Myst 3 - Playtime

Story by Myst the bunny on SoFurry

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Myst stretched but stopped when she felt the bump against her back. Recognizing the warm wolf chest pressed to her. Storm's arm was still holding her around her middle. but it was lax in his sleep. He was too hot but she could not escape him last night. She had been tied to him and his knot. Closing her eyes she eased foreword feeling his flaccid length slip free and the resulting wet gush of cum. Storm muttered in his sleep and rolled over his arm resting on his chest. A trail of cum streaming from her to his length resting now against his thigh.

Myst reached between her legs and felt the warm spot. There was still plenty left on her mound, around her lips. Rubbing herself and feeling the slight pleasurable sting from the play, she pushed in a finger. Moaning slightly at how good that felt, and how wet she was. Most of the mess was gone of course. but there was enough for her to play with, enough to know.

Careful as not to wake him further Myst rolled out of bed very carefully. It had been weeks since the "incident". She had been nothing but good in all that time. She had gone out of her way not to tease the boys at school... too much that is. She had gone back to school and noted that her science teacher had "retired on a pension" and giggled a bit to herself knowing why, and so thankful that he was no longer an issue. (and ever so happy that she was not with kits) She had gone home everyday and had been the best pet ever. Or at least in her mind she was.

Thinking she might service him before he fully was awake her small white tail wagged a bit. Today was Friday, the start of the weekend. She had been thinking of something she would like to do. Yep, it had been on her mind for quite some time. she was planning a sleep over. There was a reason she had been so very good. She wanted to plan it out just right where she would have two boys at once. Myst's whole body tingled at the thought of a threesome. Her master storm, and someone. Some boy. it did not really matter.

Knowing full well how Storm might take this, she thought it might be best if she be extra sweet. Quietly slipping back onto the bed between his legs she bend over him. Her tail wiggling, her rump in the air as she placed her small paws on his thighs, rubbing along with his fur. Storm stirred a bit in his sleep. turning his head to the side. His flaccid length still exposed, still wet. His cock had not slipped back into his sheath, and probably wouldn't before the morning was over. Definitely if she had anything to say about it. Poor master, must be getting cold all exposed like that. Myst the bunny thought it was time that she made sure he stayed warm.

Leaning down further Myst took a deep breath, smelling the combined scents of her and her wolf. It smelt of sex, even though hours old. Starting out she gently licked along his sheath, cleaning him of the damp cum. Running her warm wet tongue along the junction of his cock and his sheath. looking up slowly she noted his length growing hard. the canine girth growing rigid. a trail of cum like a curve across his belly as he came to full attention. he had not moved otherwise. looking up Myst fully expected him to still be asleep. his breathing had not changed, there was no movement, looking up as she moved to lick along his length she saw Storm gazing down at her.

A slow grin spread across his muzzle as he slowly lifted his head and placed his paws on the pillow, lifting his head to better watch. The wolf was pleased, and this pleased the bunny. Wiggling between his legs she started licking and eventually sucking. That stirring started to fill her own belly. She wanted to hop up and ride him. but this was about his pleasure. she wanted to please him. if she had any hope of pulling off her threesome.

Myst did not bother to suppress a moan as she felt her own body respond. finding that vein that ran along his length she placed her lip along it and starting from the base moved up sucking slightly. Feeling his throbbing heat through her tongue. Storm hissed and groaned in a very pleased male manner. his cock hard and throbbing now. Myst stood up and repositioned herself. cupping his balls and rolling them in her small paw. as her other paw grabbed around his base squeezing slightly.

She was well trained and reminded him of that. Storms rump cheeks clinched as the bunny slipped her muzzle slowly down on his head. Her small white tail in the air and wiggling side to side. teasing the wolf further. The feeling of her on his cock was intense. but seeing her rump in the air was an open invitation. that tail of hers acting like a flag. Storm lost a bit of his composure. his paws going from behind his bed to the his tummy, and the bed side.

