Love Family Chapter 5: A father's love

Story by Derf Dragon on SoFurry

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A father teaches his son about himself.

The Love Family

Part 5: A Father's Love

Right after the talk my father and I had in the house, we grabbed our things and went to the car. My father's anger seemed gone. It was still a bit more quiet in the car compared to normal. We stopped about an hour from our land, to get fuel and pick up some supplies. This was the last "civilized" places. After here there were only dirt roads and land to the where we were going. The owner was some relative of ours. Her name was Teela, which means sky. She was short and very muscular for a female. The only clothes she wore was the tribal clothes normally worn for hunting. A tight-fitting leather thong covering her bottom. On her body she wore a garment called a T'nak. The best description is a tabard made of leather. It has a lacing on both sides to draw it close around you. The only purpose was to protect your skin and fur from thorns, and from getting messy. My father gave her a hug and a kiss. She then came to me and gave me a hug and kiss also. Our noses were the same height. Her fur was brownish red, with gray patches. Her tail was huge and bushy seemingly to make up for her size. The T'nak made it easy to see her heavy breasts, but not her nipples. My father told me to get the things we needed. He came close to the wolftress and whispered something in her ear that seemed to be a question. I guessed this as she nodded her head yes and them motioned for my father to follow. I dutifully went about getting some things we needed. I did not want to get my father angry at me any time soon.

I grabbed mostly things in cans and boxes. We only needed meat enough to last until we could hunt. I as quickly as I could, still trying to make sure I was on my dad's good side. When I brought the stuff to the clerk my father still was not there. It was one of the young doe woman at the counter. She was old enough to do be fully adult, but no older. She asked in the tribal language if I was love? I shook my head a little. She did say it right, but my mind was thinking of my father and what had happened to me just today. "You are Natel Melika's son?" She asked the same question more slowly.

I said "Yes, I am Rankil Melika."

She giggled at the name. And grabbed whisked around making her very short dress come up. She then bent over showing her ample rump in the air. Her small tail wiggled as she did so. She could have just stooped down, but she seemed enjoying teasing me. I was not sure if she was teasing me or not until she giggled and told me deer season would be very soon. My mind raced at the thought, filled with fresh memories of my sister and me. I just stammered, not knowing what to say. She filled out a card she had pulled from the drawer, and put the items I had on it. I took the stuff to the car and put them in the back.

I sat in the car waiting for my father. I did not know what was taking him so long. I finally saw him come out from the store. The female wolf following him quickly. She kissed my father again, but it was not like the quick kiss she had given earlier. It was like the kisses my mom gives my dad! My father came out to the car with a bag that had something in it. As he reached the car the wolftress called from the doorway "Kant pala". She winked and went into the store with her tail raised. I could see her thong was missing. I found it strange, not what she said but how she said it. Kant pala means literally: many puppies. We used it normally to wish one good luck, or farewell. Instead of holding her hands up (which is goodbye) she held her hand to her belly. As I said I had also noticed her thong was missing. It seems I was noticing more about females that I had ever noticed before. My mind thought about all the ones I had seen. The video, my mom, my sister, even the deer in the store raced through my mind. It was like this thing had possession of me. Sizes, number and shape of breasts; differences in their vulvas. I was getting hard just thinking about it! I woke up from my thought, when I felt my erection starting. Strange, even the smell came to me now. Very lightly the same strange smell and yet slightly different. It was like a small amount of that same strange scent followed into the car. Maybe it was from my sister......

"Rankil.... where are you my son?"

I heard a voice call me from somewhere, and realized it was my dad's. I snapped out of the world my mind had gone into. We were where the car would have to stay. This was already deep in the lands of our people. From here we had to walk to our special place. A pack gtar was there tied up. A gtar is a slow-moving beast, a type of lizard. We had used them here for all of time. They are slow, but they could carry almost what they weighed. We put our stuff in various packs and tied them to the framework on its back. After letting it smell us my father untied it and took the Krr (a lead for the gtar). We started to walk to the small house my grandfather had built. Before my grandfather's time we lived in movable huts. My father was quiet even now, this made it obvious to me he was still trying to think something out. Usually, we would have nearly raced to the house. Now we just walked in there, I felt a lump in my throat. I did not know what was going to happen to me.

