To tame a king

Story by zeran on SoFurry

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this is a story involving my two favorite digimon of all time. It is about over coming adversity with power of love. I wanted to something that was a little bit different with story of what would it be like when two people have a connection and the third is just a really creepy stalker that does everything they can to break them apart. Can love over come under handed plots? Well I suppose you will simply have to read it to find out. I do want to mention that this has non-yiff violence but it is more so a plot device than anything else.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based of off characters from the digimon series and I claim no ownership of them. It involves King Kazuma (from summer wars a standalone digimon movie) Black Wargreymon and Flamedramon (both from digimon season 2)


King Kazuma Found himself standing in a field of short grass. There was a soft breeze causing the grass to bow slightly with each gust and brought a cool feeling to his white fur. The day was bright and with the breeze brought new scents and sensations to his body, things that he would never have even begun to imagine when he was in OZ. Though his mind did wander a bit as it tried to process all the new sensations around him. He tried desperately to remember how he had come to be in such a strange place let alone what this place was called or known as. Was he still in OZ perhaps just in some other location. No he finally decided this place was too different than any of the arenas he had fought in. he knew this had to be some other dimension or something.

Kazuma began to walk choosing a random direction as there wasn't anything that really indicated that one direction was any different than another. The white furred rabbit stood about 5'5 his lithe body greatly belied his strength, agility, and speed. He wore a red vest that showed of his slender abdomen and tight jeans that allowed him mobility with a hole cut out in the rear for his tail. His golden champion belt held them securely in place. The shoes he normally wore were nowhere to be seen he could only assume that it had something to do with the love bug virus that had transported him to this weird place or the very least that was his only working theory as the last thing he had remembered was fighting him when there was a strange white flash of light then he was in this strange place. The tips of his ears had black markings and were pushed back by the goggles he wore on his head. His eyes were a light pink color and his gloves were a bright red with two metal nubs on the knuckles of each glove.

Kazuma continued to walk in a westerly direction occasionally glancing up at the sun to attempt to judge the time of day considering it was just below being completely in the middle of the sky and was behind him he figured it was still sometime in the morning. He found his mind wandering more and more with the intoxicating sensation of the nearly foot high grass beneath his feet pads. He constantly tried to remind himself that he needed to stay alert and on his guard especially since he had no indication of what kind of inhabitants lived in this land. Though he liked to think to himself that in a place as beautiful as this there surely couldn't be anything dangerous let alone hostile that would cause him the need to defend himself.

By now the sun Had long since passed noon and was well on its way to being on the horizon he had changed directions opting for a more northerly direction when it had started to be an object that was in his path. The bright light bringing pain to his sensitive eyes. He had almost fully relaxed at this point having seen absolutely nothing hostile, let alone anything at all in this weird land. He had begun to wonder if perhaps he was dead and this was some kind of heaven for him. A sudden rustle from his left brought Kazuma into a quick fighting stance quicker than a flash of lightening he was prepared to fight and as he quickly turned in the direction of the noise expecting a monster to fight he was quite surprised however to see a harmless creature less than a foot tall. It was greenish in color and only had small nubs for appendages upon seeing Kazuma react so quickly and taking up a fighting stance it quickly darted away.

He watched slightly bemused and somewhat sorrowful that he had frightened away such an innocent looking creature. He started to ponder if perhaps he should give chase and apologize. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a sudden sharp pain as his ears were painfully yanked and his feet quickly left the ground upon which they were previously planted to. He found himself nose to nose with a nearly 12 foot tall creature with black skin and cold piercing golden brown eyes. The beasts voice was deep and gravely as it rumbled "Well well. You don't look like any of those troublesome digimon and their tamers and yet you clearly have a strong fighting spirit. Truly an oddity considering that most of these other digimon are just weak cowards." Kazuma stared daggers at the large digimon prepared to launch an assault at any moment. His words were soft and strong "release me" was all that he said. The beast smiled coldly and almost mockingly as much as a cat stares at a cornered mouse.

"Why would I want to do something like that when I haven't even played with you yet toy?" The gravelly voice full of hunger. Kazuma glared at his opponent and began to size him up. He almost looked more machine than anything with a large metal plate in his chest and various tubes running into his black skin. His hair was a long blonde and his muscles were large and thick with a six pack for abs. This he knew would defiantly me a challenge, he would prefer to resolve this peacefully than to fight such a strong opponent he made one more attempt to reason with the creature "Release me or I'll be forced to take you down beast". Black WarGreymon laughed as he snapped back "Firstly toy my name is Black WarGreymon and you would do well to learn it. Secondly from where I am standing I don't see that there is much that you can do, so it would be in your best interest to simply relax let me have my way with you then you can go about your business."

