The Lonely Vixen (By Tygacat3891)

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#20 of A New Acquisition

Jennifer may be on a business trip, but her slaves aren't far from her mind.

This was written for me by Tygacat on FurAffinity.

Jennifer stormed up the stairs of the large mansion rubbing her temples. She was going to bed early and that was that. She'd had enough of hob-nobbing with business 'elites' to last her a year let alone a single night.

The vixen's host's so-called retreat to his private estate had proven beyond annoying. Every business representative there was smiling and complementing one another while sizing the other up to see what weaknesses could be exploited. Even a representative of a non-competitor whose business was completely unrelated to yours would stab you in the back if you gave them half of a chance out of sheer force of habit.

Their host was either completely naive for thinking this was a good idea or a maniacal genius getting everyone doing just this because that's where he wanted them. It could be extremely difficult to distinguish the two, and assuming the wrong one in either case would end in disaster.

She stood at the top of the stairs, thinking through her host's actions. Thinking what he could possibly achieve if this was some kind of evil plot. What she should do with her own company in either case. Then she shook herself when she caught herself doing exactly what the others were. There really was no way around the games, was there?

She continued storming toward her room when Leela stepped in front her with an "Oop." The snow leopard jumped back, looking to the floor, "I am sorry, My Lady, please forgive me."

"Be more careful, next time."

"I will, My Lady. Have your business dealings been going well?"

Jennifer glared at the girl. "The dealings of the Priviledged are no concern of yours."

The slave grew stiff, "I apologize, My Lady. I only meant to make polite conversation."

"And don't make excuses for yourself."

"Yes, My Lady," Leela's voice more forlorn.

Jennifer watched her for a moment, then relaxed and took pity on her, "If you were my slave I would punish you for your oversight. But you are not, and I have no intention of making a tattle-tale of myself. However, if it does happen again I shall bring my concerns to your master and make sure you are punished severely. Understood?"

"Yes, My Lady." The two stood in silence for a while before Leela chanced looking up. " there anything I can get you, My Lady. I remind you I am able to offer other services as well," the cat's voice picked up slightly on 'reminding' Jennifer of this.

Jennifer scowled, Leela's ears lowered, "I have no interest in those services, as I have made painfully clear already."

"Yes, My Lady, you have, only...," the cat stopped suddenly, obviously remembering Jennifer's warning about not making excuses.

"Your master asked you to remind me?"

"Yes, My Lady."

"Well, I shall not fault you for doing your duty. But I have no other need for anything tonight. Dismissed."

The cat nodded and turned away. Jennifer started toward her room. She stopped, "Actually, Leela, I would like something."

"Yes, My Lady," her ears perked up.

"Ice water. Bring a pitcher of it as well as a glass, obviously. Place it next to my door and knock only once, as I may have fallen asleep and will not want to be disturbed."

"Yes, My Lady," the cat's ears lowered a little.

"Dismissed," Jennifer told her. The cat turned and walked down the hall. Once she was out of sight Jennifer giggled a little.

Jen turned and made her way to her room. Sex slaves were not uncommon in her world. And it wasn't unheard of for a master to lend them out at a party like this. But Jennifer felt a certain loyalty to her own slaves. Not to mention that a slave like Leela could again be used as a tool of espionage, Jennifer thought as she entered the spacious quarters her host had granted her. A drunk and horny client often had loose lips. And what is the dumb sex toy going to know about these things?

The fox collapsed back against the door and undid her tied up hair, letting its brown length fall to her waist. Jennifer shuddered, she hated the thought of using her own slaves whom she loved like that. Not that she should assume anything of her host or of Leela. The ounce at least seemed to have a genuine attraction to Jennifer. Perhaps when the time came that Jennifer had a couple of vacancies in her roster she'd look into seeing if Leela's master was looking to sell.

Jen shook her head. Part of the reason for her coming to this retreat was to get away from thoughts like that. She sat down on the bed and sighed. Weren't her slaves suppose to distract her from work, not the other way around? Not that anything that had happened recently was any of their faults. She collapsed backward. Her kinky host had had the ceiling mirrored, and she stared up into her violet eyes.

