I'm Screwed - No, Wait, You Are!

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Okay, disregarding the HORRENDOUS title, this is a story inspired by a little piece of art I saw a while ago. It had a guy who looked rather professional being pegged by a lady. This little idea came to me for some reason, and I wrote it out. Can't remember the piece of art, or I'd link it. So, a shorter than usual story, hope you like.

Steve sighed softly as he walked down the hall of the hotel, his briefcase swinging at his side. His thoughts remained rooted in the minutes of the meeting he'd just left, and he couldn't help but think that he had been ripped off. The wolf representatives of the competition had been brutal in their negotiations, and it had been all he could do to hold onto his company's core assets. The others had been peeled away bit by bit through their cutthroat legal tactics, leaving his employers with little more than the slightest controlling interest in company stocks. Everything else now belonged to the new corporate 'managers' of the company.

The fox grunted as he reached up to adjust his tie. So much for the new outfit being tailored to fit him; that was just one more thing gone wrong. The whole thing was too tight, and the tie had been constricting him through the whole meeting. He hadn't dared reach up to adjust it, not wanting to look nervous, but maybe he should have. He'd never know, now; when he got back to his bosses, they'd probably fire him on the spot.

He looked down at his briefcase, the golden buckles barely holding the bulging thing together with all the papers shoved into it for his employers to sign. It was so tempting to just run to the nearest window and throw it out, but if he didn't get these signed, then he'd be in trouble with the new 'managers' that the wolves reported back to. No matter what he did, it felt like he was completely hedged in.

A small sigh escaped his muzzle as he reached into the pocket of his formal slacks. He pulled out his cell phone, flicking through the various contacts stored in it. "Well...if the bosses are going to throw me out anyway," he muttered to himself. He eventually found the number that he was looking for and dialed it, bringing the phone to his ears. "Felicia? Could you come down to Grand Tiberius? Yeah, I know this is rather sudden, but could -" He paused, rubbing his forehead as his ears twitched and his mostly black tail sagged. "Yes, I know, I know, I can cover it. Just...please get over here? Thanks."

Snapping the phone shut in a practiced movement, he placed it back in his pocket and pulled out his keycard as he reached his door. A click and it opened, sliding open on slightly squeaky hinges before coming to a halt on the door stop. Steve quickly stepped through and shut the door behind him, throwing the briefcase across the room. He half hoped that it would smash open and spill the papers everywhere, so maybe he had an excuse for losing one of them, but no such luck. The gold buckles and supple leather case managed to hold together, bouncing off the wall with an almost mocking thud and landing in place just below the window.

"Fine, be that way," Steve muttered at it. "No help anywhere." The fox shook his head as he made his way away from the door. He stopped at the foot of the bed and let himself fall backwards onto it, keeping a grip on his tail so that it didn't get crushed under his back. The springs squeaked under him like a little crowd of mice, sending him bouncing a few times before falling still. He grabbed a pillow, hugging it to his chest with a sigh.

His clenched fists threatened to drive claws through the pillow case, but the last thing he needed was to put another expense charge on things. So he flung the pillow against the same wall that had so easily rebuffed his suitcase, watching it slide down the wall after it hit.

He rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. "There's gotta be some way out of this," he muttered under his breath.


Despite spending a half hour trying to stare a hole through the ceiling, Steve was no closer to figuring out a way to keep his job when he heard a knock at the door. "That didn't take long," he said as he slowly got out of bed. He gave his tail a little brush off, smoothing out the fur before walking over to the door. He looked through the peephole, just to make sure it was who he thought it was. A little smile crossed his face as he saw who it was, and he opened the door. "Felicia, good to see you."

A smiling white feline stepped through the door, carrying a black purse on a red shoulder-strap with her. She was of a height with him, and wore a blouse just slightly less white than her fur, a skirt that barely went halfway to her knees, and boots that went up past her thighs, under her skirt. She flashed him a toothy smirk as she tossed her purse down onto the bed. "So, I guess you need to celebrate after such a great meeting, hmm?" she said, sitting down on the corner of the bed, taking just enough time to cross her legs to allow him a little glimpse up her skirt before it was denied.

