kitsep chapter 4

Story by mattfoxlikesretro on SoFurry

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#3 of kitsep story

not really any yiff in this one, leading up to yiff in the next chapter. just wanted to introduce the next character and provide a basic storyline that better leads up to what happens next


Chapter 4 ____________________________________________

People say modern cars are more reliable than older cars. however, they aren't invulnerable. and a small white fox with black paws and eartips was about to find out just how much a new car can break down. you see, a small impurity had found it's way into the water system that was cooling the engine. it passed through a few times without a problem, but when it got stuck in the water pump, cusing it to jam, thats when things got messy. the precious fluid that was keeping the motor from overheating had stopped flowing, and the heat started to rise. soon, the fox noticed the temperature guage on his dashboard wasn't where it was moments ago. the needle was rising, and fast. he had no choice but to pull over. he quickly pulled off the road and turned the engine off. not knowing what the problem was, he got out to have a look. he lifted the hood up and gazed at the powerplant that moved the car. a 2.7 liter V-6 that supplied 267 horsepower. not bad. but there was one major problem. this fos had no idea how to fix an engine, let alone figure out what was wrong. "well crap..." he pulled out his phone and dialed a close friend of his, noticing for the firt time the low battery icon on his phone flashing. "this day just whent downhill... oh, hi jeremy." jeremy, who had just woken up was a little groggy as he replied with a basic "allo?...wh-... fuzzy... that you? jeeze what are you doing calling me so early for?" the fox looked at his phone again. "jeremy it's 11:20 in the morning, almost lunchtime." the voice on the line grumbled a bit before replying, "exactly! don't wake me up so early if it isn't an emergency! now... waddaya want?" fuzzy stood there for a moment as he eyed his car. "well... the temperature guage on my car just went up by like a thousand degrees in under a minute, what should i do?" jeremy grumbled "it's probably just a bug in the system, new cars don't have problems the day after you buy it... besides, your still under warrenty right?" fuzzy said yes and jeremy said "good, so lemme sleep" and hung up. well, he can get it looked at when he got home. fuzzy got back in and started the engine, pulling back on the road. a few miles and a small BANG later, fuzzy stood once again outside of his brand-new car looking at what was once his engine. he got out his phone again to wake his lazy-ass best friend, only to find the battery had died. "well crap... again..." he tossed his phone in the car and locked the vehicle up. today just wasn't his day. but... wait... there was a driveway just down the road... maybe someone there could help him? only one way to find out, he started back down the road, turning to follow the driveway. and what a driveway! it took him forever just to reach the house! he climbed up the steps and knocked on the door. he waited a few minuted and knocked again, this time, the door opened slightly. "huh... must not have been closed all the way... HELLO?" he called out, and got no reply. he opened the door further and called out again. "HELLO?" he heard a few noises upstairs, but he didn't want to intrude, so he decided to wait on the porch. but then he heard what sounded like a scream of agony coming from inside the house! what if someone was in trouble? he couldn't just stand by and let someone get hurt! he ran into the house and looked around, the place seemed empty, and the noises had stopped. where had they been coming from? wait! he heard sobbing upstairs! he carefully snuck up the stairs, wary of giving himself away to any potentialy violent people around. he had heard that scream... suddenly he heard whimpering coming from a room down the hall and another voice... sounded like the other voice was trying to calm the first one. he crept down the hallway and peeked inside the room. a small orange fox was on the bed facing away from him, while another larger green, black and yellow fox was holding a newborn kit in his arms. the fox on the bed didn't look to be female though... no... could the fox be like himself? yes, the fox on the bed was definately male (or at least male-herm). relieved that there wasn't any danger, he silently backed down the stairs, making sure not to make any noise. well, with the two upstairs being rather... preoccupied, he might as well have a look around and see if there was a phone he could use. he was sure they wouldn't mind, it was only one call after all. fuzzy looked back over his shoulder, making sure they haden't heard him as he wandered down a hall. the first door was a restroom, nothing interesting there except for some pills on the floor. "must have been taking medicine when the water broke..." he thought to himself. fuzzy opened a few more doors, making sure to be as silent as he could as he searched for a telephone. he found a pantry, a few extra bedrooms, some sort of den, a dining room, and then another set of stairs leading down. but this set were different. these stairs were made of metal, and the walls were unpainted concrete. fuzzy stroked his chin as me turned on the flourescent lighting in the stairway. "must be some sort of old bomb shelter or something... maybe they have a phone down there. they have to, i mean, who would have a shelter WITHOUT some kind of communication?" his thoughts wandered as he descended the stairs. but something was strange... the stairs seemed to just keep going. he was already at least 3 stories undeerground before he found the first door, but the stairs continued! he decided to stay near the surface, so he opened the first door. a dark hallway stretched before him. well, a dark hallway DID stretch before him, until he turned on the lights. then, a brightly lit hallway stretched before him with many doors on either side. same as the stairwell, the sides were bare concrete, but this time, the floors seemed to have a dull set of tiles covering them. he walked down the hallway, peeking through the windows of the doors, looking into the dusty examination rooms, labs, and breakrooms. one room in particular seemed to be filled with aging computer stations from the 1980's. "what