The Magic of Hallow's Eve

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#1 of One Shot Stories / Contest Entries

_© All characters and storylines involving said characters belong to me: Eben Black.

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"Trick or Treating? You want to go Trick or Treating?" I repeated with the bemusement the statement deserved.

Roland grinned at me and gave me innocent pale blue eyes. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" he replied.

"What's wrong with that?" I raised my eyebrows as I added, "Have you looked at us?" I gestured to us both. Me being the five-foot-nine, slender-waisted, broad-shouldered white wolf that I was, and Roland, being the six-foot-three shire horse with his caramel-cream coloured fur and waist-length chocolate-brown mane bound in its usual braid down his back. Both of us in our mid-twenties and sadly both still living at home.

In fact thats where we were when Roland decided to spring this bizarre request upon me. The basement of my folk's house had been converted in a sizeable bedroom for yours truly. Truth be told, I always thought it was their way of keeping secret the fact their mid-twenties son was still living at home like a pup. Not that I cared. I loved my privacy, and with no siblings, I managed to keep it that way.

I perched myself on the corner of my double bed and watched as Roland thumbed through the latest issue of my "Fur Fanatics" comic book. It was early days but hopefully I'd be getting a position as an artist in a leading newspaper in one of the big cities nearby this backwater town, but for now, the occassional published work in the back of magazines was all I could manage.

Roland finished his quick flick and looked up at me with those deep brown eyes. He grinned again, put down the comic and folded his muscular arms across the blue, flannel shirt he'd donned with his jeans that morning. "Isaac's coming too, it won't just be you and me."

I blinked. I think that last statement was meant to be reassuring, but it didn't reassure me at all. "Isaac? Who the Hell is Isaac?" I replied as I leaned my elbows on my knees and tousled my head fur.

"My cousin...well...adopted cousin. You'll like him. I think he's right up your alley. So to speak," his grin widened.

I took a deep breath and sighed. Roland was forever doing this. I came out when I was seventeen. Roland was there. He had not deserted me like most friends had, but he had made me pinky-promise that I would never check him out or pleasure myself over the thought of him. I think it was meant as a joke, but at the time he had had me pinned to the bedroom wall, while waggling his little finger at me threateningly. Harmless joke, or playful threat? You decide.

Either way, we'd been best friends since then, but he did have this habit of trying to hook me up with any Tom, Dick and Harry he could find who happened to also be gay.

It was harmless, but had lead to one or two awkward moments that I'd have done without had Roland not interferred.

"Does Isaac happen to be gay, Roland?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Roland nodded and took a step forward. "He's super cute if your into cats, and he's a musician, so he's creative like you."

"You do realise you just called your cousin 'cute'?"

"Your not listening, adopted cousin. I can say what the Hell I want about him," he replied. "So?"

"So...? So what?"

"So are you coming, or what?"

"Why in God's name do you wanna go Trick or Treating anyway?" I asked with a suspicious tone.

Roland blinked at me with confusion clear in those brown eyes and then asked, "What do you think I mean when I say 'Trick or Treat'?"

"Knock on people's doors and ask for candy?"

Roland blinked again and then burst out laughing, his deep, rolling chuckle thundered from that wide chest of his. He even doubled over a little and wiped a tear from his eye. "How can you be so naíve, Eli?" he asked.

"That isn't what you meant, is it?"

"You really don't know. Okay, okay, wow, that is wierd. Right, Trick or Treat is one of the many latest college fads that males especially have adopted in this last year. You go up to a cute female's home, you knock, she answers, you ask Trick or Treat, if she says Trick its a no, go home, do your thing, leave me alone, you follow?" he asked as he paced in front of me and explained.

"And if the female says treat?"

He grinned suddenly and replied, "You go in, head to the nearest available space and give her a treat."

It was my turn to blink now. I stared at him and when I realised he was serious, asked, "And your taking two known gay males with you because...?" I let the sentence trail off.

"Because out of the three of us, I'll always get picked as the only viable candidate."

"That is on the understanding the females in question don't resent us all from the get go?"

"I'm not being arrogant here, but I'm hot. And your cute if you don't frown, and like I said, Isaac's cute too." He rolled his shoulders and flexed his arms before looking at me with a determined expression that I'd never really seen in his eyes before. Here was a male that wanted to get laid and was determined to do so.

I felt like I owed him this one night for the times he had not rejected me for turning our friendship on its head at seventeen and coming out of the closet. I met that steely, determined gaze and finally nodded, one movement and the horse was punching the air and looking like an infant at Christmas.

