W.O.L.F. 3 - Ravenwing and Stillfire

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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#3 of W.O.L.F.

World Of Lupine Furries

Ravenwing and Stillfire

a fantasy story.

By Sharpfang'2000


This story contains erotic elements between two animal-like beings If you feel offended/disgusted with such things If you're under 18 If your law forbids it DON'T READ. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed (including page header in html version)

If you like it, write me! - Sharpfang <[email protected]/* <![CDATA[/!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/ ]]> */>

This is the third story from the serie W.O.L.F. and if there will be any further depends on your feedback ONLY!

This story i dedicate to LV, though I know he'd prefer it to be C.A.T. ;)

World Of Lupine Furries =======================


The surface of the planet Wolf is covered with woods. High, wild mountains are looming in the distance, a river sneaks through the primeval forest. One could think this is a wild planet, but then, from a certain point in the forest a strange thin line is drawn straight up. The thin string connecting the surface of Wolf with its sky turns into a massive tower when you come closer. Thick pipelines, data and power cables, superstrong suspending straps, personal lifts and maintenance ducts fill its circumference. A big cargo lift track runs along its outside. Down, in the forest there's only a small glade and a horizontal gate in the grass, where the cargo lift enters the underground installation. This is the station +1G of the Blue Springs complex, which consists of the space port, laboratories, workshops, hospital, space trade station and many other advanced facilities.

The gate in the ground slides open and a small point falling from the sky along the tower turns into a powerful cargo lift, decelerating quickly and entering the gate, which closes after it. Not far from there, in the forest there's a big cave opening in a low natural hill. From time to time some Wolf enters it or walks outside. One of the Wolves in a great hurry runs on all fours towards the cave. His black fur shimmers through the trees, then the young fit body is visible on the small glade in front of the cave and then he vanishes in the entrance.

Ravenwing and Stillfire

"I'm late, they will start without me" - was the only thought that occupied my mind when I was running down the dark corridor. I had seen the lift going down and I knew it will take just a moment to transport the container to the lab. My eyes got used to the darkness quickly so I didn't collide with other Wolves which were wandering calmly up or down the slope of the entrance tunnel. In the weak light of the intersection of several corridors I turned towards the laboratories. "To miss such an opportunity!" - I was cursing myself. Not every day an alien civilisation is discovered and not everyone has the opportunity to examine the first transport of their technology.

I entered the dimly lit hall and saw somewhat crowded entrance to the fast underground railway station and exits to different sections of the complex. I rushed towards my division. Before entering the lab I stopped by a faucet and washed my hands from the dirt I had picked while running. "It would look silly, to leave dirty pawprints on the alien artifacts" - I thought. Catching my breath I entered the lab.

  • Hi, Ravenwing - an old Wolf, with many white hairs in his faded gray fur greeted me. - A moment longer and we would start without you. - He sniffed the air and grinned. - Girls are nice, but such task happens maybe once in one's life.

  • I'm so excited, so impatient to see what they have sent us. Smartears, may we start? - I asked him.

  • Ravenwing, you take the mempad with the barcode scanner and look up the descriptions of all the items. Greenpalms - the old Wolf asked a very strong, younger than me Wolf - You help me in examining and sorting the items. Stillfire, you make notes. - he gave order to the young, always-smiling she-wolf, who took a small electronic notepad and sat by the big table.

  • Wetlilly won't come - he continued. - She went to the Southern Islands, to help there in evacuation and preparations before the volcano eruption. Greenpalms, open the container.

I looked impatiently to see what's inside, but there was nothing different from what I expected - many boxes with descriptions in the alien language and small rectangles of parallel various width bars - "barcodes", simple but effective technique of describing items in computer-understandable form.

Smartears took the first, small box and placed it on the table. I swept the red laser ray of the scanner over the barcode. Heh, it's smart. But having the barcodes on everything you have? On every tool, from which many are pieces of art? No, I don't think we could accept that idea.

  • What is this? - asked Smartears

I read the description on the mempad. - A holotube. A mass memory storage device. Holds up to 500 terabytes of data, read-write, but has only one-point access so its speed is way worse than of the devices we use.

  • Nice. If we can combine the material they used with the cats' technology of bar-area hologram reading, we get a superb storage device.

I touched the box the aliens sent the device in. It was made of strange, rather soft brownish material, it felt a bit like hardened, but not polished leather in touch. I smelled it. Many hands it passed through, different places it was in, machines, chemicals, dry dust. And weakest, barely existing hint of a young, coniferous forest.

  • What is this material? - I asked.

  • This? - answered Smartears - It's paper. Boiled and dried wood powder, with add-ons.

  • From fallen trees? - I asked.

  • No, they grow and then cut down trees to make it, they also cut down the few naturally grown forests they have left yet to make it. They produce a lot of it, and use it for many purposes, often as single-use items or boxes like this, which they discard after use.

I felt the hair standing up on my back. I saw terror in the eyes of the other young Wolves.

  • That's barbaric - whispered Stillfire.

  • Please, calm down everybody. We just face another civilisation that doesn't have as much respect to trees as we do. We can't do anything about that and sooner or later they will understand the evil of their way and gain more respect to the nature. Greenpalms, get the next item.

Greenpalms picked a thin, long box. He seemed a bit uncomfortable, touching the alien material. I swept the scanner over the barcode.

  • A laser drill. Designed as a weapon, but since the end of the semi-war they use it effectively in mining and in creating underground tunnels. I don't think we could use this device, its power usage and loss is excessive.

