Biker Mouse From Milwaukee

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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Biker Mouse From Milwaukee

S.M. Wolf

Elise, Burnaby and this story are copyrighted 2001, 2011 by S.M. Wolf. The story and characters may not be used without prior, written permission. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Elise walked down the deserted highway. It was mid-afternoon, and the summer heat was starting to get to the Canadian mountain lioness. She was only wearing a light t-shirt and cut-off jeans, but with her thick pelt, the heat was really draining her.

Elise wiped her brow and pushed her long blonde hair back from her eyes. She stood for a moment and took a long look back down the road. There had not been a car by in almost an hour. She was really starting to get tired from the walking, but she had little choice. Her brother was getting married in a week and the only way she could get there was by hitchhiking. Without any cars around, she was going to have to walk until she hit a main road again.

Elise turned, resettled her backpack and continued walking down the side of the road. Her long strides ate up the distance.

Behind her in the distance, Elise heard the roar of an engine. She turned around and looked back down the road again.

Over the hill came a strange motorcycle. The heat waves distorted Elise's view, but she could tell it looked like something more out of Star Wars than the local bike shop. As it drew closer, she could see the rider.

He was dressed from head to toe in black leather, and he wore a black helmet with a dark visor. Elise had an uneasy feeling seeing him, but she was desperate. She stuck out her right paw and raised her thumb.

The motorcycle slowed and came to a stop about five feet before Elise. The rider swung his right leg over the bike and dismounted. He took off his helmet, and Elise got her first good look at him.

The rider was a short, white mouse. He had the typical large ears and close-cropped white hair. He also barely came up to the bottom side of her breasts. He looked up her six foot seven frame and smiled broadly. His infectious smile greatly reassured Elise. His short stature also helped ally her fears at being alone with a biker so far from anyone else.

"Good afternoon, young lady! What brings you out to the middle of nowhere on this hot afternoon?" he lightheartedly asked her.

"I'm hitchhiking across the country to get to my brother's wedding and need a ride," she replied.

"Well, it's going to be a rather tight on the back of the bike for you, but, if you're willing, I can make room for you," the smiling mouse replied cheerfully.

Elise walked over to the mouse and extended her paw.

"My name is Elise, and I'd be grateful for any help you can give me getting to the next town," she told him.

The mouse put his paw into hers. It practically disappeared, but he gave her a good strong grasp and shook.

"My name's Burnaby. I'm heading for Milwaukee. I can take you that far at least.

"Hop on!"

Elise looked over the motorcycle. Close-up it looked even more exotic. Burnaby noticed her attention.

"It's a 2003 Buell Firebolt XB9R. I work at Harley Davidson, and I'm testing it and some other new products," Burnaby said.

He gave her a playful wink.

"These winding back country roads are great for getting the kinks out, so to speak," he continued.

Elise got onto the bike. Burnaby took out another helmet from a storage compartment at the back of the bike. She put it on. It was slightly tight, but not too bad. Her backpack went into the storage compartment. Burnaby got on the motorcycle in front of her. Despite what he had said about it being tight, the bike was so big and he was so small that Elise had plenty of room.

Burnaby restarted the motorcycle and sped off down the road. Elise was initially worried after he talked about testing the bike out, but she could see that Burnaby was obeying the speed limit and was driving very carefully. She relaxed and watched the rural countryside go by. She did not expect her reverie to be interrupted by Burnaby's voice inside her helmet.

"So, where is your brother's wedding?" Burnaby asked.

Elise nearly jumped out of her fur.

"WHAT THE HE-!" she cried out in shock at the sudden, clear voice in her helmet.

Burnaby laughed.

The mouse explained, "One of the advantages of being an engineer is we get to play with all the good stuff. The helmets have a pair of speakers and a microphone. They transmit your voice using the same technology as your cordless phone at home. The range is very limited, but more than enough for one bike or even a couple of bikes. They even have noise cancellation so you can talk over just about anything."

Elise regained her composure and replied, "My brother is getting married in Philadelphia the last weekend of July at some fan convention. I'm supposed to be there, but at the rate things are going, I doubt I can make it in time. I still have to try, though," Elise finished somewhat dejectedly.

They continued to exchange small talk for a half hour before Burnaby brought the conversation back to her trip.

"You know, if you need to get cross country, you might want to try the truckers. They drive all over the place. I know a truck stop on the outskirts of Milwaukee that some of my friends hang out at. They might be able to help you. I could drop you off there," Burnaby told her over the radio.

"Thanks. I might give that a try. My last ride left me high and dry in the middle of nowhere," she replied sourly. "I was lucky that you came along."

Burnaby continued "Or you could get a one-way plane ticket from me on the first flight to Philadelphia tomorrow morning plus cab fare to the hotel."

Elise was stunned at Burnaby's generosity. She quickly learned its price, though, as he continued talking.

"That is, if you are willing to do something for me in return."

"What do you want?" Elise asked Burnaby. She was highly suspicious. Furs never did things for her out of the generosity of their hearts.

"You," Burnaby told Elise.


"Yep! I'll be up front and honest with you. I'm a small mouse. I get my kicks by controlling large things like this bike. You are a fine looking young mountain lioness. Big, too. I'd like to have you as my slave for the night. To me, that's more than worth the cost of the plane ticket and some cash for the taxi ride. I won't force you, but, if you are willing, I'll make the trade with you."

Elise was silent for several minutes. She loved her brother and wanted to be at his wedding, but was she willing to do something like this?

"Burnaby, what would happen if I accepted your offer?" Elise asked cautiously.

Burnaby looked back over his left shoulder. Elise could not see his huge grin.

"You'll wear a collar, a leash, and nothing else for dinner. Afterwards, I'll take you down to my playroom. You'll be tied up and spanked. Then I'll enjoy some anal sex. After that, I'll see what appeals to me. No permanent damage and nothing showing, but you might have trouble sitting still for the long plane ride," Burnaby told her.

Elise swallowed. The mouse certainly knew what he wanted and was not afraid to tell her! She was both taken aback and appreciative of his honest answer. Unlike so many of her past boyfriends, he knew what he wanted, and he was going after it.

