Tribal Legends - The story of stallion called Fire

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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#7 of Tribal Legends

Tribal Legends

a suite of stories

Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed

The story of stallion called Fire ================================= The Story of Fire.

A tribal legend by Aris, translated and written down by Sharpfang.

Dedicated to Perrier

Fire is not only what people say, a chemical reaction between oxygen and other compounds. That's just its body, like our body is flesh. But fire has also a soul, which is alive and it has feelings, too.

This is the story of a stallion whose soul was like fire, and his name was Fire too.

One could say he lived with a tribe of horses, but truth of the matter was that he lived next to it, and against it. The vast majority of the tribe disliked him strongly, and not without reason. He was the first to fight, last to agree, first to take, last to give, first to break, last to help. And as he was very handsome and smart, he seduced all the pretty mares in the village - but he loved none of them, he was only interested in sex. Some of them hated him after he used and left them, while others still dreamed about being the one who Fire would marry and served him like slaves, often giving him precious gifts.

Sometimes Fire ran madly through the forests, looking for adventure or maybe a mare from a different tribe. He was very strong and could run restlessly for hours. One day, in early summer, he was picking fruit and eating them, when he saw a mare of unequalled beauty between some nearby trees. Her fur was white, her golden mane long and thick, and her movement incredibly graceful, far more so than any other mares Fire knew. His thoughts focused on her full shape, and he felt that he had to possess her. He trotted towards her, but she dashed away suddenly through the foilage. He galloped after her and followed her track, but she was getting further and further away. When she was lost from his sight, he followed her hoofprints and scent, still running with great speed. Once or twice he saw her in the distance, but she was getting away. He followed her for a long time, but finally lost her track and had to stop.

Cursing loudly he headed back to the village. On his way, he crossed a stream just over the waterfall. The lake below the waterfall was the favorite bathing place of the horses from the village and he often jumped from the waterfall to impress the mares, when there were any he wanted to watch. This time of year the water was slightly too cold for bathing and during the spring floods, some broken trees were left in the lake. Fire didn't know about them. He angrily ran to the edge, and dived in as always. While landing in the water he hit a broken tree log with his leg and hurt it badly. Now mad from pain and anger, knowing that in front of the whole village he would have to whinny for help, he crawled to the shaman's tipi.

The shaman examined the leg, and concluded that the bones were broken but not displaced, put some cream and herbs on it, tied hard sticks to it, immobilising it, and added that if Fire ever wanted to run again in his life, he couldn't walk or put any pressure on the leg for two weeks, and Fire knew the old shaman - two weeks meant two weeks and not a day less. The shaman never left any margin for error, and his threats were always true.

So Fire was stuck in his lair for two weeks, angry and annoying everyone. His behavior repelled most of the infatuated mares, but the few most patient, that adored him most, brought him delicious fruit and water, but he didn't think about them at all. Even making love to them, he was closing his eyes, imagining the beauty from the forest. She filled his mind, but he told no one about her. The two weeks finally passed and the shaman removed the sticks from the leg, which was now fully healed. Just then, one of the girls he had left some time ago, came to the shaman. She was pregnant and about to foal. When she said it was Fire's child, Fire said it was a lie, and the child is not his business (even though it obviously was) and left without thanking the shaman for treatment.

He ran through the forest and to the place where he lost the beauty's track. He had little hope, but he didn't want to waste any other chances he might have. He was poisoned with desire for that mare. He began searching for her tracks at random, in different directions, starting from where he had lost her track. The forest's end was near and the base of high, rocky mountains began. Suddenly, quite far away, he smelt her very weak scent and found her hoofprint in the mud. It was the scent of her urine and it was driving him crazy! It was several days old but... He began searching through the dry leaves, searching for any more tracks and found a single leaf with something brown on it. He recognised it to be dried blood! He also sensed a shade of fear in the scent of the mare! Oh, no! He hoped nothing had happened to her! Not before he had possessed her! He began systematically seeking any other tracks around, and found one and a few drops of blood in the nearby entrance to a canyon leading up between two mountains. He traversed the canyon, noting the drops of blood on the rocks and suddenly stood at the opposite foot of the canyon: The sharp edge of a high cliff, far over the bottom of a wide and deep valley covered with cracked rocks. He shuddered, imagining the scene that he thought had happened there, and looked down the cliff. He saw no corpse but it could be hidden behind one of rocks protruding from the wall.

