Shai's Sirenification - Herm Dragoness TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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As Shai was making her way up the side of the snow-covered mountain, a small part of her was wondering 'what the hell am I doing in this godforsaken place?'. The view above was almost fully obscured by snow, and the temperature was below freezing. Times like this made her glad that she was a kitsune, as most any human being or non furred or scaled creature would have most likely frozen to death already. Her claws gripped at the jagged surface, the soft pads on her hands enabling her to climb more easily.

"This had better be worth it..." She said to herself as she kept on climbing. A few days beforehand she was hanging around her local bar, having a drink and minding her own buisness when she overheard a conversation from two other people.

"Seems like another poor soul tried to climb up Shadow's Peak..." One of them said to the other.

"I heard... They got to the top, and then all contact was lost... The monster that lives up there most probably ate them alive."

"Why do people try climbing up there? I mean I know there's loads and loads of treasure up there, but is it really worth it? Nothing like that could ever be worth a persons' life."

That was all that the kitsune needed to hear, and the only reason that she needed to check this place out. She was pretty well known for her skills as a treasure hunter, even if she was a bit reckless. On her last raid, she barely escaped with her life, having to spend a couple of days in a hospital.

"Nearly there now..." She grinned as she pulled herself up onto the rocky perch, rolling onto it as she took a few breaths. "Oohh...thank God...that's the hard part over with..." She said to herself before realising how she was meant to get down. She had packed a parachute and a grappling hook with her, but the snowstorm just seemed to get worse and worse. "Looks like I'm going to be stuck here for a while..." She sighed as she noticed the mouth of the cave. "Oh well, at lease I should be able to keep warm in here with all luck."

She walked into the cave, noticing that it was pretty well lit, several torches lining the walls as she travelled into it. She had no idea what lived in here, but all she was hoping right now was that whoever the resident was wasn't in right now. She walked as quietly as she could, trying not to alert whoever may live here as she soon reached the main chamber of the cave. As she stepped into the opening, her eyes widened as she looked at a large hoard of gold, silver and gems.

"Oh my God, I've hit the jackpot!" She grinned to herself as she dashed over to one of the piles, picking up some of the treasure in her hands as she mentally counted how much was in here. There must be at least a good million or two worth of stuff in here, she'd be set for quite a long time if she was able to get this all out of here. "Mine, all mine!" She laughed.

"Excuse me..." Called out a dark, feminine voice. "But exactly what part of that treasure belongs to you..." The voice hissed as Shai span around, looking for the source.

"Crap...I didn't mean that.. well perhaps I did...I'm getting out of here with some of this treasure, you got that?" She said, trying to sound tough.

"Mmm...I applaud your bravery...but it might be misplaced..." The voice grew louder as footsteps echoed through the cave. As the kitsune looked on ahead, she was greeted with the form of another creature.

"Hoo boy..." She gulped as she looked upon the 10ft tall dragoness, the creatures scales a vibrant purple and black. A silvery purple mane swished around the beast, and looking at its chest, she saw the outlines of ten large breasts concealed by revealing clothing...not to mention looking downwards, she saw an equally large bulge up front.

"A kitsune...well this is different, most people I get in here are humans...they never last long." Shi grinned. "They either join us or get eaten alive...And I've never tasted fox meat before..." Shi licked hir lips, hir four tails wagging behind hir as shi swayed hir hips with each step shi took. "But to be honest, there is a much better use for a noble creature such as yourself..."

"And what would that be..." Shai backed away a little, looking carefully at the herm dragoness.

"It has been a very long time since I have had some intimate contact with another creature....and whilst a part of me would like to have someone of my own kind, there is never any problems with inter-species relationships, am I right?" Shi giggled.

" want to mate with me?" She gulped, backing against a wall now. "Why would I do that with you, you're a dragon!"

"Why WOULDN'T you do that, being mated with a dragon is usually a very high honor...and the name is Shadowclaw." Shi smirked as shi undid hir top, throwing it to the side as shi let her massive teats bounce free. Shai blushed as she gazed upon Shadowclaw's racks.

"Cause I'm not twisted in the head!" She said, turning redder as the dragoness rubbed and groped hirself. She didn't know why, but she was starting to feel oddly turned on herself. Shi noticed this and grinned wider as shi kept up the rubbing.