Smartears looked at my mempad. - True, with their nuclear power and lack of care about balance of power in their natural environment, it's very handy for them. Much easier and cheaper to build than our ultrasonic drills, also melts the material nicely on the edges. We still can find use for it in off-planet areas, like asteroid mining, but this won't be possible until we install the nuclear reactors in our ships.

  • Smartears, the nuclear technology... - I asked while Greenpalms was slowly carrying a very big and heavy box to the table and Stillfire was finishing her notes about the previous item. - We had the knowledge to employ it 300 years ago. Why did we wait until now?

  • The risk. We knew that in the beginning phase accidents would happen for sure. We couldn't avoid them and we couldn't afford them so we gave up the whole line of technology. Now we can learn on someone else's mistakes and employ the technology developed to the level where it's safe. They had their accidents and experiments. Look up the keywords Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Osaka, Canaveral.

  • Canaveral was not an accident. - interrupted Greenpalms. - It was a sabotage, by the underground of the semi-war. And Hiroshima was an attack on purpose, in their internal war.

  • True - added Stillfire. - My mother took part in that Canaveral project, looking for bugs in the software, that could be used to take over the warships.

  • What do we have here? - smiled Smartears looking at the sophisticated device Greenpalms finished unpacking. - Looks either like a cannon or like an engine.

I swept the ray over the barcode.

  • Miniature hyperdrive engine. "Third generation" they call it, the same technology they used in the third wave of the semi-war, only smaller. Its energy consumption is enormous, but it performs better than anything produced by any other civilisation.

Greenpalms giggled. - You heard about the third wave ships? They had only enough fuel to arrive here. They were supposed to win the war and refuel after taking over our planet, there was no retreat scenario. It was real fun to produce all that fuel for them before they could set off for home.

  • I think we should pass this to the Elks, they are experts in power usage reduction. Kinda their obsession.

  • Smartears - interrupted Stillfire - This is relatively new device and must contain many design flaws and issues that can be solved better. What about passing the plans around the ring of members of the interplanetary scientific cooperation? And that laser drill too?

  • I think it's a very good idea. Write it down. All worlds will gain on it. What are you sniffing at, Greenpalms?

That box - he pointed at a big cube-shaped box in the container - smells with fruit.

  • Let's see... Ravenwing?

I helped Greenpalms carrying the heavy box to the table, then checked it while he was unpacking the big white cube of plastic, with several sealed pipe outlets, a small rectangular shape of the nuclear battery by the bottom, and small door in the side. It looked like a single module that can be connected with other similar ones into a bigger unit. Smartears opened the door and we all looked inside. Bright light flooded us. A chaotic net of roots, leaves, stalks and several big round fruits. Stillfire sticked her nose inside curiously. Smartears took the mempad from me.

  • Gravity independent hydroponic plantation module. Transforms carbon dioxide into oxygen, works as second-level water filter, provides food. Only this energy consumption... but it seems it uses almost all the energy effectively, and with the nuclear battery it doesn't matter much really. I think I like it... hmm... STOP!!!

We all looked at Stillfire who stood like frozen, with the fruit between her teeth, ready to bite it.

  • It's genetically modified. Serious modifications for best results in this conditions. And with their method...

  • What method?

  • They expose the seeds to radiation and then select the ones that give the best crop.

  • Crazy or just plain stupid? - asked Greenpalms, unbelieving.

  • Rather the second. - I grinned.

Stillfire sniffed at the fruit, closed her eyes and stood still, holding it in front of her forehead for a while. Then she opened her eyes and smiled.

  • I sense no evil in it. It's safe - she took a bit of it. - And tasty! Just try! - she handed it to Smartears. He took another bit and handed the fruit to Greenpalms.

  • So far they were lucky, but we must send them the warning about how dangerous their method is. Together with the whole history of doom of the civilisation of Ants, and how Bulls after discovering that planet barely managed to save their planet from that fungus. - said the old Wolf.

  • I remember that history well. - I said - My grand-grandfather lost his life together with many brave Wolves and members of other races that helped the Bulls in saving their planet. Stillfire, I think you should write down our opinions - I smiled to the she-wolf who was still watching the chaos of the plant with awe.

  • Yes, sure - she quickly trotted to her notepad and began making quick notes. Greenpalms took a bite from the fruit and handed the rest to me. I ate it. It was tasty, indeed. I looked at the mempad. The Humans called it Mango.

* * *

The marvels of the alien technology were still humming in my head. Some of them filled me with awe, they often shocked me, some of them filled me with disgust. I remembered the pile of the empty paper boxes after we finished unpacking the artifacts and sadly imagined the beautiful young conifer they used to be. Stillfire touched my arm.

  • You need relax. What about a hunt together? On my way here I found a badger's cave, we might try an ambush.

  • Near your place, under the Mountain of Heavy Sky?

  • Yes, three stations to the north by railway and then not too far north-west from the station.

  • Sounds great, but I had a nice piece of deer in the morning so I'm not hungry yet. I'd love to, but maybe later?

  • I'm not hungry yet either. What are your plans for today?

  • I wanted to go to the swimming pool in minus comma three after delivering the parcel to Grinningsnake.

  • Hey, THAT is a good idea! Come, let's go! - she grabbed the parcel from the table and pulled me by hand towards the tower. I followed her quick pace.

One of the small, 2-4 person lifts was waiting. We entered it. Stillfire handed me the parcel and I placed it on the floor gently, while she with childish joy pressed the button with "0 central" sign on it. The door slid close and we heard a quiet hiss of air as the pressure was established on the level of the upper stations. We sat on the grass covering the floor of the lift. The acceleration began gradually growing. The upper floors of the +1G station flashed through the transparent door of the lift, then the glade and then the surrounding forest rushed down, growing smaller under us. I touched the grassy floor and smiled. An example of responsible genetic engineering. First the project of modified DNA, no random tries. Then tests in the emulators, and then the plant - strong, flexible grass that doesn't break nor rub off under your feet, needs very little water and light, and grows only on the ground which contains some rare chemicals, that let us keep that grass grow where we wish only.