Just to make sure, he returned to foot of the canyon entrance, then around the mountain, and up the valley under the high cliff. He spotted the canoyon exit far above and came to the place under it, but he found nothing - only large cracked rocks brought here during floods by a tiny stream that was now invisible, flowing somewhere under the rocks. No corpse, no blood, nothing.

Where could she be? He wandered back up to the end of the canyon over the abyss, and began examining the area carefully. He saw a thin, long rock shelf running along the wall of the cliff just next to the canyon's end. He carefully walked along the shelf and saw blood smeared on the wall. Not far from where the shelf ended,there was a big hole. Quite far below on another, wider shelf, he saw a smashed corpse of a bear and just a few steps in front of him, a little below his location, another shelf with path leading further. It was close enough to jump there safely, but low enough to be unable to come back. Fire, without much consideration, jumped down across the hole. The path continued for a moment and ended with a small barren cave, more like a niche in the wall.

On its floor, the mare lay... but what a disappointment! She was nothing like he'd seen in the forest. With numerous scratches, covered with dried blood and dust, skinny, with dried lips, she didn't even look close to attractive anymore. She sat up and looked at him.

  • Have you come to take me away from here?

He nodded.

  • Is there anyone left there to lift us out from here or maybe you have a rope?

No, he hadn't and there was no one else.

  • So you came without any preparation? - she sighed. - Do you maybe have some water with you? I'm dying from thirst. I was licking dew from the rocks at dawn for the last two weeks but that's not enough to survive. I also ate all the tiny plants that were growing in my range.

No, he had no water nor food. So she told him that they are both trapped, in that case. It wasn't a very hot day but the wall was very hot. She told him to wait until the evening when it gets cooler and then maybe together they could get out of that place. They lay next to each other and talked about how they got there. The mare's name was Gazella. The tradition of her tribe said that if a mare can't find a mate from her tribe that could match her skills, she should go and seek for one that would, in other tribe. And so Gazella was on a quest for a mate. That day when she saw him, she saw his lust, she didn't even want to start talking to him, knowing how difficult would it be to resist his charm and wit. Soon after she got away from him she was resting on a glade in the forest when a wild bear attacked and wounded her. She began running for her life, it followed her to this place, and she was trapped here.

  • There's a place not far above this cave where we can climb up from. The wall above us is not very high, and there, if you lifted me up, I could reach its edge. There may be a path that would lead out from here. I was trying to climb it myself but it's too smooth. If I get out I will get some help for you.

He agreed. He would prefer to get out himself, but she was obviously too weak to lift him up.

  • One thing more. I'm too weak to go to get help. I will need take some of your water and energy to survive before I get to any other water. You won't need it if I bring help and if not, it makes little difference.

At first he didn't understand, but she reached down towards his sheath and began massaging it, revealing his cock, then gently rubbing it. She sucked at it gently... Ah those gentle hands and lips... Giving so much pleasure now, what would she be able to do if she was fully rested? He came suddenly shuddering violently with pleasure, as large amounts of semen filled Gazella's mouth. She swallowed it hungrily, and sucked all the rest flowing from Fire's shaft.

They rested for an hour more, and then began climbing the mountain. At first, the way wasn't very difficult, the deep cracks in the rocks were providing good support, and it wasn't even so steep yet, but further on, all around them were vertical, smooth walls. Soon they got to the highest place under the wall, and it wasn't very high there, though too high for either of them to get to its edge alone. Fire lifted Gazella to his shoulders, she reached and gripped the edge, a bit more effort and she was up there. A few moments later he heard a cheerful shout: "I made it! I see the way down! I'm free! " and the sound of her hooves slowly vanishing in the distance. He went back to the cave, knowing he couldn't expect help before morning, and soon went to sleep.

