Club R - Pleasant Dreams?

Story by DuskRunner on SoFurry

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(There are two versions of this story. The reason being I wanted to write something "weird and/or exciting, but also wanted a regular version for everyone else.)

Monotonous. The only word Melia was cohertant enough to think up describing her current life. The smell of cheap styrofoam pellets and her supervisor's stale cigerette smoke wafting through the open back door against the sound of rain, these things were the only sensations which stood out to her right now, the only things that barely broke the same routine she had been carrying out through the previous months. SHe shifted, her uniform really needed replacing, worn out with the small "UPS" embrodiery hanging by it's last threads. Picking up another heavy box marked for delivery she marched the half length of the warehouse to load it onto a dull brown truck. The driver was an older man, pot bellied and a lazy son of a bitch as far as she was concerned, doing little but sitting eating cheap chips in his cab while she marched back and forth loading his deliveries. He wasn't even willing to back further into the warehouse so she wouldn't have to trudge as far. With the absoulute repetitiveness of the task she hadn't realised how much time had passed when she had finished her work, but she was granted a small bit of elelation when her watch chimed on her wrist, signalling the end of her shift.

"Hello, rent" She sighed as her boss handed her that weeks paycheck, uninterested as he carried on his own filing work. He was an older man, about in his sixties, with a small bald patch on the back of his head he covered up with his old delivery cap. He took interest in her of all of the 5 workers in the small building, although considering how much he was interested in their lives that wasn't much. Being a lynx amongst 4 humans, she at least stood out a bit to everyone, but with them all doing the same monotonous work, there wasn't any acknowledgement towards the fact.

The rain pattered on the pavement outside as she walked from the delivery warehouse, her auburn hair clinging to the water that fell onto it, her fur sheening with the damp. It rained a lot in this small town, thankfully never that hard, but Melia still wasn't happy with walking home in the rain.

Her ears flicked back as she heard the sound of a car slowing behind her, turning to face the vehicle. She smiled lightly as a young man of twenty three with a short mop of black hair called to her from the window of his rather expesnive Bently.

"Melia, you're looking rather wet over there." He said, leaning from his window, the rain hitting the fine suit he wore.

"Thanks for offering the ride home." Melia said as she walked over and threw open the passenger door, slipping into the leather bound seat.

"I never offered you a ride." He remarked, starting back onto the road anyway.

"Were you going to?" She asked

"I had thought about it" He smiled.

Dane wasn't always straight talking, sometimes saying one thing and then doing another, always finding a way to phrase things just vaguely enough that she followed him but not specific enough that he had to stick to it. In short, he tricked people. And she liked it. It was one thing that broke up the dull routine in her current state of living.

"How's the grindstone?" He asked

"Same as ever, I might get a payraise if I keep working." She said. Payraises weren't something that would excite Dane, he'd come from a wealthy family, his father had built up a nice fruit growing business in Florida and after Dane had been given a place in that franchise he was never short of money. At least he shared it around, there were times he'd fronted her money for her monthly rent, he was generally a nice guy.

"Fun..." He remarked, with a slight roll of his eyes.

"What about you? Any plans you've got going?" She asked him, stretching her feet in the large cab of the car.

"Right now I'm heading out to town for a drink, maybe." He said

"You've got a cellar full of wine at home, what do you need to come out here for?" She said mockingly.

"Well, maybe I'd meet someone needed a ride back home in the rain?" He quipped. "and maybe I'd take that person with me for company."

"I've got things that need doing, maybe next time..." She said, boredly looking out at the passing buildings in her small part of town, everything blending into a grey mushy blur in the rain.

"Come on, there's never a next time when you say that." He chided. "And you're always complaining how bored you are at home, why not come with me?"

"... fine." she said, shurgging her shoulders, it would be nice to break the cycle further.

"Really? You're usually not as easy to convince as this." He said, turning out her her area, pulling onto a highway leading towards downtown.

"Honestly Dane, I've got nothing to go home to apart from bills and a stray cat." She sighed, it depressed her that her life was so dull after college. Living in a small apartment in the sleepy rural side of town, working by day, watching TV and looking through the job sections of her newspaper by night.

"You need to get out more then, go do something fun." He suggested, going out and getting a bit loose was one of his past times.

"Yeah...but fun can be expensive, and I haven't got much to spare for it." She said.

