A Night With The Dancer

Story by Demonic_Pidgeon on SoFurry

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Hans, a young well-built panther, goes out on the town to discover a small, obscure club filled with sexy male dancers and flashing lights. One of them, Topaz (a thin-looking bunny boy) seems to be somebody he recognizes. WILL THEY GET TOGETHER AND MAKE SWEET LOVE??? Only one way to find out...

Hans didn't think much of the club at first. Compared to his regular weekend stops, this was subpar, but what would one expect of such a secluded building; he had to walk through three alleyways from the street just to get to the door. Still, he did like the little nooks and crannies like this. It was always nice to take a break from the wild outings at major venues and drunken crowds.

Being a large, herculean panther, it was almost difficult to squeeze through the small doorway, especially with all the regulars leaning against the wall and standing in the way holding their drinks. Being a tad promiscuous, though, as well as gay and in a gay bar, he didn't mind brushing against the patrons from either end...he got looks, he gave looks. The further he seemed to trek into the bar, the thicker the smoke and smell of cloves seemed to get. As opposed to cigarettes, there was always something that appealed to Hans about the smell of cigarillos.

As he worked his way through the small, crowded space, he finally sat down at an empty booth in the back corner, relaxing his thick toned form against the backrest. Already a bit drunk, it was becoming more and more challenging to know where he was and why, but he wasn't quite to that stage just yet. He blinked and leaned forward, looking up at the dancers on the two stages.

The one on the left featured a young-looking cervine, who was spinning around the pole enough times to make him dizzy just watching. Despite all the near-constant movement, he had a nice thin build, with round cheeks underneath tight latex shorts, that reminded him of a good-sized female bosom, the tail above them raised and the slick, sexy legs below wrapped around the pole. A smooth, white stomach led up to his bare chest and out to his arms, which didn't look very muscular at all; then again, perhaps that was the point of the whole thing. His emerald-green eyes gazed out across the gathering as he swirled around, hanging upside-down and giving looks as much as he was getting bills. Every now and then, with enough of them, he would crawl to the front of the stage and collect, dropping down to wrap his arms around the neck of the paying customer and work his hips around the groin suggestively.

To the right was a shorter-looking, white-furred bunny boy, with about the same body type, although he focused less on twirling and more on showing off his plump, luscious ass. He wore the same type of shorts as well, although his torso was covered by a tight matching latex top that accentuated what little of a chest he had. He slid up to the pole and ground against it, displaying a clear erection underneath his incredibly short shorts, and receiving hoots from the crowd. He smiled and turned, spreading his legs, showing off his gear underneath him, as all of it was quite detailed due to the tightness of his pants. Hans could hardly help himself as he stared in wonder at the bunny's legs and rear end, reaching down to hide the tent in his pants as the room suddenly grew twice as hot. It was a good thing nobody could see him blushing. There was something about that boy, he just couldn't put his finger on it...did he know him from somewhere?

His eyes widened as he got a look back from the boy, then smiled at him nonchalantly, and he received a wink before the boy turned around to pick up some of his cash. That almost made him blow a load in his pants right there. Of course, he knew he was just a dancer, but he hoped he had caught the bunny's genuine interest. Sure enough, he kept getting sultry looks from that same dancer. He wasn't even throwing money, and he had far more attention than anybody up front. Did he recognize him, too? Where the hell had they met...school, work? In any case, the two were making eye contact, and it was getting more and more difficult for Hans not to start touching himself right then and there.

The mood was cut short as both of them stopped, the DJ ending the track and booming out with the loud, fast voice of an auctioneer through the mic. "All right, everybody, thanks for your tips and keep enjoying the music and drinks! On the left was the lovely Jade, and on the right we got to see some wonderful sexy Topaz! Next up, we got a solo for you, featuring one of our favorites, give it up for Sapphire!" As the two dancers stepped down, Hans noticed Topaz give him one last look before disappearing into the back. He had to find a way to meet up later...there was no way he wasn't trying to say something. Then again, he had been given signals like that before, and to no avail. He stared at an un-opened bottle of beer on the corner of the table he hadn't noticed with all the commotion, and decided to snag it out of the bucket and pop it open. Why the hell not, he thought.