Her latest acquisition, the dragon Storm, had been a rescue from an extremely abusive owner. It had since been revealed that Storm was an heiress to a large fortune and Priviledged status. Storm had chosen to stay as Jennifer's slave for now so that Jennifer could train her in the matters of business; not to mention other things. But the day would come when Storm chose to leave.

Her other dragon slave, Sky, had fallen madly in love with Storm as well. And Jennifer suspected that when Storm did leave, Sky would join her. Jennifer couldn't not give him the opportunity.

She wished Storm the best for her future. And Jennifer doubted that once Storm did leave that their relationship would be over. But it would still be a sad day nonetheless.

Jennifer sat up and began to swiftly strip off her clothes. She wanted nothing more than to jill off and go to sleep. A sharp rap hit the door, and it took Jennifer a moment to realize it was her water. Whatever, she had no interest in that now.

Jennifer swiftly stripped herself bare quickly. Tossing off the suitcoat, shirh and bra as fast as they could be undone. She kicked her heels away, then quickly pulled down the long black skirt, followed by her white panties. Uncharacteristically she left her clothes strewn about the floor as she stormed to the closet. She swiftly opened a small suitcase. Inside it contained a decent collection of sex toys, though only a miniscule sampling of what she had at her own home. But as she dug through them all looking for the perfect one to distract herself with, she grew more frustrated.

They were each designed for solo use, but she knew very well what they could do in the paw of a skilled lover. And each that she picked up reminded her of the fact that she'd much rather be with those skilled lovers than here alone. She slammed the lid of the suitcase down then marched back to the bed.

Her own fingers would have to serve her tonight. She collapsed down onto the sheets and began to rub at herself. She let her mind wander to what those lovers could do with those toys. Luna would pound her mercilessly as she came again and again. Tali would tease her to the point of orgasm, denying her repeatedly, until she came with a strength to shatter bone.

Her fingers delved into her sex and fucked her while the other paw rubbed at her clit. She grimaced as she pounded herself, trying to bring sweet release as quickly as possible.

She thought of a blue dragon grinning over her bound frame as he mastubated just inches from her muzzle, her tongue not quite reaching the desireble organ. Jennifer dreamt of a violet dragoness herm burying her cock in the fox's puss, eventually filling her with seed. She imagined a wolfess pummeling her rear with a strap-on. Then a skunkette softly lapping at her sore hole with her tongue.

Her hands worked as fast and hard as they could, but her body wouldn't grant her the release she needed. She searched for more scenes to fill her mind with.

Luna kissed her fiercly as the fondled each others' breasts. Tali now delved her tongue into Jen's pussy. The blue dragon cock in her muzzle. Her fingers buried in that violet herm's cunt. The wolf taking her mercilessly again with that stap on. Tali teasing her with water jets in the shower. Jennifer returning those favors. Two dragons making love in front of her. Then those same dragons going at it in their anthro forms.

The five of them. Rolling, playing, touching. Grabbing each other. Licking each other. Fucking each other.

Finally Jennifer came, her cunny clamping around her fingers. She tried to hold onto those mental images, the passion, the love, as her orgasm faded. But it died down, and they were gone. She looked up into the mirrored ceiling and felt all the more alone. That excersise only served to drive home the point that she was alone, her loved ones far away.

Jennifer stood and walked toward the door. Her problem was she'd lost control of everything, and was still struggling to get it back. She opened the door and stuck her head out, looking each way to make sure the hall was empty. Then she quickly grabbed the water pitcher and glass from the cart and closed the door.

By half the skin of her teeth she avoided losing her company and her fortune to a massive embezzling scheme and attempted coup. Though the main perpetrators had been thwarted and the crisis now over, there was lingering damage in places. There were those she knew had had a paw in the scheme still on her roster, but not enough evidence to rid herself of them. Her accounting firm still occassionally uncovered some financial 'leak' some parasite was padding their pockets from. And her competitors still circled looking for an open wound to tear into.

She took a sip of water.