"How much?" He asked

"I might need you to pay my rent next month..." She said sheepishly, looking down at the floor of the car.

"That bad?" He asked, looking over at her with surpirse and a mild care in his eyes. She nodded back at him, embarrassed at for asking money, other times he'd just spotted her it without her even asking. A grin crossed his face, the one he got when he tricked people.

"I'll help you out then, don't worry about it. And tonight I can show you some places that might cheer you up, you know, to help you forget about these things." He told her, turning onto one of the glitzier streets lined with restraunts, bars, game clubs and other venues that were out of her current pirce for a night of fun.

"If I meet a guy I might be forgetting it tomorrow morning." She giggled. She'd been single for months now, the flair of any kind of relationship or even casual encounter was buried under her dull routine.

"A nice lay does help..." Dane said. "Nothing like waking up next to some stranger with a hangover to make the night complete."

"Pervert." She said, the car pulling into a underground parking lot by one of the busier streets.

"God, Melia, you've really fallen off the deep end, haven't you? Last year you were always ready to go out with friends and hit the bars, but now you're just prudent." She said, locking the car as he and Melia climbed out with a quick flick of his keys. "I think we need to take extreme measures..."

Melia raised a brow, a bit perplexed at the suddened mentioned of 'extreme measures'. "Like what?" She asked

"We need to go somewhere that'll put a bit of spice and variety into your life again." He exclaimed, leading her out of the parking lot. "Oridinary bars and clubs just won't cut it."

"So, what? Some kind of super bar?" She asked sarcastically

"Think bigger..." He said. Melia was beginning to worry when he led her off the street and into an alley way, cutting through to another small street, walking right down another alley with her following.

"You're not taking me to a strip club are you?..." She asked, stepping lightly as he continued down the alleyways, dumpsters and trash cans lining the brick walls around her. A few stray cats milled about the alleys, yowling into the night, fleeing as they passed. she trusted Dane but she was really starting to worry that wherever he was leading her it wasn't as good as he implied.

Finally he stopped her in front of an old run down door, several loose planks hanging from the frame and red paint peeling from the panels. The building it lead into looked like it should have been condemmed years ago, with aged brick walls and windows that hung open from all floors, most of them smashed if not completely mangled. She jumped a bit as a rat ran out from a trashcan only a few metres away, crossing her path as it scurried on it's way.

"This place is horrible..." She said as Dane knocked twice on the old door.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?" He laughed, it seemed to be unusually funny to him. Melia was getting a bad feeling, but Dane gave her those so often that she discarded the idea of leaving the dump of a building she was standing in, about to enter.

The door swung open without a sound, void of any doorman, it had just opened on it's own accord. Dane, unphased as ever, passed through into the old wood panelled corridor inside, illuminated by only three flickering lightbulbs hanging from thin wire. Melia stood in the foorway for a second before Dane looked back, her mind wondering why she just hurried forward and took her place following him when she did so. Down the corridor they walked, floorboards creaking underfoot, lights buzzing overhead, coming to a stop at another door just before the end of the hall. Although just as dilapitated as the rest, Dane opened it, standing to the side and dramatically bowing as he beckoned her in. She actually giggled at that, taking the invitation.

It was dark inside, so dark she might as well have been standing on aboslutely nothing, even the floor wasn't visible. She sqeeked lightly as the door shut suddenly behind her, plunging her into complete darkness, her body instantly feeling deorientated at the blackness that was staring her in the face.

"Dane?...D-dane?" She called, louder than she'd hoped. A hand touched her shoulder, almost making her cry out in fright.

"I'm still here, we're almost there..." Came the voice of Dane, pushing her forward gently to get them both walking again.

The darkness seemed absoulute, but within seconds of their movement a dim light shone around the area, gentle glows of old lightbulbs above her soon illuminating the new hallway. It was jarring, this new place. Melia gently let out a breath as she saw that this new hall was in fact lavish and decorated. The walls were of red felt with wood panel skirtings and floorboards they now walked on were polished to a shine and stained a dark, rich oak. She almost walked into the door at the end of it, too distracted to notced before Dane pulled her back. He stood by the deep wooden door, it's gold handle in his hand.

"Welcome to Club R" He said, swinging open the doorway and stepping inside first.

