
Story by Lycana on SoFurry

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With the moon covered by clouds overhead, Moonshine, a local haven for all breeds, appeared to be the only light for miles. Tucked away deep in the darkness of the woods as it was, no one would have guessed a club could flourish. But flourish it did. No anthro passed through Seattle without having a drink at Moonshine.

A black she-wolf walked through the door, her head held high, wearing nothing more than a sheer tube top and tight cut-off shorts. She was tired of being treated as the little girl of the pack. She needed someone new who wouldn't treat her as the alpha's daughter. Sierra Swift looked around the bar with a soft smirk, her paw on her hip. Eventually her stormy grey eyes landed on a large white tiger, whose own eyes traveled over Sierra's barely concealed body.

The young wolf murred softly as she walked to him; averting her eyes coyly she leaned over the counter to order a simple beer. As she did she felt the heavy weight of the tiger's paw trail down her spine and over her hip to pull her close making her shiver with barely repressed hunger.

Rubbing her side against his, she tapped the long neck of her beer bottle to her muzzle with a wink before tossing her head back to chug the drink. Setting the bottle down, she turned and made her way to the back, her stride smooth while her hips and silky black tail swaying with each stride. In the back stood two doors, one tightly shut with a bright neon green 'Exit' sign hanging crooked above it and the other stood ajar female giggles ushering from the darkened room. Sierra ignored the open door and instead made her way out the back.

It took only moments before the large male had her pinned to the club wall, her wrists restrained by one hefty paw above her head and her slender legs wrapped tightly around his hips. She moaned when his claws ripped into her skimpy clothing, leaving it in rags and gripped the soft fur between her shoulder blades before trailing his paw along her supple body eliciting more moans and whines of need.

Sierra cried out as the tiger pressed his still covered chest to hers bringing her nipples into hard little peaks. Her ears pricked forward when she heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down and her eyes closed in anticipated pleasure. He pressed his cock head against her wet heat... 'So close...' she thought just as her hope of a good night was ripped away from her.

She opened her eyes as she was dropped to the ground and looked up to see the tiger heading back into Moonshine, his teeth bared and eyes flashing between her and a figure standing in the shadows, gold eyes flaring brightly in the inky darkness. Sierra shivered in both fear and a sudden wave of desire and scented the air around her but all she could smell was her own rising heat. As she shivered the cold gold eyes rested on her causing her to bite her lip.

She heard a soft growl before gold eyes was on her, his paw gripping the scruff of her neck, lifting her and shoving her back up against the wall. She had just enough time to notice him tugging his pants down to reveal his rock hard cock before her legs were forced around his hips. Sierra felt her body shudder against the cold wall as she felt him rub against her, spreading her juices over and around his length.


Lucian growled and nuzzled the small female sandwiched between him and the club wall. 'God, she smells so good...' the thought flashed through his mind before he felt her slick heat forcing a groan to escape his throat. 'She feels good too...'

The wolf had been entertaining a few ladies in the back room when he caught the little black wolf's scent. Like roses in full bloom and night jasmine. Like a fresh wind running through his fur and like wild nights spent in a lover's arms under silken sheets... It was amazing and he wanted no NEEDED more.

He had stood and opened the door to glimpse a large tiger follow the petit black beauty out the exit before the door swung shut. Lucian growled his lips curved above his teeth in a snarl, before he shook his head. What was he doing? He had three gorgeous ladies waiting for him; he didn't need or want-

A loud moan had all thoughts fleeing as Lucian's ears pricked forward. Without realizing what he was doing he threw open the door and stepped out to see the male ripping into the she-wolf's clothing, sending tatters of silk and lace flying through the air. No thoughts crossed his mind as he pulled the tiger from the small creature pinned to the wall, growling loudly.

Pushing the other male towards the door, Lucian continued growling. He felt his body tense when the tiger looked back at the female on the ground only quieting when the other was gone. Rubbing a white paw against the back of his neck, Lucian's suddenly had to bite back a groan as a familiar scent reached him.

His eyes passed over the small form barely a few feet from him and he couldn't stop himself from reacting to her. Even slumped beside a dirty wall with fear ('and oh god lust...') in her gaze she was stunning. And when his golden gaze locked on her own stormy greys, he was lost.

All will to leave her where she lay was gone. His cock hardened and within a blink of an eye he had her up and in the same position as she had been before but this time with Lucian pressing her close and grinding against her. His ears flicked forward when a moan escaped from her throat. With a soft nip to her jaw he thrust into her, her whimpers and groans of pleasure music to his ears egging him on until he was pushing through her tight walls harder and faster desperate to hear more.

Sierra couldn't have stopped him even if she wanted. His strength, his power, his force... All of it sent shivers up her spine. Her toes curled and she tossed her head back as a howl was ripped from her vocal cords as her orgasm did the same to her body. She whimpered softly when his large knot entered and exited her tired body again and again until he finally lodged himself inside her. Her walls pulsing around him finally caused him to meet his own end. The exhausted she-wolf shuddered against the cold bricks when thick ropes of his cum hit her walls.

'I'm not letting her go...' was the last thing to pass through Lucian's mind as he gazed into her closing eyes, within the next moment his little black beauty was asleep in his arms.