The small house was as we always leave it. Some dust here and there, but nothing else much. Here only the basic furniture was in the big room. Removing the covers and making the beds in the two bedrooms took the rest of the day. It was still too quiet. It felt like a storm was coming, and I knew it was coming for me. When the sun set we had finished making the house ready for us to stay. My father took what clothes he had off and threw them into a bag. I did the same, finally enjoying the cool air on my fur. I watched as he sat in his favorite chair and breathed a heavy sigh. His voice said in a calm cool tone: "Sit my son, I want to talk to you ......."

His voice trailed off. He did not seem to look exactly to me, but seemed lost in his own thoughts. I obeyed as if I was a mere pup knowing I was going to get the scolding of a lifetime. My father looked at me, I could not tell his mood. He seemed all mixed up inside. He started to speak slowly: "My son, my little boy.... I ask you to forgive me."

My mind reeled, forgive him? He continued: " I should have explained things more, I should have brought you here and done as my father did to me. That is the way it has always been done. But I let work get in my way."

He stopped and looked me in the eyes. "We forget that are little ones grow so fast. The seasons change so quickly sometimes. After the war, so many people are working so hard to try to make what we have left better. We forget that there was a reason our fathers did some things."

He got up and sat right next to me and put his arms around me. Then he gave me a gentile kiss. "My Swiftrunner, in a few weeks you are sixteen. To our tribe, that makes you an adult. I was supposed to be bringing you here each year for the last three years. This was so I could teach you the things you needed to know as an adult. It was supposed to be the time you would know what was happening to your body. We will have a lot of things we must discuss. I promise not to let it happen again my son."

My father gave me a kiss on the forehead and held me to him tight enough I could feel him cry.

My mind was in shock. He was not mad at me, but mad at himself. I asked "You are not mad about me and Ananta?"

He looked to me like I had asked if the sky was blue. "My son, what is done is done. If you lived in the forest our peoples would find no shame in what you did." was the reply from my father. The real meaning was that the ones in our tribes, who still walked on four feet, had no shame in this. We considered ourselves to be one with them. We could breed with them, and they with us. Sometimes one of their kind would walk on two legs. Some of our pups would walk on four legs. This is simply the was the way of things from the times of old. I burst in tears of joy, knowing all would be well. I hugged my father hard and kissed him like I was a puppy again. This broke the tension in the room. Soon there were only two wolves playing and wrestling like there was no other care in the world. The excitement and rough play made me hot. I felt my fathers fur on my fur. Our two naked bodies touching and rubbing from the play. After only a short play I felt my cock was hard from all the excitement. I felt embarrassed, but only for only a moment, until I saw my father also with an erection. I did not know what to say, I just stood there looking at my fathers penis. It looked like mine, or more realistically mine looked like his. Mine was smaller, but just smaller even though I was almost a foot shorter. My father laughed easily and said "It looks like you have nothing to fear there my boy, everyone will enjoy you. Come my son, time to start learning about yourself."

He grabbed the bag he got from the store and motioned to follow him. I followed now, jut to find out. He opened the box up and there were some items in it. All of them in packages. He grabbed one box from the bag and handed it to me while he took an identical box for himself. I opened it and found a strange semi-rigid disk with a hole in the center. The hole itself lined with a very elastic and soft material. My father took his sheath and pushed it all the way down fully exposing himself to me. I noticed his sheath had a small amount of dried red coloring something on it. When I asked about it, he smiled and said that the store owner was in heat. I asked what mom would do when she found out about him and Teela. My father said, 'Your mom gave me a vella to give to Teela."

A vella is a blanket that doubles as a carrier for a baby. I understood from this mom knew and expected my dad to make puppies with Teela.

My father once again focused my attention to his own penis. His erect member stood out, his flesh was red as mine was. He started to say: "First my son, an erection is normal and natural. Do not be ashamed of it. The kretal cover themselves because they believe they are not a part of the natural world around them." Kretal meant stranger, but we used it for anyone that was not a part of the tribe. My dad continued "We are part of all around us. The ones in the woods and we that are here are one."

This was something I had been taught since I was a pup. "For us bethas is natural, in all its forms. But you need to understand it fully. All males have a penis, but only canines have a benth." As my dad was saying these things he touched his cock to show it clearly. He used the word for our knot easily, without shame. I sat quietly, and excited listening to this. Most of this was something I heard many before. Now, it seemed so new. Now that I had experienced some things first hand. As my father went on I listened inventively. Holding a box in his hand, he told me about condoms. He put one on, and had me put one on also. Then he placed the strange disk on his cock. He called it a knot-catcher. Its purpose we to help prevent the benth from going inside, then there would be no tie. He then said something strange to me. He said I needed to see what happened during sex, including te'esh lee (life fire). I asked how he would do this. His words were "melika giesh" . Geish meant friend or buddy this he said "buddy love".