The door became milky-opaque for a moment and then we flew over the shaggy surface of the cloud, leaving it far below us. The sky was noticeably darker. I scritched Stillfire behind her ears. She was so nice and pretty... only so crazy! Sleek, subtle muzzle, sharp-pointy ears, small firm breasts, brownish gray fur. And that wild smile always on her mouth, revealing her mind full of craziest ideas. She leaned against me and I embraced her waist. Her paw wandered up my thigh and I smiled.

  • Wait a moment yet, someone may get in at plus comma five.

She smiled and nipped my cheek. I turned to her, straddled her legs, and with my paws on her shoulders gently touched her nosetip with my mouth. My tongue slipped under her lip and she gently nipped its tip. My claws gently scritched her neck. I felt the heavy pressure of the acceleration loosening its grip.

  • It slows down - said Stillfire worried.

  • No, it just stopped accelerating. - I sensed the pressure in my spine. - A bit below zero comma nine and falling at natural rate. I'd say natural gravity on this altitude. If it was less than zero comma seven it would mean we slow down before stopping at the station.

  • But you haven't passed the psi-scan training and I did!

  • Silly - I smiled licking her nose - I'm going to be a pilot and you're a wannabe healer! Everyone stick to their own!

  • Only I onto your own stick! - she giggled, taking my sheath in two fingers and slipping it down, exposing my cock. (author's note: The pun in Wolf language was quite different but equally bad)

I stood up and lifted her up. She rested against the wall and guided my cock to her opening. In the low gravity it felt so easy... 0.7, we will be passing through the station soon... but then that thought vanished in the sensation of the warm wetness, waiting for me and squeezing me gently. Her tongue found its way into my mouth and I instinctively began rocking my hips, driving my shaft faster and harder into her. I caught her shoulders, kissed her muzzle violently, our teeth knocking against each other, and began thrusting harder. She yelped quietly and suddenly caught my muzzle in her teeth rather hard. I felt the telepathic touch "Be gentle or you regret that". I loosened my grip on her, slowed down my thrusts and she released my nose.

  • I thought you liked it rough? - I asked.

  • Yes, but not today. At least not that early today. Now, just be gentle and don't tie.

  • Right - I giggled. Being tied without gravity is nice unless you have to wander around and I have this parcel to deliver yet. I began gently pumping into her. My knot was itching to sink in that firm softness, but I suppressed the urge. She bit her lower lip and yelped quietly, embracing me tightly. I wanted to push hard, deep into her, but I knew I can't, so I just kept thrusting, feeling the rapid rush of blood in my veins, the sheath uneasily stretched as the growing knot filled it, the cock growing thicker, filling her tighter and feeling stronger as her gentle muscles squeezed me in soft orgasm, and I came suddenly, starting spurting my semen into her. She received it as a slight booster to her orgasm, squeezing my shaft in herself a bit harder. Then she embraced me with her legs, squeezed my knot with one hand, supporting herself on my neck with the other, and began moving my shaft inside of herself. She squeezed it so strong and wiggled on it so rapidly that I gasped loudly, when the waves of orgasm were flowing through me, coming and going. I turned my head frantically and saw the glistening of the Northern Ocean on the horizon. Apparently we had dashed through +0.5G without even noticing it.

I embraced Stillfire when the gravity began vanishing completely, just to reverse its vector in a moment, pulling us slightly towards the ceiling. I pivoted slowly and gasped as the strange sensation of hanging with my head down, with a female hanging from my cock passed. The ceiling which now became the floor was a featureless smooth metal. I sat on it and Stillfire continued slowly riding me, as her orgasm after fading down a bit began growing anew. And I was feeling it too, my slow, constant spurts became more intense and that wonderful tickling in my prostate grew stronger. The gravity stabilised at a pleasant low level. A drop of my own cum dripped from the grass over us onto my nose. I giggled.

  • We will have to clean it up in zero G. You're quite full and this all will leak out when you get off me.

  • Not a drop will leak off me! - she giggled, bent down and began licking on her sex and my cock still in her. In the weak gravity she pivoted on my cock, so she was now facing my legs and began slowly slipping off me, swallowing several times, and then she slipped completely off me, lapping at my tip and her dripping pussy.

  • Now try calculating the route to Inena with Hadar as the midpoint star in memory, or I won't get you dry before we get to the station.

What a crazy idea, I thought, shuddering and spurting another jet of cum into her mouth at the gentle touch of her tongue on my tip. Okay, let's try this. First, launch from the minus four G of Blue Springs, then a loop around the Moon and run through the nearest planets, depending on their set. And then... I tried to recall the map of the space and looked at the sky, easily locating the blue giant and trying to name the stars shining near to it. First Zeioti, that's obvious. Then Faphiso. Liaebde... No, Phiackti will be better. And then a long jump to... Quolan or Ayayce. Which of the two...?

  • Done! - Stillfire licked my nose, her tongue smelling with sex. True, my cock clean and dry was resting safely in my sheath.

  • I didn't come even halfway to Hadar! And I didn't come even halfway in you!

  • After the hunt nothing will stop us! - she giggled.