A new dancer took center stage, a young fox dressed up in a skimpy softball outfit, and the music started up intensely as neon laser-lights slid over his thin, lusty form. "Hey!" came a voice from nearby. Hans looked around, and was shocked to see the same bunny he was looking at walk over and sit next to him. "I saw you across the bar, do I know you from somewhere?"

"I was about to ask the same thing," said Hans, lifting up his arm and resting it behind his new pal. "I've been racking my brain, but I can't think of it."

"I know, right!" said Topaz as he slid closer, looking up and down the panther's thick, sexy body. "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before. Wait, I got it..." He pressed his fingers to his forehead, in deep thought, before snapping a finger. "Chemistry, room 104! Three years ago at college!"

"Holy shit," said Hans as he took another drink and laughed. "That's right, you sat in front of me, kinda diagonal, and you kept texting and the prof would always take your phone!"

"Yeah, that bastard," said Topaz as he settled against the seat. "You like my friend up there? He's one of the best."

"Sure is," said Hans, glancing up at the fox, his attention still on the cute thing beside him. "I think you were better."

Topaz laughed and flopped a hand bashfully. "Oh, shut up! I've only been doing this for like, three months!"

"Really?" said Hans, taking another drink. "You know, I wouldn't have imagined you up there. I mean not in a bad way, I just never would have pictured it. But you were fantastic."

"Well, thanks," said Topaz, pulling out his phone to answer a few texts. "So um, you still live in the area then?"

"Yeah, I'm in an apartment by myself down on Santiago. It's got a view, that's all I really want."

"I know what you mean," laughed Topaz, his thumbs clicking away at the device. "I live with like, three of my friends, and they're all so loud and annoying. I'd hardly get any sleep if they didn't have such good weed."

Hans nodded, another drink. "So, when do you get off?"

The bunny's ears folded back a bit at the question, trying to hide his surprise. "Oh I um...actually, in like ten minutes."


"Yeah, this place goes on for a while, but that was my dance for the night."

Hans set down the beer, sliding it around on the table in thought. "Well, what are you up to after?"

The bunny thought a minute, his phone vibrating again. "Hmm, haven't thought about it really. Do you wanna hang out?"

"Sure," said Hans with a smile. "I mean, all these years, we gotta catch up on things, you know?"

"Yes, I think so too ," said Topaz, concealing his phone. "Okay, let me get my stuff."

A quarter of an hour later, the door to Hans' apartment shut, and Topaz hung his jacket before stretching, still in his skimpy stage outfit. Hans opened the blinds, revealing a nice city corner with little activity. "It's not much, but I don't have to pay utilities," said Hans, hanging up his leather jacket next to the bunny's fluffy one. "Go ahead, have a seat. Do you want a drink?"

"What have you got?" said Topaz as he plopped down on the futon, folding one leg over the other, pulling out his phone. "I mean, I don't wanna be a dick, but I DID just get off work."

Hans opened the refrigerator in the kitchen, the door giving a dull creak. "I know the feeling. Well, there's red wine, amaretto, scotch, and of course beer."

"Hmmm...you pick."

"Alrighty," said Hans as he pulled out the bottle of scotch, setting it on the counter and loading two lowball glasses with ice. "I was gonna finish this bottle tonight anyway, might as well make the most of it." Topaz smiled and flicked an ear out of his eye, texting like the world would end if he didn't. Hans soon walked into the living room, handing his companion a glass before clashing them together softly. "Cheers."

"Salud," said Topaz before taking a sip. "Oh my..."

"Whaddaya think? Better than the low-grade shit, anyway..."

"No, it's just, I've never had scotch," said Topaz before taking another sip. "I think this may be my new favorite drink."


"Of course, that's what I say about 90% of the drinks that I try," he said with a laugh. "But it's got a good flavor."

"I know, right? Just as strong as rum, but a less nasty taste."

"This is good," said Topaz, finishing off the glass in a few gulps, leaning back. "Whew! I guess I shoulda told you, I'm a lightweight," he said with a laugh.

"I could pretty much tell," said Hans, sitting down next to him with a sip. "You don't get sick easily, do you?"

"Oh god no. I know when to stop. I just have too much fun for my own good." He instinctively leaned against the large panther, spidering a hand up his abs to his chest. "Jesus boy, you are built like a tank! I mean I remember you from class but...damn."

Hans nodded, giving his arm a good flex behind the bunny's head. "A lot of hard work and dedication. And the fact that my dad was just as gigantic."