"Not quite," Steve admitted. He looked down the halls for a moment before shutting the door, engaging all three of the locks on the door before turning his attention back to his guest. "I...didn't do as well as I hoped."


"Yes." He nodded, hanging his head as he walked back to the bed. She gently touched his arm as he sat down, and then put her other hand on his back. "Heh...I guess you could say that they ate me alive. Those lawyers were...wow. They had tricks up their sleeves that I'd never heard of. There's no way that my bosses are going to let me keep my job after this."

"Oh, you poor man." She pulled him close, and he went along with it, leaning against her. Her soft hands rubbed his head and his arms, gently stroking him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"I know you didn't. But...this isn't really the reason I called you." He sighed softly, closing his eyes for a moment. "Look. I know what you are, and I know what you do. I know I've hired you for other things in the past, but I kinda need something...different...tonight." Her hands started to slow, and he could imagine the look on her face changing a bit. A little more businesslike, he thought. "Don't worry. I'm still on an expense account. I can pay you for whatever I ask you to do."

"You better, Steve." She had a slight smile to her tone, but there was also some seriousness to it. "What kind of package are we talking?"

The fox hesitated for a moment. He wasn't really sure about this, but he figured that he needed it. "I was thinking the SD&F package," he said. He felt her stiffen up for a moment, and he looked up to make sure that he hadn't picked something that bothered her.

Instead of a frown, though, he saw her smiling a little bit. "Oh, so you feel like you're up for that, hmmm? It's been quite a while since you picked THAT." She chuckled softly, her modest breasts bouncing softly inside of her blouse. "I think the last time you picked THAT, you had just - "

"Please don't remind me of that, I beg you," Steve said with a little blush. He pulled back, reaching up and adjusting his tie again, loosening it a little further. "So...do you still do that, or not?"

"Oh, I still do it. I just don't get the naughty guys asking me to do it too much." She smiled, leaning over and kissing him on the nose gently. "Now, you just get yourself comfortable. I'll go take my stuff to the bathroom and get changed so it's a little more appropriate, okay? Oh, and get your expense card out and put it on the nightstand; I want to make sure that the charge goes through before we start." She held up a hand as Steve tried to talk. "No arguments, Steve. Pay before you play, you know that. I'll be right back." She flashed him another little smile before grabbing her purse and slinking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Slowly, the fox got himself a little more comfortable. He undid his tie until it was hanging around his neck loosely, allowing him to finally get a good breath. The buttons on his shirt were next, pulled undone at the base so that it would hang a little bit, and not get in the way. He pulled them out from his pants, and then undid them, pulling them down to his ankles, shortly followed by his underwear. Already he was showing signs of excitement, a little bit of pink showing from the tip of his sheath, his balls hanging low and heavy. He gave both his sac and his sheath a little stroke and fondle, and they responded eagerly, another half inch of shaft pushing out of his sheath.

Before he could get his card out, or even get his shoes off for that matter, he heard the bathroom door unlock. He pulled his eyes away from his equipment to watch Felicia step out, smiling a little more as he saw the first black latex boot coming out, followed by the rest of the gorgeous feline.

She'd left the blouse behind, and her breasts bounced freely, unrestrained by any sort of cloth. Her nipples were hard, pointy, and she thrust her chest out as she walked forward. He saw her smirk out of the corner of his eyes as he stared at them for a bit, slowly looking down. He followed the curves of her sides, and over her hips, and then his eyes fixed on the whole center of this package: the strap-on.

SD&F, he'd called it. Strap-on Discipline and Forgiveness, was what the full name was. For the next hour, he was going to be under Felicia's rule, and serving her. More specifically, serving that strap-on, and he found himself actually looking forward to giving up his tough lawyer personality for a little bit.

