A New Anniversary

Story by BlazerRaylock on SoFurry

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This is the continuation of a story I made WAY back, though I abandoned it I felt that some kind of sequel is in order, though a bit short since I wanted to make it a happy ending for all. Anniversary Problems was the title of that story and I was wondering how this would go with more plot than any sex. This ends this small story.

A New Anniversary

Oh how life sure has made it all better for me, though I was never sure if someone was looking after me. Being a wolf with my lovely avian wife was one thing in my life. How our 1st Anniversary sounded rough when we were closing in but somehow it just went from good to better and then best. My Bald Eagle wife, Ruby had been there for me as I provided her the home, the food and the daily serving of "Meat" if you people can catch my drift. While I do love her, I thought she was cheating on me 2 weeks before our 1st anniversary only to find a surprise on our lovely day.

2 weeks before, we had a guest, a chestnut colored mare. She arrived in our home as we greeted her in and that's when it started. Normally as a very protective wolf I would have barged in on the whole my wife is cheating but I needed proof to back up my claims or as a fall back when I get my ass kicked by the male my wife was going with.

On the day before our 1st anniversary, I made my decision on getting my wife but then it all went from something unexpected. As much as I want to explain how unreal it sounded, it was all true and as an added bonus to my life she was a special female which me, and my mate had gone to accept. But it didn't stop there, my old flame came back as my boss at work and surprising me once again by joining in, clearly she had spilled what I had planned that day to the two.

In the end, I'm thankful for them, clearly, not really minding the whole thing and now will you excuse this gray wolf, my husbandly duty is calling.


It has been almost a year or so when the whole 'I got my mate with me, my ex back into my life and a special female with benefits'. I'm back in my cubicle at work, just another normal day. A smile on my gray furry muzzle as I type away on the keyboard as my work is about done. I was now clearly enjoying my time and as much as my life has change, so did how things were.

I soon saved my work as I pass it on, stretching in my cubicle feeling the weight of my tiresome body ache with need of movement. I peek at the clock telling me I had fifteen minutes or so before I can leave for home. I move my body, ignoring the few bewildered eyes as I just left my work space clearly undefended but I knew they had more pressing matters since their works are more than a problem for them than I. I padded my way to the door in my sights. Not needing permission but a good enough knock as I waited. One knock was enough, telling the occupant inside that I was about to enter.

Turning the knob on the door and entering inside my boss' office was now common thing these past months, as it was about to be another anniversary to the one event we had last year. I smile at my boss, Kalethria, the limbless Cobra, as she hisses and smile back at me, closing the door behind me. "Hi, Kalethria, How have you been?" I greeted as I walk past the chairs, and moving my way at her desk, my paws on it as I lean at her.

Kalethria, the cobra, has just smiled at me but I knew better as she herself leans at me. "I'm more than happy with your 'more than necessary' visits, Jason." She said, extending 's' along the way and hisses as she leans closer, her tongue flicking my lips. I move one of my paws to caressing her head as we lean closer, closing the gap between us with our lips touching at the point of collision. WE had been making out in her office this past year, a few close calls sometimes but I knew Kalethria, she's in it for the thrill of being caught, which won't be that problematic since it's not that offensive.

I could feel her tongue sway and invade inside my own mouth. Thankfully I knew better than to indulge as I was not planning another repeat performance in her office like yesterday. Pushing her softly back I stare at her green slit eyes. "Ok Kalethria, I'm not here to make love here. I was asking you if you wanted to go home now. It's the end of my shift anyway." I summarize as I move back, seeing the limbless cobra stare at me with affection.

"Oh and here I thought, you letting me French kiss you was a sign." She teased which her tongue flicks at me. "And we both know I have to give some love to Ruby and Ellie, though I'm sure they're in bed right now." I hinted at Kalethria what I was thinking. "Of course they are, we've seen it many times." Kalehtria added, giggling a bit. "Yeah, and I wouldn't like to miss it." I added as I extend an arm at her. Now since she's basically limbless, what Kalethria grasps my arm with is her upper portion, since most of her slithering movement, the strongest as she said was on her lower sections.