"Luckyyy," said Topaz, moving his attention to the panther's swollen bicep, running his hands around the veins with admiration. "I always wanted to be big and strong."

"Oh, but then you wouldn't be so lithe and sexy," said Hans, tracing a hand across the bunny boy's face. Topaz laughed, blushing and turning away. "Stop making fun of me."

"I'm not," said Hans, leaning in closer. "Everyone saw how you were on that stage. You really broke it down. I..." He turned away to sip the last of his scotch, setting the cool glass of melting ice on the short table in front of them. "I think you're incredible."

The bunny's face had turned from white to practically red at this point, turning to look at the handsome hunk of panther beside him, before leaning back against him to run his hand across his chest. Hans turned and before he knew what was happening, the bunny was straddling him, and they were kissing furiously. Their arms wrapped around each other as their bodies began to ignite in lust, their legs locked and their hips grinding together. Topaz gave soft moans as he slid his tongue into the panther's mouth, and Hans responded to the bunny's invasive affection with the same motion. Soon their tongues were swirling around each other, sliding into each other's maw, exchanging saliva as their manhoods began growing against one another.

It was too much. Hans turned and laid the bunny down, getting on top of him, their mouths still locked in the deep kiss, and his hand slid up the boy's chest, squeezing at his tiny pec under that smooth latex, working his other hand around down his back to give that tight rump a good feel. Topaz moaned as his leg spread out, his boner clearly showing underneath that tight outfit and pressing against the big panther above him. He was on fire, and losing it fast. The phone fell on the ground, vibrating from texts, but all he dared to concentrate on was the muscular male making love to him.

Hans sat up and panted, lifting off his shirt, exposing his gorgeously-framed torso before undoing the buttons behind the bunny boy's top, sliding it off of him to bare both of their chests. He undid his khakis and slid them off, now exclusively in his boxer briefs, an enormous lump having grown underneath them. Topaz gulped as the large panther leaned down to resume making out with him furiously, sucking on his tongue and moaning softly as they ground their firm lengths together, the bunny clearly outdone by his male counterpart.

But soon the panther's kissing moved from his mouth to his chin, and his chin down to his neck. He gasped out as he realized what was happening, the muscular feline planting kisses and gropes down his chest to his smooth stomach, before finally reaching around to grope that sweet ass and sitting him up. "You sure...you want to do this?" asked the bunny, as it was not often a male offered to do this to him. It was usually the other way around, in fact. But Hans's eyes told him all he needed to know as the panther slid down the tight latex shorts, popping out the bunny's firm rod, and sliding the shorts down off his legs before leaning down to plant a kiss on the tip.

The action drew a moan out from the bunny boy as his cock flexed in the panther's grip, bucking against his hand as it worked up and down his sensitive flesh. His fingers groped the futon behind him, pre already dribbling from his dick in pure excitement. "Mmmnh..." Hans smiled as he licked up the rod to the tip before sliding it into his mouth, savoring every bit of the flavor as his warm cavity surrounded the sexy bunny's member, his tongue sliding all around the length, up and down it as he moved his head further down. Topaz gasped as his dick went all the way in Hans' throat, the fleshy head bumping against the back of it as the warm spit dribbled out onto his balls. He swallowed and blinked rapidly, trying to concentrate, as the feeling was better than any he could remember having in a long while. "Oh my god...you are so amazing..." whined Topaz as his legs tensed, trying to hold back his orgasm as much as he could, although it wouldn't be long now.

Hans smacked his mouth off the tip, giving the rod a few more good suckles while looking up at him. "This is only...the second time I've done this," he admitted, licking up and down it lustfully.

"That can't be," said Topaz, his little flare firm against the panther's grip. "You...you are a god at this!"

"Sure," said Hans as he licked the dribbling pre up the shaft like a melting ice cream cone. "Whatever you say..." He spread the bunny's legs apart further, licking down to suckle on his nutsack, coating them with his warm spittle before spreading apart his cheeks.

"Oh god yes," said Topaz. "I'm sorry, it's my first time like this..."

"Mine too," said Hans, leaning in to slide a finger against the boy's tight asshole lightly. "I hope you don't mind." He stuck out his tongue and stretched it into the hole, eliciting a long moan from the bunny as his lips met his tight pucker. He was soon making as much oral love to the boy's exit tunnel as we was with his mouth ten minutes earlier. His hands slid up and down the boy's legs as he rimmed him hard, licking all around his hole wetly before diving the tongue back in as deep as he could, letting it rest inside with a good flex. The bunny's toes curled as his eyes fluttered, deeply lost in pleasure.

