Lovely Ways to Spend the Day

Story by Aciel on SoFurry

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Cyril is the owner of two mated Kimerals, a species of winged quadrupeds known for their fluffiness...and sexual appetite. The female, Aiko, is expecting, but that doesn't stop the three of them from having some fun together!

The second part, in Cyril's POV, was written by punjoke and edited slightly by me.

Another lazy morning dawned. Cyril turned around to face the little basket that the two Kimerals were sleeping in. Both of them were resting peacefully as usual. Cyril reached to scratch Kendrick behind the ears before rubbing Aiko's large belly. It was warm and firm. He smiled softly and rose to get them both breakfast.

The sound of the food dish brought both of the Kimerals running to the kitchen. Aiko rubbed against his leg, as always, while Kendrick sat back and stared at him expectantly. "You two sure wake up fast when there's food involved," Cyril said, reaching down to pat Aiko's flanks. She purred at the contact. "Here you go."

Both beasts hovered over the food dish as it was set in front of them. As soon as Cyril's hand drew back, the two animals dove in with obvious relish. The new, fattier meats that Cyril had chosen to feed Aiko while she was pregnant were enjoyed just as much by her mate, if not more so. Cyril had to spoon a little more onto the dish because the male had gobbled everything up. And then another extra spoonful, just because the two of them deserved it.

It was the weekend, and there was nothing to do but lounge about and relax. Soon enough all three of them were stretched out on the couch, dozing. All we seem to do is eat and sleep nowadays, Cyril thought. Then he looked down to the gravid Kimeral in his lap and rubbed her tummy. It was for the best.

Aiko's eyes briefly fluttered open, then closed when Cyril started rubbing her belly in slow circles. If he pressed down a bit, he could feel the little shapes of the kits within. It made him warm and proud. As he moved his hand around, he brushed by the rows of nipples lining her belly. With the due date swiftly approaching, they were growing and coloring enough to be visible underneath her belly fur. He found himself holding one of the pink teats, slowly rolling it between his fingers. The little Kimeral put a paw on his hand but otherwise did not react.

"You're so pretty," Cyril said, and bent down to kiss her nose. She mewed in response.

Kendrick loped over from his spot to investigate what Cyril was making such a fuss over. After making sure his mate was safe and sound, he flopped on his side by the human's leg and looked about ready to fall asleep again. Cyril laughed and shifted Aiko so that she was sitting up on his lap. She pawed the air in a weak protest, but relaxed when her owner started running his hands up and down her belly again. From this position, her roundness was even more exaggerated. Cyril cupped her belly and wondered how it was possible for her to even move around with such a weight.

He found himself playing with her many nipples again. This was something he did on occasion, whether as foreplay or just out of habit, but as he did so this time around, he realized something. There were little mounds around each nipple - doubtless in preparation for the milk she was going to produce. When he thought of that, he ran his fingers through her fur and decided that it would be best for the kits if she had a little trim in that area, so they could find the teats with ease. It would probably be more comfortable for the upcoming mother as well - there would be no chance of little mouths tearing at sensitive hairs while they tried to feed. He placed the expectant Kimeral next to her mate and rose to get the little clipping shears. When he came back, the two beasts were nuzzling each other sleepily. "Excuse me one minute," Cyril said, taking Aiko in his lap again. Kendrick snorted and thumped his tail. "You'll have all day to play! Just let me do this one thing."

Aiko had been sheared in the recent past, but there had been enough time for her belly fur to grow a good bit. Most of it was older fur, though - ever since she had gotten pregnant, Cyril had hesitated to use the shears anywhere near her belly. Some of the fur seemed like it had been pulled out - he had seen her line up the little den he set aside for the birth with it - but the amount still concerned him. He took smaller snips than usual, making sure to feel for any bumps or nipples before making any cuts. Aiko looked down at his hands with curiosity - she had never been sheared so carefully and deliberately before.

"There," Cyril said, patting her belly after he had finished. "That should do it." There was a little bit of fine hair on her tummy still, but her teats were all clearly exposed, which was the important part. They were bigger and pinker than he expected. Kendrick, who had sat up to watch, seemed impressed as well. Even Aiko herself looked surprised.

"What a fine mother you'll be," Cyril smiled, running a finger alongside one of these large nipples. He couldn't resist giving it a soft tweak. Aiko mewed, a sharp, quick note of building desire. Kendrick padded over at that, staring at her belly. Cyril took another nipple in his other hand and squeezed that. Aiko's tail began to swish, a sure sign she was getting aroused. Kendrick glanced upwards quickly, at her or maybe at Cyril, then cupped one of her lower nipples with his tongue. He slowly brought it into his mouth and placed his paws gently on the sides of her belly. Aiko squirmed.