The big, beautiful planet was looming over our heads, the lights of the station were closing quickly. We stood up and looked at the station. Since here, on the stationary orbit it didn't put any strain on the tower, it was the biggest of the stations excluding the underground complex. It consisted of many scientific facilities, repair and construction shipyards, large docking area, several multi-purpose and recreational halls, zero-g workshops and the space cadets school... my school. I looked at the "pier" - long beam with docking places for visiting ships. All the same as yesterday, except of one - lean, fish-shaped starboat of Dolphins - designed for flying in space and atmosphere as well as gliding on the surface and under water - Apparently the promised Dolphin engineers have arrived. I smiled at the bustling activity in the construction yard. No single part of the new ship was created yet, but I could already make out the Dolphin ship shape of the facilities surrounding the area where the new ship was to be created. The projects weren't quite ready yet, especially concerning the engine which prototype had arrived from Humans this morning... but the hull shape was known already. In the multi-planetary project, Dolphins as most experienced engineers in aerodynamic spaceships, provided the hull construction. For the first time a spaceship that wasn't originally required to go down into the atmosphere had to have aerodynamic shapes. Simply, with the speed she was supposed to run at, the hyperspace vacuum wasn't empty enough and the rare particles scattered in the interstellar space meant a serious slow-down. Of course with this construction the ship was able to go down into the atmosphere and I just wondered if Dolphins convince the others to add the submarine option to it.

The lift passed through the outer layer of the protective coat and everything vanished as we were passing through the tunnel through the thick layer of water. Then the gravity began vanishing and we descended slowly into the central chamber of the base.

I smiled. I liked this place. Its function was not only the communication core and recreational area but also oxygen factory. Many different plants from all the known worlds with protein-based life grew here, and because of the lack of gravity they took really crazy shapes, bending and twisting in the wildest ways, forming the zero-g 3D anisotropic jungle.

The gravity/deceleration of the lift vanished completely. I picked up the parcel that began floating across the lift and as the door opened I kissed Stillfire and stood in the exit.

  • It will take just a moment, will you wait here?

  • No way! First at Grinningsnake's wins! - she giggled and plunged under my legs out from the lift. I grabbed the box in my jaws and took a leap towards the nearest strong branch. I grinned knowing that even though Stillfire took head start, I will win, having the zero-g training.

A quick swing on the branch, pulling my legs up, release and short flight towards another branch. Just like the gravity loops spaceships make around the stars in the space travels. Same action, only in different direction and I gained some speed again. I noticed Stillfire pushing with her legs against one of the supporting beams. She just couldn't win in that way.

Even though I saw the entrance to Grinningsnake's quarters already, I turned in other direction, to a branch that was straight across from the office corridor. Another turn and I saw the office door far in front of me, approaching at dangerous speed. Stillfire flew after me towards the doorway, but she was much slower, and besides that she needed one more stop and direction change. First the doorway, then inside of the long, slowly rotating cylinder with samplings of the plants covering the walls rushed by me, and I turned to land on all fours on the office doors. I began straining my muscles in Redleaf's movements to slow down to a safe speed. Suddenly the door in front of me opened revealing the thoughtful old Wolf.

  • Look out! - I shouted and suddenly realised my mistake as the parcel flew straight from my jaws towards the Wolf. Old Grinningsnake appeared to be more agile than many young Wolves, skillfully catching the box and closing the door shut in front of me. The hit was pretty hard but nothing I couldn't take... but the trouble were just to come. As the door opened again, I had my ears low down. Stillfire stopped by me.

  • Ravenwing! - I heard the old Wolf. I already knew what I may expect. - Bad, bad, bad, bad. How many times must I repeat, no racing in the garden! You may damage the plants, you may crash and hurt yourself or the others. And you waste the oxygen.

  • And I don't even have time to look at the new plants... Sorry. I don't know what madness forced me to race with that crazy she-wolf. I'm really sorry, Grinningsnake.

  • I know perfectly well, which madness. I could smell it upwind from you two! Is this yours? - he asked, showing me the parcel.

  • That's for you. A sampling of a plant from Earth. Genetically optimised for best fruits and oxygen production in zero gravity. It's called mango.

I saw all the bad mood left the old Wolf and he smiled, opening the box and revealing the few leaves growing from a short root wrapped in damp cloth. - From Earth? - he asked - Did they send any directions on how to plant it? - I saw how happy he was. It was the first plant from Earth in his collection.

  • It was originally a plant in a hydroponic plantation box, all resources provided artificially. Later I can send you the full documentation of the box, it should contain all the data about the plant too.

  • Barbaric planet. Poor little plant. Good, send me that data.

  • I will. I think that's all then, good bye Grinningsnake.

  • See you, Ravenwing! And NO racing in the garden, young she-wolf!

  • Aye, aye, Sir! - shouted Stillfire, licked his nose and (OUCH!) pulled me away by my tail.

  • Bye, Grinningsnake - I shouted before turning around and biting Stillfire's asscheek. She yelped, releasing my tail and pushing me away, towards the wall rapidly.

  • Watch the samplings!!! - yelled Grinningsnake.

Three quick redleavian moves and I held Stillfire firmly in one place. For a moment she was still like a stone, and then gasped deeply. - Sorry - she whispered, looking at the precious small plants covering the walls.

  • Come - I whispered. I began feeling a bit tired, the residual speed debt was quite high. We floated to the exit, where in few short moves I returned the balance to my complex space speed vector.

  • My deepest compassion to your potential future mate, he will be in deep trouble. - I sighed.

She looked at me with the look of a puppy who is being shouted at but knows better.

  • First in the lift OUCH! - she yelped as I stopped her halfway in her leap, holding her by her tail.

  • No races!

  • Okay, okay, don't be so grumpy! Show me better how you gained such speed without Redleaf.

As we floated towards the lift I explained her in simple words how I change the momentum into speed, and against me discouraging her to try this without any training, she pivoted quickly around a branch, left it and crashed hopelessly into the tower wall.