It wouldn't be so bad, I suppose, we'd wander around for a bit, I'd possibly meet a great feline, or have a disastrous, awkward wait with a fur I barely knew while Roland wandered into some unsuspecting suburb, shagged around, and then finally we'd retire to a familiar bar for a few drinks and then bed. Not a full proof plan, granted, but still, it might be a good night, who knew.

Roland turned abruptly and the sudden movement made me realise I'd been blanking him for the last five minutes or so. God, what developments had I missed.

"W-Where are you going now?" I stammered, a little bit panic stricken.

He touched a hand to the railing on the staircase, and replied, "Going home to get my costume. What else?"

"C-Costume? What do you mean costume? Dude, I'm twenty-four, and you want me to dress up too?" I snapped.

Roland gave me that cheerful, determined grin and added, "Don't come as something boring," before he practically dashed upstairs and vanished, leaving me behind with a well of silence and a knot of doubt in my lower stomach. Prowling for Roland's next lay, I could handle, meeting a possible love-of-my-life/awkward-night-time-companion I took in my stride pretty well. Dressing up like an idiot? Not happening. Sorry Roland.

I stood up and padded across the room barefoot to the mirror. I looked at myself, really looked at myself. I looked at the slender form wrapped in the smooth, white fur, the cool-blue eyes and the choppy head fur, the one silver loop through my left ear, all concealed in a no-nonsense pale blue tee and denim three-quarter-lengths. I looked...casual, to say the least.

And then it happened, thoughts filled my mind; what if this 'Isaac' turned out to be interesting, intelligent and as cute as Roland suggested. I'd look a fool, turning up dressed as an idiot. Costumes I would not do, but I could at least make an effort, right? Right.

An hour later and I was standing outside Starbucks dressed in what I can only describe as costume-casual. The denim three quarters remained, the tee was swapped for a short-sleeved button up shirt done in white, a pair of white running shoes and an eyepatch.

Yep, that's right. I was a lazy pirate...or a very fashion-conscious super villain, depending on how you looked at it.

It was as good as Roland was getting, and that was that. I sat on the bench outside the coffee shop with a caramel hot chocolate cupped between my hands. October had brought a breeze that was somehow both warm and chilled at the same time. The remnants of summer was what my college literature professor once called it. Right now it seemed more chilled than warm, so I huddled a little and waited.

I didn't have to wait long, I happened to look up and stared at what rounded the far corner. Roland was practically naked except for what looked like sandals and a spotted loincloth. His tail was braided now too and flowed behind him, almost brushing the ground as he walked. All that muscular perfection exposed and on show. In the time it took him to stroll toward me, he had two backward glances from excited females and one wolf whistle from a dude across the street.

He stood before me, flexed his arms and grinned. "Who am I?"

"A walking maniac?" I suggested.

He dropped his arms, frowned and replied, "No. I'm Tarzan, duh!"

I blinked and grinned, "You walked this whole way here dressed like that?"

"Nope," Roland replied.

"Then how did you get here?" I asked.

"The bus," the black-and-grey striped tiger said from beside Roland. He sighed and added, "Ever had to sit on the bus next to Tarzan at nine o'clock on the night?"

I smiled at the thought and even chuckled. "I'm guessing your Isaac?" I asked, offering my hand out.

He gripped mine with his and smiled as he said, "Isaac Phillips. And you must be Elliot Monroe?"

"Please, please don't call me Elliot, my mother calls me Elliot and it bugs the crap out of me."

"What would you prefer then?" Isaac grinned back.


"Alright then, Eli, pleased to meet you." I nodded back and truly looked at him. He was broad-shouldered and muscular, although not as much as Roland. He was taller than me at six foot one, and was blanketed in jet-black fur, with charcoal-grey stripes. His piercing yellow eyes seemed mellow and had a gentleness to them that was uncommon nowadays.

Tonight he had come dressed as a burgular, I think. He had donned a fitted black-and-white-striped tee, dark blue denim jeans, with a silver chain draped around one hip, a pair of black running shoes, and a bandana that was bound around his head and covered his eyes. Luckily he'd carved holes into the bandana so he could see. Truth be told, even with all the costume covering him, he still looked cute. Roland had not lied about that.

"Are you two done?" Roland asked suddenly.

I jumped a little and even had the common decency to blush as I stammered, "L-Lets go t-then."

"Lead the way, Lord of the Jungle," Isaac added with a casual shrug.

