Behind The Mask

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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#1 of Behind The Mask Universe

Warning Contains: Light CBT, age gap, coach student, domination and submission, cum drinking, rhinos and bulls

The coach never thought he'd see one of his linemen in one of the most popular leather bars in the tri-county area, he knew he'd spook the kid if he went up to him, but can an old zoro mask, left over from Halloween, keep his identity a secret long enough to slide into that jock's tight 18 year old rear?

at the reflection in the mirror behind the bar, keeping my back turned to him so he wouldn't see me. Two things about him being here shocked me: the first was he was nowhere near 21, he was 18 or 19 tops. The second: this was the most popular leather bar in the state, and if he was here dressed up in that, mister Billy Baker there was looking to get on his defensive linemen knees and suck somebody's dick...

He did look good with a leather vest on -and judging from how small it was, one he'd gotten off eBay. And the rest of the outfit went well together with the white t-shirt, blue jeans, leather biker cap, and black boots. I see the desire in his eyes, he'd trace over the manly, fat, muscled men and his knees would almost quiver. But he kept himself firmly planted against the wall, like a flower that was nowhere ready to bloom. Whenever someone would look his way, his eyes would dart down to his drink and the insides of his ears would turn a dark shade of crimson or he'd pretend to text on his phone as he glanced up at them.

My ear twitched and I felt a strange, uneasy feeling grow in my stomach as I had a thought run through my head.

I couldn't.

I shouldn't.

I wouldn't.

But as I saw his bare stomach muffin top over his jeans, and I remembered what he looked like under those jeans, my brain got vetoed by another part of my anatomy.

But he'd know it was me... and he might react badly to seeing his coach in a leather bar he had no right to be in. The bartender walked in front of me, and I stopped him, "Hey, Joe, do you still have that leather mask from Halloween?"

The bear furrowed his brow, "Yeah, it's under the counter, why?"

"I'll tip you 50 bucks if you let me have it." The big grizz grinned, and reached under the counter, pulling out a black mask that looked almost like what Zoro would wear. I paid with my card, signing over Joe his tip, and then I slipped on the mask. I bet it looked so sexy with my ivory horn in front of it and matching the color of my black leather vest. I watched him from afar, my mind still wrestling with what I was about to do, but as the night wore on and a disappointed look grew across his face, I began to feel sorry for the kid. I saw him check his cell again, and sigh. And that's when I made my move.

I gave the bulge in my pants a few rubs to make sure it was packed nice and tight, and then I slinked up next to him. He didn't see me come up to him, but he sure felt it as I slid my hand on his crotch and pushed him against the wall. "You look a little young to be here, boy." I said in my most daddy-esque voice.

I watched his face twist into panic, and I put my hand over his muzzle. "Relax, I'm not going to rat you out", I paused, and leaned in to whisper in one of his ears. "Not yet anyway." I pressed my body against his as my paw kneaded against his crotch. I couldn't believe I was doing this to one of my students, a boy I'd spent every school year with turning him into a real player for my team. I guess the love of the game wasn't the only thing we had in common.

It felt so wrong, but that only seemed to make it all the better, knowing I was breaking one of the biggest taboos a student and a teacher can have. I could feel my dick throb against my jeans, begging to plow into that boy's tight little ass. The same ass I'd seen every day in the locker room, and tried not to think of. Who would have guessed I'd ever be this close to having it actually be mine? "You got two options, boy." I say to him, and he gives a little nod. "You can leave right now, and never come back." I could tell just the thought saddened him. "Or you can come home with me, and I'll give you what you came here for tonight." I say with a lusty rumble in my chest as I squeeze down -almost painfully- on his nuts.

I feel him shudder against me and slide my hand off of his muzzle. I watched as he looks at the door for a second, but his ears folded back, and he ends up looking back up at me. "Umm, so do I follow you in my car or...?" He asked. God that was so cute.

I grinned down at him, and planted a kiss right on his muzzle. I felt his body tense up, and then I felt his paws on me. I thought he was going to push me away, but instead he started feeling me up. That bull boy's hands ran over my body, tugging and squeezing at my love-handles and gut before he hesitantly slid his paws down to my crotch. I could tell just from the way he touched me that he'd never done this with another guy before; maybe he hadn't done it with anyone, period. He'd certainly kissed someone before, I could tell that much. As our tongues brushed together, I bit down on his gently and pulled my head back, letting my teeth tug on his tongue before it slid off. "We'll take my car." I say with a lustful growl to my voice.

We moved out of the club, my hand possessively on his rear as we go through the crowd, the whole way until we're finally out of the door and into my truck. I slid into the driver's side bucket seat, before I brushed the empty skull (soda?) can and fast food remnants onto the floor. The bull boy hopped in the passenger's side, and he still seemed nervous. I could almost hear the butterflies in his stomach as I started the old Chevy and drove off. I decided I should give him something to help him relax, being the nice guy that I am.

