Alone in a hostile World-Chapter 8

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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okay here is the chapter of how it all happened, how it began for a moment. Enjoy. The poem that is on here I borrowed from as I am not much of a writer of poetry.


Snapping the ammo belt into place over his pants finishing off the official garbs of the pack guards trying to straighten everything out to make himself look more presentable before shutting the locker firmly, Tirol looked at his watch one last time before heading toward the exit door. Having just less than thirty minutes to get to the starting area for his patrol route. He would meet the guard that he was to replace for the graveyard shift, he really didn't have to worry about time as he took on a light sprint heading up the path which Mcich had indicated would take him to the starting point and where he was suppose to meet the guard.

It didn't take him long to find the guard as the figure's outline shown in the outline of the rising moon although crescent in shape it, Tirol's keen eyes were still able to pick the figure out, the figure already showing that whoever it was, was clearly awaiting for its replacements arrival As he approached his happy mood that filled him suddenly disappeared as who the guard turned out to be was soon revealed.

"Jason, my luck can't be that bad to end up with you being the one to be replaced by me." Tirol growled in a discomfort. Things hadn't changed much since the day that he had come to the pack and word had spread about him and Miri being mated, Jason although still pissed about the news, had to accept the news as there wasn't anything that to his knowledge that Jason could do to break the union

"Nice to see you too, punk. Comm channel check is on channel two, report in every 15 minutes or if you notice something unusual, you should hear the reports coming in well before it's your turn." Jason answered although by the sounds of what he was telling him it was all mostly lies. Instead of letting on to the idea that he knew he was being lied to, Tirol just nodded before allowing the idiot to walk away back down the path.

Immediately switching to a channel that Mcich had informed him he would be listening on if Tirol had questions, Tirol quickly checked on the channels finding out that Jason was indeed lying about the channels. With the proper information, he went about calling for a radio check and a regular check in before turning his attention to his job.

~Does things ever change with him?~ Tirol thought shaking his head as he let out a slight sigh before pulling a clip free from the belt around his waist, he slapped it into place before pulling back the bolt locking the first bullet into place. In a swift motion, his thumb flipped down on the safety getting the gun into safe-standby mode and with that single move, he was ready to. The rifle had the setting put into place that way if a pack member was to come out and was mistakenly thought to be something of danger, they would not be shot by accident.

Tirol had to admit that Tom, the pack's gunsmith, out did himself with that added feature, not only saving many members from being killed or injured. Or with that idea that someone accidentally shooting themselves in the foot, he had to smirk at that last thought as a number of people including Jason had that happen to them, it was great. In time, the trainees finally got the hang of the rifle without shooting themselves.

Shaking his head as he started to walk down the route turning to a memory that happened that day, it was when he joined his mate for lunch, having brought something special for it including a items for their anniversary. Although she would not find the item until after he had left, Tirol had made sure of that as he did not want it to be that easy for her to discover what he planned for their anniversary.

Smiling inwardly as he cast his eyes toward the now silent house that he shared with Miri with his mind imaging her wrapped in the silk sheets of their bed with a comfortable smile of peacefulness played across her face. If he thought back about where he had given her a good-bye kiss as she finally said that she needed to go back to work and would see him at him.

As he walked away, she would notice that he had left her an origami wolf laying on top of her towel that she used for sweat standing on top of it enticing her. Leaning down and scooping up the wolf, she carefully opened up the folds to reveal a poem on it waiting for her:

In the days when I was lonely, In the days when my heart wondered for love, In the days when the sun burnt my joy, In the days when the wind blew my hope, In the days when the rain washed my desire for love.

Those days are gone, replaced by your ever presence in my life, Today you have conquered my body and soul.

Sweet love in this day's babe.

When she got home that night, she did not say anything about the poem however when Tirol first looked into her eyes, he could have sworn that there was something there of a memory there as she kissed him with passion. She offered a smirk before she stopped him from asking. "You aren't going to get any clue on what your present is, mister. Giving me sweet items aren't going to make it that easy for you."