Myst moaned as she felt the gathering of dew on her own lips. her paw that was fondling his balls slipped down so she could feel herself. Rubbing her mound back and forth. her fingers barley touching her inner lips. teasing herself as she licked along the curved tip of her wolf. Tasting pre only made her more eager as she clamped her lips around her teeth and applied pressure. slowly stoking up and down as her head started to bob.

Storm watched his pet slowly moving along his length. cleaning him off from last night's yiff. satisfied she was doing so well he leaned back. the muscles in his tummy relaxed. his clenched abs relaxing to the mounds under his fur. Allowing himself to relax and feel his bunny work. Growling as she sucked down his shaft, the feel of her muzzle fully around him. Storm moved a paw from the bed and stroked along her soft sensitive ears. running along the seam.

They both moaned at this as Myst's senses flew alive and she shared to mover her paw now slipping down further on his cock and shaft lightly slipping him deep into her throat and pulling back. rewarded by more pre. Running his paw up and burying its self in her softy hair. pushing her down slightly. wanting more of her .

She was always too good. Storm was one well pleased wolf. His morning wood and a bunny who sucked as well as Myst, it did not long for him to want release. Storm groaned again as his body twitched and shivered. his knot flaring larger and impossible to swallow. This did not stop Myst one bit though. still bobbing her head she worked hard and fast on his length. her lips meeting his knot as she hit the bottom, feeling him deep in her throat.

Moving both his paws to her head he was using her now. Might have started off as her wanting to suck him. Might have started off as him simply enjoying his pet's skills. but now they both wanted. Storms nose twitched as he sniffed the air, smelling her warm fresh bunny scents. Thrusting up now he was truly muzzle fucking his pet. Having control over the speed at which he thrust. his paws buried in her hair pushing her to her limits. She no longer sucked.. just took it like a slut. Moaning when she had the voice to do so. Her tail still wagging and driving him on. Myst slipped in a finger and started to finger. her head moving up and down. her voice lost to moaning as her lips met the top of his knot. hitting her small nose.

Storm growled and felt his peak coming on strong. Showing some mercy he slowed a bit pulling from deep in her throat before shooting his massive hot load shooting up like a gusher fountain. straight into her small open willing muzzle. Even as the stream continued he became gentle, releasing her head to pet gently. Myst was quick to follow as her paw suddenly became wet. her Cumming squirted from her small cunny hole. shooting out with almost as much forces as her master's offering. "Mmm wonderful way to wake up. You so well trained my bunny."

Myst smiles and looked up again, licking the last bit away from his tip. Looking at her master's pleased look she licked her lips slowly as she hopped up and planted a kiss on his lips. Startled Storm blinked and returned the small kiss. Before he could gather his wits about him she was gone from his chest , and half dressed. Storm placed his paws behind his head again and watched her.

Sensing him watching her she turned, "I don't want to be late, I have been so good these few weeks" as if she needed to remind him. The wolf huffed slightly knowing with that statement that his sweet little school girl pet was up to something. But he'd play along. It would likely lead to more fun for him. "Well better run along bunny."

Myst twitched her nose and bent over slowly to pull up her remaining leg warmer. making sure Storm had a nice view of her small cotton tail twitching under her skirt. Purposely she moved slowly up her leg and looked back. Storm was rolled on his side. He must have moved but she didn't hear him. His arm was crooked with his head on his shoulder. His impressive wolf cock was hard and firm and like a temptation. Storm grumbled "Better leave while I let you ...bunny" Myst blushed and looked into his eyes. True to his name, they were like a gather storm. smiling she winked at him and hopped out the door.

Storm listened to the resulting door close downstairs and fell back into the bed. Why in the world did he think to pet a bunny. He'd never know. Closing his eyes Storm relaxed for a moment. He still had awhile before he had to go anywhere. Idly he sat and wondered what she was up to now, and how he would punish her for it.