She coiled her head, just below her hood, onto my arm as I escorted her out of her office. Now many of our co-workers have seen us but then they never do comment, except for my friends that I still meet for lunch and at the elevator on my trip home. True to what I said earlier, I and Kalethria get some questioning eyes pointed at us, but we did not heed any mind about them. Locking my time out and waiting for Kalethria to sign a few of hers. As we finish, we were now on the elevator, a few workers and co-workers joining us.

It was expected, and true to the fact some left on other floors, more furs got in, and when we were about to go for the basement, only very few of us were left. Once out of the elevator did me and Kalethria smile at one another. "I'm surprise you didn't kiss me with all those furs, scalies and humans moving around." I comment. "And risk having to get that on security tape, tempting but not today." She added, hissing as she and I playfully laugh a bit.


The drive wasn't that long, though it did feel that long with Kalethria laying her head at my legs as I drive. "Is it always necessary to have you lay on my lap as I drive?" I asked, a bit worried as I look on the road, but my constant shivers that she's resting her head there is getting me edgy with my driving skills. "It's necessary, when you get a hard-on; I'm here to sedate it. When you feel frisky, I'll take care of it. And when I'm hungry, I'll have a protein shake." She joked from my lap.

"It's always my lap, why can't it be my shoulder?" I thought to myself as I continue to drive, feeling Kalethria's gaze staring at me while her body was giving signs. Thankfully, we arrived no problem to the neighborhood and the sun wasn't near setting yet. As we got off, Kalethria made for the door, which I open for her.

Just as I was about to enter a light but friendly voice called out to me. "Hey! Jason!" I heard. I looked to the street to find Mark, the deer friend of mine as he waved. I waved back and made my way towards him with a smile on my face. "Mark, been a while since you and your mate got back from your trips" I greeted to him, extending a paw for a handshake. "Yeah, I had a lot of things to do for my wife." He said laughing a bit. "And last I heard she snagged you a fine looking rabbit." I comment which he blushes.

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to keep up though, you know being the only one with the cock." He said in a whisper. "Well, just hope they don't get a strap-on." I whispered back as we started to laugh louder.

"It's great seeing you again Ace, what's your secret in keeping up with your wives and family?" Mark asked as if looking for an answer to his. "Truthfully, Get a hermaphrodite, one that can't get ladies pregnant, that way, you can rest while she takes the next shift." I comment at him. "AS good as it sounds, it just might not happen. Some of them don't like being found out." My friend spoke, with worry.

I feel sad and worried, but I put a smile nonetheless. "Ok, tell me what kind of species you want as the special 3rd and I'll ask Ellie about it." I assured him. This got Mark's attention alright. His eyes showing hopefulness as he asked, "My doe wife was wondering if lions are really competitive. She wants to beat them I suppose." "Alright, well, I got to get in before they start asking for me." I comment which we laughed a bit and said our good-byes for now.


Inside the house, I started to strip down my work cloths, leaving my boxers on as I pile my cloths on the cloths bin. Once done I head on over to the living room, where Kalethria was busy looking in the kitchen, where I could hear moans. As I walked in, I saw Ellie, clad only with the white apron and clearly bare naked as she cooked, while my also naked wife was kneeling down in front of her, sucking on her stallion cock like a needy bitch.

This got my attention as my boxers started to tent, the fact Kalethria was looking back at me, and my tent. I made my way to my lovely making out mates as I sneak behind Ellie. "Starting without me or trying to burn yourself?" I asked behind as I grasp Ellie's thin but tough hips, rubbing my tent at her naked ass. She moaned louder as she looks back at me. "Don't worry, I'm ok." She said breathless and weakly, trying her best.

"I hope so." I said leaving her to her cooking and blowjob, which she moaned sadly at me. I just laugh to myself as I walk back, seeing Kalethria, also naked, her cloths discarded on the floor. I look at her, my brows set on wonderment as she smiles my way. "They were getting hot." She told me with an innocent look, and I shrugged that nonetheless.


The evening came rolling quickly by, so did dinner. As we sat down on the table, we ate to our fill, all partially naked, or naked, accounting Ruby my bald eagle wife and Kalethria. I sat in the middle of the length of the table, to my right was Ellie, still wearing the white apron, left of me was Ruby and across of me was Kalethria. "Ellie, you met Mark our neighbor before right?" I asked the mare as she looks at me. "Yes, why is something the matter?" She said, taking a spoonful of our dinner.