Kazuma had no clue what Black WarGreymon was talking about with all this "having his way with him" but he did know that he most certainly didn't like it. He threw a deft kick into his opponents jaw landing squarely with great force. Black WarGreymon's head snapped to the side but his grip on the rabbit digimon's ears never relaxed for a second. He brought his head back around a sick and sadistic smile splayed across it. "Oh I so do love it when they fight it makes raping them all the more fun". Kazuma was momentarily shocked at how little effect his kick had had on him. Letting out a small growl of anger Kazuma prepared to launch a flurry of kicks to make this beast let him go. His plan however was quickly thwarted for Black WarGreymon Caught him by his ankle. Suddenly Kazuma found himself looking at the world upside down not to mention the large metallic crotch protector worn by Black WarGreymon. Kazuma felt the other hand clamp down on the free leg he had. He highly doubted that pummeling this creature in the stomach would have much effect especially since a kick to the face didn't faze even in the slightest. He glanced up to see the large digimon running his thick purple tongue across his lips a he seemed to be looking down at the rabbit. "Well now , since you are a bit more under control let us just see what exactly a toy I have managed to catch". Kazuma was about to snap back a retort but his words were quickly cut off as Black WarGreymon had quickly placed his face into the rabbits crotch and was taking a deep inhale of his most private areas.

Instead of a retort Kazuma's furred cheeks became deep red as he found himself blushing more so from discomfort than excitement and a low breathy gasp escaped from between his lips. He felt the rushing air slide over his sheath and balls (which thankfully were still safely in his jeans) as the digimon's face continued to probe into the most private regions on the rabbit. Kazuma Began to squirm trying desperately to both close his legs to stop this horrid invasion and to try and get free so he could actually fight. He heard Black WarGreymon let out a low growl of pleasure as Kazuma began to smell the dark digimon's male scent filling the air. A part of him shuddered out of disgust that the beast was getting excited by being so lecherous. Kazuma now knew what he had meant when he had said "have his way with him", however his thoughts were quickly interrupted when he felt the cold metal nose guard brush against the underside of his tail. Gasping with shock and redoubling his struggle as the big brute inhaled deeply again this time over his rabbit hole. Kazuma heard a gasp from above him and he looked up to see Black WarGreymon looking down at him rather lewdly. "No wonder you are struggling so much my toy, it would seem that you have never been touched by another digimon before." His eyes narrowed as he smirked looking down on the feeble rabbit digimon.

Kazuma knew that if he didn't do something and fast he would be violated in a most unpleasant way. His mind was spinning with what he should do as he became more and more desperate, however his thoughts were quickly shattered as he felt a sudden jerk at his waist and watched his golden championship belt fall to the ground. "Hmmm don't worry toy I'll be gentle since it's your first time, after all I was always taught not to break my toys" a sinister laughter erupted from above him as Kazuma watched the large crotch protector fall to the ground exposing his tight black briefs that had clearly gotten tighter. As Kazuma stared at the thick bulge he realized that it had to be close to a foot long and close to two and a half inches wide. Then it suddenly dawned on him as he saw a black finger hook under the waist band and start to pull down that this was his chance. He watched as the dark digimon's package flopped out into the open air thick tendrils of pre already oozing out form the tip of it onto the ground. An evil grin spread across Black WarGreymon's face as he cooed softly to the toy in his hands "I see I have your attention now little pet"

Kazuma grimaced up at the larger digimon as he sarcastically spat "oh you defiantly have my attention beast but I doubt you are going enjoy it." Kazuma arched his back before snapping his head forward squarely into the dark digimon's family jewels. With a howl of pain he released the lithe rabbit who had flipped right side up and landed on his feet. Not wasting a split second Kazuma launched into a furious attack, jumping high and smashing his knee into the chin of Black WarGreymon before grabbing a hold of his nose and putting as much force as possible into a modified drop quick. He allowed himself to fall back to the ground and issued a flurry of snap kicks into Black WarGreymon's calf finally causing the beast to tumble to the ground. Kazuma quickly snapped back into a fighting position his eyes cold and focused only on defeating the enemy before him.

With a growl of frustration and anger Black WarGreymon slowly rose to his feet his chest puffing out as he balled his fists up. "Forget what I said about being gentle I will hear you scream as I rip your ass into a bloody mess" his sneer matching the venomous words perfectly. Kazuma brought himself up onto his toes a bit more giving him added bounce and agility which he was grateful for as he gracefully dodged a quick punch from the brute. He quickly countered with another snap kick to the shin before tumbling out of the grasping hand. They stood eyeing each other for many a moments before Black WarGreymon slowly rose into the air his arms raised about his head as he prepared to launch a devastating attack against the annoying rabbit. "Terra Destroyer" he yelled as a large fireball appeared in between his hands before being flung at the lithe digimon. However he had greatly under estimated Kazuma's speed and dodging such a clumsy attack was rather easy for him. He looked up at the larger digimon "Tch, if that is your best attack then no wonder you have to resort to slinking around and attacking opponents from behind." Black WarGreymon's eyes narrowed fiercely "You little shit how dare you speak to me in such a tone." Black WarGreymon rushed down at the lithe digimon launching a volley of punches which Kazuma easily parried, blocked, and dodged away from. With each failed attempt the dark digimon became angrier and angrier causing his punches to become more wild until finally Kazuma saw an opening. He brought his knee up and both elbows down onto the thickly muscled fore arm of the larger digimon hoping to break the bone. However he miscalculated the strength of the beast. He found out too late that it was a mistake a large hand clamped down over his face with guttural and utterly creepy laugh as the large hand crushed down on his face lifting him up high and spinning him around before slamming him head first back to the ground. There was a sharp crack heard through the open plains and an intense pain searing through Kazuma's head along with a strange wet sensation. He felt the large hand lift off his face as he looked up at the terrible creature he realized that his vision was blurred making it hard to tell where the digimon actually was. He tried desperately to rise up from the ground but found that his body was no longer obeying is commands he numbly brought his hand to the back of his head to that odd wet sensation. When he looked at his fingers he say a strange thick red substance. Silently questioning himself "What, What is this stuff and why won't by body respond to my commands....Have I finally lost a fight." He slowly began to realize that darkness was starting to cover his vision removing the blurriness he knew that he must fight against or the consciences would be most grave. Desperately, almost panicky struggling but in the end it was fruitless he heard the mocking taunts of the larger digimon the only thing he could focus on though was beating this digimon to a complete and bloody pulp before it was all said and done. He numbly felt a strange pulling sensation at his lower body before feeling a strange breeze wash over him. Black WarGreymon had taken the liberty to remove his toy's pants from him. Gazing lewdly as the small and yet plump orbs of the white furred digimon while marveling at the tight pink pucker that would soon be ripped open by his massive digihood. The last thing Kazuma heard as the darkness consumed his conscious was two words "Fire Rocket"

