He Should've Gone Home Early

Story by Teras on SoFurry

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It's finally done! If you've seen me on the chat, you've probably heard about how I was writing a story. It might be a bit short for the amount of time it's taken me to complete, but this is it.

Poor Sibu seems to have gotten into a bit of a bind. Seems as though a wolf took a bit of a fancy to him and wanted more than just a conversation. Depending on how well this is received, a sequel is definitely possible.

Probably made a few grammar or spelling mistakes here and there, but overall I'm happy with the result. Questions, comments, suggestions, etc. are always welcome.

Thanks for reading.

Sibu groaned as he woke up, head swimming and throbbing, his body feeling like it had been hit by a train with an attitude problem. He moved to cradle his head, begging it to stop spinning, but found he couldn't move his arm. Not only that, but when he opened his eyes he was met with the same darkness he'd seen with them closed. He tried to call out, to ask where he was and what was happening out loud, but his muzzle was stuck shut. Panic began to set in.

He took a minute to calm down and assess the situation. He could tell already that he was blindfolded and muzzled, unable to see or speak and only able to breathe through his nose thanks to the opening at the end of the muzzle. His paws were locked in what seemed to be leather mitts, keeping them in useless fists. A spreader bar was locked just below his knees, keeping his legs spread, and ankle cuffs kept them immobile. A collar had been put around his neck, and it had been locked to something on the floor, keeping his head and chest down with his ass in the air. His wrists were cuffed together behind his back and his tail had been tethered to the collar, keeping it hiked high. The cold air against his fur told him he was naked. None of this served to help ease his nerves, each new discovery making his panic rise a little bit more.

His memory was hazy. He remembered going out with friends to a club, everyone leaving with some other fur they were undoubtedly going to score with. He had hung back, not wanting to share a car with his drunken friends and their dates. He remembered dancing, getting a few approving looks from the other patrons. He had gone back to his booth to take a sip of his drink, and then.... Then.... What?

Nothing came to mind. No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't remember anything going back to the booth. He whimpered, fear gripping him as he squirmed in his restraints, unable to escape them no matter how much he thrashed or tugged. Eventually he wore himself out, his inability to breathe properly making it unwise to waste too much energy.

So he waited. For what, he had no idea, that uncertainty scaring him even more.

He had no idea how long it had been. It could have been a few minutes as easily as a few hours, but eventually, he heard something.

There was the sound of a door unlocking, then being swung open, and footsteps going down stairs. Sibu tensed, ears trained on the source of the sound.

A dark chuckle met his ears, sending a fearful chill down his spine.

"Well, well.... It seems my little puppy has finally woken up.... I was beginning to worry I had overdosed you"

Sibu struggled again, the knowledge that he had been drugged not sitting well with him. His struggles only served to amuse his captor, who laughed lowly.

"I'm afraid that won't work" the wolf explained as he slowly stepped closer "I've made sure that you can't get free on your own. Wouldn't want my new pet escaping and getting lost, now would I?"

Sibu went rigid as he heard the word 'pet', then whined loudly and struggled more, squirming uselessly in the unrelenting bondage.

The wolf laughed, his sheath swelling already as he watched the captive jackal struggle futilely.

This was going to be fun.

In one quick motion, he reached down and removed Sibu's blindfold, letting him get a good look at his new master.

Sibu blinked a little, even the dim light of the dungeon enough to hurt his eyes at first, before looking fearfully up at the wolf.

He was tall, easily over six feet, maybe even seven, and his body was covered in soft, silver fur, his eyes a piercing blue with a fierceness that made Sibu's ears lower in fear. Sibu tried to plea for his release, his deep amber eyes looking pitifully up at him, but the muzzle stopped any sound other than muffled noises from escaping his maw.

"Awww, poor little puppy.... Can't talk with that muzzle on, can you? Maybe if you're a good pet, I'll take it off" the wolf grinned hungrily. "But that's a big 'if'. My name is Lunas, pup, but you are to refer to me as Master, understand?"

Sibu could only nod in fear, hoping that obedience would give him a chance at freedom.

"Good.... Now, as my pet, you belong to me... Your only purpose in life is to serve me how I see fit. If you behave and listen, life will be pleasant and painless. However, if you choose to disobey and resist, I will make your life hell..." the wolf explained this while going to grab something from a shelf, Sibu following him with his eyes.

When Lunas had found what he'd been looking for, he returned to his bound jackal, keeping whatever it was behind his back as he walked behind Sibu and out of his sight.

"Oh and one more thing..." there was a sudden grab to Sibu's unprotected sheath, the feeling of of something cold, smooth, and tight being pulled over it, then a sharp click filled the air as something was locked behind his balls. "My pets don't get hard or cum unless I say they can." he chuckled darkly, giving a gentle tug to the shiny new chastity cage around the jackals sheath. With it in place, Sibu could forget about giving himself any "attention" down there.

Satisfied, the wolf walked back around to look his pet in the eyes. Hungry blues stared into fearful ambers. Lunas was loving every minute, but he had had enough of talking.

It was time to have some fun.

He left again, leaving Sibu to tremble fearfully in the restraints. Even when completely unaroused, he could feel the tight metal of the chastity cage. He had no idea where the key was, and even if he did, he was still tied up with his paws useless. It was beginning to set in, how utterly helpless he was. Bound and at the complete mercy of a complete stranger, his heart sank, each useless tug against the bondage filling him with more despair and fear. It wasn't until he felt a warm paw rubbing his exposed ass that he snapped back to reality.

