A Steamy Day at Hortonville High

Story by cge0361 on SoFurry

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#4 of Odds, Ends, and April 1st's

Chatper 2 coming soon!!!

--==]]] BOOK 1, CHAPTER 1 [[[==--

One day Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy (who looks like normal but younger because he's 18) walked into the Horntonville high school locker room. He was very hot and sweaty from working out with Sasha who he liked ot bench press every morning during first period P.E.. "Yes! I want to take shower now!" he cheered as he jogged into the shower room which was empty because he jogs slower than everyone else even the scottish kid so they were all done in there. He turned on the water and sings, "rub da duuub dub! Gotta get fresh and clean so the others wont be mean!" He finished washing his 2000 parts and turned off the water but he still heard wooshing like the water was still on and he looked around while putting on a towel.

"What is that noise?" It was louder and closer too and seemed like it echos before a flash of all colors made him blinded and then something hit him and knocked him into the wall which broke a little.

He shook his head to wake up and lifted up the thing that crashed into him. It was mostly blue with other colors on its hair and a lightning bolt on its butt. He thought that was really cool but then it came too and yelled at him.

"Ah! What are you!" She tried to find hoofing but he held her tight so she just stomped on his chest a few times and then he threw her off of him not to be mean but because it hurt and he didn't want to see the school nurse because he called him names like dumpkoff.

He figured out that it was a pony as it stood up again and since it talked he answered the question. "I am Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy!"

The pony turned her head and squinted at him. "Why do they call you that?"

"I not know. Babushka say it my destiny."

"Destiny. Cool. Right. I'm Rainbow Dash and I don't know where I am." She looked around at the locker room. "I hope this is not my destiny."

Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy stood up holding his towel so it would not fall down because he did not want to embarass his new friend right away. "You have strong name! You are in locker room at school." A muscial bell played on speakers. "And you are late for class if you don't hurry!" He ran to his locker to put back on his school uniform.

"Hurry?" the pony laughed, "I don't think I have to worry about that. But I am worried about how I got here and how I can get back home. If I don't move the clouds today..."

A second bell played. It was the last warning. "THIS IS BAD!" he blurted out as he straightened his tie and ran into Rainbow Dash, picking her up and carrying her out.

Thump thump thump thump thump "HIYAAAAAAA!" down the hallway he ran, smashing through crowded door ways and knocking over freshmen like bowling pins needing to get to class because one more tardy and he would get a detention.

The final bell played just as he got in the room so he didn't get a tardy. Everyone else was alrady in the class and he sat down at a table near the window because he didn't really fit in the desks because he was big boned and he repeated a few grades before now.

The teacher looked away from the chalkboard where he was writing stuff and said "so glad you could join us today, Mr. ... What is that animal beside you?"

"Animal?!" Rainbow Dash thought and opened her mouth to speak but Teenage Heavy Weaopns Guy was too excited and cut her off. "Is my new friend pony!"

The teacher shrugged his shoulders. "Must be one of those service animal things." Then he started the class. Rainbow Dash explored the classroom during the class while everyone else learned. She got bored but looked at everything for clues to where she was.

At the end of the class she followed him through the halls and saw the library when they passed it. "Hey I'm going to go in there and find out how I can get home OK?"

Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy looked at her. "OK but meet me here when period over, it will be lunch time!"

Rainbow Dash did not want to stay here any longer than she had to but she was getting hungry so she said yes. She watched his tight butt as he trotted away to his third period class room and felt a little funny then she went in.

The librarians looked confused until Rainbow Dash said what the teacher said that she must be a service animal for Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy then they thanked her for helping him and let her look around. One reminded her of Twilight Sparkle so she asked her to help her find books on science and she did but none of them explained the strange sound she heard before disappearing from the skies of Ponyville and appearing here. She got a little mad that she didn't find any answer but she looked out the window and saw a bright sky with little puffy clouds and imagined going out there and having fun. Maybe it would not be so bad here. She would miss her friends but she knew she would make new ones. Fuck, she would have all these weird looking not-ponies wating in line to be her friend once she showed them her stuff! Then she heard the bell and remembered what he said and trotted out of the library while waving goodbye to the librarians with her wing.

"Get behind me pony!" Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy cleared the way for Rainbow Dash straight to the lunch room. He told her which lines were for what food and where he would sit and save her a place. When she found him she was disappointed because she could not get any food without dollars and she didn't have any.

"Oh no! You have to have food so you will grow big and strong like me! You, stay here!" He got up and left. She almost followed him to tell him she didn't need his charity and to not tell her what to do but she didn't because he was already gone into the crowd. She sat sideways on the table bench seat and waited for a few minutes. After that, he came back with two big trays of food and he put them on the table by his two trays that were also big with food. "Now, we can eat, comrade!" He slapped her on the shoulder as she turned to the food. It stung a little so she hit him back and he grunted and laughed. "You're strong, but get stronger!" He held up one of the hero sandwiches he bought her and she took a big bite. It was delicious so she chewed it quickly, swallowed, and had another bite. "Very good! You strong as pony now, but you eat like me, you get strong as draft horse!"

Lunch ended and they left the lunch room. Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy patted his gut. "Was good snack! After school, we get more food!"

Rainbow Dash was so stuffed she felt like she could burst but she knew that her metabolism was really quick because she was so active so she figured she wouldn't have to say no. "I won't be ready for another full meal, but I'll take a few bites of what you're having."