Myst had sat all there her morning classes and now was at lunch. eating her veggies from a salad she looked at the boys as they walked passed. looked at the ones that were eating at the tables. She knew who was taken and who wasn't. She even knew who would be good in bed. Looking at a skunk as he laughed. He was sitting with a group of friends. Nibbling on a carrot she sized him up. He might do. Master always had a thing for tails.

She was so thoughtful she hadn't noticed when Link sat beside her and nudged her shoulder. Looking at the carrot the bunny was eating the silver fox smiles and said sweetly. "That's a little cliché isn't it?" Myst, still looking at the skunk crunched into her food and muttered "Oh what would you know fox?"

Link wasn't bothered though. Looking to what she was staring at and not seeing anything of note. His long fluffy tail drooping against the wall they sat on. Looking back over to Myst, "So what's up doc?" The bunny froze for a moment thinking she might hit the fox and looked over to him. "I was just planning what to do for the weekend" Link looked back at the skunk and his buddies who were getting up from the table and smiled shyly "Don't you mean -who?" Looking back at Myst he was a bit shocked to see that blue gaze now focused on him.

Link was wrapping his mind around that, for a bunny she could certainly be a predator when she wanted. His smile faded and he nervously licked his lips. Myst smiled her dazzling smile, her small bunny nose twitching, her white shining in the sunlight, whiskers framing her face. Blinking her eyes in a flirting manner, "So what are you doing tonight?"

Looking at the sweet innocent bunny he wasn't fooled. Not one bit. The fox swallowed nervously and smiled a bit, his tail twitching behind him. " I don't have any plans. Just chilling really. " Myst was looking at him and sizing him up. At least he was here. He might be a good boy for the job. She sighed softly thinking of Storm and his wrath and knot. and Thinking shyly, Foxes had knots as well. Myst wiggled a bit on the wall feeling the gathering of her cream in her panties.

"Well, can you meet me at my place right after school?" Link looked at the bunny. Knowing full well what might happen. he'd heard the rumors. But He also wanted to see what she was really like. Swallowing lightly and grasping his paws before him. "I guess I could, why?" Myst smiles and his doubts drifted away in that smile. "I was hoping you could come over for a sleep over tonight!" Myst wiggled her small bunny tail, making her skirt rise a bit behind her.

A thousand ways to say no popped into his mind but what he said was "Yeah I can do that." Myst reached over and placed a paw on his knee, sliding up a bit and patting him there. "It's important that you come RIGHT after school though ok? " Link nodded eagerly. No way would he be late in this! Myst dropped off the wall and skipped on to the next class leaving him there to think. His trousers suddenly felt too tight. His school uniform too restricting. Pulling at his tie he watched her leave, thinking that it might be better to go to her house now rather than go to the next two pointless classes.

Myst was almost humming at the end of classes. the bell had rung and she was ready. Grabbing her bag she strut through the door with ease. Confident that all would go according to her plan. She almost skipped home humming a favorite tune. her pig tails bouncing up and down. Her skirt swaying and offering slight glances of her legs. just a touch, the part that wasn't covered. Looking up she saw Link, as expected, hovering around her front door. slowing to a simple walk the bunny smiled at him sweetly. His presence outside meant only one thing. They had beat Storm home. Myst's smile reached all the way to her eyes this time when she held out a paw.

I'm really glad you could make it! "Let's go inside and I'll get you something to drink, maybe eat." Winking the boy was quick to catch the double meaning. Walking inside the quite home Myst drug the fox behind her and up the stairs looking back at him "Come on, if you do well, then I'll get you some refreshments." Link grinned in a stumper. It was like suddenly his brains and logic just flew out the window. All he could see before him was that bunny rump as she swayed up the stairs. That hint of a tail making a lump at the back of her skirt. What might happen with him tonight. Looking around he was reminded where he was and a thought entered his head, "You sure about this Myst? I mean what will Your M..." Myst stopped him as she stood by a door, opening it and pushing him inside.