"Yeah, he's asking if you know other hermaphrodites such as yourself, which can't get females pregnant, like you." I answered her as I take a spoon of the food on my plate. "Well..." Ellie started to think. "Almost forgot, his mate was looking about Lionesses." I added which got Ruby's attention. "But isn't Mark more inclined on crocodiles? Why did he agree with a lioness?" She asked me. "I don't know, but I'm sure he doesn't disobey his mate." I said, somewhat staring at my mate even as I said so.

This won me giggles from my mate as she blushed and smile at me. "Stop you! You're not all that." She said somewhat embarrassed. "Then prove it, have I ever disobeyed you?" I said, with a confident smile on my face. Now the past year, we have had many sexual events at home. From BDSM to casual fucks to all out foursomes, we did it. And I was never one to turn down pleasing my females, especially when they all gotten pregnant.

Speaking of pregnant, "Dear, where are the babies at?" I asked, not seeing my bald eagle daughter, my chestnut colored colt or even the brother and sister twin cobras. "Don't worry dear; they're all sleeping upstairs." Kalethria said across the table, "They're just sleeping at the moment". This reassured me, a sigh escaping my lips. "I got a bit worried there." Again, I sigh out my concern. "Emerald, Frank, Thea and Theo are all sound asleep. They had a long day of play when I and Ellie visited the park." Ruby said, a winged arm resting on my shoulders, calming me.

"That's good to hear, though, I'm sure you and her got a lot of people staring." I comment, which only made Ellie answer from her side. "Yeah, a lot of the other mother's were asking who the father was. I'm sorry, but I lied about having a stallion male. Can you forgive me?" She said, pouting even to my right, as her hoofed hands grab my arm, looking up at me with pouty eyes. I couldn't say no, but then there was other ways to say yes. "Maybe in bed and when you find a contact for Mark and his mate's new bedmate." I answered a sly smile on my wolf grin.

"We even had to say we were good friends and doing a favor for a neighbor." Ruby added. "Well, better to keep it a secret, excluding Mark and his mate and bedmates even." I soon said as I found my plate empty from our conversation. "It's all for the better then." Kalethria called from her side, biting onto her empty plate as she made her way to the kitchen. Ruby was about to stand too, getting our other plates when Elile called out, as her phone in her hoofs.

"You're friend is in luck honey, there's a lioness here who's in search and is just a few neighborhood away." Ellie said while texting the contact. "She said that she can make a visit here tomorrow." She looks at me as if waiting for my answer. I rise off my seat, empty plate in hand, "Call her here tomorrow, about evening while I make a phone call." I said to Ellie as she texted again.

Going at the phone, I dialed quickly to his home. The ringing sound, which was a mark that it connected, played at my ears. Once answered, I could hear a soft but feminine voice. "Yes, Evergreen residence, to whom am I speaking to?" Spoke Mark's doe wife, Cherry. "Hello Cherry, It's Jason, can you get Mark on the phone for me?" I said friendly enough. Cherry soon called out, a bit rougher than usual, which I knew too well that she was a dominating kind of wife.

"I'm glad I got lovingly sweet as my mates." I comment to myself as sounds of hoofs marched on, sounding off before the phone changed to a more familiar yet mechanically muffled voice. "Hey Jason, so did YOU find me something?" He said, a bit hush, and his voice a bit worried. "Right, well Ellie found you a special and I'd ask her to contact her-" But I was cut off as I could feel being tapped on the shoulder.

"Excuse me for a sec." I said to Mark as I look back; finding Ellie smiling at me, phone still in hand. "Ok, she agrees to meet with us, if we were competitive?" The mare said to me which made her wonder. "Perfect!" I exclaimed which I kiss her suddenly, surprising her, she shook a bit but I quickly went back to the phone. "Ok, she's looking for a competitive streak. I guess that's perfect." I said to Mark which made him laugh a bit.

"That's good. When will IT be?" Again, he was avoiding what he was requesting from the prying wife. "Yeah, about evening, it will be fine. Though sorry to hear your wife was entirely different from when I visited." I comment at him. "Don't worry, I'm thankfully, I'm not that submissive to fall for her extremes." He answered back and before I could speak, "Thanks a lot, wish me luck." He said, worriedly as he hung down the phone.