was this place?" fuzzy thought to himself as he wandered about, having completely forgotten about the phone. he turned another corner and kept walking, glancing into rooms every now and then. eventually he came to a set of double doors made out of metal. upon opening them, fuzzy found a very large room, appearing to be some sort of cafeteria or breakroom. he flicked the light switch and watched the flourescent tubes in the ceiling flicker to life, illuiminating the vast space. on the far side appeared to be some appliences: 2 double door fridges, some toasters, 2 absolutely ancient microwaves, 2 ovens, 2 stove tops, 4 sinks, a few sets of cabinates and some other things too. he walked over, avoiding the dusty tables and chairs on the way. he ran a paw along the counter top, leaving a clean streak in the thick layer of dust. "eww..." his paw stopped near an old telephone, the early kind that had extentions and multiple lines. "this is an old one... man i hope this works..." he dusted off the reciever and held it up to his ear. a dial tone! yes! the outdated technology had managed to survive the years being down in this old... whatever this place was. he dialed a number he remembered from last time his last car broke down, ans waited for the other person to pick up. "hello you have reached the front desk of Fast Dan's Auto, we are currently unavailable, please leave a message after the tone, thank you" Damn! nobody ever checks their messages nowadays... he hung up and sat down in one of the chairs. what the hell was he going to do now? his car had broke down in the middle of nowhere, he had broken into someones home because he thought they were in danger only to find everything was alright, and when he went looking for a phone he had come accross this underground... thing! what if they worked for the government? he could get in so much trouble!!! he had to get out before they noticed! fuzzy bolted from the room, running down the hall as he searched for the stairway. crap! he was lost! where had he come from? suddenly, the lights went out and a distant whining was heard, like that of a jet engine slowing down. the lights came back on after a few seconds, but went out soon afterwards. fuzzy cried out and groped for the wall. upon finding the cold concrete wall, he felt along the surface before he came to a door. some more fumbling got him into the room, and after a minute or two, he found the light switch. 'click' nothing. the power must have gone out or something... what now? he felt around the room, bumping into tables and desks and chairs. he bumped into one desk, and heard something plastic fall. he knelt down and groped along the floor until he found it. "damn... just a cup..." he opened the drawrs of the desk he had bumped into once he found them and rummaged around. it seemed to be full of papers and pens and junk, but wait... his paw closed around something metal, and heavy. he felt it over and squealed with joy! he had found an old flashlight! but would it work? 'click' nothing. of course it wouldn't work, why would it work? its probably been sitting in this dusty old room for well over 3 decades! but maybe... just maybe there were some batteries in the desk... he just hoped they werent all leaky and corroded if there were some. he felt around in a different drawr, coming accross another flashlight and a small box. this flashlight felt lighter, so fuzzy could safely assume it had no batteries inside it. rather than open the heavy flashlight and risk finding acid covered batteries inside, he opened the lighter flashlight and put it on the desk. next he opened the box to find... BATTERIES!!! yes! now hopefully... he popped them in and... 'click' a very dim beam of light came from the flashlight, illuminating fuzzy's way just enough to allow him to exit the room and start back down the hallway. a few turns later though, and he was more lost than before, trapped in the seemingly endless maze of hallways. he came to a four-way intersection and looked around. he couldn't see far enough down each hallway to be sure wich way to go, so he just picked a direction and started walking. if he ever got out of this place alive, he would at least have a new flashlight for when the power went out at his house. time seemed to have frozen at this place. the dust on the floor as thick, and undisturbed. this place must have been abandoned decades ago... it was almost like stepping back in time fuzzy thought, or possibly finding some reminents of an ancient civilization. hundreds of years from now, if something happened and all life were to cease to exist, places like this would be all that was left for anyone to find. bunkers and legacy systems waiting for the workers to come back. it seemed to fuzzy that it wasl almost all work ready! as if the place had been locked up one day for no reason. some desks still had coffee cups on them, and stacks of paper sat waiting to be gone through. after some time, fuzzy came to a wall. finally! he had found the edge of the underground facility! all he had to do was follow the wall, and eventually he would come back to where he began! so he turned to his right, and began walking again. he hoped to find the exit soon, because the dim light from the flashlight seemed dimmer than before. he followed the wall until he came across a set of double doors. he opened them, and saw yet another hallway. he was about to turn away when he noticed a faint light coming from around a bend way down the hallway. the exit! yes! and not a moment too soon! fuzzy's flashlight was just about to die on him as he ran toward the light at the end of the hallway. his footsteps echoed down the hall as he ran. finally, he could get out of this place! he skidded around the corner and froze. a squirrel was standing in the middle of the hallway and had a menacing look on his face "hmm... i knew it couldn't be kitsep, kitsep wouldn't have made so much noise tearing down the hallway. no, you must be a friend of his. but either way, i can't have kitsep finding out i am here." with that fuzzy noticed the gun in the squirrel's paw. "umm..." the squirrel fired the gun, but instead of a bullet, a tranqualizer dart stuck into fuzzy's thigh. "i can't stand violence of any kind, so i really am truly sorry it had to come to this." fuzzy sank to the floor and looked around groggily. today just wasn't his day fuzy though as the world slowly went dark.