Melia slowly stepped through behind her, amazement evident on her face. A beautiful open lounge greeted her, couches of deep red leather with a long bar running the length of the wall, covered in colourful bottles of hundreds of liqours. A few people sat far at the back where a fireplace the size of a car blazed behind them, suffusing the whole room with a natrual warm glow, she doubted they even needed the dim lights that ran above her. Leaning on one of the couches she allowed herself to take it all in, not just the beauty of the lounge but how quickly she had come from a run down, filthy, probably-a-crack-house building in an alleyway to a place that a royal Duke would drink in.

"People can tell you're new..." Dane leaned in and whispered. Indeed the group at the rear of the room had a knowing look on their faces, she was fresh to this world and they knew it.

"R-right." She said, straightening up. "So this place?" She asked as dane guided her to the bar, both of them taking one of the plush stools that sat by it.

"Club R." He said, waving to the bartender, a middle aged Doberman who wore a black uniform with a white apron around his waist, a small white diamond emblazed onto the lapel of his shirt.

"Yeah, but...what is it?" She asked again, struggling to ask the right question. The bartender poured them both a glass of milky brown alcohol. "It's a club." Dean smiled.

"What kind of club?..." She asked, leaning closer as he tried to drill an answer out of him. He just sipped his drink.

"Club R." He smiled further. Mila huffed and picked up her own drink, downing a large portion in a swift motion. Vodka mudshake, her favourite, but she didn't bother to ask how the bartender knew the right drink.

"You're giving me a headache..." She said. "What is Club R?"

"A Club."

"What kind?"

"A big one."

Mila stared at him for a second, playing along with the game he had going.

"What kind of things happen at Club R?" She asked slowly. Dane nodded gently.

"Now you're asking better questions." He said. "And the answer is...everything."

"Everything?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Anything and everything." Dane replied. They both finished their drinks.

"So, tell me what I can do at Club R." She replied, playing with the iceblocks left on her tounge. Another round of drinks was served quickly.

"Some people come here for the atmosphere and to relax, you know, have a nice drink and a chat to anyone they might be interested in. Others come to meet people and maybe end up leaving with one...or more." He explained. "Some people come for entertainment they can't find anywhere else. And some want to try something otherworldy."

"Is this Club like a exotic entertainment club where rich guys can get theirselves off on illegal drugs and forbidden pornography?" She joked.

"Maybe, but I'd stay out of these areas of the building if you find one." Dane shrugged, Mila choked when she realised he wasn't kidding.

"Okay..." She said as she recovered, taking another sip. "So this place is an underground pleasure bar for the rich?"

"Almost spot on." He said, raising his drink. "But wealth doesn't play a part here. If you can find the club or get invited in, that's your own reward."

"Offering depraved individuals a chance to get off on odd fetishes?" Her drink was again finished and she chewed the icecubes thoughtfully.

"Club R isn't about anything exactly. The club" Dane said. Melia was even more confused than when she started, was this place an illegal bar with connections to the crime world or just an underground club where people could do whatever they wanted?

"I can see you're a bit apprihensive, I was too." Dane grinned, standing up from the barstool and sliding accross a credit card t the bartender. "But tell you what, I'll take you around the place and you can try anything you want, just to give you a taste of the things they offer."

"I guess I can't say no..." She sighed as she stood up. Her face was already feeling warm from the alchohol, that was some strong vodka they used.

"You can always say no, you just don't want to." He smirked, leading her to another doorway at the other end of the bar. Melia smiled as she followed, he was right, she was curious about what kind of exotic things might be here, even a little excited to find out the darker ones.

Dane showed her down a long coridoor, multiple doors lining the walls, hallways branching off to other areas of the club. The place seemed bigger than it should be, it seemed impossible to fit all this into one area the size of a run down apartment. He went about explaining the areas they were passing through as they walked. There areas decicated to dance clubs, music concerts, exotic bars and locations, extreme sports, high tech simulations and experiences and countless other blends of entertainment. Of course there were also areas for strip clubs, brothels, orgies, various sexual acts and themes, exotic pleasures that Melia hadn't even thought of, objects that seemed possible and magical, things that shouldn't seem to exist. Dane explained to her that anything and everything really meant anything and everything. No one knew where some of these objects came from, or who aquires them, or even who runs the club. All anyone knew was that it was their club for their pleasure, and were content with that.

All the walking soon got to Melia, the place was massive. Any suspicions about there not being enough room to hold the things she had been shown was long gone, vanished after only a few minutes of walking and now seeming mundane to her as her feet began to ache.