Then there was the other revelation her own slave had brought her, that she herself could do magic. Had possibly been using it for years unconciously. She had always had a knack for understanding people. In her slaves' case that went to figuring out what they needed in their lives, even when they themselves didn't know.

It had unnerved her that she may have had supernatural assistance in that. But then the words of Li... Storm's past owner dug into her. Jennifer feared she had magically manipulated her slaves into being what she wanted them to be. They themselves had shown her this wasn't the case at all, and it satisfied her. But still doubts lingered. She still felt out of control.

She set the water glass down and again lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes..., She missed the good days, back when the only time she was ever out of control was when Luna tied her up...

Of course! Her eyes shot open. She stared into them. How could she have forgotten her own lesson?

That first day with Luna. The frightened, abused wolf fought back against her. And Jennifer had let her. Jennifer had led Luna down to her dungeon. Had let Luna tie her up. And let Luna wail on her with every piece of S&M equipment she owned. And Luna used every piece.

She still remembered every hit. Every blow. The pain surging through her body. As Luna hit her, beat her, raped her. She remembered the sight of her own blood, the smell of Luna's rage.

She could have quit. Could have called up the authorities and had the wolf carted off to some insane asylum somewhere. But she didn't. She took everything Luna threw at her, refusing to break, until Luna tired and gave up. Then Jen turned the tables her own way. She took those weapons and showed Luna how they could be instruments of pleasure. From gentle caresses to that nice sharp smack to trigger the right amount of adrenaline. She had the wolf crying in happiness, having been completely unaware that such love could exist.

But that was the lesson Jen herself had forgotten. It mattered how you used it. Fire could warm one on a cold night or burn one's house down. Her magic could destroy people or build them up, depending on how she chose to use it. And how had she chosen to use it, not even knowing she had it? She'd let someone she'd known less than a day pummel her relentlessly on the baseless belief that deep down that girl was a good person.

Jennifer smiled up at herself. And now she knew what she needed. Not to regain her control but to have it stripped from her. To be tied down and let Luna have at her. To let Tali tease her to insanity. To face Sky's diabolical perversions. To... well, she didn't know what Storm would come up with, but she looked forward to finding out.

Unfortunately that would have to wait for the end of this hell, but until then... she grinned at her reflection with an evil idea. She grabbed the phone and dialed the extension of the snow leopard servant, then gave instructions for a selection of items to be brought to her.

She planned her attack while she waited for Leela to bring the things. When the cat knocked Jennifer opened the door. While still nude. The ounce's eyes widened as she stared into Jen's bare breasts. "Ah, yes, this is exactly what I requested." Jennifer took the box from the gawking cat's arms. "While you may have been trained to avert your eyes when speaking to a Priveleged, that is not generally what is meant."

The cat shook her head, as she looked up at Jennifer, "Oh, sorry, I, uh..., Does this mean you've changed your mind?"

Jennifer chuckled, "No, dear, I will still not be making use of your services." The vixen smiled, "But you've been such an attentive girl, I figured a small show might be a good way to show my appreciation." Jennifer turned and lifted her hips and tail. "But that this happened shall be your little secret."

"Yes, My Lady," the cat managed while staring at Jen's backside.

Jennifer chuckled as she stepped back into her room. "Sweet dreams," she said as she closed the door. Now to business.


Jennifer was on the bed on all fours, her head on the pillow, ass in the air with two of the largest vibrators she owned shoved in each of her holes. She moaned loudly and delibrately. She slowly turned her head back toward the camera, grinning at it. "They're both on the second setting. Oh, they feel so good. You know exactly which toys these are, what they can do."

The one burried in her cunny was pink lumpy rubber, the one in her ass smooth hard steel. Both had remote controls which lay on the bed next to her. And both had 'special features' that could be activated at a flip of the switch.

"Tell me, what should I do? Should I turn one of them up? Yes? Which one? The one in my ass? Okay." She paused between each question as though she expected a response. She reached her paw up and clicked the remote one notch higher. "What's that? Higher?" Click. "Higher still?" The metal buzzed harder in her ass "Oh," she said.

"Now the other one?" She clicked it up one notch at a time. Moaning at each click as the plastic bumps massaged the inside of her cunny more fiercely. At each click she asked the camera if she should continue.