"Awesome. Time to go find some PUSS-SAY!" Roland flexed his arms again, made his pectorals bounce one at a time before turning and doing as Isaac had advised. He lead the way and sadly we followed.

The door bell rang and Roland pushed out his chest and fitted his favoured grin across his face. Isaac and I were nowhere to be seen. Believe it or not, but we'd opted out on this whole new concept of 'trick or treat'. So while Roland entertained, flirted and possibly fucked everything that moved, we stayed close by, but not close enough to overhear what was being said. I perched myself on the stone wall that surrounded the front yard, while Isaac stood in front of me and we talked.

"So how long have you and Tarzan been best friends?" he asked.

I sipped the last of my hot chocolate and replied, "Lets see, we met in Kindergarten and went from there, pretty much."

"Wow, pretty much your whole lives, if you think about it."

I nodded and smiled, "Apart from these moments where he thinks with his balls, he's a pretty good friend."

Isaac laughed and added, "He's a pretty good cousin so long as the one he's defending you from isn't an attractive female."

"Yeah, true." I tousled my head fur and asked, "He told me you were adopted into the family...oh, wait, you already knew about that right?" I stammered.

Isaac laughed again and nodded, "Yeah, I'm aware I'm not a big strapping steed like my cousin...and the rest of the family for that matter," he grinned.

I smirked and blushed a little as I asked, "So are you visiting or have you moved here?"

"Visiting. I'm down for the Halloween break and then headed back to LA," he explained.

"Los Angeles, huh? What do you do for work?"

"I'm a photographer working for the LA Times. But please don't think that's as far as I wanna go, minor investigations into health and safety at fast food restaurants was not what I imagined when I completed my art degree at college."

"Oh, you did an art course too?"

"Yeah. Roland told me you were an artist, apparently your really good at drawing. You'll have to show me sometime," he added.

I nodded a little too feverishly and added, "You should come down to my studio."

"You have your own studio?" he asked.

" say studio, my folks call it my bedroom," I blushed again and added, "Sorry, I'm being a dick."

"Your not being a dick. Trust me. I know what dicks are...and by that I don't me genitalia, I mean males who act like dicks." He blinked at me and then blushed.

"Its cool, I know what you meant." I laughed this time and realised he was as nervous as I was.

His blush died down and then suddenly he asked, "So, basically, just now, you invited me back to your bedroom?"

I thought about it and went bright red.

He laughed again and added, "Your too cute when you go red like that. It shows right through the fur too." He padded toward me and sat down on the wall beside me. He reached up and yanked the bandana from his head. His head fur was a little long and a slender braid spilled down to brush one shoulder. The dark fur was wrapped in what looked like dark red silk. It looked at home on his person. He scrunched up the bandana in one hand as his tail spilled across the back of the wall and brushed mine. "So are you seeing anyone at this moment in time? You know, just out of interest?" he added, looking a little flustered this time.

"Nope. Single, have been for almost a year now."

"A whole year, wow. Must have been serious," he replied softly.

"It was. I think I loved him, but in the end we went our seperate ways."

"Do you mind if I ask why?"

"Not at all. Basically, his family threatened to cut him off from his sizeable inheritance if he persisted in his 'gay phase' any longer. From what I last heard he's set up in New Orleans now with a fiancé and plans for kids."

"So because his parents threatened to take back their wealth, he broke things up?"

"He wasn't the one who broke it up, but I think I just beat him to the punch. It was obvious he didn't wanna be with me anymore," I replied.

"Sounds like a dick to me, Eli. The furs a fool," Isaac said with a nudge of his shoulder to mine.

I didn't blush scorching red this time, but I did smile and looked a little bashful. "Thanks, but seriously, I'm over it," I said.

"That's good to hear, because it looks like Roland may have scored on the first door, and I wanna go see these drawings of yours," he grinned as he nodded over his shoulder at the porch. I looked and found Roland in the embrace of some short, slender feline who hastily tried to pull him through the front door. Roland had the decency to give me the "A-Okay" gesture before the door slammed. I looked back to the tiger beside me and found Isaac looking at me from a few centimeters away. To be honest, he looked...beautiful. "Take me home," he breathed, his whiskers twitched as his smile widened a little.

I blushed again and stammered, "E-Excuse me?"

"Take me home with you and show me this studio of yours," he blinked and asked, "If that's what you want to do? I don't mind if you prefer to go get coffee."

"I've already had something from Starbucks tonight," I replied, tipping the empty cup in my hand.

"Then studio/bedroom it is then?" he suggested.