My father kissed me again, this time like he did with mother. I did not expect this, but it did feel good. He ran his paw across my body making me feel hot with pleasure. I took my hand and touched my fathers fur. At first I was uncertain, but as he let his hands run on me I explored his body. It was exiting and strange. I soon found he liked touched in the same spots I did. It became like a game to me. Soon we were just enjoying the touches. Here there, ever more lustful grabs. If it were not for the condom, there would be a wet spot by now. My father grabbed me at the base of my tail and groped my ass. It just felt so new to me I yipped a little, even though it had not hurt. He laughed a little at the yip, but continued. It did feel good as we played together. In all the playing my fathers condom and knot-catcher had come off. My condom had also been removed.

Naked as we both were, sitting and not knowing what to do next. I looked to my dad. My father picked me up in his lap. I saw him take a tube of something out of his box. He used some of the contents on his naked erect cock. I felt it was very slippery fluid. It felt something like the pre-cum that was leaking from my own erected member. My father asked me to trust him, to which I just nodded my head. My fathers powerful muscles moved me in his lap. He took his hard cock and pushed it to my ass. I did not know what was happening first. I felt the tip of my fathers penis push to me. The feeling of something wet and hot in my ass. I tensed up at the strange feeling. My dad stopped and said I must relax. He kissed me again, and I relaxed. The feeling of heat drove deeper inside. I knew his cock was inside of me. It hurt, but was also pleasurable. The heat and the pressure was intense. He pushed deeper inside and then I felt a fire from my body. My fathers cock has found some secret place inside of me. A place pleasure inside of me that made me writhe. I thought this is what my sister felt when I had mated with her. Then I felt a hand on my cock. I saw my father run his fingers up and down my member. The feeling made me tremble. He took his hand and caressed my iron-hard cock. As he did this he made a short thrust inside of me with his own penis. Then he played with the pre-cum dripping down my member. Using the natural lube and his hand, my father griped my cock and started to pump it up and down. Each time he did this he thrust inside of my ass with his own member. I moaned in pleasure, lost in the moment. I was soon panting from the heat of my body. The experience was incredible. My father griped my cock harder and started to move his hand up and down my shaft faster and faster. The heat of his penis inside of me pressing the secret spot inside, a kiss here and there, my hands feeling my fathers warm fur all together filling me with passion. I tried to let my father go as deep as he could. The pain and pleasure mixed as one, I howled as I knew soon I would explode. My balls were tingling now, just seconds from release. I griped my fathers cock in my ass hard and then exploded. I saw the jets of sticky white fluid come from my cock, splattering on my fathers belly.

Immediately after I had cum, my dad moved his hand to the base of my knot. Gripping the benth from below, and pulling up with his hand. The feeling was very close to what I felt when I tried to pull out of my sister. At the same time he did this I felt him make some hard thrusts with his cock in my ass. I felt his fire rush into my body. All of these together made the life fire inside of me to flow. I felt the fire from inside my belly come down and watched as it started to come out of my erect penis. My cock was not just erect as the life fire flowed, it was greatly distorted for the blood in it. Every blood vessel, every bump, swollen as far as possible. My cock was as red as blood, when I finally saw the clear life fire fluid come out. When I had cum my sperm sprayed out in short spurts. This was slower, but it was quick enough that in a mere second the tip of my cock was covered. More of the fluid oozing down my shaft each second. I felt the last pulses of my father cumming inside of me. The heat and pressure of his seed felt comforting. By that time the fluid pouring from me had leaked completely down my shaft, over my father's hand and was dripping from my balls to his fur. The te'esh lee felt like fire as it ran down me. It seemed to make what sperm I had to spread in an ever-increasing pool. My dad milked me like this until his belly fur became plastered.

A kiss on my muzzle from my father made me feel warm all over. I panted and felt the warmness inside of me from my own fathers sperm. I felt him still inside and his swollen benth. My dad looked at me and said: "You did well, my love. We need to wait until my benth shrinks some and then some more lessons."

I looked at my father and wondered what more he had in store for me. So far everything we had done was nice, I saw no reason to think that anything my father had in store for me was anything else.