Elise was a reasonably adventurous twenty-year-old, but this was way past anything she had ever done before. Still, it offered her a way to get to the wedding with time to spare. She was not sure about the cost to her, though.

"Let me think about it," Elise replied.

"Fair enough!" Burnaby replied jovially. "I know it's a big thing, and you don't know me at all, but I promise not to hurt you, and you can leave anytime if things get too heavy for you."

The miles rolled along in silence. Soon the rural countryside gave way to the suburbs. Burnaby got on one of the interstates and headed towards downtown Milwaukee. Several minutes later Elise heard his voice again.

"There is a north-south interstate coming up in about two miles. If I get on that and head south, I can get you to the truck stop in about ten minutes. If I keep going straight, we get to my home in about fifteen minutes. Or I can leave you here, somewhere along the way or at the interstate exchange to try your luck at hitchhiking again. Which is it going to be?" Burnaby asked Elise.

Elise had been thinking about Burnaby's options. She had decided not to try the truck stop. She figured a trucker would probably want her to jump in the back of his cab for several rolls in the sack as payment for taking her along. She liked sex, but not with some dirty fur that smelled of diesel and greasy cooking. There was also the fact that she would not know him and might run into trouble.

That left hitchhiking and Burnaby.

Hitchhiking was dangerous. She was sure she could walk away from Burnaby unscathed if she wanted. All she had to do was say the word, and he would pull over and let her off. Other furs might not be so nice. She had heard about plenty of young females killed or kidnapped while hitchhiking.

A night as Burnaby's slave might not be pleasant, but by next afternoon, she would be lounging in a hotel room in Philadelphia. She could recover for two days before her family showed up. No one would be the wiser.

Beyond that, she actually trusted the mouse to keep his word. His upbeat attitude and fun nature were infectious. Despite the short time that they had known each other, she already liked him a lot. He made her feel good for some reason.

Elise took a deep breath and said, "I'd like you to take me to your home, Burnaby."

"You sure? You know what it means," the white mouse replied.

"No, I'm not really sure about what I am about to do, but I need to get to Philadelphia and this is the only way it is going to happen. And, for some reason, I trust you."

Burnaby chuckled

"You really shouldn't, Elise. I'm not going to be cruel, but I will take my pleasure from your body, willing or unwilling. You do understand that, don't you?" Burnaby asked.

"Yes, I do."

"In that case, a few simple rules," Burnaby continued briskly. "From now on, you address me as 'Master' or 'Master Burnaby'. Your eyes are to always be downcast when in my presence. You will instantly follow any and all orders I give you. I expect you to be ready to serve any desire I have at a moment's whim regardless of how kinky or perverted my whim is. I will engage in vaginal, anal and oral sex. I will strip you, tie you up and spank you or worse tonight. Whatever I desire, you do."

Burnaby paused.

"Still up to it, Slave Elise?" he asked. "If not, we can find another alternative for you."

Despite his obvious randiness and desire, the mouse was giving Elise an out. It was obvious that he wanted her only as a willing participant even if she was to be his overnight slave. It told Elise that he was probably not going to do anything too terrible to her.

"Yes, Master Burnaby," she replied quietly

"Good. Move your paws down my front side and cover my crotch, Slave," Burnaby ordered her.

Elise's paws had been wrapped around Burnaby's chest for stability. Now she moved them down over the smooth leather of his jacket and slipped them between Burnaby's legs. Her eyes flew open wide at what she found. There was a huge bulge on the front of Burnaby's pants. Elise could hear him chuckling as her paws actively explored his crotch in surprise.

"I'm drawn to big females, but I'm not incapable of satisfying them," he told her with a bit of a laugh.

Elise was fairly certain that was the case. Suddenly the night's activities were looking like they would be a whole lot more fun!

The motorcycle continued on for several minutes before taking an off ramp. They made several turns and ended up in an upscale part of town. Elise could not help but think Burnaby was doing pretty good to be living here and offering strangers plane tickets on short notice.

They pulled into the driveway of a large brick two-story house. Burnaby pushed a button on the bike, and the garage door opened. The motorcycle slid into the garage. Burnaby turned off the engine and pressed the remote control button again. The door closed. The two furs were left in the relative darkness of the garage.

Burnaby got off the bike and took off his helmet. Elise started to do the same, but Burnaby held up his paw palm out to stop her.

"You will remain here until I return. For now, spread your legs wide on either side of the bike. Place your arms behind you and cross your wrists just above your tail. Lean forward some and bend your head down. You are not permitted to talk again until I tell you that you may. Is that understood?"

Elise started to open her mouth to reply, but then remembered her Master's orders. Apparently, her Master had some tricks in him. She would have to remember that tonight.

Elise shook her head yes instead. As Burnaby watched her, she placed her feet on either side of the motorcycle about a foot from the bike and adopted the pose he desired.

Elise thought she had done it right, but Burnaby was not satisfied. He reached down and grabbed her left calf. He pulled her leg out until her foot was almost two feet away from the bike. Burnaby walked around the other side of the bike and repeated the process. He stood behind her for several seconds admiring the sight before him. Elise's cheeks began to burn a bit at the thought of the lewd view she had to be giving him.

Burnaby disappeared into the house. The minutes ticked away. Elise was very aware of the pressure her position was placing on her cunt. She could feel her juices starting to flow. Getting steadily more aroused, she began to grind her clit against the seat of the motorcycle.

Just when it started feeling really good, the door opened and Burnaby returned. In his paws were a medium blue color nylon collar and leash. He came over to Elise and ordered her, "Get off the bike and kneel in front of me!"

Elise dismounted somewhat reluctantly. She was frustrated that she had not been able to get off. Still, a deal was a deal. She knelt on the concrete floor. Her face was now slightly below Burnaby's head. He reached out and removed her helmet. He walked behind her and stood between her calves. She briefly saw the collar and his paws as Burnaby slipped it around her neck and secured it tightly.