The line went dead as I put the phone down. "That went well." I said to myself as I look back, to find Ellie, staring at me, still surprised. She was one not that used to my usual surprise attacks. "Come on Ellie, don't faze at me like that. Or do you want me going Alpha on your sweet pussy?" I attempt to get her to snap out, which worked with her shaking her head as if removing imaginary ice off her face.

"Please, not Alpha, I'm sore in the morning with that." She pleaded with genuine fear and complaint from me. "The last time was just as intense. I can't believe you've been holding back that time." She said, rubbing her exposed ass as she turned and made a run up the stairway, which got both my mate's and my snake's attention.

"Did you just threaten her with Alpha again?" Ruby asked, her one brow rose high while looking at me more bored and annoyed than excited. "Well, she was staring at me like I did something strange." I replied, as truthful as I could. Knowing my wife, she had a hard time believing me, ever since our first anniversary. She looked at me sharply but sighs frustratingly. "I believe you." She said which made me smile at her.

"It was about Mark, and one of Ellie's acquaintances, much similar to her." I explained to Ruby, but my Eagle wife started to go up stairs. "I don't want to hear it mister. I'm checking Ellie again if she's having those reminiscing memories of you ravaging her to the extreme." She explained at me as she went up the stairs.

I could only smile as my wife disappears upstairs, likely to comfort Ellie, and forgetting about the Alpha event. "Man, it's been a month since I did that." I comment to myself. Now, many would wonder, why I call my specialty "Going Alpha". Truth be told, my Dad was one very prominent candidate for breeding, such is my family line. This leads to increased sex drive, voluntary control and increased endurance. I just never delve into this practice since my dad warned me about long term side-effects, negative side-effects.

Unfortunately, I don't want to dwell on such detail about the side-effect. On the other paw, Kalethria slithered her way beside me, her tail end slipping a feel through one of the legs of my boxers, feeling my warm balls. "You know, they might indulge into some cheating and cuckolding you know." She said while hissing about, hinting a lot of things.

I could tell she wanted to see the sex show just about to happen. Knowing her for so long, she's most of the time right. I roll my eyes, feeling as if I had no choice but follow through. "Yes, let's go before they finish." I said, annoyed and excited. Kalethria smiled my way as we went up.


The scene inside the bedroom wasn't that different from that anniversary last year. The only difference now is that babies, our children are constantly needy or needing attention. Our frisky, horny, sexy or fucking time cut short due to our children. Furthermore, Ruby has grown a liking to horse anal stimulation; though I'm thankfully she still loves me to do pussy service on her.

Inside, Ruby was on top of the hermaphrodite mare, Ellie, lying down on the bed, knees up, hoof on the bed, as my eagle wife rides the long and meaty horse cock cowgirl style, up her anal entrance. I could feel my loin's burn as my cock strained and harden against the confine that is my boxers.

Kalethria knew this most of the time, and was the one to nudge on it as if her infant. A peeve of hers I guess. "We should be having our own private time." Kalethria comment while nudging again my cock. I feel her need push against me as I look at my wife, and my hermaphrodite wife. I didn't say again as I remove my boxers, getting the attention of all my females, as my more intense male scent waffle the room, as if it was its natural scent.

The ladies all stopped, as if I was the greatest attraction at home. I took a chair and sat on it, my heart racing as a paw of mine grasp the length of my 11 and a half inch wolf love stick. I could feel the warmth of it as I give myself a pump. "Come now ladies, don't stop." I said as Kalethria slid to my side, looking at me with loving and lustful gazes.

As I dod look back, I could hear Ellie and Ruby back into their moment. "So how do you want it today?" I asked my ex-ex, if you can call it that. She just smiled at me as she positioned herself in front of me, with a sly grin on her serpentine lips. Before I could ask, she slithered her way, between my legs, head first, rubbing my cock. The sensation was something else, her body rubbing against my sensitive skin as I moaned. My body arched and soon, I could feel her wrap around my body, lower before raising her coils to me.

But every time she moved so did her body rub my cock, already, I could feel wet spot on my body, clearly my pre-cum coating her underside. And once Kalethria's vagina was aligned to my cock, did I now notice that she wrapped my torso, but leaving my arms free from her coils as I look forward. I found the two kissing on the spot, bodies meshing and rubbing vigorously.

