Troubles of Love, part 1

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#1 of Troubles of Love

This is my first piece of furry writing. I decided to use my rp character Derrik, as well as create another possible rp character, Kevin. Please, tell me what you think of the story, because I feel that my prose-writing could use some work. I'm considering lengthening the story based on feedback.

He sat at the back of the room; not the very back, but in the second to last row. He usually sat at the front of his classes, but he hated this class. Calculus always bored him.

It was the third day of the second semester when he walked in. Kevin couldn't keep his luminous green eyes off of him. Kevin normally wasn't into otters, but this fellow was magnificent. His body was sculpted, and his smile was captivating. Kevin the wolf fell head over heels for Derrik, for that was his name.

Derrik had transferred from out of state, and was a college freshman, just like Kevin. It was on that third day that Derrik decided to sit next to Kevin. He was thrilled.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Derrik asked, politely.

"Um, uh, no! Not at all!" Kevin stammered, and moved aside so that Derrik could sit next to him.

"Now, now, settle down class!" The teacher, Prof. Windershins, strode into the classroom. As a walrus, he didn't have much trouble getting the attention of the class. As a math professor, however, he had trouble keeping the attention.

"Now, when taking the integral or anti-derivative of an equation, you must first .... blah blah blah..." Prof. Windershins droned on and on; but Kevin wasn't listening. He was talking with Derrik.

"So, where are you from? I haven't seen you around campus before." Kevin whispered.

"I'm from Colorado. This is my third day here. The first two days, they messed up my schedule, and I was accidentally put into Trigonometry." Derrik answered. "What's your name? I'm Derrik."

"Kevin. So, what class are you?"

"Freshman. How about you?"

"Same. So, what degree do you think you'll be..."

"Quiet down class, I don't want to have to remind you again. Now, to check your work, take the derivative of...." Prof. Windershins lectured.

Kevin smiled. "So, what are you doing for the day? Want to get a bite to eat after the lecture's over?"

Derrik smiled back. "Sure, I could use something to eat. Where did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking just the cafeteria."

"I'm not really sure where that is."

"I'll show you. Hey, maybe I can even give you a tour of the campus!"

"Hey, that's a great idea! I'd really appreciate that."

"Yeah. Cool. Hey, what are some of your..."

"Kevin Worg! Either be quiet in my classroom, or don't bother showing up! I'd about heard enough from you! Now, Anya, please tell me how we use limits to solve an integral..."

Kevin and Derrik snickered. They were silent for the rest of the lecture. Kevin took the time to study Derrik a bit. He was wearing a blue hawaiian button shirt and a pair of orange hawaiian shorts. as well as a pair of brown flip-flops. He had a shiny black watch on his left wrist, and some sort of tribal necklace around his neck.

Kevin wasn't sure, but he thought he saw Derrik checking him out too. He might be noticing the dark blue hoodie atop his navy blue jeans, the clean white sneakers, or the silver watch on his right wrist, or maybe even the small silver earring in his left ear. However, Kevin might have just imagined it.

After the lecture, Kevin gave Derrik a small tour of the campus, and their final destination was the cafeteria, where they bought lunch and moved outside and sat down at one of the tables.

"So, have you settled into one of the dorms yet?" Kevin asked.

"Sort of. I don't really know what I'm going to do yet. I've been placed into a dorm, but I definitely want to move out of it. The kid in there hates me already." Derrik took a bite out of his hamburger. "What about you? You have a dorm here? Who's your roommate?"

Kevin swallowed the bite of hamburger he was chewing. "My roommate was a junior. He transferred colleges and went out of state. It's fine, we weren't real close anyways."

"Oh." Derrik finished his hamburger. "So, what are your other classes today?"

"Oh, I don't have any other classes today."

"Really? Me neither! Hey, since I dn't know anyone else, maybe we can hang out? You can show me around the campus a bit more." Derrik said, smiling and blushing a little.

"Um, sure. That'd be great!" Kevin said.

Kevin wasn't sure, but he thought that Derrik was hitting on him. The thought made Kevin giddy with anticipation, but he tried not to get ahead of himself.

Once the two had finished their lunches, Kevin took Derrik on a more detailed tour. He took him to each department of the campus, showing him where all of Deriik's classes were. They went to the library, the bookstore, and past the administrative offices. After visiting the music and drama departments, they went by the theater.

"Hey, can I see your dorm?" Derrik asked.

"Yeah, sure." Kevin said. He led Derrik to his dorm across campus.

The room itself was pretty small. The room was divided in half, with a bed, nightstand, and desk on each side. Half of the room was bare. The other half of the room had posters of rock bands, an instrument case underneath the messy desk, and crumpled blue bedding on the bed.

Derrik walked in, took a look around the room, and said, "Neat."

"Not really." Kevin said, sheepishly.

Derrik laughed. His laugh was very melodic, like ariver running over smooth stones. "It's fine." He sat on the edge of the bed.

"So, I can't believe we have calculus, chemistry, and government together." Derrik said.

Kevin sat on the bed next to Derrik. He looked into Derrik's light blue eyes before he lost himself.

"So, what do you want t..."

Derrik was cut off mid-sentence by Kevin's unexpected kiss.

They both sat there for a couple of awkward seconds, their lips touching, before Derrik started to return the kiss. At this moment, Kevin broke away.

"I'm sorry! So, so, sorry! I don't know what I was thinking! So, so, stupid! I'm so, so stupid!" Kevin apologized. "You must think I'm wierd or a perv, or you must hate me now I've ruined everything..."

"Kevin!" Derrik said. "It's okay!"

"No, it's not! I'm so stupid, so, so, stupid! ..."

"Kevin!" Derrik slammed his paw around Kevin's muzzle.

Kevin, startled, looked at Derrik with sad, apologetic eyes.

"Kevin, just, just..." Derrik stammered. Then, he smiled. "Shut up."

Derrik moved his hand to the side of Kevin's face, leaned forward, and kissed him.

Kevin sat there, dumbfounded for a few moments, before returning the kiss.

After a few moments, the pair broke apart, breathing heavily.

"D-did y-you know?" Kevin stuttered.

"That you were gay?" Derrik said. "Yeah, I knew."


"I noticed the rainbow necklace underneath your hoodie." Derrik smiled.

Kevin blushed wildly, and adjusted his hoodie so that his neck was hidden better.

Derrik chuckled, laid his paws on Kevin's chest, causing him to lean backwards onto the bed, and kissed him deeply.

After a while, they stopped to catch their breathes, and Kevin asked, "Hey, Derrik? Do you wanna ... be my roommate?"

Derrik laughed his melodic laugh. "Sure." He said with a smile.

And then the two of them went to collect Derrik's stuff.