Burnaby came around to her font and snapped the leash onto her collar. Elise was surprised how loud the small sound was in the dark garage.

"Down on all fours and follow me!" Burnaby ordered Elise.

Elise got down on her paws and knees. Burnaby gave a small jerk on the leash and started walking into the house. Elise followed on his heels. He led her through a nice, well-kept house to a back room. It was apparently Burnaby's home office. Piles of papers and magazines littered every surface including the floor.

Burnaby led her into the office and had her kneel beside the desk with her paws on the edge. He hit the SPEAKER button on the phone followed by a speed-dial button. The sound of the dial tone filled the room followed by the rapid tones of the phone dialing. There was a click as someone picked up the phone on the other end.

"Fur Travel Services. How may I help you today?" a pleasant female voice answered.

Burnaby quickly arranged for a one-way plane ticket to Philadelphia for Elise. It would be waiting for her at the airport. She would have an eight o'clock flight the next morning.

Burnaby hung up the phone and turned to Elise.

"Satisfied? You may speak as an equal to reply."

Elise answered, "Yes."

"In that case, I now expect you to honor your part of the bargain. Follow me on your paws and knees," he told her.

Burnaby stood up and led Elise by her leash to the library next door. It was lined with books and dark paneling. Several pieces of leather covered overstuffed furniture were scattered about the room. Burnaby took a seat in a chair in one corner and put his feet up on an ottoman. He was still holding Elise's leash in his right paw.

"Stand up!"

Elise hesitantly stood.

"Take off your t-shirt. You may unsnap the leash to remove your shirt, but snap it back on as soon as your t-shirt is off," Burnaby ordered her.

Elise ran a nervous tongue over her lips before she reached down and pulled her t-shirt up over her head. It was briefly caught on the leash, but she undid the snap and pulled the leash out of the neck of the t-shirt. She let the t-shirt fall to the floor while she was reattaching the leash. She sneaked a quick look at Burnaby as she did so.

Burnaby's eyes were wide open, and he was staring at her tits. Elise had not been wearing a bra, so her 42DD chest was on full display for the mouse. She was still hot from straddling the motorcycle and wanted some sexual fun. She jiggled her chest a little bit and was rewarded by Burnaby's grin. He was obviously interested, but he leaned back in the chair and crossed his legs.

"Nice! Very nice!" he complimented her.

Burnaby got up and walked over to his slave. He smiled broadly as he reached up and ran his small paws over her lightly furred breasts. Elise felt her nipples begin to harden. Burnaby saw them appear above her golden brown fur. He took them between his thumbs and forefingers and tweaked them. She gave a soft yip, but her nipples quickly hardened fully as he played with them just a bit roughly.

Burnaby pulled down on Elise's leash. She leaned over until her pendulous breasts hung even with Burnaby's muzzle. He opened his mouth and began to lick her ample breasts. He ran his tongue over her boobs and then dived deep into her generous cleavage. Elise began to moan from the pleasurable sensations emanating from her chest. Her moans became groans as Burnaby took each of her nipples into his mouth and suckled on them one after the other.

Once again, though, she was left unfulfilled as Burnaby stopped and returned to his seat.

After a few seconds, Burnaby ordered Elise, "Play with them."

Elise looked down at her chest. She would have preferred Burnaby playing with her ample mammary glands, but she was not going to complain too much. Putting on a show for the mouse should be fun as well. She ran her paws over her breasts and massaged her tits with the palms of her paws. Her guttural cries of pleasure filled the room. Elise reached underneath her breasts and pushed them up. Bending her head down, she began to systematically lick her breasts, drawing her rough, pink tongue over the fur to groom it flat. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched the bump in the front of Burnaby's pants grow steadily larger. As big as his tent was when she started, it was even larger now. It certainly boded well for whenever he rutted her.

After a few minutes, Burnaby ordered Elise, "Stop."

Elise was extremely peeved. She was hot and wanted to cum right now. However, she did as ordered. She let go of her tits and allowed them to fall back down with a nice bit of bouncing as the settled back into place. She put her arms at her sides and awaited her Master's next order. It was not long in coming.

"Turn around and lift your tail."

Elise turned around. There was a mirror on the far wall. In it, she could see her half-naked body and her Master's reclining form.

"Drop your pants," Burnaby commanded Elise.

Elise undid the three buttons on the front of her tight fitting cut-offs. She slid her paws inside the top of the jeans and slipped them halfway down over her hips. She pulled her tail out through the back hole and then bent over to push the jeans down over her legs and pull them off her feet. As she bent over, she looked back through her legs at Burnaby and saw him staring at her naked ass and pussy. She never did have much use for panties and loved the reaction all the males had the first time they saw her cunt.

Elise resumed her standing position. She purposely spread her legs wider to offer Burnaby an even better view.

Burnaby stood up again. He moved to Elise's side. Without a word, he pushed her down and bent her over the ottoman. She lay with her belly on the cool leather and her knees and paws resting on the deep red carpet floor. The chair in front of her filled her view, but her hearing was still fine. She heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper opening. She saw Burnaby's pants join hers on the floor beside her.

Burnaby looked down at the large mountain lioness before him and drooled. He always enjoyed big females, and Elise was easily the largest he had ever had. Her size and power excited him. He knelt between her legs and gave her a few quick licks on her pussy lips. Her cunt lips were already puffy and wet, and she moaned as his tongue ran the entire length of her slit several times.

Burnaby rested his right cheek on Elise's left flank.

"I told you to remain quiet, Slave Elise. Now I'm going to have to punish you for making noise."

Elise looked back over her shoulder in shock, but she saw the grin on her Master's muzzle. She was reluctant, but figured she would see what happened. If it came to a fight, she outweighed him by more twice and had a nice set of claws hidden in her paws and feet.

Burnaby pulled up the slack on the leash until he had a good two-foot length in his right paw. Without preamble, he rammed his rampant prick into Elise's steamy cunt. She yipped at the sudden intrusion, but as well lubricated as Elise was, he slid in with minimal resistance.

