Illumanati's Diary 1


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#1 of Illumanati's Diary


This Diary belongs to Illumanati Blackpaw.


Dear Diary.

Daddy Blacktail gave me this PADD to write in.

He said I should write my thoughts and ideas down.

So, here goes.

I am 5. I am an orfen. That means I have no mom and no dad.

Daddy and Mommy Blacktail has adopted me after my parents died, almost a year ago.

I was sad, but I was also happy too. Oh no, I was not happy that momma and daddy died. I am very sad over that.

I am happy because I get to live with Stephan.

He is cool. For a human.

Some furs are hurt by humans.

They start riots and fires.

Which is why I am an orfan. :(

Becoz we are better than them at many things.

Which is silly. Humans made us. How can they hate what they made.

Any way. Stephan is different. He is black, and kind. And he is also funny.

He likes furs. I think more than he likes humans.

I also have a foster brother called Summerbreeze. He's a tod. That is a male foxtaur.

He's cute. And goofy at times. Summerbreeze, Stephan and I love playing games.

We live in a small house in a village. I use to live in a large cabin in the woods, quiet and peaceful.

Until those mean humans set it on fire with me and my parents inside.

I survived. But momma and daddy didn't. :(

Stephan saved me from the fire.

He's my hero. :)

I feel safe around him. He sleeps with me.

Momma Blacktail is making a huge dinner to welcome me into family.

Hearty beef stew. Yummy.

But it has broccoli. I hate broccoli. :p

But I'll eat it for my new mommy and daddy.

I'll be a good kit.

Well, mommy is calling for dinner.

Gotta go for now.

Until next time.
