Pure Imagination (Illustrated by Angel27)

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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A tale concerning the unlocking of the potential of one's imagination. Snake TF!

Pure Imagination - by Amethystine


He held his breath, made a wish, and counted to three.

What happened next came purely from his own imagination.

But before we see into his imagination...


It had begun, some days earlier, as he was spun into a world of someone else's creation.

What he had seen had defied explanation, and he had been entirely enraptured by the exotic, the esoteric and the extreme.

He simply looked around and he viewed paradise, as it had been made, and made up, by his contemporaries, his companions and comrades.

Anything they wanted to, they did it. Wanting to change the world, and nothing else, was all it took to alter themselves and their surroundings.

It took less than one night to convince the newcomer to fully embrace their enchanting existence. He asked what he needed to do.

He was told to be bold, to be a part of the perfection of their ponderings, to vie for the very best of the virtual visuals he could conjure up.

And so he did just that, crafting his own conception of perfection from his imagination.

Then he held his breath, made his wish and counted to three.


His legs lengthened immediately, stretching out from where he sat at his desk. They weren't really legs any longer, though, as they had become seemingly boneless lengths of limb, tipped with his socks as they wormed forward in random directions, having first hit the wall behind his workspace, then began to fill up the legroom next to his computer. Or.. coil-room, perhaps.

His upper body felt like it was melting and tingling all over as his head expanded outwards, smoothly flowing forward into a full-faced, serpentine snout. After his vision cleared (it had become blurry, due to his pupils' transition from round to vertical slits), he saw that his torso was enlarging, swelling with svelte muscle.

The feeling of fluid was actually due to his garments turning to goo and gliding over his body. One covering became another as the fabric flowed, melding with his mass.. morphing into overlapping, smooth scales.

Even as his legs continued to spill forth, pouring out from the ether, spurred on by the man's wish, he got up. The writhing tendrils that used to be his legs allowed him to move to a mirror and inspect himself, peering at the progression of his pythonic ponderings. He studied his snout and flicked his forks while the twin tapering tubes below his waist began to blend into one another, amalgamating into an ample amount of ambulatory anatomy.

Impressed with his imagination's intense integrations, he struck a cross-armed pose, peering at his posterior from over his shoulder, expecting to see a smooth serpentine spine.. but was surprised to instead see a sexy reptilian rump, still sitting at the bottom of his torso while his two 'tentacles' twined together into a new coily body.

(Above art by Angel27. To visit (and praise) his posting of it, go here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4977597/ Thanks, Angel!)

He smirked, sliding his scaly self about a bit, watching the end of his tail form from the former pair of legs, the socks finally slipping off of the forked tip of his body as they became one, the shapely cheeks on his backside disappearing at the same time.

The human had been warped wildly, whipped into a world of wind-able width. He rejoined the reptilian rowdiness that had been his reason to redesign himself, and never looked back.