The two males continued to play with her teats for a few minutes, gradually building their own desires as her cries and purrs encouraged them. Kendrick was growling softly and making slow pushing movements into her belly, eyes closed in complete contentment. He kneaded the couch with his back paws, as if he was taking her, but at a much calmer pace. Cyril noticed the dark shaft peeking out of Kendrick's sheath and pushed him away. The male Kimeral sat back on his haunches, dazed. He seemed barely aware he had an erection. Cyril smiled, smoothed out Aiko's fur one more time, then positioned her so her backside was facing her mate. "Go ahead, Kendrick. I can tell you both want this."

Aiko tucked her tail aside and spread her legs apart, looking behind her shoulder invitingly. This position brought her belly down so that it rested on the couch's cushions. Kendrick leaned forward so he was on all fours again and put his nose to his mate's swollen folds. He licked at that spot, taking his time, growl-purring with pleasure all the while. Aiko shuddered and pushed her face into Cyril's hands. Her owner cupped her head and rubbed behind her ears soothingly.

Kendrick drew back and nosed her side, pushing with a paw. Cyril let go, expecting him to want her to turn around - perhaps he wanted her to please him orally. Instead, he guided her so she was on her side, then completely on her back. Aiko bicycled her limbs for a second or two, mewing helplessly. Her heavy belly and her large wings made it impossible for her to turn or move around once she was in that position. Cyril propped her up with a little pillow and helped her fold her wings closer to her body so she was more comfortable. Kendrick stepped around her and licked her face and snout tenderly, tail swishing. She returned these little kisses with just as much emotion. Cyril sat back and loosened his pants to free his growing erection - seeing the two beasts so turned on and anticipating the mating to come was a great turn-on for him, too. He began to stroke himself idly while he waited for the act to begin.

Kendrick pulled away and positioned himself near Aiko's feet. He regarded her body with a look of admiration and love for a moment, then carefully placed his paws on either side of her and rested his cheek on her belly. After a moment, he lifted his head, shifted his paws, and positioned his body so that their stomachs touched. He seemed to be lining up to take her while they faced each other. Cyril had seen them mate in this fashion before, but not when she was this pregnant. Worry gripped him suddenly, and he put a hand on Kendrick's head. The Kimeral looked back up, a bit of exasperation in his gaze. "Be careful," Cyril said softly.

Kendrick licked his hand and Aiko leaned up to do the same. Then the male Kimeral turned back to his mate, lowered his hips, and entered her gently. His thrusts were like very deep breaths, slow and long and unrushed. The two Kimeral's tails curled up and tangled with one another. Aiko settled herself deeper into the pillow, allowing Kendrick to lower himself a little more. He practically draped himself over her body, slowly spreading his wings and cupping them around her. His eyes were closed peacefully and his usual growl-purr was soft. Aiko brought her paws to her chest and closed her eyes as well.

With his eyes closed, all Kendrick's concentration was on what he could feel: the material of the pillow underneath his paws, the little motion his wings made with every push he did, the warm, wet inside of his mate...which consumed most of his focus, as expected, but there was something else that caught his attention - her full belly underneath him. Even with most of the fur cleared away, it was soft and warm, almost hot, almost as hot as the inside of amazed him. One of his many matings with her some long time ago had resulted in such a thing. A warmth, a fullness, he could feel its contents stretching her tummy tight -- and, if he concentrated enough at the short pause before he pulled back, he could almost feel the little shapes within. There were tiny Kimerals inside of that place, waiting for life. The many erect, warm nipples he brushed against were waiting for their little mouths. If he paused to consider it all, it filled him with an intense feeling, nearly painful, something of want and desire that he couldn't quite describe as entirely sexual. He wanted her. He wanted what was inside, and all that it meant.

He wanted to see his offspring. When that thought came into his mind, his eyes opened and he started thrusting with more force and speed. The growl was creeping back into his purr. His offspring. His kits. He had achieved something, and the seeds he had sown and planted were bearing fruit. He arched his back, kneading the material under him fiercely. That wondrous belly bounced every time he sank in. That fueled his desire even more. The jiggle of the many nipples and his mate's paws and her mews climbing in pitch...they were a sweet reward for what he had accomplished.

Mine, he thought, driving deeper. All of this is mine.

He continued to thrust deep, burying himself up to the hilt with every push. He dug his claws into the pillow beneath. Still this was not enough. He began to pump his wings to match his rhythms, pulling him out and pushing him in even further with every thrust. Yes. Yes.