Black WarGreymon felt the sudden impact into his lower back followed by the intense searing heat from his most hated nemesis. He staggered forward before spinning around to face the blue dragon digimon. He wore flaming armor that covered his head, Arms, thighs, and feet. A large metal horn potruded from the helmet he wore and three long metallic claws adorned both of his hand and feet armor. He stood about 5 foot tall with red eyes that burned with courage and compassion. His skin was a light blue with his snout, chest and belly being white. A hiss of anger, irritation, and frustration escaped from his lips as he fought through the searing pain in his back to spit out. "This is my toy Flamey mind your business and leave from here, I'm tired of your constant interference with my fun". Flamedramon let out a Hmph as his gaze leveled coldly with Black WarGreymon's eyes "You know very well that I will not allow such injustice to continue especially from one who has such a dark heart. You lack true courage to face your enemies toe to toe instead relying on chip tricks, and guerilla tactics."

Black WarGreymon bellowed in anger as he charged "I am already different, not a true digimon just some creation why can't you all just leave me alone". He launched into his black tornado skimming along the ground tearing it up and sending chunks of earth flying as he made a b-line for the dragon digimon. Flamedramon stood confidently and quickly darted to the side back hopping to easily avoid the sinister attack. When Black WarGreymon ended his attack and set foot back to solid ground he found himself slightly disoriented and that was all the time Flamedramon had needed. He felt five sharp searing pains slam into his back causing his knees to buckle beneath him, he knew just how devastating those fire rockets attack could be. Black WarGreymon's mind raced he doubted very seriously that he could win this fight he had already sustained a good bit of damage from Kazuma and know with Flamedramon's attacks weakening him even more his options were limited. Glancing over his shoulder he saw the blue digimon standing stoically waiting for him to make another move. Inwardly sighing he saw very little choice "You win for the moment Flamedramon but you had better watch your ass lest my cock finds a nice tight fit in it as well." He snarled as he ran grabbing up his previously discarded equipment and flying off into the horizon.

Flamedramon stood watching until Black WarGreymon's figure was nothing more than a speck in the air ensuring he was long gone before attempting to attend to the wounded Kazuma. He turned surveying the damage to the once pristine field before setting his eyes on the unconscious and nude Kazuma. He allowed his gaze to drink in the magnificent lithe body of Kazuma that sported nothing save for his red vest, though he hadn't really intended to he did eye the more private regions of the warrior digimon. A plump set of white furry balls clearly full and most likely in need of a good draining were tightly pulled up beneath a small yet thick white sheath that had the slightest hint of his pink bunny cock peeking out from it. His thoughts were instantly broken from the more baser ones as he noticed a rapidly expanding pool of blood leaking out from beneath Kazuma's head. He silently cursed Black WarGreymon for so badly damaging a fellow warrior of light and good. He reached beneath his chest armor as he walked upon the crumpled body of the bunny pulling out a roll of white bandage cloth. Gingerly he rolled Kazuma unto his side facing away from him so that he may better examine the wound. A large gash at least 2 inches long was flowing blood at a rather steady pace. Flamedramon was fairly certain that Kazuma had a concussion if not worst he could only hope that his skull wasn't fractured, with expert care and speed he applied the bandage managing to stave off the bleeding. Flamedramon took another quick cursory glance around making sure there was no danger before grabbing Kazuma's pants and belt folding them neatly. He kneeled down gently shaking the rabbit's shoulder ushering for him to wake up. When it was clear that he was most likely going to be unconscious for a while he tenderly laid the clothes on the stomach of Kazuma. He then slide his arm beneath Kazuma's knees and back while wrapping his arm over the back of his neck. He tenderly lifted the other male up taking great care to ensure the furry head rested lightly against his chest. He started off towards the woods where he had previously set up camp.