I looked an saw the seed I had shot like liquid foam. The te'esh lee made the seed move and spread incredibly. My father said this is one of the thing it does. It makes the seed flow all round, trying to find the egg. It also makes it last longer and break down the eggs' defense. The three making our kind very potent. We waited a bit and I finally felt my fathers cock decrease in size inside of me. A pop, and it was out. I also felt the seed in me coming out, and my hole not wanting to shut all the way yet. It felt a shame to loose my dads seed. "Do not worry, there is still much inside. Besides I can always make some more." my dad chuckled as he said this to me.

He lead me to the shower in the house. Turning on the water and making it warm, I saw as he put one big towel in the room. "Come my son."

I watched as my father went into the shower, his hand out held beckoning me to come. I followed into the shower. It had been years since I had done this. The job he had seemed to take up so much of his time. Last I had done this I was only over two feet shorter than him. Now, my forehead came to his muzzle. A kiss on the forehead, and then his hand caressed the back of my head. All of this followed by a passionate kiss where my fathers tongue came into my own muzzle. A tongue in the muzzle not only being passionate, to us meant you trusted the person fully. A hand down my fur as the water washed over both of us. A nibble on my neck from my father made me squeal in pleasure a bit. I came back by doing the same to my father as he growled . He took the soap and started to wash me playfully. Pleasuring me up and down. I felt his soapy paws caress me and carefully play with my penis and balls. Washing and playing with them, as I felt myself get hard from the attention. My dad washed my legs and turned me around as he washed my back. His hands felt wonderful as he caressed me further and further down. I felt him was my rump thoroughly. I then felt a kiss from behind and my dads hard cock pressed so the my own tight pucker. I was ready for him to put it in again, the first time was still on my mind. The soap was placed next to me in the tray As my father took a step back. I wondered what was happening. I felt his paws on my buttocks. Then I felt something warm wash over the sensitive hole. I squealed like a girl as my cock now became rock. I looked back to see my fathers muzzle under my own tail. He licked again and again, each time sending a shiver throughout my hole body. I now wanted a cock in me so bad I was ready to beg for it. All of a sudden he stopped and grinned, as said "Now its my turn."

My father traded places and handed me the soap. A grin on his muzzle, let me know this was still all in his plan. Taking the soap I started to wash my father as I would wash myself, just soaping him down. The soap was smacked out of my hand and slipped on the floor towards the drain and my dad. His voice was a bit sterner "Hey, slow down and enjoy this."

A kiss on my muzzle, then he turned around slowly "It seems you dropped the soap." my fathers voice was playful as I watched the older male bend down, with his tail raised. I could see my fathers own tailstar, and his hard cock. He backed up and ground the hot tailstar against my iron hard and drippy cock. "Oh my its so hard .... to pick up" the voice of my dad making me realize he was toying with me. I saw the male stand up slow and hand me the soap. I took it and kissed my father on the muzzle as he had kissed me. A passionate and deep kiss. My tongue inside his muzzle now. The older male growled softly, as I took the soap and now slowly worked over his fur. Taking my time to caress the larger form. Soaping down , and feeling the fur under my own paws. I carefully felt my on fathers hard male member in my hands. Running it up and down the shaft. I saw him drip some pre- as I worked his long length. I then carefully took his baby makers into my paws, it took both of them. My dads nuts were huge, I looked to see it was pleasing him ans not hurting the large male. My muzzle right at the tip of my dads cock. I could not help to smell the erotic sent. I licked the red member carefully. As I did I heard my father moan with pleasure. I buried my muzzle to his two ovals and licked them all over, watching my father writhe in the showed, trying to hold dearly as I saw his legs buckling form the pleasure. I enjoyed the taste and the sound the older male was making, his pre was running out so fast the shower could not take it all away. I felt my own cock dripping for all the excitement. Taking the soap and then washing his legs and feet, then I saw my dad turn around. The older male had his tail lifted and he whimpered a bit.

I washed down his back. Carefully I washed my fathers rump slowly and carefully. Letting the water wash the soap off. I knelt down and pressed my own muzzle to his tight hole. I gave a tentative lick at first not knowing what to expect. A high gasp from the older male as my hot tongue caressed the sensitive spot. The soap and water had made it clean, as it did not taste bad at all. I pressed a bit harder and started licking heavily. I saw my dad writhing hard, and moaning like a bitch. I realize I had done the same earlier. It was just watching the older and more experienced male not being able to control himself was surprising. I needed to either mate now be mated. I had never felt so hot and hard, wanting it so bad. I stood up, looking at my father not knowing what to do next. He smiled and kissed me. Spreading his legs and lifting his tail with a smile on his muzzle. "Take it slow my son, this is only my second time doing this."