He could barely hear the human saying "Easy there! Easy!" over his growling and the sounds of his mating. The angle of his penetration suddenly changed, which nearly triggered his release on the spot, but he gritted his teeth and drew it out the pleasure until he was sure he wasn't going to come then and there. He looked down to see what might have caused this change and realized that his mate was thrusting back at him, lifting her hips up as much as she could with the strength of her tail and her legs. There was movement from her that was not just from him alone. He glanced up at her, slowing his mating the tiniest bit so he could focus on her face. Her ears were drawn back as if she was afraid, but the rest of her expression was that of the embarrassed but intense pleasure he knew and recognized: mouth open in a shy grin, eyes filled with love and a fierce joy. Despite her looming belly making it difficult for her to move even on her feet, much less on her back, she was participating in their mating and having the same emotions he did.

Because, after all...the little ones inside that belly were hers. She was the one carrying them inside her body, the one keeping them warm and safe, the one that was providing for them. She felt every thrust inside her, every movement and jiggle of her belly as a reminder of the great gift she was nurturing. She couldn't wait to see the results of her love as well.

Not just hers, not just his. Theirs. Both of theirs. They had come together more times than he could count, had him empty his seed deep into her womb, waited together for signs that their combined efforts would produce something. That something, those somethings, lay nestled between them, warm.

Panting, Kendrick halted his thrusts and leaned forward to lap at Aiko's cheek. She turned her face to meet his tongue with hers and lifted a paw to rest on his shoulder. He leaned back and smiled at her, purring loud enough for her to hear and feel through her belly. She tucked her paws back up against her chest and smiled back.

Kendrick planted his paws back near Aiko's sides and resumed his thrusts with a renewed vigor. He wanted her to come hard. He rubbed his face on her belly, purring deep and loud, spreading vibrations that he knew she felt and enjoyed. He pushed into her firmly, trying to hit all the spots she loved, and by the sound of her cries, he was nailing them spot-on. He could feel his own limit approaching fast. The thought of her enjoying herself, of her wanting to see their offspring, and her still wanting to be mated more and more was deeply satisfying. He could feel his knot expand and lock him inside her, but that didn't stop him from thrusting with all his might. He had one more trick before he let go completely. Casting a lustful look up at his mate, he took one of her teats into his mouth and rolled it around with his warm tongue, purring directly into the sensitive nipple. She writhed, her mews stretching out into one continuous cry as he suckled her. Then she went still and he felt that familiar clench around him, and he finally let loose his load within her. His knot grew to its full, glorious size, and he tried to imagine what it felt like for her. It must have been heavenly.

His limbs felt weak after that passionate mating, and he struggled not to collapse on top of her. He would never forgive himself if he hurt her or their kits. He felt gentle hands push them so they were both laying on their sides, still tied and facing each other. He was too tired to open his eyes, but he could feel Cyril's hands petting both of them tenderly.

His kits too. The little ones that were pushed up against Kendrick's body also belonged to the human. To all of them.

It had been hard for Cyril to contain himself while he watched the two Kimerals mate beside him. If he had wanted to, he could have brought himself off at almost any time, but he was planning to have a turn with Aiko when Kendrick was done. Even though they were tied together, he decided he couldn't wait any longer.

Carefully, Cyril rose from his seat, one hand still wrapped around his erect cock. With his other hand, he continued to pet Kendrick soothingly, his strokes moving slowly down the furry creature's sides and towards the female laying with him. When his hand fell upon Aiko's pregnant belly, he stopped to marvel at it, as he had done a few minutes before. She felt so soft and warm. And inside her he knew was a litter of little kits, already held between their loving parents even before they were born.

On a sudden whim, Cyril lay next to the exhausted couple and cupped them with an arm. The tip of his cock nudged against Aiko, and she looked over at him in lazy curiosity. The human thrust himself against her slowly, rubbing his shaft through her soft fur and streaking it slightly with his fluids. Then he pulled the two Kimerals closer and shifted until his cock lay against the swell of her belly. Little by little, he pushed himself in between the two lovers. Kendrick moved a bit, unsure as to what was going on but far too worn out to care or open his eyes. Cyril groaned and began to move back and forth. He could feel them both, Kendrick and Aiko, as they lay tied together. Kendrick's fur was so soft and Aiko's belly was so warm...