Burnaby pushed forward and trapped Elise between his thighs and the ottoman. Holding her in place thusly, he began to bring the end of the leash down on her exposed flanks. He alternated from her left to right flank. The loop at the end of the leash made a nice little crack as the material struck Elise's fur.

For her part, Elise at first was scared, but she rapidly realized that Burnaby could not do any real damage with the light leash. After her initial shock, she settled down to allow him to do as he wished. Soon, though, her flanks became lightly heated by the staccato blows of the leash on her tender flesh. She moaned softly as she began her ascended to the peak of her sexual arousal for a third time that night. When Burnaby started pumping his mousehood in and out of her cunny, her soft moans became loud guttural growls of sexual desire.

Burnaby leaned forward and looped the leash end through Elise's open muzzle. He reared back and forced her to arch her back. He continued pounding her pussy with his dick until, unable to contain himself any longer, his cock let loose with a stream of hot jism into Elise's pink pussy. Elise felt the hot stream fill her to overflowing. A thin trickle of warm, sticky fluid dribbled down the inside of her right thigh.

Elise fell forward onto the ottoman when Burnaby released the leash. Burnaby got up, picked up his pants again and went to the bathroom. When he returned, Elise was once again alert. Her fur was darkened with perspiration, though, and mussed from his rough handling

"Get up," Burnaby instructed her.

Burnaby took her to the guest bathroom and showed her where everything was. He gave her thirty minutes alone to refresh and clean herself. He left her with the threat of a severe beating if she was not ready when he returned. Elise gratefully dove into t he shower to clean the road dust and more recent mouse cum from her pelt.

Later a dry Elise knelt in the center of the bathroom with her head down and her hands resting palm down on her thighs. Her collar was back on. The leash snaked down through her cleavage and across the floor to the doorway. Her Master had not ordered her to display herself like this, but for some reason it seemed right to do so. If the mountain lion was going to play this game, she was going to play it right. Besides, it got her a little bit hot thinking about Burnaby entering the bathroom and seeing her like this. With any luck, she would soon have his hot prick inside her again.

Burnaby entered and looked at his slave. With her head down, Elise could not see his appreciative grin or how his eyes roved over her nude form. Without a word, he took the end of the leash and led Elise out of the bathroom. She followed behind him on all fours. Halfway down the hallway she could smell a variety of foods. She was openly salivating by the time they got to the dining room. Platters covered with a variety of foods suitable for both mouse and mountain lion were laid out on the table.

Burnaby led Elise to the simple wooden chair on the near side of the table. He had her sit down with her paws at her sides. He unclipped her leash. He took the snap and ran it through the back of the chair and then the loop of the leash. When he pulled it tight, the leash was securely fastened to the top bar of the chair back. He ran the snap under the chair and up the front. Elise had to bend forward a bit for Burnaby to snap the leash onto the collar. His paws trailed over her tits as he left her to take his seat. She felt electric thrills again as she was reminded at what had already happened that night and the promise of what was to come.

Elise and Burnaby ate in silence. She saw him watching her as she ate the meal he placed on her plate. She wondered about what would happen after dinner.

After finishing his dinner, Burnaby leaned back in his chair and openly ran his eyes over Elise's body. She was just finishing her water. When she placed the glass back on the table, he got up and released her from the chair.

"Come with me! Since we are going to be using stairs, you may walk normally while descending them," he directed her.

Burnaby led Elise to the center of the house and downstairs to the basement. He unlocked and opened a heavy door and took her into his private playroom.

The room was about ten feet by fifteen feet and ten feet high. The floor was covered in thick carpet. Knotty pine wainscoting stained a honey maple color ran along the bottom portion of three walls. Above the wainscoting were a variety of hooks and pegs. On each was a paddle, cane, gag, or other instrument of pleasurable punishment.

Several ropes and chains hung down from the ceiling. Most had manacles or cuffs on their ends. A small cabinet stood open in the corner. Inside Elise could see a variety of dildos and other sexual implements along with jars and tubes of lubricants and other creams. An overstuffed chair covered in black leather and brass upholstery tacks was on Elise's right as she entered. It faced to her left. In front of it was a thickly padded ottoman also covered in black leather. It reminded her of the library upstairs but, for some reason, it seemed more sexual in this setting.

Elise gaze was drawn to her left. An A-frame bench made of heavy wooden beams was bolted to the floor. Its top had a thin layer of padding covered by more black leather and brass tacks. Pulleys were attached to the legs and crossbars of the frame at several points. Ropes attached to leather cuffs were fed through the pulleys back to winches secured to the floor.

To cap it all off, the entire fourth wall was covered from floor to ceiling with a single mirror.

Elise took a deep breath and let it out slowly. What happened upstairs was okay, but this was going to be serious. She was nervous but determined to live up to her bargain.

She just hoped it would not kill her. If she had misread Burnaby, she was likely in for some serious problems.

Burnaby led Elise over to the A-frame. He bent her over the top with her head facing the mirror and her hips lying on the top bar. He knelt and attached leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles. He worked the winches and drew her body taut over the top of the A-frame bench. Elise could not help but notice she was left with her head even with Burnaby's crotch and her ass raised high in the air.

Burnaby disappeared behind Elise and reappeared with a three-inch diameter ring gag.

"Open your muzzle," Burnaby ordered her.

Elise opened her mouth. Burnaby slipped the cold steel in behind her large canines and adjusted it to hold her mouth open. It opened Elise's jaw almost painfully wide and prevented her from closing her mouth or biting. He fed the straps behind her head and secured the buckle.

Finally, Burnaby attached a cuff to her tail about six inches from its tip. He lowered a rope using a winch, snapped it to the cuff, and worked the winch until her tail was pulled almost straight up in the air. When he was done, he began to run his paws over her naked body.

As he stroked her back, Burnaby said, "For the next portion of my pleasure, I will allow you to make as much noise as you wish. In fact, I chose a ring gag so you could not contain your screams."

Elise watched in the mirror as Burnaby went to the wall on her right. He looked over the various paddles and selected one. He brought it back over and held it in front of her muzzle.

