagues treated you. After the surgery I brought you home, since you had no ID and no phone, I didn't know who to call" "Gee....Thank you for saving me, I guess...My name is Julian" he looked away from the wolf. It was hard to make everything make sense, and most of all, he couldn't understand how could there be people nice enough to save a stranger. "It's alright bro, I couldn't leave you dying there" Julian didn't answer, silence sprouting between them, only interrupted by the engines downstairs. He couldn't think, his mind felt heavy, and he wondered whether it would be worth it to think about things. "You might feel dizzy, you's because of the meds they gave you for the pain after the surgery. You'd better not move much, your body is weak." "When will I get better?" "Soon, boy, soon. In a couple of days you'll be able to get up" "It itches so much..." Julian said as he tried to lift his arm and scratch his abdomen, but his movement was stopped my Willis' soft pressure on his arm. "Let me help you...where does it itch?" Julian blushed and looked away from him, then he muttered "...Next to my navel" The cream wolf gently pushed his shirt upwards, revealing Julian's toned torso. Willis controlled his blush with ease, it was not the first time he had looked at the boy's body, since he had to change his clothes while he was asleep, but seeing his abs under the dim light, with the boy awake, made him tremble a bit. With his fingers he softly scratched his fur, feeling the hard muscle beneath his skin. "Is this the place?" Willis asked. "Eh...a bit to the left, please" Julian purred softly when he finally got to he itchy spot. Willis kept scratching him with great care, Julian slowly started relaxing to his warm touch. His fingers went up and down his half-naked torso, feeling his toned muscles and soft, lilac fur, with each movement Willis seemed to embrace more of the boy's body, eventually reaching the lower part of his pectorals and the border of his pants. The rythmical pounding of Julian's heart under his fingers, his hard muscles and his soft breathing were slowly getting Willis aroused, he could see a tent forming in Julian's crotch, and felt the pressure on his own. Julian had long given up on resisting his touch, though he still avoided his gaze, closing his eyes and just enjoying the warmth of his big hands. He let out a barely audible sigh when Willis started massaging his pectorals with round movements. Then he proceeded to play with Julian's nipples, which immediately became hard as the boy let out moan. He tried to reach out to hold Willis, he couldn't help the need he felt to get him closer, but the wolf suddenly stopped his caressing. "Wh...What's..wrong?" Julian asked, breaking the silence that had embraced them. "This isn't right, Julian, you are's not good for your body..." he shaked his head. The desire burned his chest, but he felt it wasn't fair to continue that foreplay, at least not considering Julian's health. "You should get some sleep, boy". Willis caressed the fox's blond curls gently, holding his cheek in his hand. He leaned forward and kissed his forehead, leaving his lips pressed against his hair for a while. "Good night...I'll be back in the morning to give you your medications." "...Good night." Julian watched the tall wolf leave the room, feeling confused. When to door closed behind Willis, loneliness hit him.

The sun was shining brightly from the window when Julian finally opened his eyes. He woke up feeling rather confused, and the sunlit room looked quite different from what he remembered. His eyes travelled from one corner to the room to the other, taking it all in. The single bed was facing the window, and he could see another apartment building at what he guessed was the other side of the road. The walls were painted cream, like the wolf that had saved him, and the curtains had different shades of teal. By his side, there was a small table, with a glass of water and a pink flower in a crystal vase. The only decoration on the walls were a series of black and white photographs, he was focusing on a macro shot of a tree when he felt someone walking towards his door. A lean, feminine figure entered the room; she looked like a fennec fox, with slightly pink fur and burgundy, cloudy markings. She was wearing boy shorts and a tight tank top, and her big, fluffy tail followed her as she came near his bed. "Hey, Willis told me to give you your medicine" she said as she opened a drawer and took some pills from a container. "Last night he got a call from the hospital, a bus crashed nearby and they needed more he just hurried away, though he was rather upset for not being able to give you them medicine himself. For the last week, he has always made sure you had everything you needed before heading of to work, and then calling me two or three times during the day, just to check on you...Oh, sorry, I'm babbling. The name's Nix, by the way". she offered him the pills and the glass of water with a smile. "Uh, thank you" he placed the three pills on his mouth, and swallowed them with as much water as his maw could take. Just hearing how much the wolf had worried about him made him smile and blush a bit. "What's so funny?" "It's's just that, nobody has ever been so nice to me, that's