"Don't be silly, I always know what I'm doing." Myst looked around her old room. It was pretty much unused. and just as she had left it. There was a slight musty smell, but that would change. Thinking to herself, she should have set up the room before she made this plan. Shrugging to herself she started to take off her top watching the fox.

Link blinked and stared at her as she undressed. slowly reveling more of her silky white fur. Looking now at her fully exposed breasts Myst snapped her fingers and pointed up. Blushing the fox looked up into her eye and smiled in a boyish manner. Myst started with her skirt and watched him. "You going to join me?"

Wasting no time the fox nodded eagerly and started to take off his assigned school uniform. In his hast hearing a button pop but not really caring. Standing before the bunny now covering his exposed bit the fox became suddenly shy. Myst taking full control swayed over to the fox and took one of his paws. Watching him as she slowly lifted it up and licking his finger. smiling as she slipped in a finger and started to suck.

Link knew he was owned at this point willing to do anything for this bunny. His other paw dropping to his side. Myst smirked and looked down, seeing he was almost fully emerged from his sheath. Giggling and wiggling her small white puff tail she placed a paw on his chest and push walked him back to her bed. "Lay down, and we'll see to your problem"

Smirking the fox thinking he was in control of this, but still walking backwards to the bed. "I have no pro..." again his words were cut short as Myst grabbed his fox cock and started to stroke him. Link hissed and moaned as he lay back on the bed. Wasting no time the bunny hopped up on the bed and straddled the fox. still stroking him as she inched over him. Hovering her warm welcoming heat over his tip. Link looked to and ran his paws along her hips and pulled her down slightly.

Myst moved her paw and placed them both on his chest. moving slightly and only taking his tip into her cunny. The fox looked up and growled out "Stop that or I'll finish too soon..." Again pulling her down on him. His paws firmly at her hips and humping up sharply. Myst giggled and slide down to the hilt. Starting to rock on him still leaning over. Link tried to close the distance to meet her for a kiss but Myst wasn't having it. With the choice of keeping his paws on her hips and moving her and grabbing her neck to kiss, Link fell back to the bed and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of the tight bunny hole that fit so well around his length.

Myst started to get a bit anxious. What if her timing was off? What if she started too soon? Myst wasn't really there in the moment, moving just to keep him going as she waited on her Master to come home and find them. Moving at a slow and steady pace the bunny was almost bored of the fox. He was so small compared to what she was used to. But he was a means to the end.

Downstairs the door opened and shut quietly as Storm entered. Dropping his bag by the door the wolf reached up and loosened the tie around his neck and slipped it off. Almost as if he could read his pet's mind he slowly went up the stairs. Placing his jacket on the bottom rung of the staircase. Un-tucking his shirt. Each step bring him closer to the sounds he heard, the smells. At war with himself the wolf alternated between anger and patience. He simply would need to train his bunny further to make sure she knew who she belonged to. But fist he had to see to the matter at hand.

Storm pushed open the door to a sight he was expecting. His little bunny riding some poor hapless male. It was clear that the male, whoever he was, seemed quite content to keep going. Growling the wolf looked right at them. "Damn bunny, Have I thought you nothing?" Myst smiles and looked over at him. Giving him her best sweet and innocent look. Storm Held back his inner feelings of rage and showed no outward emotion other than a vague disinterest in the sight before him. "Where's his condom ...rabbit".

Myst slowly slid off the fox who was doing his best to hide. Link frantically started to mutter the word shit as his cock started to go flaccid. Wasting no time at all Myst grabbed a condom and rolled it down his length stroking him. "Oh no you don't I'm not through with you!" Link looked from Myst to Storm and whimpered. With the bunny stroking his now coated length he couldn't help but focus on the sensations she caused.