  • Don't say that! I know what you want to say and I don't need another Wolf more clever than me. - she stopped me before I commented her accident. - You will see, I will train and next time I will be first!

  • There will be no next time! No more races here!

  • Wanna bet?

  • I bet, I win. I won't race with you in the garden, I have pissed Grinningsnake off enough. This is my final word.

  • Okay, you bet, you win, I give you the prize after the hunt.

  • Now let's move to the swimming pool, I guess it's full of dolphins, will be cool!

  • Here's a lift! Come!

The lift to the upper floors just arrived. A dolphin in a mobile water container, and three Wolves got out from it. Stillfire pulled me into the lift and with childish joy pressed [-0.3]. I guessed she wasn't to the upper stations very often. As the weak gravity appeared anew, I kissed her nose. This time the ride was much shorter so we were just cuddling gently. After a short while we got off in the weak gravity of the -0.3G station. Much smaller than 0G it held a few laboratories and workshops, small hostel for those recovering from long journeys without gravity, a small gym for the space school cadets, and an open from inside part of the protective water coat, which formed a big swimming pool. No lift, only a long pit with ladder connected the facilities of the station - here fall even from the top of the pit was harmless, and you could easily pass half of the pit with one jump up.

We jumped down, to a ramp leading across the base, under the ceiling of the pool chamber, high over the pool. One jump down from the ramp, and we were on the walkway around the pool. I was right, several Dolphins were frolicking in the pool, with about as many Wolves and a few members of other races accompanying them.

A Robot was watching them from the high ramp, looking jealous. I watched the strange shiny metal silhouette, thinking about his race. For them water was lethal and they were very unhappy because they couldn't swim... if a robot can be unhappy. Their race was created quite a long time ago by a protein-based race, advanced civilisation of Owls. Unfortunately, the first, crude AI appeared to be aggressive. It conquered the planet, enslaved the Owls, built the beginnings of the robot race and later destroyed all protein-based life on its planet, when it wasn't needed anymore. As the robots race grew, its brains began including new concepts, and after reevaluation of the past events, the destruction of the race of their creators was considered harmful, unnecessary cruel action, a sad mistake that couldn't be repaired. Upon the contact with other civilisations Robots appeared to be very friendly and helpful, although their lack of certain feelings and emotions was sometimes annoying. Their perfect logic and coolness of analysis always picked the optimal solution, without considering the moral issues. They provided software for most of the computers used in the scientific union of civilisations, and their software was quite good, except of the complete lack of character and moral threads. I thought about the first meeting between Wolves and Humans. The Robots' software running on our ship almost caused war, when after evaluating the situation it decided that cracking the Humans' security systems and taking over the whole their ship will be easier than asking them for access to selected devices. I thought about the new projects of Human-Wolf cooperation in creation of the new starship software. I heard their progress was quite good for now.

Suddenly a loud splash drenched me, interrupting my thoughts and I was almost about to pounce and bite Stillfire in the pool in front of me, when I saw it wasn't her but one of the Dolphins. And then I felt a rapid push from behind and this time it was Stillfire for sure. I floated high towards the middle of the pool and landed in the water after bouncing against its surface two times. A splash not far behind me announced that Stillfire hid under water from me. Suddenly in a pretty arc she jumped off the water in front of me, pulling a beautiful cloud of shiny drops slowly connecting into a bigger form or splitting into thin rain in the air before falling down.

  • I got jealous about that robot - she managed to say before diving again, then a moment later surfaced behind me, jumping straight, high in air - you looked as if you fell in love with it! - she finished, giggling and sinking in the water, this time legs first. I dove for a moment, then began swimming on the surface, watching the dolphins which were really showing off, playing, jumping high, making many complicated evolutions and interesting figures. They had no space tower on their planet, so this place was a real treat for them.

  • Catch me if you can! - shouted Stillfire appearing next to me, and then sank so suddenly that I thought something had swallowed her. I dove after her, but she was far, by the bottom already. I wasn't as skillful swimmer as she was, so it wasn't easy to catch her. For quite a while I followed her, but she was always slipping off my reach. Suddenly I felt a gentle nudge in my side. "Need help?" - a thought of a dolphin touched me. I accepted the offer and caught one flipper. Two, three turns and I had Stillfire's tail in my hand. We all three swam to the surface.

  • Cheater! If I asked a dolphin for help you would never catch me!

  • Wanna try? - a joyful chirp sounded just by me, translated to Wolf language by a device attached to the flipper of another dolphin.

  • Sure! - she caught the dolphin's back and vanished under the surface. The dolphin that had helped me swam between my legs, I embraced him (him, I felt with my feet) tightly and we dove after the first pair. And yes, they were uncatchable. We were swimming at great speed but they were simply faster. This seemed hopeless, they were sinking to the bottom, then plunging back to the surface, and yet again, and once more, and we were always at least a bit too far. Suddenly, from just above the bottom they rushed towards the surface. "My" dolphin followed them and we jumped high in air after them. This is my chance, I thought, no water limiting my moves, weak gravity. I estimated the route and jumped off the dolphin's back, trying to catch Stillfire in midair. She noticed me and tried to escape, but it was too late. I caught her waist and separated from the dolphins we flew... onto the side wall of the room. Luckily it was one of the anti-meteorite protective coat walls, made from elastic material with water on the other side so we just bounced off it and fell back into the pool. The splash we caused rose the water almost to the roof and caused a small turmoil and a lot of laugh amongst the critters that were watching us. The two dolphins were waiting for another turn already, and a few other playful pairs have formed wanting to join the game. They all liked it.