The paddle was a made from ash, the same material as baseball bats. It was a thin paddle, only about half an inch thick, but nearly two feet long. It was also not very wide at two inches. The shellac on the wood hard darkened with age, and it had many small nicks and dings on the surface.

"I picked this one up at a parochial school sale. I doubt they ever thought I'd actually use it," Burnaby informed Elise.

Burnaby leaned over until he was muzzle to muzzle with Elise.

"Did your parents ever paddle you when you were a bad little cub?" Burnaby asked Elise.

Elise shook her head yes.

"And did you enjoy it?" Burnaby continued.

Elise remembered the many times her father and mother had put her over their knees and given her butt a sound spanking. She remembered how just before puberty the thrashing stopped being feared and started feeling good in a strange sort of way. She had actually started to go out of her way to get a spanking at times. They had stopped when her breasts started to show, but she still went to bed some nights thinking of the spankings while she masturbated with three fingers buried in her pussy.

Elise closed her eyes and slowly nodded her head yes again.

Burnaby laughed.

"I knew it! It seems like every big-breasted predator I've ever met likes a good spanking. Well, I won't disappoint you tonight!" he told her.

Burnaby moved around behind Elise and stood by her left flank. He ran his right paw over Elise's flanks and upper thighs. He sought out her soft, tender spots. Once he was satisfied with his targets, he shifted the paddle from his left paw to his right.

Elise could only watch as Burnaby raised the paddle. Instead of thrashing her, he began to lightly tap her flanks, upper thighs and lower back. He paid particular attention to her softer nether regions.

The stimulation from the gentle tapping and the anticipation of what was to come worked their erotic magic on Elise. Soon low moans were sneaking out past her gag. They grew in intensity and frequency as Burnaby increased the force of his swats. Normally they would cause a small sting of pain, but now all Elise felt was an electric thrill each time the paddle lightly whacked her exposed buttocks.

Elise's low moans became steadily louder and mixed with groans and other sounds of sexual pleasure. She gyrated her hips to encourage Burnaby to strike harder and faster, but he refused her entreaty. Instead, he slowly worked up her passion to higher levels that suffused her entire body with a warm glow while denying her the release of a climax.

For over thirty minutes, Burnaby worked over Elise's backside with light smacks. By the time he was done, Elise was going mad with sexual frustration. This mouse kept bringing her to the edge and then leaving her hanging. She was trying her best to scream at the mouse, but her gag prevented her from forming words. Her pussy spoke volumes, though. The inside fur of both her thighs was drenched with her juices.

Burnaby ceased his tender spanking of Elise's ass. She threw up her head and wailed in protest. Burnaby just laughed. He hung up the paddle and walked around to stand in front of Elise.

"Hot to trot, Slave?" he asked Elise.

She shook her head yes vigorously.

"Then you have to earn it."

Without a further word, Burnaby removed all of his clothes except for his leather chaps. Elise got her first good look at his penis. Even by mountain lion standards, it was above average, but for a mouse, it was a very impressive tool at eight inches long and over an inch-and-a-half thick. It lacked the barbs of a male feline's, but Elise could live without the pain those brought to copulation.

Burnaby spread his legs wide. He reached down, grabbed the underside of Elise's head, and lifted it up. He placed the knob of his cock through the ring gag and waited.

Elise needed no encouragement. Her tongue wrapped around the mouse's dick and began to bathe it with long caresses. The roughness of her tongue excited Burnaby even further. He closed his eyes and lifted his muzzle towards the ceiling. He began to gently thrust deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Elise waited until Burnaby thrust deeply enough to bring his balls up against her lower jaw. As soon as she felt them touch her fur, she sent her tongue snaking out to wrap around his testicles. Burnaby's eyes popped open as Elise gently ran her tongue around, through and over his balls repeatedly before pulling them into her warm, wet mouth. It was too much for him. He let loose with a torrent of white jism into Elise's mouth. She worked hard and managed to drink down most of the mouse cum even though she was badly handicapped by the ring gag. She did not stop sucking until Burnaby's shaft completely wilted.

Burnaby withdrew his now flaccid dick from Elise's mouth. He tilted her head up more so he could look her in the face.

"Well, I'd say you just earned your reward," he told her.

Burnaby went to his selection of paddling instruments and took a black leather covered paddle down from a hook. The paddle consisted of a flat oval about ten inches long and five inches wide. A three inch rounded handle that fit Burnaby's paw perfectly was attached to one end. Inside the custom-built paddle was an eighth-inch thick piece of tempered spring steel. Of all of his paddles and other toys, this was Burnaby's favorite.

Burnaby also selected a short length of chain with a snap on each end from a peg.

Burnaby came back to Elise and showed her his prize possession.

"I love the sound of the leather striking fur followed by the scream of the female," he commented to her. "The steel delivers a strong blow without yielding like wood or plastic. Plus I can hit long and hard without having to worry about breaking my paddle."

Burnaby placed the paddle on the floor in front of Elise's muzzle so she was forced to look at it. She felt considerable trepidation looking at the well-worn leather surface. She could not help but think of how many times it had to strike a young female fur's ass to wear that much. The fact that it would soon be whacking her butt did not help her peace of mind any.

Burnaby went to the winch and lowered the rope holding her tail up. He unsnapped the rope from the cuff about her tail and then raised the rope back up out of the way.

Burnaby grabbed Elise's restless tail and snapped the chain to the tail cuff. Walking around to her front, he attached the other snap to a ring on the back of her collar. Elise's tail arched gracefully up from her rump over her back until it reached a point about a foot above her neck. The tip curled upwards above her head to form an S-shape.

"Now, your reward," Burnaby told Elise.

Burnaby picked up the paddle from the floor. This time he elected to stand beside her right flank. She watched in the mirror as he placed the paddle squarely in the center of her ass cheeks. She could feel the smooth leather against her fur as Burnaby ran the paddle over her butt. She could see him positioning his feet to give him a wide base from which to swing the paddle.

