Star's Tales Chapter 3:Bonds

Story by Chakat_Starpelt on SoFurry

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#3 of Star's Tales

Okay here is the third chapter of Star's Tales, Shi is now going out to dinner with hir best friend and sister but somehow it turns into a date with Krano, and Starpelt learns the value of forming new bonds

Star's Tales

Chapter 3: Bonds

The first day of hir classes at the Police Academy passed hir by with interesting new friends being made, such as the Huge handsome wolftaur male Krano, and the friendly mouse girl Mary. Starpelt felt that shi was rather lucky to have made such interesting friends and through out the day the three of them grew rather close. Ofcourse Krano was growing very infatuated with Starpelt, and wasn't making any bones about hiding it from hir, but shi rather liked it. He had a brash kind of charm about him. Mary was friendly and sweet and was really only just interested in being friends with the two taurs. However Starpelt also had plans that night with hir sister and hir best friend Fin Foxglove. Shi was just on hir way out of the building when Krano padded up behind hir."Hey Star wait up a second." He said with that wolfish grin on his muzzle, well more wolfish then normal. "How would you like to go out to eat at the Paw Pad tonight?" He asked with a grin. This took The chakat back a bit. "I am already going there tonight with my sister and my best friend." Shi said apologetically. This seemed to deflate the large wolftaur so shi said with a smile. "But you know a fourth never hurt, why don't you come too?" Shi asked with a smile. His silver furred muzzle split back into that grin at those words. "That sounds wonderful I would love to meet your sister." He leaned down to give hir cheek a soft lick. "Besides it gives me a chance to get to know you better." He said with a playful growl. Shi grinned up at him not minding the lick at all. "Sounds good then meet us there at Seven tonight." Shi said and turned to leave making sure to sway hir rump teasingly just for him, and of course shi could hear his appreciative chuckle following hir as shi made hir way to hir car.

When shi finally made it back home shi closed and locked the door behind hir. Shi turned on hir comm and checked hir messages. One was a reminder from the Acadamey that shi had classes that morning which had just missed hir by moments, the other was from Fin telling hir that he would see hir tonight. Shi sighed as shi made hir way over to hir bedroom to find something to wear for tonight. Shi fortunately had some rather good tops for occasions like this and found a rather good black top, it was one of hir favorites and shi usually wore it when shi was feeling like teasing someone. And teasing Krano would be incredibly fun. Shi was rather surprised by how attracted shi was becoming to the tall wolftaur, true he was funny, sweet, strong, and incredibly handsome but shi usually didn't fall for anyone this fast. Shi sighed and shook hir head., then again chakats were known to bond very fast when they found those who suited them as mates. It had a lot to do with their empathic talents, and Starpelt was no exception. Shi was not the highest rated empath in hir family but shi wasn't weak in that department either. It was possible that he was just really well suited for hir and hir mind had formed a link with him quickly. The same thing had happened to hir twin sister. Shi smiled as shi looked over at a picture hanging on hir wall of hir twin sister up on stage. Icepaw had formed hir own band when shi was just seventeen, and after that success seemed to come easy to the young chakat. The band, which shi had named Ice Claws, was one of the biggest names in the Federation today. Shi smiled and looked at the clock, shi had just enough time for another shower before heading out to meet with hir friends and Sister. Once shi was clean and dry again shi brushed out hir fur and hir hair pulling hir hair back and braiding, with that done shi pulled the top on over hir ample bust line and fastened the straps just under hir bust which would help push up hir already perky breasts making them, if possible, even more noticeable. Shi then put on a matching collar that had a silver star pendant on it. After that shi put on some perfume and admired hir reflection. After that shi checked the clock seeing that shi didn't have long shi decided to go ahead and head out.