In the morning he woke up and climbed to the rocks where he had lifted Gazella to freedom. He sat down and waited. Hours passed and no one came. Maybe something had stopped her? Maybe she was so tired that she needed to rest? And, what if she betrayed him and just went away? As time passed, this thought overtook him and turned first into anger and later into fear, growing to panic. When night came, Fire was sobbing quietly, hungry, thirsty, without hope. All his self-confidence evaporated completely. His plans of taking revenge on Gazella when she returned, for making him wait so long, vanished, replaced by the thought that he would kiss her hooves and serve her like a slave, if she only returned to free him.

The next morning he even didn't go outside the cave, abandoned by all hope. His pride was totally smashed. Dirty, hungry and thirsty, he was not a proud stallion anymore, and when the afternoon came and her voice woke him up, he couldn't believe it. He quickly crawled out from the cave and climbed up to the wall. She was there, in her beauty and pride, like a goddess of freedom. She sat on the edge of the shelf above him.

  • The rope! Please, throw me the rope! - he was almost whinnying.

  • Sorry, I won't get you out of there. You must stay there much longer.


That was beyond Fire's imagination. Why?

  • I was in your village, - she continued - They took care of me and healed my wounds, but when I told them about you, they refused to help and seemed happy that you're here. I heard many bad things about you. And the mare you had a foal with... Don't protest! I know it was your child! There were complications. The foal died, and she barely survived. It's still not certain whether she will survive. They said that it would be absolutely fine if you died here and if you got out of here they would kill you. And they seemed very serious about that. At first when they heard I wanted to help you they didn't want to let me go and held me in the village until this morning. But as you saved my life I couldn't just leave you like that, so I had to swear that I wouldn't set you free before they would let me go.

  • So you came here just to tell me that I'm sentenced to die here?

  • No. Catch! - she threw him a leather bag that was lying next to her. It was quite heavy. - Here they won't kill you. I will stay with you until they forgive you.

The bag was full of fruit, there was also a full waterskin. Fire began drinking and eating hungrily and after he finished, he looked at her again.

  • How long do you think it will take? - he asked

  • I don't know, but judging from your crimes, a long time. But I will stay with you all the time. No,no,no. You down there, me up here.

And so it began. Gazella brought necessary items Fire would need and some for herself from his tipi - a blanket and some skins for sleeping, some common use tools, etc, and she brought him fresh food and water every day. They also talked for long hours and Fire was astonished by her knowledge. She was also a master of riddles and puzzles and he tried to solve different tasks she set him.

He found this kind of entertainment extremely attractive. She never gave him hints or solutions to the tasks he couldn't solve himself, and sometimes it took him weeks before he found an answer to a riddle, while he solved thousands of others in the meantime. Sometimes he was waking her up at night shouting cheerfully the solution. Then she came to him, smiling and giving him an even more difficult task. She also told him many interesting stories and legends, and later they discussed them and the issues touched in the stories for a long time. After a few weeks, she carried his whole tipi from the village, placed it near his 'prison' and lived in it. As time passed, Fire even didn't notice as his sexual desire towards her almost totally subsided. She was still very attractive, but he didn't feel the urge for sex. Instead, he was full of respect for her intelligence, honor and patience.

Summer passed, then fall and the winter came. Gazella gathered enough of supplies for both of them and Fire had some very warm and fine coats and furs in his tipi, gifts from the mares that had admired him. The winter wasn't hard, but there was a lot of snow. Fire lived with a secret dream about the moment when his imprisonment ended... the first thing he would do then would be asking Gazella to marry him... and they would live together happily... but that wasn't something that would happen.

One day, when the mountains had been covered with thick blanket of snow for a few months, Gazella went down to the village to ask when Fire's sins would be forgiven. After two days, she was back. She stood on the stone shelf over Fire, while he was, like always, waiting below. Suddenly she slipped on a thin layer of ice under the snow and slid down. Fire caught her just in the last last moment when she was just about to fall down to the bottom of the valley. She thanked him and sighed with relief sitting down in a safe place.

  • Just in time, or the good news would turn very bad for you if I had fallen. Maybe it's better than I'm here to tell you this. The girl who was pregnant and bore the dead foal is fine now, and has almost forgiven you. The chief says that you can come back during the rituals of greeting the spring, when the winter ends. This is also good news for me as I will be able to continue my quest for a mate. You see, I can't stay with someone like you forever.