I thought about it. Was I really going to invite another gay fur back home with me? Granted my folks would be out tonight. They always were at Halloween, another costume ball that they and their friends would attend. To be honest, most Halloween nights I spent with Roland watching old horror movies. Tonight was taking a drastic turn from the normal it would seem. The more perculiar thing was my answer to his suggestion. I'd like to say I said something equally suggestive or even romantic, but nope. I nodded and then we went, leaving our equine companion to whatever domain he'd entered and planned on relieving himself inside.

"Wow, you really are amazing at this kind of stuff, aren't you?" Isaac looked at me over his shoulder as he examined the board I'd hung up with all my drawings pinned to it.

"You think so?" I replied. I was sat on my desk, watching him look over my work. I'd abandoned the eye patch and ruffled my head fur again. It was becoming a nervous tick of mine. But what did I have to be nervous about? Maybe the beautiful tiger stood across the room. His tail swished cheerfully. It glided up to his rump, fit snuggly in his denim jeans. He looked back over his shoulder at me and caught me looking. I blushed and he grinned.

"I am lucky, being in the studio of someone whose both cute and talented," he grinned as he rounded on me and padded across the bedroom toward me.

"I never asked, are you seeing anyone at the moment?" I asked.

"Not at the moment...unless you count yourself. I'm seeing you very much at the moment." He was standing before me now and I couldn't believe how stunning he looked. God, what was happening to me? I reached up to nervously tousle my hair again and found Isaac's slender hand wrapped around my wrist, holding it in midair.

He closed the gap between us as I opened my muzzle to say something. The words never left me as his lips touched mine. I scooted back across the desk and suddenly had the bedroom wall to my back, while my legs were forced to hunch up and around the tiger between my legs. The kiss remained chaste, even as he pressed his body against mine and his hand forced my wrist back against the wall. His other hand grabbed at my thigh, but never made any sordid movements. He was simply holding me.

It was...nice, and genuine too.

In the middle of all that touching I'd somehow found my free hand under his shirt and touching his waist. He broke the kiss. He sounded a little breathless as he looked down at me with heavy-lidded piercing yellow eyes.

"I've wanted to do that since Roland introduced us."

"Its only been about four hours since we met," I realised. I should have moved, but there was something in those eyes that made me want to be closer to him somehow.

"It seems so wrong, but feels so...good, right?"

I nodded.

He released my pinned wrist and smoothed his fingers through my head fur and down to my cheek. He looked at me and kissed me again. He was so tender and gentle and warm. And at just that moment I could feel we were both happy to be there.

I shuffled as close as I could get while still kissing him and trailed my hands up his back, under the shirt. I don't know why, but I didn't care. I wanted him and I wanted him now. I dug my nails in a little as the kiss deepened, his tongue prized my muzzle open and soon his tongue found mine and the onslaught began. It was smooth, skillful even. I moaned when he bit my lower lip gently and broke the kiss.

He gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head, as it got coiled around his face, I took my chance. I touched my hands to his wrists, keeping his eyes blindfolded by the material of his shirt while I lowered my muzzle to his nipples and found a small, silver barbell there. Did I mention I have a kind of fetish of piercings?

I took the small, metalic treasure with tongue and teeth, licking it, lapping at it, rolling it across my tongue like some hard candy. I'd pull just a little and hear a gasp or a moan from above. He liked a little rough play. Good. I held his wrists with one hand while the other smoothed down his stomach and slipped between the denim and his fur. No underwear.

Not a bad thing.

I found him with my hand while I continued to lick that small barbell. He was thick, hard and long by the feel of things, not to mention warm, hot to the touch even. He took a sharp intake of breath as I pulled a little too much and blood swelled at the small wound in a small, glistening bead. I released the feline's wrists as he spilled out of the material. He traced his thumb across the small bead of crimson and licked it with his thick, pink tongue seductively while I watched. I was captivated as he stared at me, his eyes heavy-lidded and almost drunk with heat.

"You've made me moan twice tonight...doesn't seem fair to me."

"W-What do you mean?" I stammered.

He moved forward and yanked open my shirt with his hands. While before he'd been sweet and tender and gentle, this new dominant side was all too appealing in itself. I shuddered as he pulled the shirt off me and crouched suddenly as his hands worked at the belt. I never stopped him, in fact I leaned back so that my shoulders were braced against the wall and I could gaze down the line of my half-naked body at him. He finally unfastened the three-quarter lengths and peeled them off me to reveal the black boxer-briefs I'd donned that night.