He laughed, burped on accident, and pulled her to his side. "You make good friend! You don't call me slow, you don't call me pig, you don't make fun of me. I will try to help you go home, but until then, we can be BEST friends, da?"

"If I can go home, I oughta be able to come back too. Let's not stop being BEST friends just because I'm far away for a while."

Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy was speechless until he remembered. "My speech! And project!" He started barrelling down the hallways again and Rainbow Dash liesurely glided behind him until they got to his locker.

Final class period was the science fair show. His turn was near the end of the day when he was judged and he read his speech. Rainbow Dash was looking at the other projects but came back to see him do his.

"I am Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy, and THIS is my volcano!" He took a clear plastic bag off of his project to surprise the judges. "She explodes with the energy of 24 megatons TNT and fires 500 million tons of ash over 20 thousand square miles. It kills tens of thousands of animals on the volcano in 12 seconds." Then he began laughing loud and hard while pouring vinegar into the volcano and watching the red-dyed foam wash over little chalk drawings of animals on the surface of the volcano. The judges seemed stunned but Rainbow Dash's thoughts were on how Fluttershy would react if she heard him say that.

After school, Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy and Rainbow Dash walked to his house together. He seemed happy and asked if he was still thinking about the volcano eruption which got him a "special mention" ribbon. He said no because he was happy to have a friend walking home with him because he always went home alone and his parents were working so he was alone when he got there, too.

They went in. He showed Rainbow Dash around and when they got in his room, she closed the door and pulled down the window shade.

"Why did you...OOF!"

She charged into him almost as hard as she did in the locker room although this time on purpose and knocked him against his bed. She pinned him against it with her hooves on his chest and smiled at him. "Best friends, right?"

He nodded nervously. "Da!"

"Good." She began nuzzling against his broad chest and worked up him until she started kissing him.

He broke a sweat and fidgeted. "But, I am human, and you are pony!"

She flashed him a scolding look that was angrier than she really was but her tone didn't show that. "Best friends don't let ANYTHING come between them."

He grinned. "You're right!"

She grinned too and went back to making out with him, pressing herself against his body and massaging the lump ballooning in his trousers. She teased him like that until his expression went from funny strain to real pain. Then she hopped down and used her teeth to unzip his fly to release the pressure and then undid his belt and pants. His heavy weapon spun up and out of his underwears.

"I AM GIANT!" He was shocked. Something about Rainbow Dash had made him stiffer than his cat the morning after he forget to let it back in one night when it was a winter rain storm outside.

"Ummm-hummmm!" Rainbow Dash gave its length a bunch of drooling licks and turned away from him, lifting her tail high and giving her muscular booty a little shake while leaning low on her front legs to give him a perfect view. She waited a few seconds, hearing him stammer something to himself. "Well, don't make me wait. Do what comes naturally."

He repeated what he said so she could hear. "Your special purpose part...it looks just like fresh, juicy, delicious SANDVICH!"

"You know what to do with a sandwich, hungry man. Squirt some mayo on there and eat it up!"

So he did.


Then they went to the kitchen and made normal sandwiches but they only ate 2/3rds of them before getting horny again going back to his bedroom. She shoved him on the bed and climbed on top of him making it a little hard for him to breathe.

Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy gasped and grunted as she grinded her pelvis into him. He shouted in exstacy. "I'm about to...arrrgh...please! CUM with me, Rambo Dash!"

"Hnnnnng, I'm ready if you are!"

"Charge me, Dashie!"

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and adjusted her rear hooves for leverage and started pistoning her flushed ponyhood against him, slamming down as hard as she could on the 9th thrust. Together they felt invincible and yelled "YEEAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as their bodies pulsed perfectly simultaneously for ten seconds.

Rainbow Dash had never felt this exhausted in all her life. She panted heavily with blurry vision and collapsed on Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy's chest, tongue flopping out and licking weakly at his sweaty shoulder. "Sweet Celestia! That...that one was 20% cooler than ANYTHING!" She pulled herself up by a few inches and saw he was almost passed out. "Hey! Did you enjoy it too?"

He replied by grabbing her like a bear hug and kissing her with all of his tongue until their eyes flew open and they looked toward the door because they heard something.

It was Mrs. Teenage-Heavy-Weapons-Guy's-Mother! Her jaw was literally on the floor. She saw everything. She was speechless and stepped out, pulling the door shut as she went away sobbing.

Teenage Heavy Weapons Guy covered his face with his palms. "Oh this is bad! I forgot, Momma wanted me to marry Russian Orthodox, not pony!"

She nudged his hands away and kissed him gently. "It'll be okay."

That's it for chapter one! Dashie seems pretty confident now, just wait until dad comes home and they have to come down for dinner! AWKWARD! ;O_O; PLZ read and review CONSTRUCITVE CRITIZIMS ONLY IF YOUR MEAN I BLOCK YOU. remember we're all friends because friendship is magic! :) :D <3 except for TROLLS = </3 x 1,000,000!!!!! but who cares about them no one because they have no friends. :P oh and I'm thinking I need some more characters so post your OCs in comments if you like. no pokemon or digimon! tf2 people okay but have to make sense (example if you want to be medic you have to be tsundere to heavy and jealous of Dashie having him) if i don't pick yours don't be mad (u mad? lol!) just doing what's best for the story! bai bai~~~ (^_^)/