I unzip the front of my pants and pull out my heavy grey sac and semi-hard shaft. I slid my hand over the back of his head, guided, and grunted, "Suck on this boy, we'll be home soon, and I want you to have a taste of what's to come."

I saw his eyes grow wide as my words entered his ears. He put his hands on my thigh and pushed against it, keeping himself from having his face pressed into my lap, and he squirmed as he stared at my package. "I... I've... umm never uh..." he stammered. Cute.

I laugh and force his head down into my lap as I keep one eye on the road. I grab one of his horns and grind his blunt muzzle into my crotch, right against my musky, pent-up balls. I'm sure they must have been rank; I'd spent all day playing substitute for the senior team wrestling coach, and after having an all-day hard-on from watching fat boys grope each other those balls had to be pretty musky. I was so thankful I had a clipboard in my lap, otherwise things could have been awkward. "Just start licking, and when you get me hard enough, wrap those pretty little lips around my dick and start sucking." I growled, "Oh, and try not to scrape your teeth against my dick. Slide your lips over your teeth, and you should be fine. But If I feel any teeth, someone is gonna get his ass whooped raw when we get home."

The bull doesn't fight back, and from the tent in his pants I know he's loving this as much as I am. God, he was such a sexy, subby little bitch. I felt his tongue slide across my hairy grey balls, and I stroked between his ears. "That's a good boy." I slid my hand down to that bulge in his pants, and squeezed the hard pole in his jeans as my own shaft began to thicken, and I rubbed it against the soft fur on his face. I felt him slide his tongue across my foreskin, and I shivered as I felt those lips wrap around my dick and begin to suck.

I gave his cock another squeeze before I slid my hand to his ass. I slipped it down his back and into the back of his jeans, letting my hand run over his sexy bubble butt. I worked my way between his cheeks until I hit the warm bit of flesh that lay between. Billy's whole body tensed up as I brushed against that sensitive spot of flesh between that sea of fur, more so as I forced one of my fingers inside of him. "God boy... you're tight. I'm gonna have to loosen you up tonight before I get to the main event."

He pulled off my shaft and looked up at me with eyes filled with terror and lust. "I don't know if I'm..."

I almost growled at him as I grabbed his head, and forced him back down into my crotch, pressing his nose right against the black bush that surrounds my pole, rubbing his fleshy pink-blotched nose right into that hair. "You're ready if I say you are, you knew what you were getting into tonight the second you got into my truck, you fucking slut." Damn... that might have been a little too blunt. I didn't want to scare him off after all, I just wanted to get the kid's gears cranking. "Hmm, so if you decide to be a little cunt and back off, say the word and I'll pull over and let you out. If you want to stay with me, and see just what that sexy body of yours can handle, get back to sucking. Your choice, kid." I said with a grunt as I kept my eyes on the road, watching for my exit as I got closer to my home.

When his lips wrapped back around my dick, I had my answer. I saw the green sign with my road light up as my headlights swept across it. I turned down my bumpy dirt road, and then finally into my farm. The only good thing my dad left me. I shifted my truck into park, slid the kid's mouth off my dick, and got out. He went to follow me, and I stopped him. "Whoa kid," I grinned, "Slutty steers like you don't get to wear clothes on my farm, so if you want to come out of my truck, you gotta strip down for me."

I saw the hesitation, but this was hardly the worst request I'd given him tonight, nor would it be the last. I grinned as he slid off his cap and shirt. I reach down to fondle myself as I watched that sexy chest and gut come into view. I could see an almost nervous shake as he reached down to undo the top button of his pants, he looked over his shoulder, checking to see if there were any houses nearby, before he slide his pants down to his knees, and off of his legs, leaving him in nothing but a white jock. "Almost there, boy." He blushed and then slid it off, letting it fall to a crumpled heap with the rest of his clothes. "Alright, let's get inside."

I watch him get out, and before he can take his first steps I grab his horns and force him down on his knees in front of my still-throbbing cock. "Steers don't get to walk on two legs, if you want to be a good boy you'll crawl when you're on this farm." He looked up at me, and I looked down at him, where I saw his teenage cock twitch from my words. I let go of his horns, and he got down on his hands and knees. I started to walk to my barn, and he followed in tow. I walked slowly so he could keep up, "How does the air feel against your fur?" I see him look at the barn door as I slide it open, looking into the darkness inside before he looks up at me.

"It feels good... sir." There is an almost questioning tone to his voice as he calls me "sir" like he doesn't know if it's the right thing to do.

I smiled and stroked between his horns, "Call me Sir or Daddy, I like both. Just make sure you show me some respect with those titles, or you'll regret it."

I gestured for him to go inside, but his tail twitched behind him. "Sir... I'm scared. How do I know that I'll come back out if I go in there?"