"Dane, I think I've seen enough now, I can't keep walking." She said. Dane shrugged, turning to her.

"Well then,maybe it's time you picked something to do." He smiled, walking past her in the direction they came. "I've shown you all I can for now, so just pick something and go with it, find me when you're ready to leave." He waved to her, Melia calling out as he walked away.

"Hey! How am I meant to find you in this place?" She asked urgently, he seemed to be getting further away then he should, his strides almost elongating to step far down the hall.

"Don't worry, you'll find me, you can always find what you're looking for here." He called back, his voice growing distant before he had disappeared into the dark haze of the hallways beyond, leaving Melia standing along in the mysterious place.

She sighed, not knowing why she remotely believed him. Maybe it was all he'd shown her in such a short amount of time, her disbelief had been whittled away to nothing. She turned and began to walk again, not knowing where she was but intent on finding somewhere she could have some kind of fun. The door were labled, a golden plate in the middle of the wood, describing what was inside. Although as she passed them she realized how vauge they really were. It didn't take a genius to figure out by now that the point of this place was to find something new and exotic. Finally, growing impatient at her own wanderings, she stopped. Now was the tie to decide her activity for the night. The four doors around her beckoned for her to enter and sate her curiosity about their contents. Reaching out, she grabbed the door on her right, eyes scanning the label.

Deep Body Fantasy Immersion

It was good enough for her. She threw open the door eagerly and looked around the room expectantly.

The flutter in her heart died as she observed the room was nothing but a ordinary room with red carpet and a single king sized bed in the middle. She let out a disappointed sigh as she walked in anyway, closing the door behind her. She looked around, the place seeming very dull, nothing but a bed and a size table.

"At least I can rest my feet..." She sighed, slipping off her shoes and sitting on the end of the bed, letting herself fall back onto the soft slik sheets. She turned her head to admire them, they must have been worth a whole lot with how comfortable they were. Her eyes passed over the table beside the bed, the small lamp glowing warmly, the only illumination in dark room.

She quickly looked again, something was on the sidetable, along with a card sitting next to it. Crawling over to the head of the bed, she leaned over and picked the object up, a small piece of black fabric in her hands. As he unfolded it she realised from the loose little elastic that tied both ends together and the soft padding of the large sheet that it was a sleeping mask. Perplexed, she looked over at the card, gold paper with curved back script written over it.

"Remove clothes and place sleeping mask around your head while lying on the bed, turn off light. Thank you." She read. It rasied a lot of questions in her mind. Why did she have to remove her clothes? Was this a small room for staying the night? If so then why didn't it at least have a bathroom or something to make people feel welcome? Even as these things ran through her mind she stood up the bed, resolving that if she was going to get anything, anything at all out of tonight it would be a rest in a bed better than her own, at the very least. Her jeans slid off and her shirt slipped over her head, both landing in a pile on the floor next to the bed. Next she reached behind herself, unclipping her bra and slowly sliding it off of her chest. Her breasts fell free, warmth of the room combined the alcohol making her realise her heart was pounding now. It seemed odd, exciting and out of place to be doing this, and after such a monotonus life for the last few months she relished that. Finally she slid off her underwear, the thin pink cloth landing with the rest of her clothes and leaving her body fully exposed to the dark room. Hastily realizing her nudity, and after making doubly sure that the door was locked, she climbed into the bed, lying on the surface of the smooth sheets.

"What a weird place..." She muttered, the sleeping mask finally sliding over her eyes, plunging her into darkness once again. With a bit of fumbling, she switched off the lamp, not that she noticed the difference, everything was black now.