The panther then stuck three fingers in his mouth, sucking on them wetly, before pressing them against his hole. Topaz panted as the middle one entered, sliding past the first knuckle. "Mmm fuck yes!" he said, licking his lips as the index entered afterward, the two digits stretching him open. A third entered, and soon all three fingers had worked their way deep into his ass, sliding back and forth slowly.

"You like being finger-fucked?" asked Hans as he leaned forward to suckle at his cock again, taking the length into his mouth. Topaz couldn't answer at this point, as he was moaning and bucking like a cat in heat. Each time the knuckles slid past his rim, a shockwave of pleasure shot up through his entire body, starting at the rim of his ass and ending at the tips of his nipples. Hans soon pulled them out before leaning down to tonguefuck him again, sloppily making out with his hole, sucking at the rim and sliding his tongue in deeply.

Topaz turned over and looked back at him, spreading his ass apart as the tongue pulled out. "Fuck me," he said panting heavily. "Fuck me please, so I can cum!" He didn't have to ask again as the panther's boxer briefs flew into the corner, the hard throbbing feline cock coming into view. The bunny gasped at its impressive size, wondering if that girth would split him open altogether. Hans leaned in, pressing his behemoth of a cock against the bunny's hole before sliding in roughly. Topaz gasped as he felt the monster dick enter him, and leaned forward to adjust to the size. "Christ, you're big!" he said, his little bunnydick hanging between his legs, his hole stretching out to fit the panther's thick rod.

Hans pressed in further, sliding his hands up the bunny's hips before beginning to thrust in and out. The two moved back and forth in the erotic dance, the feline's veiny cockshaft pushing the lapine's anal walls out like a battering ram. "Nnngh fuck you're tight," said Hans as he pressed in all the way before mounting the bunny, beginning to fuck him roughly. After that point Topaz was speechless, moaning out in pleasure and pain, the ecstasy seizing his senses. Hans's balls slapped against the plump ass of the sexy bunny dancer with each thrust, the noise carrying throughout the apartment almost as well as his heavy breathing and the boy's feminine lust cries. His tip brushed against the prostate, pre dribbling out into the anal cavity as his hands worked over that perfect butt. "My god...you are so fucking hot."

He grabbed the boy's latex shorts and decided to try a bold move, wrapping them around the bunny's mouth in a makeshift gag and pulling his head back. Topaz responded with heavier breathing, apparently just as turned on by the idea, now unable to speak. "Mmm you like the taste of your own sweet ass, my little sex pet?" Hans said into the bunny's ear before licking at it, thrusting harder and faster each time. Topaz's moans were muffled, although they grew louder the more intense their activities seemed to get. Hans' free hand reached up to feel at the boy's chest and nipple, while the other pulled back the short shorts and the boy's head with just enough force, not too much, to send a rush of sick pleasure through the both of them. Hans began to grow braver, licking down the bunny's neck and biting at it, although not too hard as he didn't want to leave marks, and worked at the boy's chest as his cock flexed hard against the boy's warm clenching ass.

Topaz gasped and moaned loudly into his shorts as his cock suddenly stiffened, shooting a free-hand orgasm all over the hardwood floor, and he panted hard as his muffled cries of pleasure added intensity to his experience. Hans leaned in to lick as his ear again. "Yeah, you like tasting your balls while I fuck you, and make you cum all over..." It wasn't long before Hans reached his own climax, and when he hit his peak he gasped out, releasing the gag to grab both of the boy's ass cheeks, standing up and fucking him at a downward angle with a roar of pleasure. Topaz looked back at him in heavy afterglow, moaning out as he felt a jet rush of thick panther seed fill his ass. Heavy panting escaped his lips as the warm, thick ooze rushed up into him in spurts, coating his innards with hot fervor.

Hans gasped and leaned down, still inside of him as the last of it rushed out, before kissing Topaz deeply, turning him around while twisting his cock inside of the hole as they continued making out like their lives depended on it. "I'm glad you came," said Hans, out of breath.

Topaz smiled, wrapping his legs around his hulking partner. "I'm glad you did, too."

The phone continued to vibrate all night, and went unnoticed until later the following morning.