Timmy (Chapter 4)

Story by Timmythewolf on SoFurry

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Well. Hope you like it. Am going to write the next chapter now. I know it's short. Sorry.

You know the drill,




Chapter 4

I know It's been a long while, but finally: Chapter four is here! It's late because I didn't feel like it after my boyfriend broke up with me. Today I noticed it on the computer and thought what the hell, let's do it. I know it isn't much but I'd rather upload now then have all of you waiting even longer.



''I only have like the coolest dad ever.'' I said. As I looked at Sean I could tell he thought the same. My dad laughed and started the engine. We drove of to our house. Everything was going to be all well from now on.

Now the 21st of September 2003, 0:56 am.

After a short ten minute drive, we reached our house. My dad parked on the driveway, the gravel cracking as he did. He turned the key and the engine stopped. We all got out. I opened the trunk and got the bags out. My dad slowly walked to the door and took his keys out of his pocket. It was dark and it took a while for him to find the lock on the dark blue wooden door. When he found it and we all got into the dark narrow hallway, we decided to go to bed. ''Don't worry about school, I'll give you two a couple of days off. To get settled in.'' He gave us a smile and we all walked upstairs. I was too tired to brush my teeth. As was Sean by the looks of it. So we just decided to do it in the morning. I offered Sean the bed and he happily accepted it. As the moon shined through the window I got out of my clothes. I was too tired to get my pj's so I just sleep in my underwear. I lay down on the mattress on the floor and summoned the sheets. I almost instantly fell asleep.

21st of September 2003, 11:07 am.

A ray of sunlight shone on my face through the window. I slowly opened my eyes. I sat up and the first thing I thought about was the drawing. I looked at the bed, to see of Sean was still there. He was still fast asleep with one leg hanging limp out of the bed. I stood up and quietly walked to my clothes. The wooden floor creaking under my paws. I stopped. I checked I had awoken Sean. I didn't. I picked up my shorts and put my paws in the pockets. Found it. I quietly walked back to my mattress and lay down again. I looked at the drawing. It was really good, no wonder he always gets A+'s in Arts. It still freaked me out a bit. Looking at the drawing of myself. And then there was the issue with the date, the 25th of august. Looking at the date I realized that I didn't knew Sean for that long, but from the moment we met that day we became friends. Judging by the drawing he wanted to be something more than just friends. Well, he's got it now. I got up again. I stepped out of my underwear and threw it in the laundry bin. I put the drawing in my desk and silently walked to the door which I slowly opened. I quickly got into the dark hallway. I walked towards the white bathroom door past the master bedroom and opened it. I stepped in the bathroom and locked the door. I got in and started the shower. Waiting for the temperature to rise. I got in and stood there. I cleared my mind. Trying to forget yesterday's events. As I grabbed the shampoo I could see a small trail of Sean's blood running to the drain. I sighed and thoroughly rubbed the shampoo into my fur. I washed it off. I stood there for a couple of minutes. I love showers. They allow me to think uncontrollably. I liked that, nothing to distract me. When I believed I had thought enough, I slowly turned knob to turn the shower off. I grabbed the nearest towel and dried myself. I looked in the mirror and a handsome wolf with fluffy hairs standing in all directions looked back at me. I grinned at the sight and combed my hair so it was in a proper position. I put the towel around my waist and unlocked the bathroom door. I almost flinched as I set my bare paw on the cold hallway floor. I walked to my room and quietly opened the door. I looked in and saw that Sean was awake.

I looked at him. ''Good morning.'' I said. He looked at me with sleepy eyes. He blushed and covered his crotch. ''Oh, H-hello.'' He stuttered. I giggled and took his bag. I found some underwear and threw it at him. He caught it and quickly put it on. I laughed, at which he blushed more. I slowly walked to the dresser and opened it, getting some underwear too. I dropped the towel I had around my waist. I looked at Sean. He was staring at me with his jaw dropped. I found some underwear with camo print and put them on. I walked towards Sean. As I reached him I sat down next to him on the bed. I stared into his deep green eyes and slowly shuffled closer towards him. I moved my head towards his and gave him a deep kiss. My tongue entered his mouth and began exploring. It felt really good, that was until Sean pulled away. ''What's wrong?'' I asked him and tried to kiss him again. He pushed me away and I fell on the ground. ''WHAT?'' I asked. He stretched his arm and helped me up. ''Sorry, It's just that... I just don't think I can do what you just did with your dad watching from the door.'' He said plainly. I turned around and looked at the door. My father stood there, with a smile across his face. ''I'm glad to see you guys are having fun.'' He said. I looked towards the ground in embarrassment. ''W-Why aren't you at work? You have the murder case right?'' I asked him. He laughed. ''You are more important.'' He said and looked at me for a while. Then he turned around and walked out of my room, straight downstairs. Around halfway he stopped. ''I'm making pancakes, you'd better be downstairs quickly before I eat them all.'' He said and continued walking down.

I turned back to Sean. ''Like I said, I have the coolest dad ever.'' I said and gave him a quick kiss before putting on my cargo pants. As I was putting them on I could notice Sean checking me out. I smiled at him and walked to the bed. I gave him my paw and pulled him up. He looked absolutely beautiful in his blue underwear. He was less muscular then me, he didn't have visible abs, but he was thin. Not skinny thin but healthy thin. As I looked at him I could feel something happening in my crotch again. He noticed this and began blushing. He looked at me unsure about himself. ''C-Can you get my clothes please?'' He asked. ''Sure.'' I replied and let go of his hand. I walked to his bag and shoved it to him. He picked some skinny jeans and a blue button-up shirt. I walked back to my dresser and took a tight, white T-Shirt. We got out of the room and walked downstairs. We both had some delicious pancakes. When we finished I turned to my dad. ''What did you mean with, You're more important?'' I asked him. ''I don't want his parents to come and visit you.'' He said without putting his newspaper down. ''I'll go to visit them when I finish reading the news.'' He said and turned the page. ''Why would you do that?'' I asked. He looked at me. ''Because if they really don't want to have Sean back, I have to make official that we're providing him with shelter.'' He said plainly and put the newspaper down. ''Does that mean, he's going to be my brother? I don't want that!'' I can't imagine the look on my face at that moment. My dad laughed. ''No, he won't be your brother. Remember this will only happen if they don't want him back. ''