Melia lay back on the bed, arms splayed out a bit, her legs resting slightly open. She smiled lightly. It actually felt free being like this, in the dark where she could be alone with her thoughts. She sighed and let her body relax, lying in the darkness. She lay there for about a minute, soon a small itching starting on her legs. She used her foot to scratch it gently before her arms felt the same itching sensation, her hands rubbing along them to try relieve it. She stopped after a second, hoping it would recede. But it didn't and she realised it wasn't a itch, she felt something...crawling. Spiders. She shrieked lightly, desperately fumlbing for the lamp, switching it back on and pulling up the mask as she panted in horror at what she saw. "N-nothing..." She mumbled. There wasn't anything there. No spiders, no bugs, nothing at all. She leaned over the edge of the bed, looking underneath, then around the room. Nothing escaped her, the room was truely empty except for her. She shook her head gently, leaning back on the bed as she recovered. She once again pulled the mask over her eyes and switched off the light, bathing in the relaxing darkness once more. She breathed slowly in the dark room, staying still in the comfortable position she had held before. And again the feeling came to her body. The gentle itch, the crawling over her legs and arms, feeling like little legs moving slowly over her extremities. Maybe it was the slik? Maybe it irritated her fur? She just lay still, the feeling creeping along her limbs slowly, too relaxed now to bother with imaginary bugs. The legs now crawled over her arms and onto her shoulders, tiny pricks of feeling against her clavicle, sending tingling jolts down her neck. She giggled lightly, it did tickle. It spread down her chest, the hundreds of crawling legs of unseen spiders. She was about to turn on the light again and decide to go find Dane when she suddenly felt them crawl over her breasts. She wiggled her body lightly as the sensation hit her nipples, little pricks of legs tickling the flesh. Suddenly she felt a tiny prick of pain over her nipples, before a wash of pleasure ran over her chest as the sensitive flesh was pinched all over by tiny legs or fangs. She felt them now, her arms ran down her flesh to feel their physical, hard bodies crawling over her, hundreds of spiders along her body. Her arm reached out slowly,heart leaping in her chest as she realised this was no longer her imagination. But again the legs and fangs pinched at her breasts, sending flares of hot pleasure through her chest, skittering over the aerola. Her arm faultered, not finding the lamp, only more of the bed. She had wiggled too far from the side, and now she couldn't reach the light that could be her salvaton. She moaned aloud despite her panic, the spiders now crawling down her stomach, tickling her sides. She could feel every individual leg of individual spider as they marched over her body, invading her being. Her eyes went wide underneath the sleep mask as the spiders along her legs suddenly converged on her most private spot of all. Her legs clampled together to try to bar them from reaching her now exposed nether lips, but it was no use. They crawled through the gap and Melia gave a shriek of shock as she felt their legs slide over her moist labia. There they congregated, whole bodies of the arachnids clamering over her sensitive folds, legs caressing her exposed clit, fangs rubbing against it. Melia should have been disgusted, should have thrown on the light and run, but she had become a captive of these creatures, their prey. They pricked her nipples, pressing hard against her slit as more crawled closer to the source of her dripping juices. "Oh g-god, they're everywhere..." She whimpered in her head, her mind in a state of shock and pleasure. "a-are they going to...g-g-go...inside me? n-no!" The question raced through her mind. Her legs were forced open from the pleasure she felt as they all pressed against her slit, pricking her clit with their legs and fangs, her breasts not spared a second of it either. She was already at the edge of her orgasm, the spiders working her body all over, so much escatsy coursing through her. With a shuddering moan, she arched her body, her juices running from her lips, soaking the bed and the creatures that drank her nectar from it's source. Her body fell back to the bed, breath coming out in ragged gasps. For a few seconds she lay panting, body tingling as they spiders continued their work and her body recovered from the pleasure. Then she screamed. As the spiders had crawled along her lips, all clambering against her slit and pressing eagerly to drink her juices, one had managed to crawl up into her. She cried out as it danced inside her,prickly legs rubbing around her sensitive walls. Her cries grew as the spiders sought out her hole, one by one slipping into her tight slit, multiple legs holding her lips open to expose her hole for their invasion. Their legs brushed against every part of her insides, deeper and deeper they went, their bodies rubbing together, pushing alonger her walls and gently prickling her pussy. Soon they were all the way to the end of her warm tunnel, her eyes wide and mouth open, mewling and panting as they caressed her innermost parts, her g-spot was awash with the feeling of dozens of legs and slick, hard bodies wriggling against it. Her juices flowed as they drank from the source, more crawling inside her, never stopping to let her rest or recover, filling her slit with immense tingling pleasure. She couldn't take it, there were too many of them, trapping her, feasting on their entangled prey. Once more she cried out brokenly, her body writhing against everything that was rubbing, pinching, slipping and crawling against it. Warmth flooded her crotch, flowing from the deepest parts of her, filling her pussy with the hot, fluid pleasure she craved now, and the spiders drank greedily. She lay against the silk covers, gasping loudly, moans still escaping her as the spiders slowed their work. The ones inside her slowly crawled out of her slit, tickling her as they slipped away, rubbing along her labia once more. The ones covering her breasts ceased their pinching, only delivering a small nip every now and then to surprise her. But the deepest one stayed inside her, resting and subtly massaging her slit from within, stirring up and down her walls. she groaned, all thoughts of repulsion replaced by a gentle bliss that let her lay there and permit the creatures anything they desired from her. As her strength returned, her managed to reach over, turning on the light on the bedside table. She lay back on the bed, spiders still present, before weakly sliding off the sleeping mask. All over her body, she saw not a single spider. But she knew they'd been there, she'd felt their phsyical forms, moaned as they'd massaged her body like a thousand skilled little beings. Even now, deep inside her, she could feel that one spider stiring, and sending tingles through her crotch. But she saw nothing, they weren't even there, it just just her looking down at her sweat covered body, past onto the sheets wet with her juices. Sitting up, her hand rubbed over her slick lips, letting her gasp lightly in the feeling that came from the oversensitive area. She stood and gathered her clothes, softly sighing as she felt the gentle movement inside her, it would be the reminder of her taboo activities. Maybe it would disappear later on like the rest of the spiders, but for now it was her gift for being their toy. Absently she wondered how long she had lain there, writhing in esctacy. Stepping out of the room, the thought of Dane finding out about her fun crossed her mind. He knew, better than her. If he knew about this room and what she had done...