Starpelt arrived at the Paw Pad about ten minutes later; the restaurant was one of hir favorite places, and always had been since shi was a cub. It was family owned, run by a Foxtaur family, they served a wide variety of food here, from Mexican to Italian. Shi walked inside and smiled when shi saw hir friend Fin Foxglove sitting at their usual table. Shi grinned and padded over to the table as he got up to give hir a tight hug "Star! You look great tonight." He said admiring the top shi was wearing obviously admiring hir choice in wardrobe. Shi grinned and gave him a few poses which made both of them break out in a fit of giggles. Tonight he had chosen to wear one of his more tight fitting t-shirts, one with the Ice Claws logo emblazoned across it, Fin was one of Icepaws biggest fans. His usual baggy jeans were replaced by a more tight fitting pair, his vibrantly died fur was looking exceptionally groomed tonight as well. Shi gave a smirk. "I'm not the only one who's dressed up tonight." Shi said as shi looked the purple fox over. "Who are you trying to impress?" Shi asked with a smirk. The insides of his ears blushed as he shook his head. "Guess I can't get one past you." He said as he glanced in the direction of one of the waitress's, a rather attractive vixen morph. Star didn't recognize her so she must be new to the staff. The vixen was busy serving another table but Star could see why she had attracted Fin's attention. She was elegantly beautiful and had a very kind friendly look on her face. Star smiled at hir old friend. "Well I can see why you like her." Shi said with a grin. Shi settled down at the table and looked at hir watch. Hir sister would be here soon. "By the way I invited a couple of guests to eat with us tonight." Fin's ears perked up at this news and he smiled. "Well Sapphire already called me and told me shi would be coming but who is the other one? Is the other guest the reason your dressed up?" He asked teasingly. Shi grinned at him, the sly fox knew hir far too well. "Well he definitely might be." Shi said not giving him any more clues to hir guest's identity.

Both of them turned when the door opened again, a grin stretching across Star's face as shi saw hir sister, shi got to hir paws and padded over to give hir sister a tight loving embrace. Sapphire purred at the warm welcome and gave hir little sister some friendly nuzzles in return for the hug. Once the two were done with their greeting they settled back down at the table and Sapphire looked hir sister over with a grin. "Okay Star I know you, you don't get dressed up like this unless your either in the mood to tease someone or you are dressing to attract someone so which is it?" Shi asked with a wicked grin on hir face. Sapphire wasn't able to be around too much due to hir career so shi loved to hear the family stories when shi came home from hir long stints through space. Star blushed a bit, thankful that hir fur was dark and hid most of the blush. "Well it's a bit of both to be honest, see I meet someone at the Academy classes this morning, he was really attracted to me and surprisingly I was to him too." Shi said with a blush. Sapphire grinned at this news, shi had always hoped that hir sister would find a suitable mate, however shi tilted hir head a bit. "You said 'he' right? So I am guessing this isn't another chakat, so who is this mystery person?" Shi asked. Star was about to start talking again when the door opened up. Star looked over and smiled at the entrance of a huge wolftaur with silvery grey fur. Shi looked back at hir sister with a grin. "He's the one." Shi said pointing over hir shoulder to the big wolftaur. Shi got to hir paws again and padded over to Krano, when he saw hir though his eyes widened as he took in hir outfit, shi grinned at his reaction. Tonight was definitely going to be a fun night. When shi reached him he gave hir a hug and a lick to hir cheek in greeting which made hir blush again under hir dark fur. "You look absolutely amazing Starpelt." He said as he smiled down at hir. Shi had to admit that he didn't look bad himself, he was wearing a tight sleeveless white shirt, with silver tribal designs on it, the way it clung to his upper body almost made it look like it was part of him. Shi rather liked the look, and it definitely made hir heart skip a beat to see those muscles rippling underneath the shirt and his thick fur. "Your not too bad yourself Krano." Shi said as shi gave him an admiring look. Shi then lead him over to the table and introduced him to the others, Fin gave hir a grin while hir sister gave the wolftaur an appreciative look as well. Sapphire got to hir paws and gave the wolftaur a hug as well before they all settled down and began to look over the menu. When the waitress came for their orders, it was of course the vixen that Fin was attracted to, Star decided to have hir favorite, the country fried steak with white gravy. At heart shi loved the old southern style cooking, but hir favorite was usually Italian, but tonight shi was in the mood for something else. Once their orders were made and the beautiful vixen, who's name was Stacey, moved back to the kitchen, Star turned to Fin and grinned at him. "Your drooling." Shi told him teasingly, which wasn't exactly true but the way he was staring after the waitress he might as well have been. He took his eyes off of the waitress with an embarrassed blush, which set the whole table laughing. Fin gave a embarrassed chuckle, but the sly fox was able to get hir back for the tease. "And what exactly was it that you were doing when Krano here walked in the doors? Because it looked like you were the one with drool on your muzzle then." He shot back just as playfully which of course set hir to blushing while everyone else laughed at hir this time, but shi wasn't too embarrassed to notice the glance that Krano gave hir out of the corner of his eye, or the playful wink from the big wolftaur.