Kazuma finally began to stir, as his eyes opened slowly he first noticed the canopy of trees followed by the fact that the sky was now dark. Slowly he became aware of the sound of crackling wood he turned his head slightly towards the sound to see a large camp fire going. His thoughts were sluggish and blurry but more and more of the event and his senses came back to him. He heard a sudden snap of a twig and his instincts told him to stand and fight the intruder. He leapt to his fight and spun in the direction of the sound to find a blue digimon standing there with an armful of twigs clearly for the timber. Kazuma opened his mouth to speak but was suddenly over come with a wave of dizziness and nausea. Flamedramon's eyes grew wide as he dropped the timber and caught Kazuma in his arms the concussion clearly having more effect on Kazuma than he had initially realized. Flamedramon knew what was most likely to happen next and held the digimon by the chest facing him away from the camp as his stomach turned and he wretched the contents of it onto the forest floor. Flamedramon waited until he felt the weight of Kazuma's body rest more fully onto him before he again scooped him up into his arms again.

It wasn't until he was cradled into Flamedramon's arms that he had realized he was rather naked, with a deep flush of red to his cheeks he weakly draped his hands over his naughty bits covering them in a sense of modesty and embarrassment. Flamedramon looked down at the face of the rabbit who was clearly blushing and averting his eyes from the dragon digimon which made him laugh, a hearty and mirth filled one at that. He walked over to a sleeping bag lightly laying the white digimon onto it and pulling up a thin sheet over his lower body. Kazuma's blush deepened he had never been cared for like this he wondered silently what the reason was for. He turned his head to ask but realized the blue dragon had gone to the mess as was burying it which brought another flush of embarrassment to him. He instead turned his gaze back up to the sky noting that there were many tiny pin pricks of light in it, curiously wondering if it was some kind of bug, or other digimon floating up there. His thoughts had clearly gone on longer than he had realized for he suddenly felt a cool wet object pressed against his lips. He glanced down to see that Flamedramon was cleaning up the mess from his lips and brought a whole new flush of embarrassment to his cheeks.

He looked over somewhat annoyed and more grateful at the caring attention he was getting. "I can handle myself you know, I might have been badly injured but I'm still capable of cleaning myself." Flamedramon smiled tenderly as he finished offering a small cup of water to Kazuma. "Perhaps and perhaps not either way it was just easier for me to take care of it for you, as you should be conserving your strength as much as possible". Kazuma gratefully took the cup swallowing a few shallow sips savoring the cool feeling of the liquid sliding down his throat. Flamedramon's gaze never left Kazuma's face as he sipped at the water. "I'm Flamedramon though many of my friends just call me Flamey though that choice is yours because I don't mind either honestly" . Kazuma looked up at the dragon digimon and it was only then that he spotted the flame designed armor lying next to the log he blushed again as his eyes subconsciously dropped down to between his legs. He hadn't intended to stare but when he noted that there was a lack of genitillia he had apparently gazed longer than he realized. The sound of Flamedramon clearing his throat brought his eyes back up to the blue digimon's face noting a slight blush into his cheeks. Kazuma gasped softly "Oh, my apologizes friend I didn't mean to stare just that i wasn't....err to say that is.....ummm are you male or female I can't tell" his cheeks flushing bright red as he asked his gaze turning away from Flamey slightly. Flamey chuckled softly his voice soft and kind with not a trace of condescension in it at all "I'm a male dragon type digimon. Our genetillia is slightly different than most other digimon's so I can understand your confusion. By the way friend i still don't have your name and it's a little bit awkward to not be able to address you properly."

Kazuma again looked back at the blue digimon watching as he sat down next to him their hips touching with just the thin sheet separating their flesh. His legs were slightly bent one lying flat along the ground the other angled with a flat foot on the ground. Kazuma softly spoke "Kazuma is my name though most add the King title to it as I'm the champion of OZ". Flamey gave him a puzzled look "What is OZ? is it some part of the digital world, or perhaps it's from the real world where my tamer lives?" This time it was Kazuma's turn to offer a blank and puzzled expression "Digital world? real world? Tamers? I...I don't know any of these things." Flamey looked at Kazuma smiling "well I guess we should really get caught up then huh".

The hours slipped by as Flamedramon regaled Kazuma with the exploits of him and his friends including their adventures in the real world the creation of Black WarGreymon, the obelisks that have been appearing and the black rings as well. Kazuma likewise described the way that OZ was and the fact that this was the first time he had experienced night time, mainly because OZ never got dark even when the sun had set. He explained about his battle with Love Bug and his first memory of coming to the digital world. After they had finished talking and eating they sat silently staring up at the stars simply allowing their thoughts to wander and drink in one another's presence.