She took her paw away from the remotes and just soaked in the feeling of each faux member pleasuring her. A glance between her legs and she saw juice dripping from her sex onto the bedsheets.

"What? Harder?" she asked suddenly. "If you insist." She knew these two toys, and she knew they were at the hardest they could go before the pleasure began to mix with plain. A click to the one in her rear made and her ass began to ache delightfully. A twist of the other remote and a soreness in her pussy began to grow.

And she clicked them upward. One here, two there; each time asking the camera if she should go further. She reached the point where each was one below max. Her body shook from the pleasure being sent through it. Her rear and cunny screamed their agony. "You... you," she stammered. "You want me to do that? O... okay," she slowly reached for the remote to the one in her pussy.

That particular toy was segmented, plastic rings about a central shaft. A flick of the switch on the side of the remote and those segmented rings began to rotate in opposite directions. Jennifer screamed, then dropped her paw to the bed.

The knew sensation shook her. But she said, "Higher?" and struggled to reach the remote to click it to its highest setting. "The other?" Another struggled reach and the one in her ass hit full power.

She groaned. The two toys sent pleasure through her. Her puss clenched around the rotating, vibrating plastic. Her butt throbbed from the hard metal.

"Now?" she asked, a twinge of fear in her voice. "Now," she repeated. She shot her hand up and flicked the switch on the second remote. The warm metal in her rear sent out a shock of electricty through her body.

The pain and pleasure sent Jennifer into a rapturous orgasm. The plastic and metal fell from her body as she came, collapsing onto the bed. She shook with spasm after spasm, panting hard. She continued to shake as she came down.

She could have fell asleep right then and there, but she looked back at the camera and thought: one down, three to go.


Jennifer sat on the bed, wide as her legs could go, fingers spreading her lips. Grinning into the camera, she slowly licked the index and middle fingers of her free hand. She made a show of reaching down and pressing the two digits into her waiting orifice. She groaned, arching her back, rolling her head from side to side as she began to fuck herself.

Her fingers left the hole and pressed against her swollen clit, and she rubbed her whole hand over the button. "Mmm..." she moaned. She lifted her hips and slid her middle finger into her tailhole. Her finger went in easy, her ass still stretched from her last assault on herself. She rubbed gently at herself, her sore ass loving the comforting massage she now gave it.

"Mmm, hmm," she said. The fingers spreading herself left to delve into her cunny. Rubbing, fondling, fucking. She pulled them out and rubbed her clit, while continuing to rub in and around her ass. All the while making a show of writhing and moaning from the pleasure she gave herself.

She quickly pushed herself towards her limit point, ready to cum, then pulled both of her paws away from herself. She smiled at the camera, "Not yet." Her body relaxed and she resumed some light fondling of herself. Playing with her breast, rubbing her nipples, fingering her pussy.

Slowly she increased the pace again, going from gentle playing to fevered masturbation. Her body again wracked with pleasure to the point of orgasm, and again she pulled away from herself. "Nope."

It took her a while longer this time for her body to relax enough to where she could begin again. This time she rolled over, ass in the air, tail high, fingers in each hole, playing with herself fully.

She drew out her pleasure as long as she could, playing around for longer, enjoying herself longer, before going for the kill. She rubbed her clit hard, finger-fucked her ass, moaned and writhed. "I'm gonna..., gonna..., nope!"

Her hands again quickly withdrew at the last moment again. Her body screamed at her, wanting to finish. But she hid that desire as she grinned and laughed into the camera.

The vixen rolled back over, and again slowly began to massage her clit and butt. Her body shook as she pushed herself towards orgasm quickly this time, pleasure sharply coming from her nether regions. Her fingers delved in and pressed against her sensitive upper wall. It took all of her considerable will power to hold her orgasm off to the last moment.

But when she let it go she screamed, her back, clamped her eyes shut. Jets of ejaculate surged from herself. Her puss and rear again crushed around her fingers.

Again it took her a while to get up from the strength of that orgasm. She got up and laughed at the camera as she wiped her juice from its lens.