He tossed the denim aside and touched one hand to my inner thigh, pushing my legs open a little more, while his other hand smoothed up my groin and across my stomach. He lowered his short muzzle to my cotton-clad package and stroked his tongue across in one smooth, wet line. The sensation of feeling him through my boxers alone made me shudder.

"Forget what I said earlier about you being cute...your beautiful, Eli."

I moaned my response as he drew me into his muzzle with the next breath and sucked hard and fast. I could feel my swelling member being pulled and squeezed. I arched my back and gripped at the desk's edge, while he continued to work me with his muzzle and gaze up at me with those wild, heat-filled yellow eyes. The immense pressure of having his mouth around me stopped suddenly.

I looked down and found him standing, completely naked. He gripped the edges of my boxers and pulled them down. I had to lift my backside so he could clear my rump. Suddenly we were both nude before one another. He dropped my underwear and lifted me in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist as he simply held me there, those muscular arms wrapped around me as he moved us to the bed and lay me down. He remained on his elbows and knees, while he looked down at me.

He kissed me deep, while I trailed my hands through his head fur and down his back. I found his rump and played with his tail, coiling the slender, fur-covered flesh around my fingers and then undoing them again. He purred deep while we kissed.

He lowered his body to mine as he released me from the kiss, his member lay across mine, as I gripped his rump in my hands and squeezed. He gazed at me from inches away while his groin rubbed against mine. He drove his hips slowly up against me as his member caressed mine. His one hand found my head fur and pulled back my head so that I had to rest my chin on his shoulder, while his other hand gripped my thigh. His thrusts quickened, each one felt harder, heavier as if he was trying to push himself inside me from the front.

A few strokes later and I could feel that raw need build and build. That sweet, sweet pressure built and built. I clung to the tiger's naked body as the pleasure drove moans loud and proud from my muzzle.

"Isaac! Isaac, your going to make me cum!" I moaned as I dragged my nails down the muscular swell of his arm.

"Good, I want you to cum before I take you here and now," he growled back as he continued to hump and drive that thick, large member against me.

"Oh God! F-Fuck, yes, yes!" I shouted out as my orgasm spilled over and made me back arch and my body shudder with immense pleasure. I could feel that scalding wetness spill across both my own stomach and Isaac's.

I took quick, deep breaths as I shuddered against the great feline above me. He slowed and eventually stopped thrusting against me. He let out a low chuckle and gazed down the line of our bodies at the mess I'd made. "W-Wow, you really haven't done this for a while if thats the kind of reaction I got from a little dry humping," he grinned as he said it.

"A little d-dry humping?" I repeated. I smirked up at the tiger, "Really? A little?"

"Okay, alot of dry humping, but still," he traced a hand down between us and when he came back up there was a thick rope of seed between his fingers, "Wow."

"Sorry about the mess," I replied, blushing again.

"Shhh, don't apologise," he replied, his eyes held that heat again as he licked the essence from his fingertips, "Mmmmmm, delicious."

Just the sight of him being so forward and daring made my lower regions throb again with need, a desire that my body hadn't recovered from yet. It left me huddled against him, writhing a little as the aftershocks rattled my body. Isaac never let me relax though, I think he wanted me sensitive for what he did next.

He spread my legs wide and arched my lower body so he could reach my tight opening. He squeezed my knees with his hands as he gently rubbed that hard, thickness against me. Another single motion that left me grasping at the bed sheets and choking down a strangled moan. I gazed down and found I was rigid again while he adjusted his positioning and pressed the tip of himself against me.

His tail cracked like a whip behind him as he stared down at me with those fierce yellow eyes. Those eyes held such dominant heat that I dared not say no as he pushed that first inch inwards.

I could feel myself stretch and wane around him before I swallowed him one inch at a time. I could feel my inner walls fighting, fighting to stay tight and close, while his sheer size forced me open and stretched me wide. It wasn't so much his length that made me tear into the bed sheets that night, it was his width. He felt incredibly big, too big even, but one look into those eyes and I dared not say no.

"So...fucking...tight. I love it," he growled above me as he finally secured himself inside me.

He released my knees and huddled down close, his hands found mine and pinned them to the bed above my head, his fingers laced with mine while he kissed me tenderly once more and touched his forehead to mine. He gazed into my pale blue eyes as he pulled himself, he was almost free when he stopped and started pushing again, rolling his hips this time at the end like some majestic flourish.

Either way it drove a moan from me each time he did it. He kept this up, in and out, deeper and deeper with each rolling thrust, while his hips bucked and his muscles tensed. He got faster and faster, my own volume rose and rose with each slap of furred flesh on furred flesh.