Lunas had apparently gotten something else and was now back to torment Sibu again.

"You've got a nice ass, pet... It'd look better nice and red, though..." Lunas whispered into his ear, his voice little more than a soft growl.

Sibu felt something thin trailing up along his thigh to his ass. He didn't to see it to know it was a riding crop. The cold leather rubbed against his fur, making him whimper, dreading what he could tell was going to happen next. The paw and crop suddenly pulled away and the room was filled with silence for a brief moment before the crop struck his ass hard, the loud crack and his muffled shriek of pain soon piercing the silence.

"Mmmm.... That's it... scream for me, pet... Scream like the little bitch you are." Lunas growled, reeling back to strike his ass again, leaving a red mark visible even through the fur. Again and again he struck his pet's ass, each blow of the crop earning a pained cry and jerk of the body from Sibu.

Sibu was in agony by the time it was over, his ass burning in pain from the repeated blows, muscles sore from struggling to get free of the bonds. Worst of all was the fact that somehow, his body had found excitement in all of this, and his cock was pressing uncomfortably against the tight device.

Unfortunately for him, this did not go unnoticed by Lunas, who smirked and roughly grabbed Sibu's trapped sheath.

"What's this? The little bitch likes being hit, does he?" Lunas growled in Sibu's ear, sending a shiver a fear through the small jackal, who frantically shook his head. Lunas chuckled, slapping the jackal's ass once more. "Keep telling yourself that, pet... you'll start loving it soon... I can't wait to make you into my loyal little cock-slut..."

While Lunas spoke, he slowly shed his pants, tossing them off to the side and exposing his large canine cock, fully hardened and already dripping a bit of precum, the clear fluid trailing down his length to the small knot that would soon be much larger.

"You ready, slut? Your Master's about to take what's rightfully his..." without waiting for the muffled response, he brought his hips up behind the bound jackal, positioning his hard cock at the tight ring of muscle.

Sibu tensed as he felt the gentle pressure at his tailhole, whimpering loudly and trying to squirm away, only able to thrash pointlessly in the straps and cuffs, fear welling up inside him.

Lunas smirked, relishing in the fear and helplessness of his pet. With a deep growl of pleasure and dominance, he leaned forward, pressing his thick shaft into Sibu's virgin ass, the tight walls of his tailhole hugging the lupine cock tightly and searing the smaller canine with pain.

"MMMMMGH!!!" Sibu screamed into the muzzle, eyes clenching shut as Lunas' uncomfortably large member pressed deeper and deeper into him, seemingly without end.

After what felt like an eternity, the swelling knot finally bumped against Sibu's outer walls, Lunas panting above him in sheer ecstasy, every nerve in the wolf's body singing with pleasure.

"Mmmnh! Fuck, you're tight..." Lunas growled into Sibu's ear, gently nipping at the jackal's neck.

Taking only a moment to catch his breath, Lunas started rolling his hips, easing his cock in and out of the tight ass that surrounded it, more precum dripping from his tip and making each movement a bit easier. Before long, he was thrusting eagerly into his bitch's tight hole, loud growls and moans of pleasure coming from him as he thrust harder and harder with each passing second. While Lunas was on cloud nine, Sibu couldn't be in more pain. Each thrust caused another spike of agony to assault his body, tears forming on the edge of his eyes, pleading whimpers coming from him that went either unheard or uncared for by Lunas, who kept thrusting mercilessly into the poor jackal's ass.

Before long, the thrusts began to lose rhythm, Lunas' hips randomly bucking and jerking as his knot swelled, a telltale sign that he would be cumming soon. He snarled and moaned into Sibu's neck, panting as he felt release rapidly approaching. After a few more frenzied thrusts, he finally gave in and pulled back, only to drive his shaft hard into the abused walls, his knot forcing its way in with a pop and a muffled wail of agony from Sibu, drowned out by Lunas howling in orgasm, hot wolf cum flooding his pet's ass. Sibu trembled, panting and whimpering in pain while wet warmth filled him. His tailhole was sore, his cock straining uncomfortably against the cage around his sheath. His ass still burned from the strikes earlier, and his muscles ached from being trapped in the vulnerable position.

Lunas murred happily, enjoying the tightness hugging his knot, letting himself and his pet relax as they waited for it to go down. He eventually pulled free of Sibu's body, panting and smirking, delighting in the gentle ripples of pleasure echoing through his nerves.

"Mmmm.... Good boy... I think you'll make a fine bitch once you've learned to accept your place..." he looked thoughtfully at the exposed rump of his newest pet and moved to another shelf, retrieving a slightly larger than average dildo and roughly pushing it into Sibu's ass. "This should keep you busy until morning..." with a dark chuckle, he turned the base of the toy, causing it to start vibrating harshly, making Sibu tense and whine as pain seared him again.

The toy was pressed against his prostate, making his member throb painfully in its tight prison, the poor canine squirming and trembling in desperation. Lunas took a moment to admire his work before heading for the stairs again.

"Goodnight, my pet... I'll be back in the morning. If you're good, you might get breakfast. Sweet dreams..." he taunted, climbing the stairs and closing the basement door behind him, locking it with a loud click.

Sibu whimpered as he was left, tied up and used, in the darkness, the dildo buzzing away and preventing him from relaxing. A single tear went down his cheek as he tried to prepare himself for the long night he had in front of him, and the morning that awaited after. As he squirmed and whined, shaking and trying not to cry, a single thought repeated itself in his head.

He should've gone home early.