"Mmmr...say all you want, but the thought of fucking a frisky fox is turning me on!" Shi growled, tearing her trousers aside and revealing hirself in hir full glory. A pair of scaly, draconic cocks were emerging from hir sizeable sheath, a good three feet long, pointed heads pulsing slightly as the barbed lenghts twitched, the knots at the bases slowly inflating. As she looked on, her nose began to pick up on a rather delightful musk. Following it, she was slightly shocked to see that the scent was coming from Shadowclaw's scaly cunny, mixed in with the musk from hir cocks.

"Uhh..." She groaned as Shadowclaw's scent invaded her nostrils, the kitsune taking a few deep breaths as she looked at the dragoness. "What...what are you trying to do to me..." She stammered, looking at the herm beast.

"I'm trying to turn you on, what does it look like?" Shi grinned, taking a few steps closer to Shai, pulling away hir trousers as she advanced, hir tails curling around hir scaled legs. "'s been a while since I've had the chance to take these I'm going to make it count!"

"But I'm...I'm not a dragon..." She could feel her mind growing hazy as she saw the dragonesses sheath swell outwards, a pair of large barbed cocks emerging from their hiding spots. She was trying to resist the temptation to feel them, but her mind was growing more and more lustful by the second.

"You aren't right now..." Shi smirked, cornering Shai. She had no way to get out of it, she was literally between a rock and a hard place, and the dragoness was not going to let her go without a fight.

"Stand back...I'm not your toy....uuhhh..." She moaned, starting to sweat a little. The shi-dragon's scent was overpowering her, her rear lips starting to grow wet as she stared into hir red and black eyes. She tried to push hir back, but to her surprise her paws just latched onto hir large breasts.

"Really now...seems your mind begs to differ..." Shi grinned, splaying hir fingers as hir talons extended. Shi slashed at her chest, slicing her trademark "Not Evil" top to ribbons as her furry breasts bounced free. "'re pretty well stacked for a vixen...I imagine there could be some slight improvements though.

" what..." Shai answered, lost in a lustful haze. She groped hir breasts a little harder as the dragoness slashed at her trousers, rending them from her form. Shi lowered hir head to hir furry lips, hir forked tongue flickering from between hir scaled maw, running over the tender flesh. "Ooohhhaaa..." Shai panted.

"You'll influence should be making itself known very soon." Shi hissed between licks, teasing the kitsune as her body began to tremble, and not just from lust. As Shadowclaw continued to lick at her snatch, the fur around it began to harden and solidify, the silvery fur taking on a more metallic hue as it bunched together, forming hard scales. With each lick they began to spread, moving up her chest as they spread to her sides, the afflicted fur taking on a deep violet color before they became scales.

"Influence...aahh...that's good..." She panted, looking up at the herm dragoness, a gleam of pure lust in her eyes as shi wrapped hir wings around her. As the scales worked their way down her arms, she felt them twist and grow, the muscles expanding a little, filling her with new strength as her hands twitched, fingers elongating as the claws grew larger, the pads on her hands growing thicker and rougher.

"Very're going to make a very lovely dragoness..." Shadowclaw purred, bringing the kitsune into a rather passionate kiss, hir serpentine tongue flickering into her muzzle. Part of Shai wished she could get out of there, but that part was quickly being overridden by the part that wanted to stay with the herm. As she took in more and more of hir musk, the changes progressed further.

They stayed locked into the kiss as her tails were the next to change, five of her tails fusing together with the remaining four, thick scales replacing the fur as the tips of each tail gained weaponry similar to those on Shadowclaw's tails - namely a mace, an axe, a scythe and a stinger. Her quartet of tails wagged behind her as shi broke the kiss, looking at her.

"Now then...I believe I said something about fucking you!" Shi grinned savegly as shi pinned her down, getting atop of her, hir cocks dripping pre.

"Uuhhrr... yes...give it to me, you beast!" She growled, her legs growing a little larger, hips growing broader to better accommodate her draconic tails. She spread them for her as her feet began to stretch out further, five claws reducing to four as the remaining claws grew massive, her big toe shifting to the sides a little as a larger, raptor-like talon grew from them, clicking gently against the stone.

"Gladly!" Shi grinned as shi drove hir spiky cocks deep into her wet pussy, making her growl in delight. As shi continued to drive into her, she felt a growing warmth slowly filling her crotch. As her clit grew larger and wider, the scales around it slowly darkening a little bit, she noticed a bump forming between her legs. She moaned as the bump quickly grew outwards, a pair of slick, draconic cocks growing from above her dripping cunny. They quickly grew out to be three feet long, matching the size of Shadowclaws, lined with barbs and a thick knot. A large, scaly sheath formed around the base of her dicks as a pair of balls, around the size of coconuts, grew beneath her shafts.