Jennifer stepped in front of the camera, dressed in the school marm outfit she's requested from Leela. She had her hair tied in a bun and fake glasses over her eyes. Her white shirt cut low around her cleavage. And her short plaid skirt would probably have been deemed severly inappropriate for an actual scoolmarm.

She slapped a ruler into her open palm, glaring into the camera. "Now, it seems you have been slacking in your studies. We cannot have that. She bent into the camera, raising her shoulders to call attention to her breasts. She raised her tail as well, wondering how many re-watches it would take him to notice the strategically placed mirror behind her.

"Do pay attention to this lesson, or your punishment shall be severe." She slapped the ruler extra hard. Straightening up she added. "Now, today's lesson: anatomy." She turned, took two deliberate steps, then turned again. "We shall be focusing on the external female genetalia and secondary sexual characteristics."

"We shall start our discussion with the mammary glands, the breasts." She tapped each of her mounds with the ruler. "or the 'boobs' in the vernacular. Now, the breasts primary biological function is to create and store milk for feeding children during the first few months of life. They are fed by sucking on the areola or 'nipple," she pulled her shirt down to expose her left nipple.

"Now, in addition to this function, they serve a secondary purpose in providing sexual attraction for potential mates." She rubbed the ruler through the fur of here breast slowly. "In addition it can be a source of sexual stimulation for the female herself. To have the breasts touched, rubbed, squeezed." Her voice delibrately slipped into a seductive tone as she performed each action on herself. She moaned slightly, closing her eyes, loosening her posture.

Then she shot up straight and stuffed her breast back in her shirt. "Now, the reason for this attraction is much debated, however some feel it is due to the breasts similarity to the rear." She turned, bent over, and raised her tail at that.

She slowly ran the ruler across her rump as she spoke, "Now the backside, or rear, rump, butt, arse, or ass, in increasing vulgarity, is also a strong source of sexual attraction. The reason for this likely harks back to early in evolution where an animal sniffing the rear of another was a nonconfrontational method of gathering information about that other animal, including sexual status.

"Again this area can also be a source of sexual stimulation for the fur being pleasured. The anus is also an area sensitive to sexual pleasure, and some furs enjoy sexual penetration there, by a toy, penis, or one's own fingers." She pressed in again and let at a light moan. "Of course," she said through light panting, "one must maintain cleanliness of the region, which I always do."

"Now," she suddenly straightened up again. "Onto the extenal female genetalia." She hiked up her skirt and spread her legs. "The entire region is known as the vulva," she gestured with the ruler. Here, come in close." She stepped up the the camera, lowered the tripod, and pointed it at her crotch.

"This consists of the clitoris, the labia, external and internal, and the entrance to the vagina. These often serve to advertise the female's sexual readiness, the clit becoming engourged, the labia swollen and red, as you can clearly see mine are."

She adjusted the camera and stepped back. "Now, as for pleasure, the female derives much pleasure from having her clitoris stimulated. Example," she rubbed hard at the clit, pressing it, and pushing her hand and wrist down over it then pulling back. She groaned.

"Now," she quickly adjusted the camera and herself again. When all of these characteristics are used in unison, accompanied with a seductive voice, the proper body language," her tone softened, she slowly removed the glasses, blinking her purple eyes into the camera. She undid her bun letting her brown hair again fell to her waist.

"The female can attract and arouse a potential mate," She undid the shirt buttons and cast it aside. She kicked the heels aside. Her skirt came down next, and she kicked that aside as well. and again she stood nude. She licked her lips. "Of course, when a potential mate is far away and unable to provide her any sexual pleasing, she must make do herself." She squeezed a breast as she rubbed the ruler between her legs.

She ran her tongue over her mound, then reached down behind herself and took the other end of the ruler. She quickly ran the the thing back and forth over her clit, groaning, moaning.

She slapped herself with the ruler a couple of times, took the corner of the thing and pressed it into the entrance of her cunny while her free hand rubbed at the clit again. Another loud moan and she switched back to rubbing the ruler against her button.