Ruby was grasping the back of Ellie's head, her beak bending to form as Ellie gave passionate kiss to passionate kiss. Ellie's hoof hands were busy grasping my mate's ass as she pounded more of herself into the needy and tight anal avian hole. I could see Ruby's tail feathers raised while Ellie's legs were tense, flexing and her tail flailing, slapping at either ladies ass from time to time.

This was the image of excitement and vigorous fucking right there as the two continue to mesh and rub one another. "They seem so sexy." Kalethria comments beside me, as her head rests on my shoulder, her body still coiled around my torso. I did not comment, as I can feel my heart race with excitement and even sexual need from the scene that was playing out right now.

I moved my hands to my loins only to feel the large and cylindrical body of my snake lover. She laughed a bit but moved nonetheless to position herself, her pussy, leaking more. I snuck a paw under her as I point my love stick at her needy orifice. "I do wonder Kalethria." I started, which got the snake's attention. "How did I impregnate you?" I said last as I force her remaining body, not coiled around me as I plunged my only cock into the cocoa of this snake. I did not know which hole I was knocking up inside but all I can say was they were all tight.

Kalethria gasped, hissed and flail her head a bit on my shoulder as she was taking in my sudden entry too quickly. Her muscles were tightening and grasping my cock, though unsure of what crevice my cock has entered was not my problem as Kalethria started to drool on my side, her long forked tongue laying there lifeless. I paused with worry welling up inside me which made my cobra woman stare at me.

"Why did you stop?" Kalethria demanded, getting the attention of both my eagle and mare ladies as they looked towards me and Kalehtria.


Before I could answer my very annoyed cobra lover, crying was surging through the house, which for all four of us means sexy time is over. The feeling, the atmosphere and even our sexual drives went dull at the instant as we all had a collective sigh. As fast and organized as we can, we got off of our partners as we cleaned ourselves and getting dressed while in the background of it all was the crying of not one, not two, not even three but all four.

"Cock blocked again." I said sadly as I feel my muscles, and even my ladies' own bodily aura, slack. "This is the 4th time this week!" Ellie shouted to no one as she tried to tuck away her long but softening hard-on with the bathrobe. "It's hard enough getting the babies to sleep in different rooms. But we knew there weren't enough." Ruby said as she tries to slip her pink silk nightgown on her. Her body a bit sweaty as the light material hugged her form tighter than usual.

As for Kalethria, she refused to let go of her coils, though my cock is out of her system now. "Let's get this over with, I'm tired anyway." She said, again a sigh escaping her as she rest her head, annoyingly close to mind as if trying to replace it. "Well, might as well, responsibilities of the family." I answered as I took my boxer shorts with me.

Exiting the room, we all made our way to the nursery, which used to be the guest room. Since Ellie and Kalethria have an intimate relationship to me and Ruby, we all share the king-sized bed in the master bedroom, which we exited from. Upon entry, all the babies started to cry louder but we anticipated much of the crying when I sound proofed the house, which made the house loud inside and keep the neighbors from sending out complaints at us.

I made my way, Kalethria at my chest, still coiled around me, Ellie and Ruby behind me. WE soon hurried as my ladies comforted their children, Kalethria an exception at the moment as I held Theo and Thea, my cobra twin children. As we shushed, babbled and dazzled the children they were back to being quiet, again, one cries, they all cry.

It was exhausting to say the least; we made our way back to the bedroom. Kalethria finally letting go of her coils as fatigue on all of us was evident. Though it smelled like sex, our bodies were too spent to try and make a move as we slump down to bed, me in the middle, Ruby yawned loud out of her beak as she cuddled to my left, nesting her head atop my left shoulder, a talon resting very close to my crotch.

"They're a handful." My wife comments as she looks up at me, her eyes lovingly stare at me. I feel loving gaze from her as I stare back, and it wasn't broken when Ellie joined in, resting and cuddling at my side, her legs locking my leg while rubbing her hot crotch, though flaccid sheathed horse cock at my hips. "Might as well, we have a long day tomorrow." She said, with her hazel brown eyes staring right at me as she smiles.

