Troubles of Love, part 5

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#5 of Troubles of Love

Part 5 of my first furry series. Definitely a teary goodbye for these two. Don't worry, they will see each other again. Anyways, just enjoy this part as best as you can. Don't forget to post comments, so that I can improve.

The hot summer sun beat down through the window of their dorm. Kevin's bags lie on the bed, fully packed.

Kevin stood over the final bag, fully packed but not yet zipped up.

"Derrik, I'm having second thoughts."

The otter standing in the doorway sighed.

"Kevin, we've gone over this. You're going, and that's that." He walked over and zipped up the bag.

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

"Maybe ... maybe, we could make it work?"

"Kevin, we've gone over this. If you meet someone, I'll be happy for you."

"I wish you could see me off at the air port."

"Me too. You know I have that final though."

"Yeah. Well, at least you can help me carry my bags to the cab."

"Yeah. We should go." Derrik said, grabbing some of the bags and hauled them out of the dorm.

"Okay." Kevin grabbed the rest and followed him out.

The two of them were silent all the way to the cab. They lowered the bags into the trunk.

"I need to take a piss, I'll be back," The cabbie, a Doberman, said, walking off.

"Well, this is good-bye." Derrik said.

Kevin leaned forward and kissed him deeply. "I love you." He said, breaking up the kiss.

"Kevin, I will always love you. If you meet someone else, that's great. And I'm sure we'll see each other again. So this isn't really good-bye; it's 'until we meet again.' So, take care of yourself, all right?" A single tear rolled down his face.

"All right. Good luck on your final, all right?"

Derrik nodded, and walked away.

Kevin turned around to make his way back to the cab, and saw the cougar who had attacked him over six months ago, Eric, standing by the cab. His eyes narrowed in anger.

"Wait! I just want to talk!" Eric said, holding up his paws.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Look, you're angry at me. Hell, you probably even hate me, and I understand that. I just want to talk, and I'd appreciate it if you'd listen. You don't have to say anything, and I'll leave afterwards, I swear."

Kevin frowned. "Okay."

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I hate myself for doing that to you. It was stupid of me, and I regret it every single day. I realize now that there's nothing wrong with you being gay. All that matters is that you've found someone who loves you. And someday, I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me."

Kevin was shocked, and just as the cougar started to walk away, he cried, "Wait!"

Eric turned around, surprised.

"I forgive you, Eric."

The cougar got really teary-eyed, and smiled. "Thank you." Then, he turned around and walked away.

It was then that Kevin understood what Derrik had meant; that words got through better than fighting did; that his words would change one of those guys' lives someday. And they did.

As Kevin got in the cab, and the cab driver returned to take him to the airport, he smiled. He realized that he really did forgive Eric.

And he also realized that, despite everything, today was just another day in the entirety of his life. He loved Derrik, and he always would; but like he said, they would probably see each other again.

And Kevin knew, deep inside, that they really would see one another again one day...