* * *

The underground train was slowing down. I smiled, thinking how few facilities didn't accept the unbreakable grass as the floor cover. Surely hospitals, to protect the patients from the insects. Also some workshops and laboratories, as well as storage rooms. But besides that, the grass floor was almost everywhere. Of course in the train it was much more pleasant than bare metal or plastic. I remembered how my mother told me of the times from her youth, when old wolves refused to go by train because there was no grass on the floor. I could understand them.

The train stopped and we walked out. The station was small, just a wider tunnel with exit corridor sloping up to the surface.

  • Follow me. It's not very far, but not so close either. - Stillfire said, trotting up the slope, at first on two, then on all four paws. We got out through the exit which from outside resembled a natural cave.

  • Chase me!

  • Wait!

  • Chickening out?

  • No, but if we get hot and sweaty, we will never catch that badger.

  • True. But I have tested your speed in zero gravity and under water, I just have to try competing with you in normal conditions. Tomorrow?

  • Fine.

We trotted next to each other, on all fours, uphill through the forest for quite a while. The forest at feet of the Mountain of Heavy Sky was very old and wild. Suddenly I stood still.

  • What? - she stopped, looking at me. I sniffed the air.

  • What about giving up that badger today and trying something more serious?

She sniffed the air, then the ground. - A moose! An old one.

  • No more than twenty minutes ago.

  • Haven't hunted a moose in ages. Are you sure we can handle her?

  • Of course in one meal not! I hope your fridge is big enough? - I grinned.

  • Hey, it's me supposed to tell silly jokes! - she protested playfully.

  • Come, this way. - I followed the fresh track.

Soon we got out from the forest onto a small meadow, and under some young firs we found a place where the moose had been resting for quite a while. The grass was bent down and filled with the scent. A very fresh track led back into the forest. We crawled, following it. In no time we saw a small glade covered with long, fresh grass. The moose was grazing there.

  • I walk around and prepare the ambush. You attack from here, making her run onto me, then join to help me. - I whispered. She nodded quietly. The hunt was too serious thing even for Stillfire to start fooling about it.

I began sneaking around the glade, whispering the words of the incantation of safe hunt, the spell that would protect me from getting seriously wounded. The spells, the ancient tradition passed from the long-forgotten past were the greatest puzzles for all the scientists. Everyone used them and they always worked, but nobody knew really why. I began another whispered chant, asking the prey to forgive me the pain I was going to cause, and don't think of me as of an enemy, as I wasn't doing this for fun or malicious greed, but only following the ancient law of the Nature, taking life to stay alive myself.

I hid in a bush straight across from Stillfire and waited. I didn't want to give any telepathic signals to her, because the moose could detect them. And then I saw Stillfire, halfway through the glade already, running so quietly that the moose haven't noticed her yet.

Suddenly, faster than one could notice, the moose was on the run, almost straight onto me. And then I noticed it. Slight clumsiness in her movement, a bit bigger belly than usually. I just sat down, seeing Stillfire giving up her chase too. Her thought "Don't kill" touched my mind and I answered "I know" The moose rushed through the bush just by me and I heard her heavy steps quickly vanishing in the distance of the forest. I walked out, coming to Stillfire.

  • So where was that badger's cave? - I asked.

  • Come. Luckily the badger is not a pregnant female for sure.

  • Bad luck. Good that we noticed it, I hope she will give birth to a healthy young elk.

  • Sure she will. She's strong, even though a bit old. Neither of us alone could kill her.

I wanted to say "You underestimate me" but I decided not to boast. Besides, I wasn't quite so sure. As I recalled the big body pushing effortlessly through the thick bush by me, I decided she was right, I would probably get seriously wounded if I was alone.

We trotted back uphill. The forest was getting more loose and we soon found the narrow path to Stillfire's cave. After a while we turned downhill, away from the path, into the beginning of a deep ravine. The several springs connected here into one stream which through thousands of years formed the ravine. Before the clean stream formed there were many muddy puddles, covered with many small hoofprints. I smelled the air.

  • Wild pigs - I said. - A whole family.

  • Yes, a small family lives here. From time to time I pick one, but I try not to scare them away from here.

  • Ah... and here's our badger - I scented the half-day-old two-pass track.

  • You found the track. Now find the cave!

I followed the track downhill easily. It was running along the stream, then touched the water of a small pond and turned straight up the steep slope, out from the ravine. I was more than halfway up the slope when Stillfire's voice stopped me.

  • You lose! Come here! - she trotted down the stream.

  • But... - I was sure I was following the track, it was strong and the badger passed it twice, in two directions! I knew it! Not quite believing I walked down the slope to where Stillfire was waiting for me. And then I felt it, she was right! The scent reappeared there!

  • Clever beast, isn't he? Scented a wolf path, turned back, found a place where his path vanishes and left a false track from there. Took me quite a while to figure out what had happened. Come! - she urged me.

We went all the way down the ravine, where the stream connected with a wide brook passing under the mountain range. On this side of the brook the forest ended, the other side was covered with thick bushes. The sun was setting behind the mountain. A gentle breeze was blowing down the brook. Suddenly I hushed quietly at Stillfire.

  • Here he is - I pointed at a small black-and-white figure eating something in the nearby bushes just across the stream. - How shall we do it?

That was a problem. In front of us and down the valley there was a wide and clear part of the brook which formed a long and wide pool there. Up its flow it turned, providing good cover but it was upwind from the badger. I evaluated the chance of frontal attack. Should work. I told Stillfire about it.

  • No chance, it's much deeper here than you expect. You won't get to the other side in one jump, and will have to swim there.

  • True. Throwing a rock behind him to scare him in our direction would be easiest, but I'm not hungry enough for such dirty tricks.