I smiled and squatted down in front of him. I took his muzzle, and had him look at me. "You're only mine for the next few hours, once those are up you're free to leave." I grinned, and pulled him into a kiss. I heard him moo as our tongues rubbed against one another. "But if you don't come back out that will be your choice, not mine." I saw him look at me strangely when I said that, but I was just teasing him of course. If a bull boy from my football team went missing, I'm sure it wouldn't have taken them long to come sniffing around my place... but teasing him like that felt good, plus I wanted to see just how far he'd let me go. The bull's tail flicked behind him, and he looked up at me as I stood back up. He looked at the dark opening a bit, before trotting in like the good slutty steer he was. I smiled and followed him, closing the sliding door behind us.

I'd made a few adjustments to the barn since my dad passed away. I'd made repairs, cleaned the place up, and I'd remodeled the last stall on the left. The others were still livestock stalls, but that last one I'd turned into my play room. I'd added a sink with hot and cold water, a mattress, and storage for my toys, and next to that I'd converted a small stall into a shower for my livestock and any "guests" I may have. I stopped him in front of the shower stall, and I left him for a second.

I came back with a halter, 2 sets of cuffs, and rope. I slid the cuffs onto his wrists, and then tied them together with a length of rope. I slid the halter over his head, sliding the metal bit into his mouth. I rubbed between his horns, and smiled at him. "Good boy." I slid behind him and put the second set of cuffs around his ankles. I reached into my pocket and pulled out what looked like a small leather collar, and in the process I ran my hands over that sexy bubble butt the kid had. I wanted to put my lower horn in there right then, but I knew I needed to get the kid ready first. I slid them down to his large nuts that hung between his fat thighs. I grabbed a hold of that brown sac, and fondled those two orbs trapped inside that sensitive flesh. I took that leather band and wrapped it around the neck of his sac, pulling it tight, before clipping it in place. I took the rope and I slid it through the ring on that black leather collar for his balls, and then through the silver rings on his ankle cuffs. "There," I stand up, and grin. "Now you look like a proper steer."

I grabbed him by the halter, and the bull boy gave a pain-filled moo as he tried to walk forward, tugging down on his nuts. I gave a tug on his halter, and with a grunt he started to shuffle forward. I lead him into my play stall, the floor was covered in straw, and there was a mattress in the far corner -more for my comfort than any of my guests. I tied the lead to a metal loop I had against the back wall, and I went over to my toy chest. Above it were hooks that held cuffs, harnesses, whips, chains, and anything else I'd need to keep a boy like him in line. I grab a bottle of lube and one of my smaller fake cocks; it's actually cast from a pup I have over every now and then.

I get down behind the boy and rub his sexy, red furred ass. God, the things I'm gonna do to that perky teenage ass. I squirted some lube on my fingers, and yanked up his tail. He let out the sluttiest little moo when I rubbed my fingers against the pink pucker between his cheeks. I slid my fingers forward, letting them slide past that tight anal ring and into his warm insides. "That's a good little steer, you like it when a big old stud like me plays with your ass, don'tcha boy?" If I could see his face I knew he'd be blushing. I felt him push back against my fingers, letting out another soft groan. I grinned, "That's a good boy." I worked my fingers around inside, letting the calf's pucker get used to my digits, becoming relaxed and loose. This boy was still one tight little virgin. I guess all those years of calling guys fags in the locker room really got that ass of his to clench up.

If I'd been a wolf I would have growled as I slid out my fingers and put that canine toy to his ass. I ran my free hand along Billy's back as my other slammed the toy inside of him. He gasped, he would have screamed if I didn't know what I was doing, but he ain't the first boy I've had in this barn, and he won't be the last. I buried it into him all the way up to the egg sized knot, and rubbed it against his ass before I started to slide it in and out of him, going faster and faster until that knot was slamming against his pucker.

"Feels good, don't it boy? I bet you've been wanting to feel some cock in that ass of yours since you were jailbait, always looked at the dicks in the locker room, wishing you could drop to your knees and suck on them till you were dripping in cum." I growled before I gave his ass a hard slap, making him groan. "Well I'm gonna fix that boy, I'm gonna make sure you get all the cock you need from now on. I might even invite some friends over and let them all fuck this tight little rear raw. That is all little steers like you are good for: servicing real studs like me. Isn't that, right?" I said as I gave his ass another slap with my open palm, and he let out another lusty moo. This boy was one good bitch.

Now, I wasn't actually going to make him into a steer--I'm not into that--but degrading a male like that always felt so good. And I would have stopped if he said something, but he seemed to be enjoying my treatment, so I went with it. He squirmed with every thrust of that silicone cock, his tail staying nice and lifted as that fat ass pressed back, as if he was trying to get more of it inside of him. "You ready for the real thing, boy? Ready for some real cock in that tight little ass of yours?"