Finally satisfied with his preparations, Burnaby brought the paddle back two feet. Elise watched in the mirror as he paused for what seemed a small eternity. He brought it forward to land square on her ass just below her tail hole. She heard the fearful crack as it struck her unprotected butt. For an instant, there was nothing but silence in the room.

Then the pain registered in Elise's brain.

"AAHHHHHHH!!!" Elise screamed as her head flew up.

"One," Burnaby calmly said.

Burnaby waited about thirty seconds for Elise to settle back down. When she was calmly lying on the frame again, he took the paddle back to strike a second time. This time, Elise watched helplessly as he drew it back even further before sending it crashing down hard on her right flank.


Elise fought desperately against her bonds, but the ropes were too strong for her. She could not escape.


The seconds passed while Burnaby waited for the mountain lioness' pain to rise and fall.

Burnaby raised the paddle and struck her hard on her upper left thigh.

Elise screamed inarticulately.


Again, Burnaby waited until Elise's breathe slowed to an almost normal level.

The next blow came high on her right flank, even with her tail.

Elise was weeping now. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She screamed repeatedly from the growing pain in her ass.


This time Burnaby waited almost a minute before aiming the next blow low. He struck Elise on her inner right thigh. The paddle made a satisfying sound as it struck her soft flesh.

Elise screamed in pain again. She tried to tell Burnaby to stop, but the ring gag prevented her for forming any words. Even as she tried to stop the mouse, a small part of her wanted him to continue.


Burnaby walked around to stand directly behind Elise. Her feminine nectar was streaming down the inside of her legs. More dripped from her pussy lips and formed a puddle on the floor. Burnaby drew the edge of the paddle gently over Elise's clit and pussy slit.

It was too much for Elise. The electric thrill of the paddle rubbing against her clit combined with the mixture of pain and pleasure from her paddling sent her into a series of orgasms. Her body bucked as wave after wave of pleasure ran through her being.

Burnaby sat down in the chair and watched his slave. Her spanking and delayed fulfillment had built up a powerful force that needed release. Elise continued to jump in her bonds for nearly five minutes. Burnaby could see her pussy and ass dancing as Elsie fought to prolong her orgasms. It was a delightfully carnal sight for the young male mouse.

Eventually though, Elise's jerking body calmed, and she lay limply draped over the A-frame. Her golden fur was drenched in sweat.

Burnaby rose and went to stand by Elise's left flank. She watched helplessly as he raised the paddle high in the air and brought it crashing down on her exposed left flank harder than any of his previous blows.

Elise screamed in pain, but once again, she felt a warming in her crotch. Surely, she could not be becoming aroused again from her continued paddling?


This time Burnaby waited only long enough for Elise to stop thrashing around in her ropes before striking her hard on her inner left thigh. The paddle made a slightly wet noise as it struck her sodden fur.

Elise was caught off guard by the quick blow. She could only jump and scream again. Her throaty bellow filled the room.


Burnaby raised the paddle and brought it down on Elise's upper left flank, barely missing her tail.


Burnaby brought the paddle back and paused. He could see Elise wince in the mirror as she anticipated the blow. He waited for her tensed body to relax just a little before striking the back of her left thigh slightly below the curve of her ass cheek.


Burnaby did not even pause this time. He brought the paddle back and smacked Elise dead center on her butt.


Burnaby's next blow started low and angled upward to meet the lower curve of Elise's ass cheeks. She felt a strange thrill run through her as the force of the blow was transmitted straight to her engorged pussy lips. Her eyes opened wide.


Burnaby took in his slave's open eyes and the rapid increase in the flow of her pussy juices. Grinning at her in the mirror, he brought the paddle back and repeated his last blow. This time he angled it slightly different so the edge of the paddle caught Elise's exposed cunt lips.

Elise screamed in pure ecstasy as the blow to her cunt released all of her pent up sexual desire. She started yet another series of orgasms.


Burnaby walked around the A-frame bench and sat down on his right flank beside his slave. He extended his left leg so she had a clear view of his aroused state. He watched as her body shook from the waves of pleasure washing over her. When her jerking began to subside, he reached out and pinched her left nipple with his left paw. Elise screamed as the sudden unexpected pain from her bosom sent her back to the heights of pleasure and another incredibly strong climax.

Elise must have passed out for a few moments because the next thing she was aware of was Burnaby stroking her flanks with his paws. He was standing behind her again, but this time he had no paddle.

Burnaby reached out and stroked Elise's hot ass. She quieted under his light touch. Satisfied she was okay, Burnaby left Elise and went to the cabinet. Elise could hear him rummaging around inside. When he turned around, he had a tube of lubricant in his right paw and a seven-inch long dildo in his left.

Elise could only watch defenselessly as Burnaby returned to stand behind her. He placed the dildo on the bench beside her left flank. He opened the tube and dribbled a generous amount of petroleum jelly dead center on her pink tail hole. She flinched as the cool fluid struck her tender anus.

Burnaby placed the tube on the top of the A-frame. He started gently working the middle finger of his right paw over her ass hole in small circles. He pressed firmly as he reached the center, each time going a little deeper into her anal ring as her anal muscles relaxed.

Elise concentrated hard on loosening up her anal muscles. She knew the consequences of not being ready for a hard butt fuck. Fortunately, Burnaby was taking his time and using lots of lubricant unlike some of her prior partners.

Burnaby's middle finger slid into Elise's waiting rectum. Her anus involuntarily tightened around his digit. He waited patiently and was rewarded with a quick slackening of her anal ring. He began to feel around inside Elise's bottom, stroking her to encourage even more relaxing of her tail hole.

Burnaby's fingering was having a strong effect on Elise. Her pussy was dribbling juice in a steady stream. She yelped in pleasure as Burnaby slid his forefinger in beside his middle finger and opened her up even further. He rotated his two fingers in her anus, spreading them steadily further apart. Elise was moaning loudly and breathing hard as her body mounted towards another orgasm.