When the food came the conversation turned to the planets that Sapphire had seen on hir latest tour, then it went to Starpelt and Krano to talk about their first day at the Academy. Starpelt enjoyed the time with hir friend and sister but hir glance kept straying back to Krano. Shi noticed that his eyes were also on hir a lot as well. This pleased hir a lot, shi found hirself scooting closer to him the longer the meal lasted, eventually laying hir tail across his. He turned when he felt the chakat's prehensile tail wrap around his and he actually blushed a bit, but smiled down at hir. Finally though the talk winded down and both Fin and Sapphire were ready to get some rest. Star hugged hir sister tightly and Sapphire whispered in hir ear. "Enjoy your night sis." Star blushed brightly and Fin gave hir a wink as he walked by towards the door. Finally shi turned to Krano who was looking at hir with that lopsided wolfy grin on his face. Shi loved that grin. "Well I don't know about you but this chakat is not too tired, would you like to come back to my place for some tea?" Shi asked with a smile. He wrapped a arm around hir shoulder and nodded. "I would like that a lot." He said with a rumbling murr. They took hir car over to hir place since he had walked to the restaurant, apparently he lived close by. Once they were up in hir loft shi opened up the fridge and pulled out a jug of sweet tea and poured them both glasses. Shi settled down next to him on some of the pads that shi had in hir living room and smiled up at him. "I do have a question that I have been dying to ask you Krano, I thought most Wolftaurs lived in nomadic packs that wandered the woods. Is your family different?" Shi asked. He shook his head and smiled. "No not at all, my family travels with a pack, and really doesn't have much contact with the cities." He sighed. "I was never happy in that life style though, I wanted to see more then just the woods, so when I was seventeen I left the pack. My parents were upset with my decision but they didn't try to stop me from leaving. I still go to see them from time to time." He said with a chuckle. "I am close to my family still despite our differences, they say that blood is thicker then water and those bonds are even more important in the packs." He said with a smile for Starpelt. "Though some don't like me and my decision in the pack, it is still my decision. My brother says I am crazy but we still get along great." He leaned down to give hir cheek a soft lick which shi returned with a smile on hir muzzle. He grinned and continued speaking. "Ofcourse I imagine that the same is true in Chakat families." He said with a smile. Shi nodded and grinned up at him. "That is true, family is always important to us." Shi said with a smile. Shi looked up Krano's eyes smiling softly, the wolftaur leaned down and began to give hir several tender lick kisses to hir cheek and hir lips. Shi smiled as shi got to hir paws and pulled him up with hir leading him towards hir bed room a playful, and tender look on hir face.

The next morning shi woke up with the sound of hir alarm going off again. Shi smiled as shi saw Krano sleeping right next to hir, one of his powerful arms wrapped possessively around hir waist. Bonds were important to chakats, and shi had formed one in Krano. Shi leaned forward to lick his cheek to wake him up. "Come on lazy bones, time to get up." Shi said with a grin nibbling his ear. "If you get up we may have enough time for a shower together." Shi giggled when his eyes flew open at that recommendation. Shi smiled down at him. Hir life was definitely taking a very interesting turn, and shi was very happy with this.

To Be continued.....