She wouldn't stay with him? He will lose her forever?

  • The winter shouldn't last long so soon you will be free. Are you happy?

Fire looked at her for a while and just whispered "No." She shrugged and asked him to lift her back up. He looked at her again and shyly began:

  • Before I lift you there, please, could you allow me do something I have dreamt about many times at night, something I crave? Please, let me just kiss your hands.

She gave him her hands, a bit confusedly, and he kneeled in front of her and kissed her hands very gently, breathing with their scent. When he looked at her, his eyes were sparkling with tears. Then he gently lifted her up, and she climbed easily to the shelf over him and went away, confused.

After that day something changed. Fire caught her every word hungrily. He was waiting for her long before she was came, then talked with her as long as he could. Now it was hard for her to find any puzzle or riddle he wouldn't solve in a moment, as he was starving for every moment with her. It looked as if his life was to end with the winter and he wanted to get most of it.

Finally the day came. Two young stallions came with a rope and lifted Fire up easily. He didn't cause problems, but he also didn't seem happy at all. The four walked to the village, and Gazella told Fire she would like him to dance with her in the ritual before she left.

That night all the horses from the tribe danced around the campfire, cheerfully greeting the spring, but one pair was outstanding. Gazella's and Fire's dance was really impressive. She was gracefully dancing around him, like a defending spirit while his dance resembled a fight, a battle he was losing. All the other furries finished their dance, while Gazella was dancing around the campfire with Fire. In the magic of the moment, everything seemed like a spell, Fire dancing in the middle of the flames, raising fountains of sparks from the ashes and stepping on the burning logs. Suddenly the smell of burning flesh sobered them. Gazella stood still for a moment staring at him still dancing in the middle of the campfire, and then jumped wildly forward pushing him off the fire. The others gathered around them, the shaman began immediately healing the bad burns, while Gazella kept Fire's head in her hands and said to him with voice full of anger:

  • You're given the second chance to make sense of your life. Don't waste it like this.

That night she was gone.

The shaman's creams and spells quickly healed the burns, and Fire accepted his fate. He carried his tipi back to the village and lived quietly, helping everyone in need and working hard. He apologised everyone he had hurt or offended in the past. Also he apologised all the mares he had been with earlier, gave all the gifts back and explained to those who still wanted him that he was sorry but he was not going to marry any of them and he wasn't into sex anymore either.

He often talked with the elder horses and several times they told him about a problem with tribal life that they couldn't solve. Every time he gave a very accurate and good solution, very soon or even immediately. After that many furries, sometimes even from other tribes came to him, asking for advice on their common problems and his answers always were to the point, and solved all the problems in the best way possible. They also brought him gifts to pay for the advices but he refused to take them, unless he earned them with his own hands, working hard. The advice was free.

Although helpful and respected, he was obviously unhappy. The elder horses planned something to cheer him up and introduced him to a young, pretty mare, the daughter of a very respected family. The chief wanted him to date her for a while and then marry her, but Fire noticed that she was secretly in love with some young stallion she wasn't supposed to be with. Feigning dating her, he was arranging the secret lovers' meetings, and fabricated a plot, which in only two or three months caused the two to get married, with approval from the whole tribe. After that Fire earned much respect and there were many who would have liked to become his friends but he preferred to be alone... and he was still sad.

Autumn came. Like often when he had free time, Fire walked down to the stream and sitting over the water, dropped tiny rocks in, thinking about one of more difficult problems he was asked to solve, or maybe about something totally different. Suddenly he felt someone's hands covering his eyes. This touch! This smell! He turned to Gazella looking at her in surprise. Now she was even more beautiful than when she left

  • Hi. Nice to see you again. Have you found your mate? - he asked.

  • I hope so, - she smiled to him. - You know, I'm not always right. I make mistakes sometimes too. Like when I said I couldn't stay with someone like you. I asked around in the village, and they said you still have no mate. So... would you?

  • Would YOU??

They kissed each other happily.