Elise shrieked in anger when Burnaby withdrew his fingers. Her tail hole felt so empty without them. Looking into the mirror, though, she saw Burnaby preparing the dildo by coating it with a thick layer of lubricant. She grinned as she saw him aim the tip at her ass hole. She felt five inches of hard plastic slide into her ass with virtually no resistance. He thrust the hard plastic dildo in and out of Elise's behind for several minutes, bringing her higher and higher. She roared in ecstasy when Burnaby flipped on the vibrator and her body was rocked with yet another series of orgasms.

Burnaby took the tube of lubricant and sat down on the chair. He grinned as he watched his slave writhe in her bonds. She seemed to enjoy his attentions so far and was most responsive to his preferred sex play. He was also amazed at her endurance and pain tolerance. He briefly wondered what it would be like to have her here with him all the time. He sternly pushed the thought from his mind. This was a one-night stand. Payment for the ticket he had bought her, nothing more. Tomorrow she would be gone from his life forever. In the meantime, he would enjoy himself with her.

Elise's orgasms seemed to stretch on forever. She worked her ass muscles to keep the dildo firmly buried in her. After several minutes, though, her body slumped as the last of her orgasms washed through her. Once again, she lay supine on the A-frame bench awaiting her temporary Master's next move.

In the mirror, Elise saw Burnaby coat his own generous prick with lubricant. He lay the tube down on the floor and walked back to Elise. He reached out and removed the dildo from her ass with a long, slow pull. For good measure, he twisted it to increase the friction between her sensitive anus and the dildo. Elise let out a long, low moan of desire as she felt the warmth growing in her crotch again.

When the dildo was out, Elise's tail hole stood slightly open, awaiting its next intruder.

Burnaby leaned forward over the A-frame and said, "I used to take a lot of gymnastics classes in school. Do you know what my favorite part was?"

Elise shook her head no.

"Mounting the horse, of course!"

Burnaby placed his paws on Elise's flanks even with her tail and on top of her pelvic bone. His thumbs pointed towards her head and his fingers wrapped around her sides. He dug his short nails through her fur into her flesh. She yipped in pain.

Getting a good grip on his slave, Burnaby was ready to mount. He jumped up in the air. His ankles landed just behind Elise's knees with his feet on the inside of her slightly bent legs. His calves ran up the backside of her thighs. His knees gripped the outside of her mid- and upper-thighs. He was able to carry most of his weight on his calves and his prick was even with Elise's ass hole.

Burnaby rested a moment to allow Elise to get used to his unfamiliar weight and to increase her anticipation of being mounted. After a few moments, he tightened his grip on her flanks even further and thrust his hips forward. His dick slid between Elise's ass cheeks and lodged in her tail hole.

Elise was a not virgin when it came to getting her ass reamed, but the strange combination of pain, raw physical heat, pressure and pleasure made the experience like new. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the feeling as her Master worked his way deep into her butt in a series of short, sharp thrusts. Too soon, she felt his balls bouncing against her inner thighs.

Burnaby withdrew most of his cock and thrust forward hard. Elise's anal muscles were fully relaxed, and it was easy to hilt his cock in her ass. He quickly developed his rhythm.

Slow withdrawal.

Hard forward thrust.



For Elise, it was pure, unadulterated physical pleasure.

Burnaby continued working under Elise's tail for many minutes. He could feel her trembling underneath him as her body was taken by another round of orgasms. Once again, he marveled at her seemingly inexhaustible stamina. He had made a good choice when he decided to try getting her to his playroom as his sexual companion tonight.

The pressure gradually mounted in Burnaby's crotch. As Elise reared up underneath him at the height of one of her orgasms, a flood of cum erupted from his knob and sprayed the interior of her rectum. He whipped his head back and forth as the pressure in his balls peaked and then quickly released with the massive eruption from his testicles.

When the stream finally ended and his shaft began softening, Burnaby dismounted. Elise seemed to barely notice. She was off in her own little world. Burnaby playfully ran his finger over her cunt lips. He was rewarded with an even greater gush of pussy fluids and a yelp of pleasure.

Burnaby sat down in the chair and waited for Elise to return to reality. They had been going at it for almost two hours now, and he knew that she needed a short break to recover before he did more to her.

Burnaby eventually saw Elise's body sag and lay limp over the A-frame. Her breathing was still ragged, but it was starting to slow. He got up and undid the manacles securing Elise to the A-frame. He clipped the leash to her collar and pulled. Elise slid off the A-frame and down onto her belly. With some difficulty, she unsteadily got back up onto all fours and swayed at his feet.

Burnaby straddled Elise just behind her shoulders. He reached down and undid the ring gag. She worked her jaw when the hard metal ring was removed. She was amazed at how much better it felt to be able to close her jaws again.

Burnaby led her off to another section of the basement. In one corner was an open shower. White tile covered two walls of the basement corner and extended ten feet out from the corner. More tiles formed a ten-foot square section on the floor with a drain in the center. A toilet was located near the edge of the tile on the right wall. Industrial waterproof lighting brightly lit the entire area.

On the right wall, there was also a simple lever faucet and a paw shower. Elise noted the incredibly long hose on the paw shower. It could easily reach anywhere in the corner and even beyond. Near the lever was a rack of attachments that could be screwed onto the hose for water sports. From the left wall, a set of steel manacles hung. Underneath them were eyebolts spaced about five feet apart secured in the floor. Nylon ropes were already run through the eyebolts.

"You may use the toilet," Burnaby informed her.

Elise was reluctant to defecate and urinate while a strange male watched, but she had little choice. After the meal and all their play, she needed to empty her body. The cold seat felt good against her hot ass. She quickly finished her business and cleaned up. She stood and awaited further orders.

"Chain yourself to the wall," Burnaby ordered Elise.

Elise went over to the manacles. They appeared to be made from stainless steel. The links of the chains were a good quarter inch thick. The manacles themselves were an inch wide and up to a quarter- inch thick in places. They dangled almost a foot above her head.

Elise took one manacle in her right paw and slipped it over her left wrist. It made a loud click as it locked about her wrist. Elise repeated the process with her other wrist. She turned around and faced her Master. Her arms were held above her head and her entire front was open to his attentions.

