Benny's sex and breakfast

Story by Roch Relias on SoFurry

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Hello fellow furs. I'm a long time member (like 7 years!) but this will be my first post.

Disclaimer: The story below contains plenty of male on male sex. If this is not your bag or you are not old enough to be reading smut then his is not the story for you. Also there is going to be lots of toys.

Benny's sex and breakfast. A fur that dave had met online bought him a weekend stay, "trust Benny, sign the paper.' was all that paul had said.

Dave opened the door and was greeted by a fluffy excitable wolf who turned out to be Benny himself. His grey and white tail wagged excitedly as he shook daves paw with both of his own, and showed him into a private office like room. Benny took on a tone that was still very friendly, but distinctly more businesslike.

"You were sent here by our mutual friend, paul correct?"

dave nodded.

"and he told you what this place is, right?"

"i thought the name made it pretty clear..."

"Well, not quite. This is a resort of kinds that i dreamed up, and started on my own. It is an all male retreat in which I try to share the finest sexual stimulus developed from my own continual personal research. Sign this waiver and I will develop a personal weekend plan for you. The waiver states that after you first raise your tail in your first session, your body and the way you invest your time for the rest of your weekend is up to me. You may stop at any point but if you do the sexual portion of your package is cancelled and you will be forced to enjoy only the non-sexual delights this place has to offer.' Benny chuckled as he said, "let me assure you, you don't want that too happen."

Dave looked up at the bigger, fluffier version of himself smiling down at him, almost laughing, then down at the waiver in front of him. He shifted uncomfortably under Benny's eager stare. I can stop it whenfever I want, he thought as he quickly scribbled his name on the dotted line.

As soon as he lifted the pen Benny snatched the paper away and tucked it into a filing cabinet behind him. "Alright then, get ready for the weekend of your life. You can start by putting your bag in your room and grabbing some dinner in the kitchen, the cook will hook you up. In two hours I'll meet you in room 1.1, with your weekend plan ready. be on time and be hydrated.

Dinner was delicious chicken curry, and dave washed it down with two glasses of water. Room 1.1 was easy to find and Benny was waiting at the door.

"Well fed, I trust. I'm just here to give you a proper send off and to pass on your charts (he winked). You won't see too much more of this old wolf I promise." He gave the same easy chuckle as he said it.

His favourite part of the job was sending off furs for their first weekend package. They were always a little apprehensive but more than anything they always want to know what it says on Benny's clipboard. What they didn't know was that the staff at Bennys were so well trained that most of the time it was blank and he left them to their own devices. Dave was no exception. His tail was between his legs and his ears flattened to his head as looked at the steel door to room 1.1. He made quite an adorable little wolf when he was scared.

Benny opened the door and motioned for Dave to go in first. In the center of the room was something that resembled a cross between a massage table and a dentistis chair. Standing next to it a sleek shirtless zebra, witha crooked smile on his face.

"All yours then Jeremy, show him a warm welcome", Benny smiled at the zebra and handed him the clipboard.

Benny stepped out and Dave was left abrubtly alone with this strange Zebra. He looked in the general direction of the chair feeling uniformed and slightly intimidated.

"We start right now", Jeremy said, "So leave your clothes over there and come over to my workbench". He matched his command with an expectant but friendly look.

Dave did as he was told. Things were moving fast but he nothing unexpected. As he approached the chair he realized that he was to lay face down, bent in the middle. with the base of his tail at Jeremy's bellybutton. His ears twitched nervously.

Jeremy had worked on a number of canines before so he tuned into daves nerves. Crouching down in front of Dave's face, he got his attention by giving a skillful scratch behind the ear and a soft "hey"

Dave looked followed the striped arm into Jeremy's big brown eyes, and instinctively presssed into his stratching hand. Jeremy gave a knowing smile and asked if I was ready. as dave nodded jeremy gave him a quick scratch under the chin before moving around behind him.

"If you ready for this weekend lift up your tail." Jeremy could remeber saying this line countless times before. he rested an encouraging hand at Daves tailbase, rubbing lightly.

Already responding to the zebra's skillful hands,Dave shut his eyes and lifted his clean soft tail. He felt the movement arch his back, spreading open his furry white crack and exposing his naked tailhole to te rooms cool air.

Jeremy wasted no time getting to work. He first used a small gun like tool to drop a dollop of thick lubcrant right onto daves hole. He then came around front holding a silicone butt plug covered in silicone hairs, and a handle. He showed it to Dave, stroking his ear again as he told him that he was about to go through the standard cleaning procedure, letting him get a good look at the small egg shaped 4 inch plug. Using the hairy tip of the dildo he spread the lube around a little before pushing in the whole bulb at once. Not being very large, it slid in with just a quite squish and a quick inhale from Dave. Jeremy hooked up the feed and exhaust lines to the plug, and cradled Dave's tailbase as he without warning began to inflate the plug. Daves cock peaked out of his sheath as the hairs began to tickle his prostate, but before any real pressure has built, it stopped growing. Dave heard a whirring noise behind him and his ass was flooded with warm water. For the first time he whimpered, a good half liter had been pumped under his tail and the inflated plug corked him perfectly as his body tried to push out his bowels. "Sorry I love surprising people with that one" Jeremy had taken on a casual tone. "Now i get scrubbing and you start moaing."

Jeremy grabbed the handle and started spinning the plug left and right, stirring up the warm water and tickling all the inner walls of daves tailhole. Every minute or two Jeremy would give the plug another pump, making it swell up and eliciting hungrier and hungrier moans from daves open jaw. After ten minutes jeremy switched the feed and sucked all the water out through a nozzle near the base of the plug. He then repeated this process 4 times, adding a little more water and inflating the plug a litte more each time. He found his spare hand wandering onto Daves soft rump and caressing comfortingly as he pushed the plug in and out. "First timers" he thought as he watched his wolf squirming and whimpering with pleasure.

"And that's just your cleaning" He pulled daves tail lightly upwards as he slid out the deflated egg. He then briefly stuck his finger giving it a little wiggle, laughing inside as Dave's whole body twitched in surprise. Using a soft cloth, he wiped the excess fluids off of Dave's backside, and gave him a light double smack on the side of his bum to let Dave know he should stand up.

When Dave did, slowly, he noticed that his clothes had been neatly folded and put into a clear plastic box. On the table next to them were a pair of silky blue basketball shorts, with a golden J embroidered at the knee on the right side. Jeremy glanced at the shorts, then Daves fully grown hardon, then his eyes. Needing no further instruction he walked over and slid them on. As he turned back around he Jeremy was giving him an appreciative nod. The fabric did nothing to conceal his cock, but it did house it comfortably.

"You're mine until tomorrow morning, and our next session begins in an hour and half, in your room. Your pleasure is my business for the night so I expect you to not take...matters into your own hands." With that he turned and strode for the door. Halfway through the door he looked over his shoulder, the muscles in his powerful equine neck standing out. "Don't be late." he said through a toothy grin.

Finding his way out the building Dave got slightly misdirected, but it was just as well as it gave his cock time to relax slightly. It took all his willpower to not just finish himself as soon as Jeremy had left the room, but he knew that Jeremy had a plan and that it was probably in his best interest to stick to it. Once outside he found a large stone balcony overlooking a forested valley. He was alone save for a fox in a housecoat who was thirty feet away, smoking. Dave walked over to the railing and leaned out appreciating the view and trying to calm the tango of thoughts in his head.

"Hell--whoa there!" Dave nearly toppled over the railing startled as he was by the tap on the shoulder but the same paw grabbed him and pulled him back.