He went on like this for several minutes, keeping his pace slow so as not to finish too soon. Part of him screamed to just go all out and blow his load right then and there, but another part told him to hold out, and that there would be more fun to come. Every once in a while Kendrick would squirm a bit, and Cyril would have to stop moving, bite his lip and will himself not to cum. Once he was sure he could safely continue, however, he would thrust a little deeper and a little harder than he had before.

Aiko was purring again now, enjoying the love that her two males were lavishing on her together, and Cyril reached down to scratch between her floppy ears. She responded by craning her head up and licking his hand appreciatively. The feel of her wet little tongue on his flesh excited him further, and he decided to give her something else to lick. With great care he pulled his cock out from between the two creatures, leaving a string of sticky pre-cum in its wake, and moved until it hung in front of Aiko's face. The female purred louder and ran her tongue along its length without any hesitation. At first she licked it slowly and methodically, as though she were grooming him, but before long her movements became more intimate. A bead of pre-cum formed on the tip of Cyril's penis, and the Kimeral lapped it up happily.

Meanwhile, Kendrick was beginning to come out of his post-coital stupor. The male blinked lazily a few times, then realized what was going on. His master's cock was mere inches from his face, and little Aiko was licking it furiously. He seemed a little unsure of what to do at first, almost a bit stunned. Aiko paused her ministrations and mewed at him. After a few more moments of deliberation, Kendrick stuck out his tongue and gave Cyril's cock an experimental lick. Taken by surprise by this unexpected second tongue, the human shuddered and moaned. Although he was still a bit uncertain, this positive reaction spurred Kendrick on, and he joined his mate in pleasuring their master. Soon the two animals were both purring as they licked him up and down, their tongues alternating between teasing the head and the shaft. Every once in a while their tongues would meet, and they would spare a moment to lick each other before returning to the human cock between them.

Cyril was in heaven. He did this with Aiko often, but this was the first time that Kendrick had gotten involved. The sensation of two little tongues servicing him at the same time was incredible. Then Aiko took the head of his cock into her mouth, suckling it and purring; he could feel the vibrations from her purrs soak into his sensitive flesh while her mate continued to attend to the shaft. The urge to cum in her mouth was almost overwhelming, but again he managed to just barely hold himself back.

Luckily, Kendrick's knot had deflated to the point where it slid out of Aiko with a wet 'pop.' The little female sighed around her master's member as it did so. As much as Cyril was enjoying the oral loving he was receiving, he knew that he was swiftly approaching the point of no return. He gently pulled his cock away from the mouths of the two Kimerals, who cried out in protest. Kendrick's cries became even more pronounced when Cyril lifted him up off of his mate and set him down on the cushion beside her. Aiko, on the other hand, was quite pleased as her master arranged some pillows for her to lie on and positioned himself between her legs.

With great care, the human rubbed the head of his cock against the furry animal's slit; he wouldn't be able to go very deep, but she was already well lubricated with Kendrick's cum. The tip slipped in easily, and Aiko mewed in pleasure. Cyril gave a little thrust and another inch sunk in. Then he stopped, not daring to go any further for fear of harming her. Still, it was enough; the Kimeral's insides were warm and slick, and incredibly tight. Placing his hands on the animal's pregnant belly, Cyril worked the tip of his cock in and out, faster and faster. He could feel his long-denied orgasm rushing up now, but this time there was no need to hold back. Instead, he surrendered himself to his primal urges. When he came, it was like an explosion. His body shook, and if he hadn't already been on the couch, his legs would have certainly collapsed out from under him. The first forceful jet of cum filled Aiko instantly, the excess spurting out from where they were joined and soaking into the cushions beneath her. Acting on the sudden desire to see the results of their love, Cyril pulled out of her and began to jerk his cock furiously. Stream after sticky white stream splattered across Aiko. The first bit hit her square in the face, and she blinked in surprise. The next few spurts were aimed directly at her swollen tummy. At last it came to a stop, and Cyril lay back in satisfaction and exhaustion. He couldn't remember the last time he had cum so hard.

Recovering from her initial surprise, Aiko started to purr and began to clean her face off, scooping up cum with her paws and licking it up eagerly. Now that Cyril was out of the way, Kendrick came forward and licked his mate tenderly. Then he moved down to her cum-streaked belly and started to clean her up. Aiko mewed and squirmed in pleasure as he moved from nipple to nipple and all of the spaces in between. Despite his earlier hesitation, it seemed he had taken a liking to the taste of his master's seed.

Now that they were all spent at last, the two Kimerals made room for Cyril to join them on the couch again. The human lay back and let the two little lovers curl up on his lap. He placed one hand on each of them and stroked their fur softly as they purred themselves to sleep.