A change in pace 2
As I was about to walk into the school I was daydreaming about what this day had in store for me. For some reason, I was overcome by this newfound feeling of extreme confidence that in all honesty I had never experienced before. Suddenly, though, my happy thoughts were interrupted as I was jerked back into reality by being knocked flat on my back. " Wow, Just another school day." I thought untill I saw who it was that had knocked me over.
"Oh my God, Brian. I am so sorry, are you okay." said a beautiful fox that I was surprised actually knew my name,as I had never really met her before.
"Oh I'm fine, but my Science binder isn't. I don't know how I'm going to study for my unit test tomorow." I laughed and pointed to my chemistry binder, which was lying right in the middle of a huge puddle.
She looked as if she was pondering for a moment and finally came back with "Oh wait, your in my science class. Meet me at the library after school, and I'll just photocopy my notes for you. By the way, My names Jess."
"Well thank you,Jess. I guess I'll see you in chemestry." I said as I saw her waving goodbye as she was walking away.
As the day went by, my confidence from earlier gradually increased as I thought about Jess. Honestly, It was one of the best days of my life. I threatened someone who had been talking bad about me behind my back, and he promised to lay off. I paid attention in all my classes and even began to understand what was going on in math. Among my friends I was lively, and I was the one telling all of the stories and jokes instead of being the bistander that I usually am. The best part of my day didn't happen untill ninth period chem, when the teacher decided that we could pick our own seats for the review we were doing that day.
I was about to get up and find someone to sit with, when I saw Jess walking my way. When she got to the seat next to me she asked, "Do you mind if I sit here." to which I quikly remarked in a humerous tone," Well, as long as you don't bully me like earlier, sure." She laughed and sat down as the teacher began the lesson. This was the one class I did not pay attention to, as Jess decided that she wanted to pass notes the whole period.
The note went as follows: Hey:)
Watsup Jess.
Nm just excited for our little date later.
hahahahha date lol
lol jk. but i do have a little crush on you ;)
At this line my heart felt like it skipped a beat. I began wondering if she was being serious untill I realized that I was taking a little too long to respond. I decided to take her seriously which was the right move.
ha yeah im starting to like you too.
really, thats awesome. well I am going to start paying attention. Cant wait for later <3.
My heart fluttered for the rest of the period in anticipation for it to just end. I wondered what, if anything, would happen between us after school. Should I take it slow or move in fast. I decided, by the end of the period, that I would just play it by ear. As far as I was conserned, nothing could go wrong that day.