The fake penis swayed from side to side as Felicia walked closer and closer, and he couldn't take his eyes off of it, It was like a hypnotist's pendulum, completely impossible to ignore once you started staring at it. It was at least his size, if not a little bit bigger, and it dripped with slick lube, almost like pre coming off of the tip. Before his eyes she lowered her hand down to the pale toy, stroking it a few times.

She stopped right in front of him, the strap-on barely an inch or two in front of his lips. He stared at it for a moment before looking up at her, asking with a glance for some guidance.

"It's rude to stare, you know. Give me a kiss there, to apologize." She pointed at it with one hand, and he felt her other hand press onto the back of his head. He gave no resistance as she pushed him forward, letting her press his head against the tip of the fake penis. It gave just a bit as he touched it, wobbling, but she grabbed it before it could be moved too much, and pushed him down a little further, just enough to push the slick thing into his mouth.

Thankfully the lube on it was flavored to some degree instead of the nasty stuff that some people used. Her grip on the back of his neck kept him from going further down, but also kept him from pulling any further back. "That's it. Give it a little lick, too. You don't want me to think that you're a bad boy, do you? You already need to be punished, and if you don't do a good job, you'll have to be punished more."

Oh, he did want to be punished more, but he wasn't going to say that, or try and provoke Felicia into giving him more. He slathered the thing with his spit and his tongue, licking it loudly enough for it to be heard. The lube - tasting a little like lemon, he noticed - didn't really come off of the thing, but instead just got a little bit thinner. Must have been a new product, he thought to himself.

He sucked on the tip for a minute or so before she pulled him off of it again. She tugged his head back, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "So, didn't I tell you to have something ready for me before we started, Bad Boy?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. Steve blinked, not quite sure he understood. "Something that was supposed to be on the table, waiting for me?" she reminded him.

He blushed as he realized that he'd forgotten the simple instructions she'd left him, and slowly reached down to the pants around his ankles. A little rooting in one of his pockets found his wallet, and he pulled it up to his eyes. Not bothering to take his lips off of the tip of the strap-on, he slowly pulled out the expense card, handing it over.

Felicia smiled as she took it. From out of nowhere she pulled out a smart-phone with a card reader attached to it. As she swiped it through the reader, she pulled back a bit, chuckling as Steve kept licking air for a moment before realizing that the strap-on wasn't in his mouth anymore. "So, before I set this down and get to work, do you want to put anything besides the standard fee on this little transaction?" she asked.

That was a question that Steve had to consider for a moment. After all, his bosses did leave him a decent bit to live on with the card, and it would more than cover the fee here. The bosses generally liked it when he came back with some stuff still on the card, too, and that appreciation was usually shown in a bonus on his next paycheck of some amount or another. He wasn't sure that he should give them any further reason to be angry at him after all this.

Then again, they were guaranteed to fire him after this anyway, and he already had his tickets home, so...

"Everything." She blinked. He smiled. "Everything that's left on the card. I don't know how much that is, but a couple extra hundred dollars at the very least. You can use it more than I can, and after the bosses get the card back and fire me, I don't want them having that money back if I can help it."

The smile that spread across the feline's face was so bright and so happy that Steve couldn't keep from returning it. Felicia broke the role for a moment to wrap her arms around him, nuzzling against his cheek for a few seconds and purring softly. "Thank you, Steve, thank you so much...you don't know how much this will help," she whispered to him.

He held her in return, patting her back, until she pulled back. The look of a mistress was back on her face, and she grabbed him by his tie. Yanking him off of the bed, she held him suspended by it for a moment before pushing him down to the ground. His cock, fully erect and hard, pushed against his belly for a moment before gravity got a hold of it again, but it still stuck out and forward. He looked back at her as she grabbed hold of his tail, yanking it off to the side and exposing his rump to her, the strap-on pointed right at him. "Wha- already?" he gasped in surprise.