Stillfire looked at me disgusted with that thought and with me even considering it.

  • But if we... jump as far as we can and then swim, and then chase the the badger... How far is the cave?

  • Far enough. But we can lose lose the track easily and stay hungry.

  • That's what this whole hunt thing is about.

  • Right. Even though I prefer winning. So, I count to three and we start.

The badger just finished eating and turned away from us, walking calmly towards the bushes.

"One, two, three" - thought Stillfire to me quickly and we dashed towards the badger. A long jump, landing in the water (me legs first, Stillfire head first) and frantic swimming to the other side. The badger heard the splash and began running for his life, quickly gaining the distance and choosing the path through the thickest bushes that would slow us down enough to save his stripes.

Stillfire was on the other side way faster than me, I couldn't deny she was a better swimmer than me.

I felt the bottom under my paws and dashed after her, trying to find some easier route around the bushes while she rushed straight through them after the prey.

I chanted, calling the prey to come, asking it not to notice me in its escape. I ran for a while, through a narrow path of some wild animals, and suddenly scented the badger, just in front of me, in a big bush. I saw the white stripes and dove after him, pushing the vegetation off my way. Stillfire was somewhere far behind.

I was doing my best, but the terrain was very rough, the bushes were slowing me down effectively and he seemed simply to be faster than me here. I already knew I wouldn't catch him. I turned towards the easier track, giving up the chase and trying to find a place where I could approach him again.

  • Ravenwing? - I heard a far, quiet call of Stillfire. - Help me!

Her voice was more embarrassed than scared so I just trotted to where she was. When I saw her, I couldn't help giggling. A very thorny bush growing in depression in the ground, filling it whole, and she, completely trapped in the long, flexible thorny stalks, crouching on all fours, with just her tail and back sticking outside, all her paws and rest of the body so completely stuck in the stalks that she couldn't move without hurting herself with the sharp thorns. Apparently she first got to the middle of the bush, then she decided she can't get through it, tried to back off, and failed in it too.

  • What can I do for you, my dear? Maybe I will just give you some release in the suffering? - I lifted her tail and with long, slow stroke of my tongue tasted her tempting, exposed vulva.

  • Get me out of here!

  • Sorry, it's not so easy. I will have to think which stalk remove first, or I could get you trapped even worse. And while thinking... I will try to enjoy your cute position. - I placed a long, tender and deep kiss on her lovely pussy.

  • You bastard! - she cursed but I could hear the note of playful joy in her voice. - I won't forgive you that!

  • I just can't wait for the punishment. But now I feel some pression that I must take care of, or I won't be able to help you.

  • So at least remove that stick from under my knee! You can do it.

I looked at her knee, and actually she was kneeling on an old, dry thorny stick. I removed it from under her knee, and then lifted her tail and stuck it under one of the stalks running across her loins. I placed another long kiss and could feel her arousal in the taste.

Suddenly I heard a quiet rustle in the nearby bushes, and with corner of my eye I saw some brown fur moving quickly, trying to get past the two yiffing wolves unnoticed. One long leap, rush through the bush, the brown neck just under my jaws. A strong hit, my teeth clutch on the neck and I feel the spine snapping under them and the beaver's body starts wriggling madly in the agony.

  • Hey, don't leave me here! Ravenwing! Come back and finish what you started! What are you doing there?!

I took the body of the animal and carried it back to her, then put it aside and crouched behind her. I rubbed the nice wet hole in front of me with my finger. She was literally dripping. Half of my cock slid free from my sheath, and I began aiming it at her, holding it with my hand.

  • Please, be gentle - she said quietly - Any bigger move and that damned thorns will pierce my skin!

  • I will, darling - I said, tenderly nibbling the fur on her back. Apparently this situation aroused her even more than me as I was feeling her shudders of emotions. Slowly and gently I drove my slightly dried cock into that wonderful, soothing wetness. Oh, she was so hot, so wanting, her muscles so relaxed that I got all the length into her, including the knot, without any resistance. And then gentle pull, my knot popping outside, push, and it sank again, slowly, but speeding up I continued thrusting. In short impulses her walls were squeezing me gently and I felt my cock growing slowly, filling her tighter, stretching her wider. With each thrust the knot grew and caused more resistance on the opening. The pressure became significant, then strong, and suddenly after the next thrust she moaned loudly and I felt as her sex closed tightly and locked my knot inside. I gasped as her sudden orgasm squeezed my still growing sex and that was all I needed for myself, howling soundlessly I trembled as my balls itched wonderfully, the muscles in my shaft stretched, and the first thick, intense spurt of cum pushed through the inside of my cock into her body.

I was gasping deeply and slowly, every breath matching the strong spurt, white noise in my ears, loud heartbeat, metallic taste in my mouth, blurred vision.... I haven't had so intense orgasm for years. Her helpless back in front of me, she unable to move, all on my mercy, so vulnerable and open for me, and me, locked tightly in her, having her all for myself, using her as I only desired.

I closed my eyes and just concentrated on the overwhelming feeling, the sensation not like gentle sea waves licking the beach, but high, powerful, destructive strokes of storm, exhausting, flushing me slowly off my consciousness, so I had to fight back, grip the reality, not letting to lose control over myself.

Her rhythmical gasps were turning into yelps, first quiet, then getting louder, more exhausted and painful, with each my spurt increasing, the tension in her body growing, then slightly fading, until my next spurt when it was growing even stronger. My balls began aching, the spurts got weaker, but the feeling didn't subside even a bit.

  • Please... I beg you... - I heard her quiet moan - stop this... I can't take any more...

Even if I wanted, I wouldn't be able to do it, we were tied for good and bad, there was no power to break our tie, and besides I was too stunned and busy staying conscious myself to even try freeing myself.

