Unwritten Pages of Devotion

Story by dancerinthedusk on SoFurry

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#1 of Unwritten Pages of Devotion

Hey guys this is my first story ever, some of this has some truth in it but other are slightly tweeked versions of the truth, please be gentle in comments but I do want you guys to be honest and give pointers so I can improve.


A face that hides behind a mask-I know it all to well.

Dark memories reside behind the eyes that yearn to tell their tale, but why do I and others hide behind these fake smiles?

Why do we reject the ones who want to help?

There is no simple answer....there is no logic....all there is, is simply oblivion.

We ask for no sympathy, we imprisoned ourselves into the darkest depths of our own void, to hide us in the eternal dark.

_ All to leave our own selves with nothing but the inevitability of our own selves perishing by our own hand._

That is....until I met him................

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _

Chapter 1

I do remember a time when I was happy and genuinely smiled, but that was a long time ago, you see my past is not a very lighthearted one. My innocence was taken from me when i was thirteen, and I have be raped a couple times soon after that incident....the memories still haunt me but not as much as when one of them kidnapped me.....and made me....anyways. I've lost my parents when I was young, and have been sent to many different countries to learn from masters of music, dance, and art. I am to inherit my deceased parents fortune, but what I want is to be able to know who they are. Sorry about my depressing ramblings....my name is Callysto, and I'm a gay 20 year old tabby cat/wolf breed with black head fur with a natural silver steak in it on the bangs, and tan body fur with thin black stripes on my arms and legs, I choreograph and teach dance for a living(even though I don't need to work), and I just moved to the town I was born in and I don't remember or know anything about it. I live in a "mansion" I guess you could call it but it's more like a palace. I am alone there, but there is a person who every weekend comes over to clean it. I start school today at the arts academy down the road. Its not exclusive to who goes there but a degree from there will put anyone with talent on the map. I am trying to become a professional choreographer so I can share how I view the world, and what I feel through dance, but more than anything I want to not be alone......



I huffed as I climbed the stairs of the campus. So many faces I do not know...yet this is where I was born.

"Why is everyone staring at me?"

_ I thought to myself. I kept my head down trying to make myself not noticeable, thats when I bump into a slim but muscular mass and fell over._

"umpppphhh....ow!" I said rubbing my butt trying to make the pain go away.

"Hey sorry about that, are you okay?" I looked up to see a simply gorgeous wolf with icy grey eyes and soft black fur all over, he was wearing some form fitting blue jeans and a tight dark grey button up dress shirt.

"I am okay!!!" I squeaked.

"** Good...hey are you new here?" He asked make a soft, heart melting grin.**

"Yeah just moved here from well....everywhere."

"Well...I..I can show you around if you want? Oh and my name is Sean!" He blushed. Does he like me?

_"Y..yeah sure I would love that! My name is Callysto!" LOVE why would I say love dammit, I thought. _

"K...well follow me cutie...I mean beautiful...I..I...mean......fuck!!!" He was stammering and calling me all these thing and all I could do was blush and sort giggle at him.


I never really thought of falling in love with anyone. I just never really got any feeling of that special emotion that make you act like a complete idiot...I was pondering all this then suddenly I got bumped into by a stunningly beautiful fur. I looked down at him and fell complete in love. I helped him up and we got to talking, and thats when I started acting like a complete idiot. I have only met him today and I just called him BEAUTIFUL, and CUTIE!!!! What the hell was I thinking I don't even know if he's gay or not. Thats when he just stared at me blushing and giggling at me.

"I..I...I am so sorry....I didn't mean..." I started but he cut me off with something so unexpected. He just wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.

"....I am....gay..." He said in a whisper.

"Me.....too!" I whispered back into his ear, nuzzling his soft fur in the process. "I really like you, and would love to get to know you! That is if you would like...you don't have to...that is if you don't feel the same way...but you did just kiss me on the cheek but I guess that doesn't always..." I started rambling on and on, getting more nervous by the minute, when I could have just said simply....will you go out with me? Then he just pressed his lips to mine and kissed me in a very loving and passionate way.

"I would love to go out with you, I feel the same way." He looked up at me with those wonderful silky golden eyes as he said this in an elegant soft voice. We stayed like this, in each others embrace, while onlookers muttered and chatter about but I didn't care. Thats when the bell rang.

Diiiinnnnggg.....ddddoooonnnggg....diiinnnnggg....ddooonnnnggg! "I guess we should head to class!" I whispered in his ear. "When would you like our date to be...would tonight be acceptable?" I wanted to get to know him as much as possible, to become someone who he can share his past with, someone he would hopeful consider a mate! I don't know why but he seems to have a heavy load on his shoulders....

He smiled and hugged me tight. "Yes....tonight would be great!"

We released each other and grasped each others hands and walked into the school...together....!