After that, they lived long and happily together loving each other. Many furries, sometimes even from very far countries, were coming to them asking for advices in the most important problems. And yes, if you wonder about this, they had really a lot of beautiful children and enjoyed them very much. Actually some say some of their children were born after some other had their grandchildren and some others say that it's impossible that Gazella bore so many children in her lifetime even if they were all the offspring of Fire, but those are just malicious suspicions.

. . . . Sharpfang 21:45 thu 14.10.99

Oh well. I just can't resist. I will use the ability to peek into any moment of time and any area of space in any world, and look into Fire's tipi the night after Gazella returned.

When they came back from the stream holding each other's hands, everyone in the village knew that Gazella was back. They were quiet, but excited whispers could be heard everywhere and everyone looked at them. For the first time in ages, they saw Fire happy. The chief stood in front of his tent. When they passed by, he asked simply:

  • When?

  • Tomorrow. - replied Fire.

  • The handfasting ritual and feast will be ready. - said the chief and smiled, watched them as they entered Fire's tipi. The voices all around got a bit louder commenting on the event.

In the tipi Fire got a little nervous.

  • You've travelled far. You must be tired, hungry and thirsty.

  • Not much, - she smiled, closing the entrance to the tipi. - But feed me and water me, like you did there, in the cave when we first met.

Fire sighed and leaned towards her. She kissed his lips and lay next to him.

  • In my travels, I've met many males, two or three of them would even match me, and could have been my mates, but I still felt something missing in them. I needed a while to realise that I missed everything that differs you from them. Then I reconsidered everything and began my way back. I was very far already and it took me a long time to get back here.

She told her story, while her hand gently caressed Fire's balls and sheath.

  • And I was so worried that you'd made use of the 'second chance' and found a mate. - She began crawling down along him, caressing his chest gently with one hand, sliding one finger of the other into his sheath.

  • You had reasons. I was supposed to marry one attractive mare. Luckily I remembered the story of Leila and BlueWind and saw some signs in her behavior. The situation resembled the one from the story exactly, only the names changed. - He kissed her forehead stroking it gently and scritched her ear. - I repeated the whole plot, didn't even need to modify it in any way.

  • And you played old TorFin? Aren't you too young for that part? She giggled playing with his navel and covered the head of his shaft which had just appeared from his sheath, with her hand. - And like in the story, you were left alone and sad?

  • Well, mostly, - he was stroking her shoulders and back while she embraced him pushing his shaft between her breasts, and looking faithfully up into his eyes. - We talked about it, and agreed it was the best solution.

  • You could build this relationship on sex, TorFin couldn't. With your... - she looked down and kissed his shaft, taking it between her lips but not letting it behind the toothline, - ...abilities it would be easy. And BlueWind would survive the loss and could find another mate. You know it.

  • Yesss.... - He sighed deeply as when she finished talking, she took his shaft tip in her mouth and nipped at it gently while rubbing its middle and base with her hands. - I knew it, but I preferred it that way.

  • Really? Why? Just not to hurt them? I can't recognise the old Fire! - She said after taking the shaft off her mouth and rubbing her chin along it holding it firmly, though gently.

  • You know I've changed a lot. And besides, there was another reason... but I can't tell you until you finish.

Gazella stopped suddenly looking at her.

  • I won't continue until you tell me.

  • If I tell you now you won't finish!

  • Good. I'm not hungry nor thirsty anymore. - she rolled him onto his back and straddled him. He felt her vulva just on top of his cock tip, but it was pushing his cock to his belly. Tell me and I promise I won't stop.

  • I was waiting for you.

  • Be realistic! - She leaned forward, so that the cock tip began slowly sliding into her. - You can't bet on something so unprobable! Even with all the changes, by the end of the puzzle of Li'Kai and Lo'Sae, you said there was no point for Li'Kai to wait for her!

  • Well, I was realistic. Remember the solution with the string? Fire gently embraced her pushing a little of his cock in.

  • THE STRING?!! - Gazella shouted standing up, pulling him off her. - The String!!! You bastard!!! And I though it was despair! - She stood over him, staring at him madly, gasping angrily.