He let out another slutty moo, almost like a bitch in heat. So cute. I grinned and slid out the toy before pressing my much thicker cock against his entrance. I was gonna ruin that boy. I grinned and grabbed his horns and jerked his head back, getting a bellow from him as I slammed my cock into that ass. Fuck! He felt so good, he was tight even after all the prep, and his tunneled felt so hot wrapped around my dick. Maybe the friction had heated him up, or maybe boys like him just ran hot. I'd have to test out that later.

I held onto his horns as I started to fuck his ass for all it was worth. He groaned and moaned under me, his teeth clattering against the metal bar in his mouth as I made him shudder. Every time I'd thrust in good and hard he'd let out a deep moo that would vibrate his insides around my dick. It was heaven. "Mmm that's a good boy, you know just what your stud likes. I think I might keep you around just as my little rut steer for when I get horny. Would you like that, boy?"

The moo that fallowed could only be a yes. I grinned and leaned over his back, riding that squirming bull as my grey skin rubbed against his red fur. My fat, heavy balls slapped against his trapped orbs, and every time they did he'd just squirm more and gasp for air. I reached down at one point and rubbed over his trapped balls. They felt so warm. They were gonna be so bruised and sore after this, I might need to get him an ice pack later. But then I let my fingers trace around his throbbing length, and realized he didn't mind the pain.

I could feel my balls starting to pull up as sweat began forming on my forehead. I grunted, "Here comes my seed, steer. Better enjoy it, it's better than anything you'll ever make." I grabbed his ass, and squeezed down hard as I yanked him back, getting a pain-filled moo from him as the cord around his balls was harshly pulled down. When he did his ass clenched so tight around my dick it felt like someone was squeezing down with all their might. It felt amazing. I grunted and then my hot seed began to pump from my balls into that tight little steer rear. I thrusted as I came, churning that warm cum inside of him as I pumped jet after jet inside of him. I stood on my knees behind him, panting as my cock twitched and pulsed inside of him until finally it stopped and my cock began to shrink down. I pulled out, wiped my dick off on his ass, and went to my toy chest and grabbed an old empty milk bottle.

I walked back over to him, got on my knees behind him, and wrapped my hand around his dick, fiddling with it for a little bit. He was average in length and girth, maybe six inches, but he had some huge balls. Just like all bulls, they were at least the size of tennis balls. I let his foreskin wrap over the dark pink head on his shaft before I pulled it back down. His cock felt so hot and warm between my fingers, and it was so hard and eager-just like any young man like him should be. "Now let's milk this steer."

I put the bottle under the head of his dick as my other hand began to forcibly stroke his dick, squeezing as I pulled down, and letting off as I went back up, just like I'd milk a goat or a real four-legged cow. He squirmed, whined, and mooed, and I could tell it was hard for him to get off with me jacking him off like this. And that was just what I wanted. I wanted to watch my cum leak out over his balls as he edged closer and closer to the release under my power. I controlled him like the boy he was. It was an awesome power-trip; just thinking about how I had control of when that boy came made my soft cock twitch and stir. I watched as those fat nuts pulled up against that leather collar around their neck, which must have been painful, until finally he mooed at the top of his lungs, and thick jets of warm bull milk squirted into the jar.

I spent the next few hours fucking him in every way I could, covering inside and out with my seed, and trying to fill up that milk bottle the most I could with his seed. By the time we were done I had the bottom fifth filled; it couldn't have been more than a fourth of a cup, but it was more than most guys could have given. He was still on his knees, but I'd had him in a few different positions that night, my favorite being when he was on his side. I slid off his halter, grabbed him by the nose, and held it shut as I tilted back his head. I waited for his mouth to open and gasp for air before I poured his "milk" into his muzzle. "Drink up, if you ever wanna be a real bull one day you're going to need all the "milk" you can get, so you grow big and strong. That is if you wanna be a real bull, I have a feeling you're more than happy to be a steer boy for the time being." He gulped down his own warm cum, even licking his lips after.

His eyes looked tired, but the smile on his face was priceless. I'd definitely made this boy's night. I let him down and began undoing the gear. I started with the halter, cuffs, and finally the leather band around his nuts. I gave them a rub. Between the multiple milkings and the straps, those things must have been pretty sore. I helped him over to the mattress, and he collapsed onto it. I crawled up next to him, pulling an old horse blanket over us. I let him rest his head on my arm, and as I pulled him against my body, my well satisfied dick pressed right against his ass before I kissed between his horns.

His fingers traced along my arm, and he sleepily said, "Can you give me a ride to school in the morning, coach? I don't think I'm going to be in any shape to drive..."

I gulped as he called me coach... Little did I know he'd known who I was the whole time, and this was just the beginning of our complicated sexual relationship.