The Awkward Fox of Chicago
The Awkward Fox of Chicago
As i was walking down the dreary slummy allys of Chicago, a very stray and out of place fox jumped out from behind a garbage can and then stopped mid stride to look at me. He looked angry and savage, his fur was very matted and blotchy, is eyes were so fierce you could feel his gaze burning through my clothing. The more i looked at the fox the more i was scared. I knew to stay still but the change in his posture and gaze told me to come closer. i hesitated at first and then began my advance towards the fox. I stuck my hand out welcoming him to sniff my hand and get acustom to my smell. As i watced him smell me all around my feet and legs i realized his rage and confusion of wo i was has changed to love and friendship.
The more I let the fox sniff me the more it opend to me to where i got to rub him and play wih his belly, but things changed for the worse and he bit me. I didn't know wether to run or just sit there. But the bite didn't hurt or sting it felt awkwardly itchy like something was growing inside me and advancing up my arm to my head, soon i had a major headache and collapsed onto my knees from the pain that was racking my body.
The pain spread from head to toe and didn't lighten up one bit, the pain took my concentration away from the fox and down to my hands, my eyes blurred and then came back to my sense and seen the fox's gaze we made eye contact and i could look away from him, it just felt right to be there. But befor i could do anything to help myself i was hit with a sharp pain in my hands and feet. I looked down in time to see orange fur spread up my arms, and to motice my fingers slowly change into paws. Before i could realize what append to my feet i felt a really intense pain like someone took a sludge hammer to my legs and put it back together with duck tape and glue. My feet no longer fit inside my shoes so i took my shoes and sock off to see canine foot paws. I had to get a look at my legs so i took my pants off to see a awkwardly shaped human/canine pair of legs.
Since i had my pants off i wanted to check my chest so i slowly took my shirt off to notice the same colored fur from my legs spreading across my chest. Then came a burning sensation like my insides were changing, not only did it burn it hurt alot. Then came the unrealizing pain of my chest being rapidly changed to a more canine shape. I couldn't with stand the pain and toppled over from my spot and lay on my side. But before i could get a break I felt my head spin and got really dizy and felt a really sharp pain, that was when i relized my ears had relocated to the top of my head and were now taperd to a tip. But i felt odd i knew i was missing something, then it hit me. The pain of my face streaching and pulling my skin and skull was too intense and almost lost conciousness right there. But i tried my ardest to stay awake. The pain slowly receeded from my head and while i used to stand now i walked on 4 paws. Since i got my head over with i looked back to realize i had no tail but i soon knew what would come. I felt my spine elongate and protrude out of my backside. It quickly became bushy and coverd in fur.
As my attention came back to the male fox infront of my i had to check my gender, sadly i realized i had been changed to a female. The fox's overpowering musk enterd my nostrils and I knew i was his. He spoke confidently in my head "You will be my bitch, When mating season comes you will bear my cubs." . . .
_ More to come this was only of boredom, if i get enough credit for my work i might continue into a series of short stories like this. _