Kazuma looked at the blue dragon clearing his throat slightly more so to ensure it wouldn't shake from nerves than any other real reason "Uh. I don't think i have really thanked you properly." Flamey leveled his eyes with Kazuma's a broad smile spreading across his face "There is no need your company is enough." Kazuma gripped the sheets in his hands calming his nerves for a moment then he brought a hand up lightly pressing against the side of Flamey's head before leaning in and pressing his lips tightly against the dragon's. His small pink bunny tongue slipping over the soft lips of Flamey before lightly brushing against the silky smooth dragon type's tongue. It only took a moment for Flamey to respond in kind his arm wrapping gently around his chest resting lightly against the white soft furry back of Kazuma. Their tongues dancing and winding around each other's sliding salvia slippery against one another. Their breathing became heavier and Kazuma felt his heart racing at the taste of the other male's mouth. After many minutes of enjoying each other's caress, taste, and warmth Kazuma slowly pulled away blushing as a tendril of saliva glistened in the moon light that bridged between their lips.

Kazuma lowered his gaze more so intending to avert meeting Flamedramon's gaze than any other reason but in doing so he noted that there was an odd reddish patch of skin in-between the blue digimon's legs along with a slight swelling in the area. His curiosity got the better of him his hand lowered down to the spot his fingers dragging heavily across the area. Flamedramon took in a sudden hissing breath and what Kazuma thought was a noise of discomfort or pain for the blue digimon's hand quickly gripped Kazuma's holding it steady preventing it from moving. Kazuma quickly apologized thinking he had inadvertently hurt his friend. Flamey smiled his breath and body both shaking. "It's ok you didn't hurt me i was... just wasn't prepared for your touch to be so soft. Remember how i was telling you that dragon digimon have different genitals?" Kazuma nodded slowly his eyes never leaving Flamedramon's. "Well as we prepare to erect the area around our slit becomes extremely sensitive and with your fur being so soft, I just..." a shudder ran through the blue digimon visibly causing him to shake. "well got overly excited and well i was afraid of making a mess honestly." Kazuma flushed deeply his own member was already at half erection which was thankfully hidden beneath the sheets. he still didn't fully understand the whole dragon sexual organ thing. "I'm still not sure i understand all this Flamey. Could you please explain it to me a bit better I would like to be able to please you properly without fear of i might be causing discomfort."

Flamedramon's eyes went wide with surprise and was a little shocked his cheeks hadn't caught fire yet with as fiercely he was surely blushing. he thought for a moment relaxing the grip on the soft furry arm, he couldn't help but to run his fingers lightly across it as he did so. Finally he cleared his throat softly speaking "Well trying to fully explain might complicate things a bit, but the basics are my penis is inside of me and comes out of my slit when i erect." He looked down the slightly confused look on Kazuma showed that he still hadn't explained it completely right so he would understand. With a soft sigh and a small rolling of his shoulders he lightly placed a hand on Kazuma's well-toned chest as he rose up to his knees gingerly taking the rabbits hand under his own he brought it up to his warm groin "Perhaps it would be better if i just showed you?"

It was Kazuma's turn to looked shocked as his heart raced faster as he looked down at Flamey's groin a small hole slowly starting to appear and the other digimon's male scent mixing with the scent of the burning wood. He found his words failing him so instead he simply looked up into the soft red eyes of Flamey and nodded smiling. Flamedramon swallowed, nervousness showing clearly as he brought the tip of the soft finger against the entrance of his draconic slit. Flamey's body shivered at the touch as he let a low panting moan of pleasure his body flushing as the pleasure started to awaken his body. He bit down on his lip as he slowly pushed the rabbit's fingers into his slit a spasm nearly buckling his legs as they penetrated inside his body. His fingers were barely half way to the knuckle before he felt the tip of the dragon digimon's dick. His mind was overwhelmed and swimming in euphoria at the sensation of being inside a dragon slit. It was so tight and warmly filled with large amounts of male fluid making it slick and wet.

Kazuma's musing were quickly interrupted by a long loud moan of pleasure and a shifting of weight by Flamedramon resting it more fully onto his own body. Slightly amazed by the sensation of the member releasing itself from the warm confines brushing along the tips of his fingers. When it finally broke free of the confining body, it was with a gush of male fluids most resembling thick pre cum. Kazuma brought his hand closer to his face spreading his fingers watching with bemused curiosity as the stringy fluid laddered between his fingers before succumbing to gravity. He brought the ooze covered finger to his nostril inhaling the intoxicating scent deeply a deep red blush of pleasure running across his face as that scent filtered into his body relaxing muscles. He brought the same finger to his mouth quickly popping it in, running his tongue over the dragon's fluids. As the fluids slid down his throat he shuddered slightly and the fur along his arms stood slightly on end. It tasted like lightly salted oil, smooth and slippery with just a hint of stickiness. His body clearly hotter as he panted a small cloud of his breath appeared into visibility of the night air.