The thoughts calmed themselves as she walked along the hallways again in an attempt to find where ever Dane had gone, it had been the most fun she'd had in months and, right now, couldn't care if the whole world knew about it. Her pussy tingled as she walked, stirring the creature within her, always gently stimulating her deepest part and leaving her in a blissful and calm mood as she moved.

Strangely, it didn't take long to find where Dane had disappeared to, despite the distance she knew they had walked to get where he'd left her. She had walked a few coridoors, turned a few corners and found the bar they had started in. And there he was, sipping at a beer while talking openly to the barman. The barman slipped away as she approached and Dane turned to greet her with a grin.

"Welcome back." He said, looking her up and down, seemingly for any signs of what she had been doing while away.

"Mhmm, I walked around for a bit after you left and found something to my liking." She said, taking a seat beside him, crossing her legs in some hope there wasn't a noticable mark in her jeans.

"And did you finally let yourself relax and fool around for a while?" He asked.

"God yes." She said, almost without meaning to. "I...found some interesting activities...maybe flirted with a guy or two, found a particually fun room too." She was lying through her smile.

"How interesting?" He probed.

"Interesting enough for me to visit again." She remarked. If he was going to play interrogation, then she'd just have to be vague.

"Oh, there's plenty interesting things to find in those rooms." He said, taking a large gulp of the beer in his hand. "And it looks like you've got the stamina for them..."

"Well, some can be pretty intensive....but bearable."

"An exercise, aren't they?"

"They are..."

"Sometimes exciting though...". By this point she had had enough probing and word games.

"Care to take a guess that what I did?" She asked, having a gut feeling that he knew the exact answer.

"Probably something pretty wild...fantastic and deep..." He was trying to keep from smiling too hard as he spoke.

" KNEW I'd go for that Deep Fantasy room didn't you?" She accused, leaning closer to him as she attempted to sound angry.

"mmmh, not that room particuarly...but I knew you'd throughly enjoy whatever you picked." He said. "Since you didn't know your way around, I figured I'd leave you in a place where I knew you'd finally get some release after all this time."

"And where. Was. That." She demanded, punctuating every word as she leaned closer. Her facade of anger kept up, thankfully.

"The sexual fetish section of the club." He said, face completely deadpan, leaving her to stare at him furiously.

After a few seconds the two burst out laughing. She couldn't be angry at Dane over what she'd done and how much she'd enjoyed it. And Dane couldn't have meant her harm even if he'd wanted to. Their laughter died down, Melia settling back on the barstool.

"So you left me in that depraved place so I would get laid?" She asked, signalling the bartender to bring her a drink.

"That or something equally satisfying. God knows you've been needing it." He replied.

"And what if I hadn't liked what I'd found in that room?" She teased.

"Trust me, you coudn't." Dane said. "And I have the feeling you'll be going back to that area of the club a lot more often now that you know how to get here."

She giggled, and she knew he was right.