all." "Normally, I would say Willis is a jerk....but I have to agree he's been excellent. I guess he can't help it when it comes to the injured. He loves helping the sick, though I really do think that once he leaves the hospital, he transforms into some sort of ladykiller jerk." Nix chuckled. "I dunno, I just met him last night" Julian was starting to feel a bit uneasy. "That's another funny really think it's the first time you've woken up?" Julian nodded. "Let me tell you, you've been erratically waking up, just enough to babbler nonsense, swallow your pills and taking a piss" Th girl was making him really uncomfortable by now, he didn't want to keep talking to her. "Hey, can I get up now? I really want to walk around a bit" "If you feel well enough, I guess you can." Wagging his tail, Julian erected his torso slowly, and as gently as he could, he started getting up. He could feel his side burning a bit, though it didn't really hurt. He stood up and walked to the window. Outside, the sky was clear, birds were flying across it like splatters of ink in the distance. He guessed they were in an eigth or ninth place, judging from the distance to the street below, it was rather urban place, with stores and high buildings all around. "Is it okay if I take a walk?....I mean,... can I come back?" he wasn't sure how to ask, he had nowhere to go, and he thought that now he was feeling fine, he would have to leave their place. "You are still recovering, and Willis will kill me if he gets home and you are gone." Julian gave her pleading look. "But....I guess you can take a walk, just be back in an hour or so" "Thank you so much!" he hugged her briefly and headed towards the door. "Hey, you might want to get some clothes on." She pointed his outfit with a laugh; he only had boxers and a shirt on. "You can take some of Will's, next room to the right.I'll go finish my work." She left the room and Julian headed to Willis' . He turned the door knob and entered a spacious, blue room, dimnly lit by the sunlight that managed to pass the closed curtains. There was a low, queen-sized bed by the window, with the undone sheets lying on the floor. On the opposite side of the room, there was a desk with at least a dozen big, hard-cover books bearing medical titles, and single sheets of paper were scattered everywhere. It was easy to tell how much Willis loved his job, just by looking at the room itself. It was evident it was more of a studying place than a sleeping one. He walked towards the drawers and took the first things he found, a pair of loose, dark tinted jeans and a white shirt, then he proceeded to undress himself. He stopped a while to look at his new scar, on his left side, a bit above the line his oblique muscles made. It was healing nicely, and Julian knew for sure it was all thanks to Willis. He finished dressing, the clothes fit him a bit loosely, but he felt comfortable. Julian went to the front door, said goodbye to Nix loudly, and left the appartment. In no time he was downstair, standing on the sidewalk and trying to figure out what to do. Eventually he decided to just walk around and get to know his surroundings. He barely knew the city, since he passed out just an hour or so after getting down from his train, so everything was brand new to him in that place. He walked, feeling his limbs a bit clumsy and weak, but he had his spirits high and that was enough to enjoy his surroundings. While his feet walked endlessly on the sidewalk, he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the night before. He remembered Willis' big, warm hands going caressing his body, gently and softly, and his lips kissing his forehead with a light touch. He still felt a bit confused as to why he had left, leaving him alone...then he remembered Nix's words: Willis was just a ladykiller, a flirty jerk, she said. Was he just playing with him? He probably just wanted to fool around. Julian shook his head, how come he was thinking such things? Willis was a guy, he thought. He shouldn't have feelings for him, it wasn't normal. He tried to think about Nix, she was a pretty woman who walked around like a queen, swaying her hips and her round butt with every step, her big breasts bouncing as she spoke to him. Even though he tried, he couldn't feel interested in that girl...or in any girl. The thought scared him. He reached the ends of the street, and afraid he would get lost, he decided to get back to the apartment. The sun was setting behind him as he took the elevator to the eighth floor. In no time he had reached his destination, and he walked towards the door and knocked a couple of times. After a while, Nix opened the door. She was wearing a slightly transparent white apron with countless splatters of paint on it, she was holding a brush on her hand. It took him a moment to realize that her underwear was clearly visible through the paint. "Had a nice walk, Julian?" "Uh, yeah." he said as he came in and closed the door behind him. "I'm kinda busy right now, so just do what you want, I'll be in my studio if ya need me." Julian nodded and sat on the sofa on the main room. He turned the TV on, not really minding the programme that was on. He wanted Willis to get back, and as he thought of the cream wolf, he started to fall asleep.