"I don't see any reason to wait..." She slid a finger down under his tail, stroking it up and down between his ass cheeks, each little stroke just barely rubbing over his hole. Already it was puckering, twitching lightly in anticipation of what was coming. Her little giggle was almost cute, and would have been if he hadn't recognized the mischievous tone that lay just under it. "I hope that you didn't tighten up too much since the last time I saw you. I don't want to wait right now to get this in you..."

"Well, good thing that I've used a few toys since then," he said, unable to keep just a little hint of a smirk from crossing his face. He knew how much she loved surprising him with pranks now and then, and it was nice to sabotage her sometimes.

A spank with a hint of claws in it wiped the smirk right off his face. Made him yelp too. "Sorry, ma'am," he said, lowering his head down again.

"Better. Remember, this is a punishment. Now, Bad Boy, put your butt up in the air for me. I want it really easy to get into," she said with a smile.

As he lifted his ass up, she stroked it with both hands, gently teasing him. Her fingers gripped him, pushing his butt cheeks out to the side, letting his hole be more exposed to open air, and then letting them come together again. She did it again, and again, and despite himself, he felt himself get more eager for the object of his 'punishment.' He curled his toes, a soft whine escaping his throat. "Please..." he whispered.

"Please, what?" she whispered huskily, pulling his cheeks apart again. This time, she had her finger against his hole, rubbing in little circles around it.

"Please...please ma'am....mistress...AH!" He gasped as her finger slipped inside, quick and easy. It thrusted in and out a few times before a second one joined it, stretching him out a little bit. Steve moaned, unable to keep from slumping forward at the sensation, particularly when she rubbed against his prostate. Those little rubs had his cock dancing like a puppet, and little drops of pre already leaked from it.

"Please what, you naughty little slut?" she whispered. A third finger joined, well lubed, gradually opening him up a little bit more. The stretching feeling of his hole around the fingers pulled a groan from his lips, and a nearly unconscious shove back against the fingers to get them into him more. He blushed as he realized what he'd done, looking back at her as his face turned red.

She grinned at him, slowly pulling her fingers out. "Hee hee, so the bad boy isn't just a naughty boy, but a little slutty one, too? Oh, you really need a punishment bad, don't you?" Grabbing hold of the strap-on with one hand and the back of the fox's head with the other, she pulled him into a better position, on all fours rather than having his chest on the floor. "That's it...hold that pose while I punish you..."

It came without warning, and it went deep. Steve closed his eyes and lowered his head as the strap-on went more than halfway into him on the first thrust, and he could already feel her pulling out, getting ready to push it the rest of the way in. Even with how deep that first thrust had gone, and how brief it had been, he almost felt empty when she started pulling back. When she paused, he braced himself, trying to relax in anticipation for the second thrust.

She didn't thrust. He slowly opened his eyes, and was in the process of looking back at her in confusion when it did come, the whole length of the fake cock sliding into his hole at once. He cried out in surprise, closing his eyes again and curling his fingers into the carpet, digging them in even as his toes curled inside his shoes. "Ooooh," he moaned softly to himself.

"No talking, you bad boy." She spanked him again. "And keep to position. Maybe this will help you."

Where she got the thing, he didn't know, but Steve gasped as he felt something wrap around his neck. Reaching up and grabbing it, he felt leather. Soft, but strong leather. A few little rotations of it brought him to a D-ring, a D-ring that was attached to a leash. She had collared him?! That was altogether new, and it sent a few little throbs of need through his cock at the thought.

Not that he had a very long time to think about it. She pulled back on the leash, keeping his head up a little bit more and forcing him to face forwards. The strap-on slid in and out of him again, and again, and again, the thick fake cock spreading him open and then letting him close up again. It was a strange, but highly arousing feeling, and every time it slid over his prostate he jerked in pleasure, his cock jumping and slapping against his stomach at the spike in sensation.

"Yes, that's it...not such a big, tough lawyer now, are you?" she grunted, her groin slapping against his ass again and again, her free hand gripping his tail and keeping it off to the side. "Not such a tough lawyer...not such a big guy now. Just a naughty...little...slut." The strap-on sped up, her thrusts getting faster, stronger ."A little slut...that needs some good...discipline."