"Love, I don't know what you are talking about." he answered trying to look at innocent as she walked away casting him a knowing smile in the process. Shaking his head as he got back to work, Tirol felt his nostrils flare as the sweet scent of a female werewolf in Heat wavering up, although very faint to the point that he probably missed if he hadn't turned into the wind. It caused him to shudder although so slightly feeling the drugs that the mysterious figure had injected both him and Miri with to start to rise again.

Lucky enough he was able to gain control of his desires once more as he found that the scent indeed did not belong to Miri. The wolf, though at that point, was finding it hard to tell the difference between Miri and another female's scent, which was causing Tirol a great deal of stress trying to regain control of his body once more, which had started to slip. "Calm down, wolf. Whoever it was, it was not Miri...and I do not want to lose what I have with Miri so you can go hump the first bitch near us. Plus we have a job to do."

"Easy for you to say, kid. Remember there are two sides of your mind now and one part of it is animal. There are certain animalistic desires that are part of all animal minds that are harder than other urges to control. And it doesn't help that we still have that drug storming throughout our system that can make us go feral any second if we aren't careful." the wolf answered plainly. Like before, the wolf had been more than helpful in helping Tirol learn about the new addition to his life however there were certain points in which Tirol wished did not come that strongly.

Lucky enough the scent disappeared as it had appeared without any sign of where it had come from which allowed Tirol to continue on with the patrol. Mcich had gone about explaining that the guards were able to take a 15 minute break after 2 hours and a single dinner/breakfast break for 30 minutes but needed to be on alert at all times for something unusual. Sitting a top a hill overlooking the gunnery range behind him and the valley before him, which offered an amazing sight before him.

With a full moon casting a brilliant glow over the valley below, with a rugged cliff that shot down over rough edges of two cliffs before reaching a fully enriched forest and plain before revealing a almost silent yet beautiful river running down the middle moving into the pack's ground offering a very homely feeling to the place. Having only gone camping when he was a kid, Tirol had found himself missing the life and when he found himself getting the comfortable once again in nature having spent a good amount of years living in the city and had gotten use to it instead of out in the wild. Taking in a deep breath once more, he closed his eyes enjoying the fresh untouched smell that the village that he sat on the outskirts of offered. Once again, a light but steady breeze came in from the forest nothing out of the ordinary until a much heavier scent of a female in heat shot into his nostrils.

The scent being much more heavier that the first time but it was indeed the same scent shot straight into his nostrils causing him to cough choking back the thick scent jerking his hand up to block the scent as it seemed to clog his nostrils. Jerking backward as the breeze disappear taking with it the scent. Nevertheless, even as the fresh yet natural scents of nature came back to him, the scent stayed inside his nostrils leaving the arousing smell embedded in his senses and this time it was even harder to get control of his body once more.

Coughing he drew in more of the fresh nature smells into his system trying to get rid of the scent after a few long minutes however he found that his cock had became erect to the point that it became painful for him. Shaking his head and after about three hours and about the last hour of his shift, he was able to get the erection down and no other weird occurrence or appearance of the scent ever appeared for the rest of the night. That is when the final set of events was thrown into motion.

The sun was barely coming up when the soft footsteps of his replacement came walking up did Tirol find to his surprise that it was Mcich wearing a guard uniform with a rifle slung over his shoulder and a smile on his face. "Good morning, Tirol. I see that you survived your first night of patrol, eh?"

"Oh yes, although I think there was a female out here last night that was in heat because throughout the entire night I kept on getting a whiff of the scent every so often. Each time it got stronger, the last occurrence caused me to get an erection that was painful." Tirol answered letting out a sigh and yawn in the process. It had indeed been a long night and he was looking forward to getting home for breakfast with Miri before bed again.

"Mmmm, strange. None of the logs from the other guards reported anything of such. And you say that it only happened when the breeze kicked up or it was in your area?" Mcich asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, pretty much. I did not think it was anything to report as a problem. Probably a young female that wanted to get away for the night or something." Tirol answered with a shrug pulling back the bolt allowing the bullet to fall out before allowing the clip to release out of the rifle. Bending over and picking up the bullet, he snapped it into place once more before turning to Mcich. "Other than that nothing out of the ordinary happened last night."