"Really? I'm so glad he's feeling better!" a voice said. "Yeah, he even took a walk." a female replied. "...You let him go alone, just like that? Geez, Nix, what if something happened to him?" the conversation woke up Julian, his ears twitching as he recognized Willi's voice. "He is fine. His not a baby, Will." "But he is sick." Julian yawned loudly. "Hey, Julian, how are you feeling?" Willis walked towards him with a smile, but he immediately placed his hand on Julian's forehead to feel his temperature. He was wearing a shirt with a loosened tie, and formal pants and shoes; his white apron and stethoscope resting on his shoulders. "Hi...I'm feeling fine, really" "I'm really happy to hear that, and you don't seem to have a fever or anything." He grinned, he white teeth showing. "Well, I'm getting back to work, guys." Nix said from the door. She left the room leaving them alone. Willis sat beside him on the couch, he loosened his tie even more and opened the upper buttons of his shirt, making himself comfortable. Through he had bags under his eyes, Willis was lively and energetic as he asked Julian how had his day been, he was very talkative and seemed truly interested on hearing him. As Julian spoke, Willis gaze was fixed on his eyes, making him nervous. He had always been the shy one, but eventually, when it was past midnight, he felt at ease talking to the wolf. Julian could feel Willis warmth next to him, giving him a funny feeling on his stomach. Suddenly Willis stopped talking about his day at work, and gently grabbed Julian's cheek and looked directly in his eyes. "You have an eyelash here...." he placed his thumb on Julian's cheekbone, and softly moved it down, leaving it next to his lips. Julian blushed as felt his heart pound on his chest. Will's thumb caressed his lips as his head moved closer and closer. "Let me kiss you", their lips were just an inch appart, and Julian could feel his fresh breath tingle on his lips. He didn't answer, he just closed his eyes as their lips met. Willis placed his hand on the boys waist and got him closer, as he kissed him tenderly. Slowly he got his tongue inside the fox's and started kissing him with more passion. Julian didn't know what the hell was going on, but it felt good. He grabbed Willis's head with both of his hands, their bodies getting closer as the wolf embraced his waist, his hand going up and down his back. He started caressing his behind, moving Julian's bottom closer to himself. The fox was now on top of him, with his hands on his neck, kissing him dearly. Willis started kissing his neck, following an imaginary line from the lips to the collarbone, holding Julian's butt firmly as he felt the tent on his crotch getting harder and harder. The fox started unbottoning his shirt, revealing Will's strong chest as he shoved the shirt away from them. "I want you" the wolf whispered on the fox's ear, slipping his hand under Julian's pants and clutched his ass firmly. Julian licked Willis' chest and softly bit his nipple, circling it with his playful tongue, to which the wolf replied by thrusting the fox onto the couch and positioning himself on top. With a swift movement he removed Julian's shirt, as the fox unbuckled his belt. Willis took control of the situation, and undressed him completely as he removed his own clothes. Then he started kissing his chest, while fondling with his balls gently, letting his finger feel the soft fur around Julian's tailhole. The fox didn't know what to do, it was the first time he was touched. Willis left his chest, and kissed his neck while pressing his hard cock against Julian's, and then he went down again, licking his abs and stopping just above the fox's dick. As he fondled with his tailhole, he grabbed Julian's huge, dark penis and licked the leak that was coming out if its tip. "Please...."moaned the fox, grabbing the wolf's ass with desire. Willis' big hands grabbed his thighs and placed Julian's calves on his shoulders, he then teased the fox's hole with his cock while kissing his neck. "Be gentle" the boy pleaded, with his knees almost touching his own shoulders, his tail hole ready for the wolf Willis suck his fingers and gently started pushing them inside the fox. Julian's hard cock was leaking even more, so he fondled with it and lubed his fingers. When the moment was right he pushed his dick inside Julian with a soft movement; getting in easily. The fox moaned. "Are you alright?" "...go on, please!" Willis' cock went all the way inside Julian, who let out a even louder moan. The wolf started thrusting his hips forward and backward, his balls bouncing off on the fox's ass rhythmically, as he got deeper and deeper. Julian was almost shouting, his eyes shut in pleasure, enjoying every inch of Willis hard dick. "Oh..Ohhh.....Ah..Ah..Aah" Willis' hips were a blur now, his cock all the way inside Julian's ass, giving him more pleasure than what he had ever known. The fox was getting closer to his limit, every thrust was making it harder to control, his sweating chest shining under the light. "Ahhhh, ah...I'm coming" Just as the word left his mouth, Willis started cumming inside him, filling him with his warm sperm. Julian moaned and realesed his load on his own chest. The wolf pulled off his now shrinking cock and kissed the fox gently. Noticing the cum on his boy's chest, he smiled at him and licked it off. Julian blushed a bit as he got back to his senses. "What's wrong? You didn't like it?" "...I.....Of course I liked it."

To be continued