  • Yes, but if I failed tying it, I would have burnt alive! Now Please! You promised!

  • What did I promise!? I promised nothing yet!

  • You promised you won't stop!

  • What?? Oh! Damn. The word is the word. - She kneed on him and drove his shaft tip in herself a little. - But dancing in the campfire is a very painful way of tying the string! And weren't you afraid it would wrap around a pole?

  • Now slowly... - he sighed. His shaft was slowly sliding into her. She still looked rather angry, and was doing it just because she promised. - I was really in despair! That was the last chance. Your string was bound so tightly that I was forced to take the risk. And besides, you said you attached it to two or three poles underway but luckily, it didn't wrap around any.

  • Hmmm? My string? When?

  • In the winter, when you came with the news about the time when they forgave me. - he jerked rather strong, pushing the rest of his foxtail-long shaft into her. She gasped, not sure if from this or just from surprise.

  • Oh! But... that was just an accident! Really!

  • Accident... - he gasped pulling and pushing, staring, moving in her rhythmically. -...or... not... it... worked... damn... well...

Gazella pushed him to the furs they were lying on stopping him.

  • So it seems I trapped myself. Accidentally.

She leaned forward feeling his big shaft filling her inside, pushing in her.

  • You're excused. It's only hard for me... - She kissed his lips. - To forgive you for making me walk half the world for four months, and then realise I was walking pointlessly, and spend another two months returning. Couldn't you slow me down in some way, or whatever? That trip wasn't easy!

  • I was so badly burnt that before they put me together you were too far away already. - He hugged her and began moving in her rhythmically again, but much slower this time. - Besides, do you regret?

She freed herself from his hug, sitting up and lifting herself from his shaft a little. She embraced its base with her fingers, she was far from closing her hand around it, then lifted herself to its end evaluating its length and then lowered herself back onto it closing her eyes and began swinging her hips a little, moving on top of him.

  • No. - She said.

Fire embraced her strongly and rolled on top of her.

  • Do you value stallions by the sizes of their cocks? - he asked holding her shoulders and rocking his hips faster in her. He didn't get the answer. She clutched her teeth and closed her eyes, whinnied quietly and he felt her clutching on his shaft. He didn't stop moving when a squirt of hot, strongly smelling urine surrounded his shaft and sprayed from her vulva onto his womb and hips. She gasped hard and opened her eyes. She looked at him for a moment, while he was thrusting rather hard.

  • Stop. I'm thirsty, - she said suddenly.

Fire looked at her surprised, stopping, unable to disobey her hard voice, but looking very disappointed. He slid off her and rolled onto his side.

  • I have a waterskin somewhere there... - he began.

  • Water, water. I don't want water. - She pushed him onto his back and straddled his chest, this time facing towards his shaft. She took his big, slightly flaring tip into her mouth, and Fire, surprised, felt her swallowing it. It wandered down her throat and she wasn't gagging. He needed a moment to notice her vulva was just over his nose, and realize what she expected. Both the vulva and the shaft tasted very sharp, and a little sour-sweet, with her cum urine. Fire felt an unknown sensation as his shaft slid deep down her throat, and her tongue and teeth were caressing its base. He felt he was coming, and suddenly heard Gazella yelping in pain. He understood that his flare was pushing from inside her, but he couldn't do anything, just wait to finish. She wriggled, trying to pull out, but she couldn't. With no breath, she squeezed his hips in her hands and moved madly again, feeling Fire's shaft pumping cum straight to her stomach. Then with no breath, she fell down. Fire, full of fear, pulled his shaft out as his flare subsided and quickly blew some air into one of her nostrils while keeping her mouth and the other nostril closed. Once more. She opened her eyes and began gasping hard.

  • I almost died!

  • What was that? What did you do?

  • When I decided to go back to you, I thought of some surprise for you. I trained with a staff, but staffs don't grow inside of you.

  • That was great, but don't do it again.

  • I won't. Damn, I must have spoiled most of the pleasure of your orgasm.

  • Well... I can't say no. But nothing is lost as long as you're cautious.

  • So, now just do whatever you think is fine.

  • Hmm... aren't you thirsty?