From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Ty's Scoop - Chapter 1

Story by coreguardian on SoFurry

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#10 of From Ice Cream to "Topping"

So for those of you reading my main story series 'From Ice Cream to "Topping"' might guess, this is a little side dish of character development =]

What will be a mini series, this flavor of Ice Cream will focus on Ty's beginnings and how he turned into the snow leopard we all know we love to hate, or maybe you opinions will change as we explore more into what made him who he is...

Enjoy ^_^ licks a cone

From Ice Cream to "Topping"

Ty's Scoop - Chapter 1

It was always such a simple lesson, that even as my life grew older and my experiences broadened I knew I never would forget; eyes forward, no looking back. The first true inspirational and motivational advice I ever learned, and it came not from my parents high on their thrones of alcoholism and belligerence, but rather from the mouth of my coach, my mentor that I had looked up to from my days as a young cub just starting to learn how to swim.

I didn't realize it back then but his idea took root in my subconscious, and that saying would forever endure to be the compass by which all my actions in life are guided; the ends always justified by those means. Had I just been stronger when I was younger, unafraid of consequences, I would have had everything I ever wanted, but I suppose the lesson was learned a little too late...

"You do what you need too to take home the prize Tyson. Shut out all the rest and you'll win, we both know that; if you try harder than anyone else, you'll deserve it more than everybody else." My coach said as he handed me my swimming cap and goggles with a smile and exited the locker room, leaving me to my own devices as the doors closed behind him. His gait indicated his confidence in me, even if I had none in myself.

I could've said something to him then, muttered at least what was really on my mind as I leaned forward to call him back, but fear held me still as I continued to sit down on the bench, waiting until the last trickles of the competition left from the room, following behind their instructors in suit like newborns trained to obey. It was interesting at best to know my competitors lacked true spirit and originality, though their physiques did indicate their skill all the same.

I looked around, seeing if anyone was left as I let out a long sigh mixed with a fist to a nearby locker door, the force of which left an impression I hoped I wouldn't later be blamed for. I lowered my head in regret as I felt the towel I was wearing slip off me, exposing my naked body to any who reentered, though I only cared that one might possibly do so.

I rubbed at my face as I felt tears trying to escape, knowing that silly emotions like these were exactly what my coach said where keeping me from greatness, though I always wondered if that statement meant in his eyes. I lowered myself down to the ground then, the cold of the concrete floor biting at both my rear and testicles, though I didn't care. I just sat there, waiting until it was my time to go out there and win the swimming championship I had been training months for, though for years I secretly craved something... closer.

I understood the reality behind what I was trying to accomplish in my mind, but I also knew the foolishness of what it was too; a dream being just that... a dream. I looked down at my slender naked body; every ripple of muscle, every flex of power just a façade to hide the soft feline I am deep inside. I thought once upon a time that looking like this would have been enough, but in truth it seemed to push me further away from my goal.

I reached down towards my flaccid cock then, making tiny observations with every touch as I wondered if at all I would get to use it properly instead of just having fun with myself whenever I had the time and was alone; such I was now.

I looked around again to make sure everyone had left the locker room as I gave my dick a few strokes then, feeling the barbs of my penis brush against my paw as I got a little more eager and started to massage my balls as well. I could feel my pre almost starting to form inside my testicles; the heat rising ever slowly as I rubbed my hand up and down my shaft, making sure I left no available space untouched.

As my cock grew harder I added my other paw into the mix, the sheer size of my member requiring the use of two for full enjoyment. I wrapped my fingers around the base of it and worked my way up to the head, which now was slowly starting to spit out the delicious essence that was my imagination running wild. Had I not reeled back a bit in my mind on who I was thinking about, I would have already cummed right then, but I knew there was still time to kill until the competition started and no way in hell was I going to just go hang out in the common area and talk to those fools and pretend I even care about their lives.

I was probably a good several minutes in to my session now as I noticed the base of my penis was covered in my precum. I couldn't stand it anymore as I watched it all dribble out letting the ooze go to waste, so I did the only sensible thing a man with my body type would do... I lowered my head closer to my cock and started to suck.

I closed my eyes as I wrapped my lips around my penis, my head starting to swell from feeling a warm mouth wrapped around it, even if it was my own. It was no struggle on my part to get away with giving myself some head, one being that I'm a flexible snow leopard, and two my dick is huge enough I don't even have to bend over to really get the tip of it in my lips, though getting down all the way to the base like I enjoy takes some level of skill.

I worked my cock in my mouth what I could, full enjoying the length stretching deep down into my throat as I bobbed my head up and down, wishing now more than ever that he would walk in and join me... The one who gets me all excited like I am; I just call him "Coach."

I could feel the pulse of my heart on my tongue through the throbbing of my cock as I thought about how I wanted to tell him I loved him, for such a long time now it seemed, but how would that mid twenties dream of a Cougar ever go for a cub like me, myself barely hitting the legal age of consent in just a couple weeks time. It frustrated me to think how little apart we were in age, though at times we seemed to share the same soul.

I couldn't hold it back anymore as I felt that last taste of precum that would push me over the edge and make me blow my load inside of my muzzle. I arched my neck to allow several streams of cum to shoot straight down into my body, each spurt just as strong as the last. Truthfully though, it was always the after drips that were always the best as they filled up my muzzle with my spunk, which tasted incredible as I swallowed it all up; licking my lips to get every delicious drop that I could. Given that I never have been with anyone else I could only assume that their cum would taste just as amazing, if not better.

I let myself afterglow for a minute or two, thinking about Coach and how I hoped I'd get to share myself with him someday, if he'd let me. It was a dream, but at least it was an honest dream, which means that I am at heart an honest animal; I think.

Another moment or two later, I could hear the officials' announcer calling for all participants to start making their way to the competition area. I reached for my towel to clean myself up and started to put on my speedos, realizing how excited and pumped I was feeling now after relaxing and getting out of my head finally. I grabbed for the rest of my gear and headed for the door, stopping for just a second to look back at the wet smelly mess I left behind, and just smiled. "Well that was good! Now to go win this contest and the heart of that sexy ass cougar once and for all!"

My name is Tyson Abrams, and this is my scoop of the ice cream. Let's see what happens next...