In no time at all he was slamming himself inside me, his hips worked fast, while his member worked my opening, wider and wider, I felt like I would be torn in half, and looking into his eyes I had no qualms with that. He could have me every which way he wanted and I would never say no to him. He squeezed my hands in his as he drove himself as deep as his own body would allow. His nipple piercing glinted, teased me almost, I wanted to sink my teeth into him, to scratch him or do something to at least mimic the ache he was forcing between my legs. It wasn't an unpleasant ache, there was a sharp pain with each thrust that was washed away in an instant by a euphoric pleasure that shot up and down my body.

It had never occurred to me until then, but I listened as my moans shattered the usual quiet of the family home, accompanied by the constant slam of the bed frame hitting the basement walls. I lost track of time as I started rolling my own hips and squeezing my inner walls around him to make me tighter. It earned me a pleasurable grunt from him whenever he thrusted inside me.

His hips were a blur and then suddenly with an arch of his back and a roar from his muzzle I felt that delicious, scalding heat spill inside me, coat me. The sensation alone made me arch my own back as my rigid member shot its second offering that night. I writhed and listened to the crashing pleasure, as Isaac held himself inside me, his own hands abandoned me as he dug his nails into the bedspread. I should've minded about that, but I didn't. I had wanted him. I had had him. I still wanted him though.

I lay there in the aftershocks, feeling the familiar tingle of orgasm thrill throughout my smaller frame, while I gazed up at the tiger above me. He slumped over and gaze me the full weight of those heavy-lidded, piercing yellow eyes. He lowered his muzzle to mine and our lips brushed as his hands smoothed along my hips and he gave one last, gentle thrust of his hips before we both moaned and he pulled out of me. I wrapped my arms around the tiger's thick, muscular neck and kissed him again as he lifted me and carried me to the head of the bed.

Exhaustion washed over me as we snuggled down amongst the nest of pillows and the thick duvet that was my bedspread. Torn, stained and ruined, but still, the happiest place I'd been in a long time. I cuddled against the warm fur that was his chest and gently ran my thumb over that small, silver barbell, while I listened to the deep, frantic beat of his heart. He lay on his side, facing me, his eyes still heavy-lidded while he watched me play with his body absent-mindedly.

Finally he broke the silence when he asked, "Can I ask you a question, Eli?"

"Ask away."

"Have you ever considered the notion of 'falling in love at first sight'?"

"What do you mean by considered it?"

"I mean, do you believe it actually exists."

I thought about it and then, looking into his yellow eyes asked, "What do you think?"

He smiled, a cheerful, tired smile that made him look adorable. He kissed me gently and added, "I believe Hallow's Eve played a part in it tonight."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, I'm not normally the type to meet a guy, think he's cute, sexy and then fuck him within the first six hours of knowing him..."


He smirked again and continued, "But I do believe that in situations like these, there has to be a reason for them. I looked into your eyes while we did what we did, Eli. And all I saw was compassion, heat and"

I snuggled closer and replied, "So what does Hallow's Eve have to do with that?"

"Hallow's Eve, or Halloween as its known, is the night when this world bridges with the world of the dead and spiritual. I think magic played a part in our swift romance, and as such brought us together like this."

"So is this like a one night thing, or does this love last?" I asked, feeling a little well of doubt open up inside me.

"We barely know one another, and yet here we are. Does it feel wierd, or awkward to be here like this?" he asked, sounding almost as doubtful as me now.

I thought about it. Really thought about what he'd asked. Here was my best friend's adopted cousin. We'd met. We'd chatted. We'd laughed. Had this been a normal night, we might have exchanged phone numbers, email addresses, maybe even a kiss or two and a hug. But no, we'd skipped all that and gone straight to the ultimate expression of love. What it love that had guided us, amplified by Hallow's Eve? Honestly? I hoped so. The feelings I had at that time were intense. I cuddled closer still and looked into those yellow eyes.

"I love that I met you tonight. I love that we did what we did tonight. I love you..." There. I'd said it.

Isaac looked at me for a heartbeat, and for a second I thought he'd get up, get dressed and get gone. Instead, he kissed me gently and whispered, "I love you too. Magic or no, I love you." He cuddled me against him and kissed my forehead. He wrapped his body around mine and together we enveloped ourselves in the bed's warmth. Would the magic wear off come the morning? I didn't know. All I cared about was being here and having this fur that I loved hold me. Even if it didn't last as long as I wanted....