Flamedramon watch as his fellow warrior savored his treat, his own breathing becoming more and more ragged as the exposed cock bobs randomly dripping pre from the tip. Already a quarter sized pool already formed on the ground. He glanced down noting there was a rather intriguing tent within the sheets. Flamey slowly traced his fingers through the silky fur savoring the feel of the tightly packed muscle beneath it. Once his fingers journey reached the edge of the sheets he cautiously pulled them down from the bunny boner his gaze not leaving Kazuma's eyes that were filled with a soft compassionate and sexually hungry look in them. His head tilted as he admired the 4 inches of pink bunny meat that glistened wetly in the cool night air. Hesitantly he traced a fingertip feathery soft from the tip all the way down to the soft plump fuzzy balls. "wow you are so beautiful Kazuma-kun"

Kazuma's response was to tightly grip the dragon's head and smash his lips against the other males. Their tongues again dancing as their hands roamed all over one another's defined bodies. Deep resonating moans rose from their throats as their lips remained lock savoring one another delicious mouth's. Kazuma however was the first to make the real move his hand moving down the blue digimon's back delighting in the feel of his smooth skin as his hand grabbed a firm hold on his rump and giving a good strong squeeze. Flamedramon's lips broke the seal as he moaned hotly "Kazuma, pl...please it's been so long since I was last pleasured" Bringing his maw down to the rabbits ear he coarsely, hungrily whispered "Fuck me Kazuma". Kazuma's body trembled with excitement his finger licking at the tail hole of the blue digimon bringing with it a growl of pleasure from within his chest. It was tight and warm squeezing tighter as the finger softly danced, by this time Flamey was laying with head, shoulders and chest upon the white pillow his rump slightly in the air and tail curved high providing easy access to the entry point of his body.

Kazuma's fingers left the sweet pucker and his hands cupped Flamedramon's face lifting it up so their eyes met. His face and voice sounding more like a coo than actual spoken words "turn around sweet Flamey". Flamedramon looked puzzled for a moment but did as he was instructed placing his feet beneath the strong soft furred arms of Kazuma. He looked back with apprehension clearly on his face "Uh like this.?"

Kazuma grabbed hold of the leathery blue butt spreading the firm cheeks apart before his face disappeared between them his tongue escaping from his mouth as it hungrily searched for that tight pucker in desperate need of a good lubing. Flamedramon let out a gasping moan as the slippery monster made contact with his entrance he began drawing in heavy breaths as his upper body folded beneath him while his rump supported by two powerful hands remained raised while it was properly prodded. As Flamedramon's eyes rolled up from the pleasure his body was experiencing he caught sight the glistening pick cock that drooled pre onto the white groin of Kazuma. His mouth clamped around it instantly suckling like a new born kit would upon his mother's teat.

Flamedramon wrapped his tongue around the sweet tasting member of Kazuma as he slowly bobbed his head up and down upon it. Reaching down he gingerly fondled the plump orbs that were obviously in desperate need of draining. They rolled and pulled up constantly beneath his the touch of his fingers. Trying desperately to not lose focus of the task at hand he found more and more that it was difficult as his hole was being lavished with attentions.

Kazuma's efforts didn't go unnoticed as the blue digimon gyrated his hips more than once and was pushing back more often as well. Finally Kazuma broke the stalemate of their battle as his tongue pushed through the muscled ring and into Flamey's body. He gasped letting the bunny cock slip from his mouth with a low schlurping sound. His face became buried into the white groin panting and moaning as he was penetrated with the slippery muscle of Kazuma's. Flamedramon squirmed and placed his hand onto Kazuma's head pushing him away as he attempted to struggle free of the iron grip Kazuma had on his firm butt. When Kazuma realized that Flamey was struggling to get away he released his grip watching as the blue digimon crumpled to the ground shivering. Panting heavily and beads of sweat rolling down his skin Flamedramon laid partially on and off of the rabbit his body unable to bear the teasing pleasure any longer. Feeling as though he was about to burst into flames he laid for many moments barely moving until he felt he had cooled off enough to be ready. Kazuma face full of concern leaned over and lightly placed his hand upon the dragons shoulder.

Flamedramon sprang into motion the instant he felt the silky smooth fur brush onto his skin. His hormones too much all his instincts were driving him to one conclusion he had to be fucked. He tackled the Rabbit down to the ground watching as the other male's eyes widened with shock and surprise. He simultaneously straddled the digimon's hips and impaled himself in one fluid motion upon the rabbit cock savoring the delight of his insides being pushed by its sudden entrance into him. They both moaned in unison, Flamedramon's body shaking slightly by the sudden massive onset of pleasure into his body and Kazuma by the suddenly warm, slippery tightness that had gripped a hold of his cock.

Kazuma's instincts took over as he began to buck into the dragon type wildly grunting with each powerful meeting of groin to ass. He watched as Flamey arched back gripping his legs for support his supple neck elongating back roaring out sexual noises, unghs, unhs, and mmmfs. His 7 inch red cock bouncing uncontrollably as it periodically flung thick strands of pre into the smooth white fur. Kazuma's white plump scrotium pulled up tightly to his body his thrusts becoming more erratic as the moments passed until final he screamed with pleasure his orgasm releasing the massively pent up seed into the dragon type's cute ass.

Flamey groaned as the wet warmth spread inside of him his own climax not too far off. He looked down expecting to see his sexual accomplice deep in the afterglow, panting and exhausted he was however in for a very big surprise about a rabbits ability to fuck. Kazuma was far from exhausted he had unleashed one huge load into his blue friend but he had plenty more and his dominate warrior nature was starting to take over.