The wolf walked into the room. unbuttoning his shirt and removing it. His red tats showing boldly against his black silky fur. If Link was not nervous before, he was now. trying to get up when Myst pushed him down and quickly hopped up again to straddled his length. Link gasped and shut his eyes, the last image he had was the wolf shirtless, and unzipping his slack pants. Myst grabbed the foxes muzzle and looked right at him as she started to rock on him again. her warm body quickly warming his blood. "It's just getting good...."

Storm walked around the bed and watched his bunny work. she knew he was watching. Looking back she smiled and wagged her small puffy tail. Growling slightly under his breath already planning her punishment for his the bed sunk lower as it accepted his weight. The wolf moved the foxes legs and his bunnies and sled behind her. grabbing her hips Myst whimpered as she lost a bit of length of the Fox. Link desperately tried to focus on getting off so he could leave. It was clear to him now that was the plan all along, and he was going for it. Thrusting up hard the fox gained his prize, going deeper.

In position now the wolf looked at his bunnies rump. that tail twitching and wagging like mad now. Storms uncoated and hard cock pushed between her ass cheeks as he held her. feeling her tail rubbing along his tip. Storm dropped his paws away from her ass cheeks and ran a paw along her back. his other paw holding his length poised to push into her. Waiting for the exact moment to strike before slamming fully into her dry. Myst and Link cried out at the feel of him.

Myst overloaded with the sensation of two cocks in her holes now. Link feeling the shocking sensation of the wolves cock rubbing against his through the bunny's arts. Strangely erotic it drove him on. Making his push up harder and faster. the wolf started to move and all Myst could do was take it.

The bunny squeezed her eyes shut and bit her bottom lip. This was like nothing she ever felt. It was almost too much for her to bare with was. Coming as a surprise to her, her little bunny body was overwhelmed and clenched down on them all. Her whole body tightening as she came. but neither of the males were anywhere done with her. Myst cried out as the fox, who seemed small before seems overwhelming large now, moved beneath her. And the familiar touch of her master and his long sure strokes moving her as he claimed her tail hole.

Storm felt her quicken and smiled. Not slowing in the least bit the wolf kept his pet on that high peak of sensation. riding her through it. seeking his own release. Moving within her smoothly now as his own pre acted as a lube. coating her tight tail hole. Grabbing her collar he pulled her back to him and started to nip along her ears. feeling the shadow of the fox beneath them all, the small knot forming.

Running his paw along the front of her neck, not to choke but to hold her body arched against him the wolf pounded into her. Link groaned as he was pushed into the mattress. but didn't care what happened now. His fox knot forming and suddenly popping into the bunny tied to her. he Could hardly move now but the thrusting of the wolf behind her forced his smallish knot to move a small bit each time. Link shivered and groaned harder, not willing to howl as he shoot his load into the condom. his paws buried in the mattress, afraid to do anything to the bunny above him. The image of her breast swaying above him being too much. Link shut his eyes and felt and focused on riding out the sensation hoping the wolf would finish soon.

Myst started to come down. but it was impossible to do so. Shivering in the wolves arms she placed her paws on the fox and continued to arch. the knot making the squeak as she muttered.."please master... please" Storm smiled broadly and let go of her neck. pleased to watch her still arched up against him. Grabbing her hips he showed no mercy. slamming again and again into her hole. feeling her body stretched tight from the fox knot. Thrusting deep the wolf huffed. as his own knot swelled and locked into the bunny.

Having nowhere to go and not wanting to the wolf grunted as she shot stream after stream of hot seed into her body. Still moving as much as he was able and pleased to watch the reaction of his bunny. Crying out Myst screamed the name of her master and fell forward to the fox. Shivering uncontrollably as she came again. So hard this time she felt the rush of wetness flow out and coat the foxes tummy as she squirt out her cream. Myst lay there relearning how to breath as the wolf leaded over and whispered into her ear. "This is not over..."