Burnaby knelt on the cold tile and tied the ends of the ropes to Elise's ankles. He planted his right foot against the wall and began to pull the ropes through the eyebolts. Elise was forced to spread her legs ever wider until her feet were actually touching the eyebolts. Her arms were stretched above her as her torso moved lower as her legs spread further apart. Burnaby quickly finished securing her ankles to the eyebolts with a few more wraps of rope and some knots.

In her current position, the tops of Elise's breasts were now even with his lower jaw. Burnaby immediately took advantage of the situation by nibbling at her nipples and breasts. She leaned back to try to avoid his nimble muzzle, but her shoulders quickly met cold tile. She was trapped between it and his probing tongue and teeth.

The sharp prick of Burnaby's teeth on her sensitive skin excited Elise. He reached up and began to knead her breasts with his paws, often driving his nails deep into her soft mounds. He paid special attention to her erect nipples, nipping with his large front teeth to make them even harder. When he began to run the tip of his tongue around her pink towers several minutes later, she gave a high-pitched yip and went off into yet another orgasm.

Burnaby was not done with her yet by any means. She felt his right paw move down her belly and begin to massage her cunt. She was moaning loudly when he stuck his finger into her. She thrust her hips forward, but Burnaby withdrew his finger and slapped her on her pussy. It sent a sharp sting of pain through her groin that surprisingly melted into warm pleasure.

"Down, Slave! You will remain still and allow your Master to play with you as he wishes, without interference!"

Chastised, Elise froze in position.

Satisfied, Burnaby began probing her again. While she moaned as his fingers began to enter her hot cunt, Elise remained still and allowed her Master to play with his temporary toy. She did not mind too much as his touch felt so good, and he seemed to know exactly how to slowly excite her.

Burnaby slowly inserted first one and then two fingers. He began to slide them in and out of Elise's slit. Elise closed her eyes and savored the pleasure her Master was giving her.

Elise's moans were becoming steadily louder and deeper. Burnaby increased to three fingers and ran the knuckles of one finger over Elise's clit. He was rewarded with a hearty growl of pleasure. Elise opened her eyes and gave him a feral look of pure sexual desire.

A fourth finger slid into Elise's cunny. The side and knuckle of his forefinger was rubbing hard against her clitoris with every movement. Elise was on the verge of losing it again. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensations swelling up from her hot crotch.

Burnaby dropped down to his right knee and thrust his right paw upwards. Elise' eyes opened wide, and she screamed as Burnaby's entire paw and wrist disappeared into her pussy. She had never felt so full in her entire life, but, instead of hurting her, it excited her. Torrents of juice flowed down Burnaby's forearm as he slowly twisted his arm and wrist to rotate his paw deep within Elise. He continued to fist her as she roared in pleasure.

Elise grabbed the chains that held her and lifted herself off the floor. Burnaby's questing paw followed her up the wall without even pausing. She screamed repeatedly as she came. To Elise the sexual torture seemed to drag on forever. Burnaby took his time and explored deep into Elise's womb. He found her G spot and pressed the heel of his paw against it before rubbing it hard with his fingers.

Burnaby continued to fist Elise for several minutes. He was small enough not to hurt her but large enough to drive her absolutely wild with the feeling of his paw and forearm moving about deep within her. After ten minutes of play, he was rock hard and ready for some relief of his own.

Burnaby withdrew his paw and stood up. Elise slumped back down and hung limp in her chains. She was panting hard and still shaking from all the pleasure that she had been given. He grabbed the backs of her thighs and pulled her hips forward. Elise felt his prick graze her left leg before he adjusted her aim and buried his dick in her ass again. She watched him as he pumped deep into her with repeated thrusts. She was too drained to complain even if she wanted to, and she definitely did not want to. The large cock sliding in and out of her behind felt almost as good as his fist had.

Elise's eyes rolled back into her head as her final orgasm of the night took her. At the same time, Burnaby emptied another load of cum into her ass. They both went rigid as their orgasms ran through their bodies. As the last of their strength was given over to a final sexual climax, they slumped together against the wall. Both stood propped against the wall, shaking from exhaustion.

Burnaby was the first to recover. He went over to the shower and turned it on. He adjusted the water temperature to be pleasantly warm and hosed himself down. He went over to Elise and ran the gentle stream of warm water over her tired and aching body. The water seemed to revive her. She stood back up. Burnaby released her from her bonds.

They spent the next hour bathing each other. They worked the fur shampoo deep into each other's coats. They also tenderly played with each other's bodies. Burnaby switched the shower over to massage, and they both used it to relax sore muscles on the other's body. A final rinse removed the last of the shampoo from their coats. A vigorous rub down with terrycloth towels completed reinvigorating them.

Burnaby clipped the leash back onto Elise's collar. He led her upstairs to the kitchen. He spooned out two large bowls of vanilla ice cream and smothered them with chocolate syrup. He handed both bowls to Elise and had her carry them to the library.

Elise lay across the ottoman in front of Burnaby. In front of her was one large bowl of ice cream that she was quickly devouring. Burnaby sat in the chair with his own bowl of ice cream. His feet were resting on the middle of Elise's back. They made small talk and enjoyed the last bit of their night together as Master and slave.

Around midnight, Burnaby took Elise upstairs to the master bedroom. She lay down on the bed, and he attached a lead from the headboard to her collar. Burnaby turned off the lights and climbed into bed. Elise snuggled up against him. Totally exhausted from their sexual escapades, they were both asleep in moments.

The next morning went by all too fast. Elsie and Burnaby hurriedly showered, dressed and ate breakfast. They climbed into his car and drove to the airport. As they were standing in line to get her ticket, Elise kept fidgeting back and forth from foot to foot.

Concerned, Burnaby asked Elise, "What's wrong?"

Elise lowered her head and stared at the floor between her feet.

"Well, I can't help but think I'm still going to need some way to get back home, and I don't want to hitchhike."

Elise raised her face and looked Burnaby directly in the eyes.

"Would you be interested in trading a round-trip ticket for another night like last night?" she asked him.

The huge grin in Burnaby's muzzle was all the response she needed.