Kazuma gripped the blue digimon's calves and with one fluid motion flipped him onto his back. Flamedramon squeaked in surprise as the world suddenly spun around him and his vision suddenly filled with the lovely face of Kazuma. The rabbit brought the blue legs over his shoulders before pushing in deeply to the tight ring of Flamedramon.

Flamey squirmed and let out a gasping moan feeling himself re-entered. His body relaxed almost instantly the endorphins rushing through his body as his hole was being fucked rather quickly but it felt so good to him. He had never had anything feel this good before, finding that his toe's seemingly curled of their own accord. Kazuma was panting heavily at this point feeling another orgasm building he began to fully pull his dick out of Flamey before slamming it back in while he slammed forward he ensured that was simultaneously yanking on the sexy smooth thighs of Flamey.

Kazuma shifted his weight forward stretching his legs fully out and rolling the other male's body up so that his back was curving up off the ground. Flamedramon's legs wrapped around Kazuma's hips as he started to plow deeply into his ass his member brushing and rubbing repeatedly against his prostrate. Kazuma's arms planted firmly on the ground leveled with the strong chest. Flamey's eyes so full of passion looked deeply into Kazuma's before closing them wrapping his arms under Kazuma's and hungrily exploring his mouth with a slippery tongue. Flamedramon's belly and chest was coated in thick sheets of pre from his leaking cock his breathing ragged he knew it wouldn't be long before his body clamped down on the pink rabbit cock that was jackhammering his ass and he orgasmed.

Kazuma broke the kiss bringing his lips to Flamey's ear. "I'm close. Cum with me this time" He brought his hand into to the blue digimon's and interlaced their fingers together. The thrust came faster the slickly filled hole squishing with each slam forward as Kazuma made a point to gyrate his hips applying more pressure against the prostrate. Flamey's fingers gripped the back fur of Kazuma as his ass suddenly tightened around the pink dick squeezing it tightly. Kazuma's mouth found hold of Flamedramon's throat biting down and holding tight as both digimon's climaxes hit them hard.

The blue digimon arched his back as the feel of hot spunk spraying into him caused his own dick to spray his sticky hot seed in between the furred and scaly chests. Flamey moaned lowly almost a growl sound, the feel of being totally dominated by his white furred friend assaulting his senses with an overwhelming sensation during his climax. Kazuma quickly pulled out of Flamey with a slippery 'schlurping' noise and spraying the last bit of his climax on to the red dick and slit of his dragon type friend. Flamedramon's body spasmed violently as he yelped out a cry of surprise as the hyper sensitive dragon slit was splashed with hot bunny seed overwhelming his senses.

As their orgasms wound down they laid atop one another their seed rubbing between their bodies. Kazuma laid his head upon the blue chest listening to the rhythmic heart beat as it slowed down to return its normal cadence. Flamedramon brought his hand to the rabbit's head his fingers light tracing through the fur and along the long ears. Many moments passed by the hot seed cooling rapidly in the night air as Flamedramon looked down at the rabbit who was clearly lost in thought "Hey Kazuma we should get washed up especially you before your fur gets all matted with cum." Kazuma looked up at him and absent mindedly agreed.

They got up from their comfortable spot Flamey quickly grabbing something from a pack nearby before walking down a trail. Flamey gently took Kazuma's hand into his own as they walked towards their destination. Risking a glance over he noticed the rabbit's face fur a slight pink as he took that hand. He didn't keep it for long however for Kazuma gently pulled it free and brought it to his chest and looked over at Flamedramon with a mixture of sorrow, fear, and pain. Flamey didn't let it bother him he figured that it was probably Kazuma's first time and knew that he was most likely going through a lot of mixed emotions at this point and he didn't need to add any more confusion so he just let him be with them as they walked in silence to the lake.

When finally they broke through the forest to the lake Kazuma found himself just staring at the beauty of the night lights shimmering off the small ripples generated by the wind. It was a deep blue color and seemed to be pure. Flamedramon giggled and gave his friend a playful push clearly breaking his thought before he darted forward and jumped into lake. He swam a bit under the water savoring the slightly cold liquid moving around his body before he finally brought his head up out of the water. The lake wasn't too deep and where the dragon type stood the water level was just above his nipples. He looked back at the shore line and saw Kazuma still standing there his hand gripping his elbow slight his eyes averted from his friend. "Come on in the water feels really good tonight."

Kazuma finally brought his gaze to the other digimon and tentatively made his way to the water he stopped when his foot meet the water. His toes wiggled in the shallow water as amazement washed over him the cold water feeling great on his skin beneath his fur. He finally walked out to Flamey giving him a casual look more so because his thoughts continued to stir within his head. Flamedramon gave a heavy sigh and began to rub the soap he had been holding against his chest working it into a nice lather. Flamedramon became worried at the silence he was getting from Kazuma fearing that perhaps something was amiss. When his white furred companion finally made it out to him he gave him a concerned look before moving closer to him.