"Uuhrhr...I'm...just like you..." Shai hissed, stroking hir new cocks. The changes were far from finished though, as the warmth spread to hir chest, hir breasts suddenly expanding in size, twice the size they were before as shi saw two additional sets growing down hir chest, bouncing about with each thrust.

"Not...not quite yet...but will be..." Shadowclaw purred, stroking hir face as a pair of large, broad arms grew out from hir back, spreading wide as the fingers grew longer, thick webbing forming between the digits as they became majestic-looking wings. Shi moaned eratically as hir neck grew a little longer, hir head lifting away from hir shoulders.

"Yesss...I'm so close...." Shi snarled, hir jaws pushing forwards a little bit as hir muzzle grew broader, fangs growing sharper as even more filled it, hir nostrils flaring wider as hir tongue grew long and forked. Shi felt hir ears shrink into the sides of hir head as six large horns grew from hir skull, a mane of long, flowing, silvery-violet hair growing from the top of hir head. To finish it all off, hir eyes turned a deep violet, pupils pulling into thin slits.

"Ahhh...I'm gonna....gggguguggharaarrrhhhh!!!" Shai roared at the top of hir lungs as shi climaxed, clamping down on hir cocks as Shadowclaw filled hir with hir rich seed. Shi felt Shai's cocks unload themselves over hir chest as hir feminine juices ran down hir legs. The two of them held each other closely as they did so. "Mmmm....Oh my God...that was brilliant..." Shi smiled to the violet and black dragoness, looking over hir warmly as shi pulled out. "'re really good at this..."

"Why thank you, I've had some practise..." Shadowclaw purred as shi slowly pulled out of Shai, looking over hir proudly. "Mmm...This is the first time in ages I've converted someone to my own kind...and I think you're some of my best work!" Shi grinned, looking at the newly-converted dragoness. "You've gone from a fiesty fox to a delightful dragoness. You should be really proud of....oh?" Shi looked on intently as shi noticed Shai's stomach slowly expand a little bit, growing wider, hir breasts following suite.

"Hrm...well this is interesting...guess I must have given you a bit too much of my musk... I was warned that if I used too much, in combination with my seeding you, it could lead to an accelerated pregnancy... oh well, it'll pass fairly quickly!" Shi grinned. "You might just want to spread your legs a little, I can assure you that this won't hurt at all."

"I'm...I'm pregnant...? But ho-oooohhhhh!" Shi snarled loudly as shi leaned back, legs spreading apart wide as shi felt the pressure in hir chest shifting downwards, moaning and growling loudly as the lips of hir cunny stretched wider, a large, shiny violet-tinted egg pushing outwards, sliding out of hir with a wet 'plop' "Ahhaha...that...that good-aaahahah!" Shi bellowed as shi felt another one push outwards, followed by another, and another. Shi was left writing and growing in pure bliss as shi continued to lay, a clutch of ten eggs resting in front of hir. Shi panted, gasping for breath as the feeling passed, looking proudly at the eggs. ""

"Sorry. Didn't mean to go THAT far with you." Shadowclaw smirked, sitting beside hir new partner as shi gently nuzzled hir. "It's just the first time I've had some proper fun since i've been freed... us Sirens need loving too, ya know."

"Sirens?" Shai asked.

"Yes... We're a species that originated from another world, and I'm now looking to repopulate on a new planet. I've just been waiting for the right time to strike, find a partner and all... and now I have you, my friend."

Shi purred gently, giving the violet and black Siren a passionate kiss. "And I thank you for it. So, aside from what just happened here, how do we repopulate?"

"Well that's simple. We just change people into our kind - it's easy! No one can resist our beauty!"

"Mmrrr...I like the sound of that... Why don't we go pay the nearest town a visit then, bring them all to our side?"

"We will soon, my love." Shadowclaw purred. "But before about we go for round two?"

With that, it didn't take long for the two of them to go back to what they were doing beforehand, only more furious and wild than the last time, the two Sirens fucking each other well into the morning... and the very next day, they began their little 'recruitment drive', to some truely staggering results. The afflicted city didn't put up much of a fight, and soon they were Sirens just like Shai and Shadowclaw.

Running away, trying to hide, trying to's all will be assimilated soon...and you will love every last second of it.