She cringed as she came juice dripping down over the stick between her legs. She panted again, then pulled the thing out and ran her tounge over the wet, salty wood. Again she smiled into the camera. "There will be a quiz on this material later."


The fox lay on the bed, propped up by pillows, one knee raised, her puss visible but closed between her legs. A small suitcase lay open next to her. In one hand she held an egg vibrator, and she looked at it forlornly. "Masturbation," she began, "gets a rather bad rap."

Jennifer clicked the egg on. Her eyes went to the camera. Her lips curled into a smile. "That it is only for those who can't get a lover to care for them." She lowered the buzzing egg and pressed it against her clit. She cooed for a moment before pulling back.

"But that is far from the case. Indeed one can resort to it for many reason. For one, if someone is unfortunately far away from their lovers," she chuckled slightly as she returned the vibrator. This time rolling it around her button lightly. Her head rolled and her legs shook. She took it away again.

"But there are other reasons. One could, for instance, simply enjoy the act of pleasuring oneself." She returned the buzzer, "ohhh," then removed it. "One could experiment with various new techniques for future use on a partner," she placed the butt of the egg against her clit and gave the thing a spin in her paw. She cringed, "Oh, yes," she took it away. Her purple eyes met the camera, "or one could enjoy putting on a show." She pushed the tip of the egg into her sex, curling her toes and arching her back with a moan.

After a few moments of rapture she pulled the thing away. "Then there are so many things to try. Starting with the tools one was born with," She held up her free paw. "Fingers, for one." Her hand moved to rub at her clit, then fingers delved into herself. A moment of rubbing and she said, "But one can also make use of the palm of the hand." Hers began to rub circles in her clit, "to the wrist and forearm," she lifted her backside off the bed and ran her arm up and down along her clit. She let out another delibrate moan of pleasure.

She her arm away and settled down again. She clicked the egg off and set it down next to her. "The more flexible have many more interesting options as well," she chuckled. "But then we get into the wide world of toys. Simple vibrators," she picked up the egg again, then put it down. She began ferreting through the suitcase again, "Of a wide variety of shapes and sizes," the pink bumpy vibrator and the smooth metal one made a return appearance.

She seemed to consider using them for a minute, then set them down next to the egg. "But we also have simple dildos to. Many simple guesses at what a cock should be like, but if one knows a willing male, or herm, one can get a nice copy of the real thing. She produced two large plastic dildos from the case, one light blue the other dark purple, "But you already knew that." She laughed.

She waisted no time in pressing the blue one against her anus, slowly pressing it into her already loosened backside. Jennifer writhed over the thing, then twisted the purple one around and pressed it swiftly into her puss. Again she curled her toes as she twisted and groaned.

Then she stopped and widened her legs moreso. She took a serious face for a moment, and put her hands together as she addressed the camcorder. "This is of course just scratching the surface with what fits in a little suitcase." She giggled as she broke her serious stance.

"Alright, enough of that, time to have some fun," she picked the egg back up and gave it a twist, then pressed it against her clit. Her paw worked the dildo in her puss, thrusting in and out, twisting it, probing the various corners of herself.

She stopped, pulled it out and set it down. Then she took the egg smirked to the camera, and twisted it to maximum. She quickly shoved the thing all the way inside her passage, her body convulsing as she did so.

She grabbed the purple toy from the bed and pressed it against her clit. She barely gave herself two rubs before she again convulsed in orgasm. Her body squeezed the two toys out of herself onto the bed.

She came down from her last climax and again smiled into the camera.


A few minutes work and she had the video loaded onto the computer and divided into four parts. Four videos to four email addresses. With some hastily tacked on notes. First a rule not to show their portion to the others. And lastly a game, for every orgasm they had between now and the time she returned, they'd be 'punished.' But for every orgasm they gave the others, they'd be rewarded. That should make for some interesting stories later. Jennifer laughed as she sent them off.

She stood and stepped toward her bed picking up the toys and putting them in the suitcase. She glanced at the clock, most of the night gone to her playing. She'd have just a few hours to sleep before she had to be back to playing business politics.

Jennifer looked at the egg in her paw. Or time enough for one more. She twisted the thing on.