Flamedramon lightly placed his hand on the rabbit's chest noting that he cringed slightly "Kazuma is something wrong?" his eyes pleading for him to talk and the tone of his voice echoing his feelings for Kazuma. Kazuma sighed his eyes suddenly seeming weighted as if on the verge of crying, the tenure of his voice was shaky at best as he mumbled "I don't know, there are so many questions running in my head" Flamey smiled but Kazuma looked away as a small tear trickled down his soft furred cheek. Flamedramon softly cupped the white cheek and encouraged his head around so their gaze met again "Hey listen to me Kazuma. I know your feelings and thoughts are all jumbled at the moment but I'm here to help you through them no digimon should never have to fight alone."

Kazuma stood there delighting somewhat in the touch of his friend as he looked deeply into those soft red eyes. With a large gulp to steady his nerves he quickly blurted out a question "Are we mates?" His cheeks burned red as he kept his gaze steady on blue digimon. Flamey chuckled softly "well to answer that question I must first ask a question in return. Do you want to own me? To make me yours and only yours?" Flamey pressed his body lightly against the rabbit's as he spoke. Kazuma's eyes widen as he took a half step back at the question "I....I'm not sure I understand what you mean Flamey."

Flamedramon grinned slightly "I suppose that does require some clarification on my part. If you recall I mentioned my tamer, well all digimon have them and when two digimon decide to become mates together they each become the others tamer and therefore one and/or both must claim ownership of the other." Kazuma's head tilted in confusion " I think I kind of understand but still it's not exactly all that clear honestly" Flamedramon brought his lips mere millimeters from the soft lips of the rabbit digimon "Kazuma. It means to never be alone again to always wake with me by your side, to travel the digital world together, to never face any battle alone again. If you were to ask it of me my answer would be yes. I would have you as mine because...well because I love you. It's a strange thing Kazuma but just looking at you makes my heart race, touching you makes me smile."

Kazuma stood motionless looking down into the blue digimon's eyes as he listened. He had to admit that he did feel a lot of those same things with him but was it love he questioned himself. In battle you must make a decision, take action, and accept that it is done while being prepared to alter or counter that action if it didn't go as expected. Could one do that with love as well? Should it be viewed as simply a battle of the hearts. Taking possession of another digimon....what did that really mean. Finally Kazuma's questions led to one conclusion whether or not Flamey agreed or not he would stand by his decision as a warrior.

Flamedramon felt like the seconds that passed were as days and the minutes seemed like centuries to him. He began to tremble slightly fear creeping into his mind, fear of being rejected. His heart raced the blood rushing through his ears his eyes watering slightly and his head swimming slightly. Finally he saw Kazuma's lips move articulating clear words but, the water in his eyes blurred his vision not allowing him to see the words that formed properly and the blood rushing in his ears was the only thing he heard.

Kazuma looked down awaiting the blue digimon's response it was only then that he noticed he was shaking like a leaf and the essence of fear reading clear in his eyes as they started to water. Kazuma gave a little smirk as he realized that there was a bigger distance between them than before. He brought his face forward and meshed his lips with Flamedramon's again stating what he had already said "Flamedramon I claim you as my digimon, my possession and on my warrior's honor I swear that my heart is yours."

Flamedramon's knees buckled and the only thing holding him up was Kazuma's arms wrapped tightly around the small of his back. Flamey quickly wrapped his beneath the rabbit's arms and gripping atop of his shoulders seeming as if he had let go that he would fall to oblivion. Their tongues softly danced with each other's as they shared their first kiss as mates. After many minutes ticked by embracing, kissing, and loving one another they finally parted. Both were smiling broadly, happy with this choice to belong to one another. They helped to clean each other taking long moments as they explored one another's most private areas.

As they made their way back to camp they walked their hands clasped tightly with the others. Exchanging laughs, looks, and stories of their adventures joy showing clearly in their steps. When finally they arrived back at their destination Flamey grabbed a soft towel from his bag and wrapped Kazuma in it drying his off thoroughly. Finally they laid in bed together wrapping each other tightly in an embrace sharing soft kisses and light touches. Kazuma sighed happily "I knew the moment I came to this strange world that it was meant for me to be here and now I know why." Flamedramon blushed deeply at the implied meaning. "Now that we are together Kazuma there will never be anything that can darken the light of our love." They laid there drinking in each other's presence before their eye lids finally succumb to gravity and the blissful darkness of sleep over taking them.

A shadowy figured lurked nearby completely hidden to the two warrior digimon as they laid there resting together. "Fucking Flamedramon taking my toy away from me, humiliating me but oh how I will have my revenge and my toy's anus will be ripped open into a bloody mess as I shall be the first to break that cheery" A sinister grin spreading across Black WarGreymon's face as he gazed at the two lovers from the distance. "As for you, Flamedramon you shall wish that you had had the pleasure of being able to feel my digihood ripping your innards open. No for you there is only a horrid and painful death. Yes that is what is need. I will break your spine in front of my toy and make him watch as I rip your entrails from your stomach and before death takes you, I shall make sure that the last visage that either of you see is me crushing your beating heart in my hand. Black WarGreymon stood up from behind the tree that he had been hiding behind smirking as he noted the still sticky strings of thick black digispunk that still clung to the trunk. "Enjoy this moment of reprieve for soon you shall awake to a nightmare."