The voice of my father was filled with desire and love. I saw the lifted tail and I saw both of our hard and drippy cocks. I felt the still warm water running over me. I came close and pressed my own hard member to my own father's tailhole. "Slowly" I heard my fathers voice say. I did as he asked and pushed slowly into the hot tight hole. It was tighter than my sister had been, and maybe even hotter. I realized I need to let the natural lube and water to allow me to go deeper. "Stop." my father pleaded.. I stopped immediately. My father breathed hard and panted. "I am not female, you need to press more to my front. Feel where it is easier to push, and let it guide you."

I kissed my father softly and then took it slower, feeling with the sensitive part of my cock. There was a path the was easier to slide in. Now my father bent down a bit so I could drive deeper. It made my cock feel strange as the angle was much different than what I had done with my sister. The heat and tightness was greatly pleasurable. I slid my hard cock further and further into the hot tight hole.Finaly I could press no more in to my dad. My balls pressed tight to be below the tail. The older male squeezed me and released, making me hump to him slowly. I panted and grunted as I heard him whimper a bit at each thrust. Our two bodies now moving to pleasure the other. Faster and faster the two of us a one moaning and growling louder and louder. I felt my balls rumble as I knew I was about to loose all control. I push hard into my father and cum into him deep. I shake and almost collapse as I do cum. The feeling of the orgasm was as intense as any I felt in my life. When I finished cumming I slid out of my father as I could hardly stand now. He turned around as saw me panting hard, but not hurt.

My father grinned. "It feels good, as any other time you are with other." my father said as I saw his still hard cock bobbing before me. I wanted my dad to cum also. My hot breath across the cock, making it bob more as I breathed. I gulped and crawled close to the red member that was just before me. I liked the drippy cock again, tasting the pre. It tasted male, and tasted like my father. But it did not really bother me. I licked down the shaft, and heard the older male moan. He gripped the sides of the shower as I did this. Moving my muzzle to the two large baby makers and licking each one of them. I loved the feeling of the hanging ovals on my tongue. I also felt the hot fluid leaking from my fathers hard member as it dripped onto my muzzle. I moved my muzzle back to the tip of the drippy cock. Licking it and then kissing the tip. I take the shaft deeper into my muzzle. I heard my father say "Careful of the teeth."

I took his ling large length in carefully, trying to make sure that my teeth did not hurt my dads sensitive member. Suckling his cock now as I had suckled my mothers breast. I relaxed my throat and took the shaft in deep. I felt my fathers hand on the back of my head, gently pressing me to work over the shaft back and forth just as he had humped me earlier. I tasted my father and was enjoying it deeply. Sucking him and massaging the two large balls, working over and over. I feel the balls swell in my paws. I knew what was going to happen and worked over the cock hard and fast, wanting to please my father as much as I had been pleased. A gasp from my father and I felt him shoot his seed into my muzzle. I tasted his seed, salty and bitter. Much like my own. I did not mind the taste and suckled him until he stopped shooting. My father growled and smiled, as he finished his orgasm. I had to swallow several times, as it seemed my father made a lot more seed than I did. I finally let the cock out of my own mouth. I was surprised how much I had enjoyed sucking the older male. A larger hand reached down to me and helped me up. My dad kissed me deep, both of our tongues licking each other.

The shower was turned off, and then the big towel was used on me,and he let me use it on him. He started to giggle and play with me. Howling and then started to chase me. It was a game I knew well. I was the rabbit, and my father was the wolf. I dashed back and forth, My dad was not as fast, but he was well skilled, he always kept me from breaking far from his gaze. I dashed away fast, into a door, trying to loose him. I found out too late I had fallen into the trap that my father was working me into, I was in the big bedroom. Only the single door that I had come in to for an exit. I saw the big frame of my father in the door. One paw closing the door and I heard the click of the lock. I gulped and looked, diving for the soft spot of the bed. I was shocked as I saw the large form of the body of my father leap into the air and land on the bed as I rolled over. A growl made me lower my ears in submission. My tail between my legs and even wet myself like a puppy. My dad kissed my muzzle and took a towel that was next to the bed and cleaned the small wet spot on my fur. Another kiss and a nuzzle made me relax, knowing it had all been a game. I felt my dad curl up behind me, his arm around me. Spooning together in bed, licking my ear and nibbling soft. Soft stoking paws across me made me relax, as I felt my eyes close slowly. The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was "I love you my son."