He just couldn't help himself, and started to push back against her, meeting her every thrust with a push of his own. His balls swayed between his legs, swinging forwards and back, and his cock throbbed with need. It would be so easy to reach back and stroke it, to give himself that relief...but mistress was filling him up now, and he was going to wait, wait until she said he could.

The fox wasn't sure that he was going to need it though. She was pounding him so hard, filling him up so much, that it was taking him right to the edge already. Her little grunts and groans made it sound like she was enjoying it too.

Suddenly his climax rushed up on him without warning, slamming into him like a freight train. He threw his head back with a loud moan, humping back against the strap-on just about as hard as he could for a few brief seconds. Cock throbbing, cum splattered against the floor and just a little bit on the edge of his shirt. Steve's entire body shook in pleasure, overwhelmed by the powerful feelings of an anal orgasm.

When it subsided, he panted softly to himself, looking over his shoulder at Felicia, nodding his thanks.

Surprisingly, she grabbed the leash tighter, grinning mischievously. "Well, look who's the loose little slut, getting off on a big toy being shoved up his ass? I think he needs some more punishment...let's see how much we can get out of you in the next hour."

He gaped at her as she started thrusting again, the persistent prostate prodding soon bringing his cock back to full mast. Despite the pleasure torture, he couldn't help but smile. This....he needed this.


It was a sweaty pair that laid together after the hour was over, Felicia on the bottom with Steve laying over her, using her breasts as a pillow. Other times, he would have been tempted to play with them, but after a good five orgasms coaxed out of him by that strap-on, having more sex was the last thing on his mind. "Thank....thank you, Felicia," he said in a whisper. "I...I need to forget about things for a while...and maybe pay a bit for my screw-ups in that room. I don't know what I could have done different, but...but it feels like there should have been something."

"Don't thank me, Steve," she said with a smile. She was still purring, he noticed; he wasn't sure that she had ever stopped. "You're one of the few people out there I'd be happy to do this with without being paid for it. I'm just grateful that you pay anyway. I need every dollar I can get these days."

"Well, I hope that last bit helps you. I don't know when I can see you again, after all this plays out."

"Just as long as you come when you can," she said. She planted a little kiss on his head and reached for the card she'd taken for payment. On the verge of handing it back, though, she hesitated. "Steve? I don't think this is your usual card."

That knocked what tiredness was in him out of his system. He looked up from her breasts, looking at the card. "What?" he said, reaching out and taking it. He flipped it over so he could see the front, and his eyes went wide. "Oh, fuck."

It wasn't his usual expense card, that was for sure. It had a different company name on it, for one, and it took him a moment to remember when he'd gotten this one. Back in the board room...back when he'd lost almost everything to the wolves. One of them had handed him this card, saying that their company would pay for the rest of the trip, since they were the ones in charge now, and warned him not to overspend.

Squashing the urge to start swearing like a maniac, he looked up at Felicia again. "Um...please check how much was transferred?" he asked.

She blinked but nodded her head. Tapping a few buttons on her smart-phone, she navigated her way through it to the appropriate information. When the screen beeped and displayed it, not only did her eyes go wide, but just about every bit of fur she had went on end. "What the hell?!" she shouted. She turned the screen to him, and he had the same reaction as her. The screen read "$500,000 transferred."

They looked at one another, and then at the screen again, and then at one another. "What do we do about this?" Felicia said after a moment.

Steve took a moment to think. He'd basically ripped the managers off for half of a million dollars. No matter the fact that they had given him the expense card, they had said not to overspend, and now he was going to be facing legal action for not only hiring a prostitute, but for giving her all of this company money. And considering how the money was now in Felicia's account...well, they needed to get moving. But at least they'd have money for it. Hell, if they could get away with this, they'd be sitting pretty on a decent sum of money and he'd have ripped off the guys that had ripped him and his bosses off.

"Vegas, anyone?" he said.