  • Please... break... tie... I... can't... - she moaned quietly. Her whole body was straining with each wave of her orgasm. I heard her coughing quietly and with each next heavy spasm of her body some whitish, thin, empty-stomach vomit began leaving her mouth. I tried to jerk strongly to pull free from her, but it only resulted in a long, full spurt of my cum, her yelping loudly, shuddering as in fever, and the ache in my balls growing.

  • Pull... stronger... break... please... - she whimpered. I could see her arms trembling, barely holding her from falling into the thorns.

I was completely empty, my cock just throbbing in empty run, her spasms now just weakly squeezing it. I thought it would never end... or that in a moment she will collapse into the thorns hurting herself badly. The pauses between each impulse were feeling like ages, the sensation was wonderful, but I knew neither of us could stand it much longer. She was choking when her heavy breath was intruded by the spasms of her whole body, including stomach. My heartbeat was sounding like rocks falling down a huge waterfall, my blurred vision was getting darker, and I was about to lose my balance, but then I returned to the consciousness and felt the sensation getting finally weaker.

My knot was slowly getting softer. Her orgasm was fading too, the squeezing getting weaker, her yelps turning back into gasps. I pulled, not too strong, and with quiet sizzling my cock popped out, followed by a waterfall of cum. Stillfire sighed quietly in relief.

  • Will you free me now?

  • No, I will just catch the second breath and take another try. - I joked, while now seriously looking at the puzzle of stalks holding her.

  • Oh, No... - she apparently didn't notice I was joking - Please, I just can't, have mercy, I'm completely worn out.

She stopped whinnying when I removed the first two stalks from her back and started removing others.

  • Oh, you! You... You scared me to death! Seriously, I couldn't take any more,

I stopped removing the stalks and placed a very long, deep kiss on her sex, slipping my tongue into her and wriggling it a bit. She just yelped loudly and gave a long moan. I finished the kiss by sucking at her sex and then resumed removing the thorny bonds, one by one. After a short while Stillfire crawled slowly outside, and rolled onto her back, resting on the grass. She was gasping hard, her tongue lolling to a side. I rested by her and licked her cheek.

  • Leave me alone, I'm exhausted.

  • No more sex, just cuddling.

  • Just cuddling? But no sex! - she smiled and rolled onto her side, towards me. I hugged her gently, enjoying the warmth of her body. I closed my eyes and didn't even notice when we both fell asleep.

When I woke up, the Moon was high on the sky already, shining brightly, and it was late night. I slipped off Stillfire's embrace and went down to the brook. After short search I found two suitable rocks and knocking one against another I made a crude stone blade. I went back to the small clearing by the thorny bush, cutting a fresh, straight rod from an old willow tree underway. I put the rod down and using the knife and my fangs (actually more fangs than the knife), began skinning the beaver. After I finished I went to search for dry wood and herbs. The valley was rich in herbs and I picked a nice choice of them before I found a few big branches brought here by a flood. I scentmarked the place and so I could find it easily later in the darkness and went down to the brook once more, to find one big, flat and one round rock. Using them I smashed the herbs into aromatic paste, which I rubbed into the meat of the beaver, before piercing it with the rod. Then, following my scent, I made a few rounds carrying the dry wood to the camping place, stacking it skillfully, preparing the fireplace.

I plucked some of my loose fur and stuffed it into the stack. I looked at the sky. My eyes found the outstanding, bright star. I smiled, remembering the maps of space Humans had sent us - They knew this star from ancient times too, and called it Antares. I knew that star was a double set. One of the two stars was a white dwarf, one of the hottest objects in the universe. A piece of it size of my claw would turn this planet into ash if placed on the surface. I imagined the woods melting into glowing plasma, mountains flowing down as lava, water from the oceans evaporating, turning into oxygen-hydrogen mix and then burning in bright flash again. Wide plains covered with fire, melting into blinding whiteness.

I opened my eyes and looked at the piece of fur, as dark and cold as always. I must be too tired, I thought, that Antares fantasy had never failed me before. Suddenly I grinned at a wild idea. I closed my eyes. The thorny bush, the sexy tail pushed under the stalk, the hot wetness waiting for me, oh yes, the hot feeling on my cock... sssht! I opened my eyes and grinned, watching the tiny flame spreading onto bigger sticks.

A gentle move by me, soft kiss on my cheek and Stillfire picked one side of the rod, I took the other, and sitting on opposite sides of the campfire we began roasting the meat, looking at each other through the smoke and flames. As always, she had that her mysterious smile. Suddenly similar smile appeared on my mouth. She noticed it.

  • What? - she asked.

  • I bet I know what you're thinking about.

  • And what would it be.

  • You're planning getting stuck in some bush again.

  • Wrong! But I won't tell you! You will see yourself!

* * *

I woke up with slight headache. I tried to stand up and then I noticed I can't. My limbs were completely limp, I was feeling everything but I couldn't move my leg nor hand. I understood! Damn that healer female, she threw the limpness curse onto me, a spell that's used during surgical operations to hold the patient from moving! I could only lay there and look around (my neck and chest, including my sex weren't limp), when Stillfire suddenly appeared from nowhere and straddled my legs.

  • Promised punishment for yesterday! - I heard her cheerful voice and I felt a gentle lick on my balls. With terror I realised there's no way I could escape and that my shaft is sliding free from my sheath.

  • Stillfire, I won't forgive you that!!!

  • I just can't wait for the punishment! - she giggled, placing a long and tender kiss on my shaft.

. . . . . By Sharpfang Sat 16:05:20 7 jun 2000 (CEST)