"I don't want to be late for work." Kalethria added, annoyed even but she looks at me, a sly grin on her snake lips as she slithered her way on top of me, rubbing my crotch especially. "Though I missed my chance, might as well try tomorrow girls." She added as she rests hers on my chest, her weight not much as push me down on the bed. "Tomorrow, we definitely need some parental alone time." Ellie said, rubbing her luscious, growing breasts on my arm. I could feel their tension build and heat up the room as I feel the soft and very large half emptied pair.

"Yes, and here I thought, we made him horny with the anal display a while ago." Ruby added as her talon started to rub my sheath, and Kalethria for that matter as my heart started to race from their stimulation. "Ladies, I thought we were spent." I said, worryingly as I look at either side and on top of me as I feel my cock hardening, defying my comment.

"Sure, but cuddling is also a loving families activity." Kalethria added, with her sexy tone at me. I just look and stare as their eyes grow lusty by the second. "You ladies are insatiable..." I finally said as a second paw rubbed with Ruby's talon. Both started to grasp my hardening hard on while Kalethria kept her body, pussy actually, placed just so. To my right, Ellie was rubbing her body, her lower half, dry humping my leg as heat was building up at her love spot, the fact that a solid muscle happen to make itself known to me.

Ruby to my left started to lick my cheek, while rubbing more of her onto me. Kalethria was happy to lie on top of me as she smiles, mischievously speaking. My heart raced as the stimulation started and all I can do was whimper and moan from the avid attention I was getting. "Rest now dear..." Ellie whispered to my ear, biting the tip. It was slightly painful but pleasurable. "Let us have our way honey..." Kalethria added as she kissed my chin and rub her body against mine.

"It's for you, to be a male of this house... or at least the manly one here" Ruby jokes which got Ellie's attention, making her rub her more. "Breed me next time." She whispered, though Ruby and Kalethria giggled a bit. I smiled to myself, just listening to how innocent yet dirty she said it so. "Sure, anything for my stripper wife." I whispered back, making my hermaphrodite mare blush but making the others giggle so as we let the night slip by, sleep taking us one by one.


"Dear, Did your friend get inside Mark's house when?" I asked Ellie that evening as I was busy with a very special chat session with Mark. "I did, about an hour or two. Why?" Ellie asked as she looks towards me on my work computer, call "Ruby and Kalethria, quick!" I said as I watched the four chat videos play in unison of similar action at the moment.

As my ladies got down I move back and away from the computer for them to see my "chat" with Mark. I laughed a bit from their expression, even Ellie as they stared with wide eyes at it.

On the screen, were four perspectives, left, right, front and rear, which was the bedroom of my dear friend as he was busy with the evening surprise he got for his wife, a twist was evident on screen. Mark was on top of both his doe wife and the Hermaphrodite lioness as he was plowing the collared kitty as she lapped off his currently tied wife, who seems to be struggling and moaning at something by the looks of the left and right.

With the rear view, you could see that Mark was really giving his all to plowing himself at the female lioness as she moans, licks and lap at the woman under her. But the front view shows it all. Hidden from all the rest was Mark's wife, extremely tied to the bed in placed, a collar on her neck, much similar to the lioness's as she was force fed lion cock, her eyes wide with both terror, shock, pleasure and awe as the herm was humping in unison with Mark, busy plowing his own meat at the needy pussy cat's pussy.

I lean back on my chair was my mate's move the couch watch the spectacle as they too were getting hot, they were stripping off every clothing, even mine as they dragged me onto the couch with them, before we knew it, we were locked in pleasure, Ellie, taking my cock inside of her hot oven, Ruby, taking horse cock up the ass again. While Kalethria was satisfied licking my balls from under is while thrusting her tail up Ellie's ass for a change, which tightened over her hermaphrodite pussy.

From the computer we heard, "What else do you want to do to her now, stud?" The lioness said as she tightened a ball gag onto Mark's mate from behind. "Since you're already under her, care to double penetrate her?" he said as he positioned himself just below the both of them. Before we knew it, Mark and the lioness was busy plowing into a thrashing doe as she screams futilely at her ball gag, though Mark had something to say. "Happy birthday dear..."

I on the other hand was busy with my mates but I let out my own say. "Happy anniversary bitches." I said proudly as I hump Ellie harder, my body tensing and edging closer to the pleasure as my ladies replied, "Happy Anniversary Stud!" They said in unison which made all of us laugh, while fucking each other.