"Very well," Mcich said as Tirol was about to leave when Mcich stopped him from leaving holding up a folded note with Tirol's name written on it. "Before I forget, I found this note I guess it was meant for you as it has your name on it."

"Must be from Miri, tomorrow is our anniversary and she did tell me that she wanted to have breakfast with her when I was done with duty." Tirol said taking the note. "I am guessing you are my relief for this morning?"

"Yeah, I thought it should be normal for the Boss to take over, you will have the normal replacement tomorrow morning so don't think that you should see me every time." Mcich commented giving Tirol a playful push back down the path toward the guard building allowing Tirol to go about his business. Shaking his head glad that everything seemed to be going back to normal once more, Tirol took the note and unfolded it finding a simple message scrolled on it.

When you are done, come find me at the waterfall.

Short yet it seemed enticing, with its mysterious aroma around it with a slight yet taint smell of a female in heat this time the scent being Miri's that's for sure made Tirol decide that there shouldn't be any cause for concern. Shaking his head as he went about quickly pulling off the guard uniform depositing it into the bin to be cleaned knowing he had a extra uniform at home so all he needed to do was recover his gear when he got back that night.

Stepping outside he was assaulted by a heavy wind roared in through the village signaling the approach of a storm coming from the valley, which caused Tirol to groan hoping that it would not arrive until after whatever Miri had planned. Like before almost a ghostly presence, the heavy scent of a female in heat once again fully assaulted Tirol's nostrils causing him to jerk backward. Deep within his body, he found the terrible urge of needing to take whoever was releasing the smell violently, the feral side that he had hoped had disappeared appeared quickly taking control of his body shoving Tirol's human side down far away from the surface that Tirol found himself feeling almost drowning struggling to breath fresh air however it was too late.

Immediately finding itself in complete control of a physical body once more, the feral presence that was created by the drugs in his system let out a primal growl and howls before taking on a massive wolf like appearance that dropped on to all fours. Being a lot bigger than his normal wolf form, the feral breathed deeply drawing in more of the heavenly scent into his system, which continued to drive up the lust in his system to an overdrive point.

Letting out a much louder howl, the feral took off at an amazingly fast run straight down a path that was not taken that often pushing past some startled guards that had just come off duty and heard the howls and growls. The creature was so massive and move so quickly that they never got a chance to see what it was before it had disappeared.

Charging through the forest following the scent as it kept on getting stronger and stronger as it approached the waterfall its cock, much bigger than ever before, throbbing and ready to take the first target that it came upon all rational thought had disappeared from its mind. The only true rational thought that was there was the desire to pound his cock deep into the bitch until she howled in pain.

It took less than three minutes when normally the trip would be a lot longer than that to traverse the space but as it came to into the open space between the trees and the pool edge of the waterfall, the feral beast found the target. Standing there in a beautiful form stood to what the feral thought was Miri in her own wolf form seemingly a little startled however as the feral beast looked on the beautiful autumn furred wolf that stood before him looking at him with a lustful look at him with her tail cast off to the side revealing what the beast could only imagine.

The beast did not need any further invite after drawing in lung full is of the scent into his nostrils, the beast let out a powerful howl before charging forward mounting the much smaller wolf without a second thought. The female wolf seemed to be taken by surprise but since the male was much more, bigly than she was there was nothing that she could do as the male took full possession of her body driving in the massive cock into her tight virgin opening tearing through the hymen without a second thought of being kind to her.

The idea of a hymen should have been a signal to the male wolf that the female below him was not Miri plus the fact that Miri was a lot smarter than to overdose him on female pheromones. Nevertheless, like before all rational thought had disappeared and nothing seemed to matter to the feral beast as it continued to pound into the female bitch below him.

As he came closer and closer to releasing his massive seed into the bitch's sweet tight body, a massive paw slammed into Tirol's head slamming him backward on to the ground driving the feral side from the surface allowing Tirol to regain conscious. Looking around, everything became normal once more, what stood before him was a sight made him cringe in fright, and stomach began tumbling over and over.

Standing there with her fangs bore looking very much pissed off, Miri in wolf form, again did not look happy about what she saw. Not to far from where he had just stood lay as black and brown wolf that clearly didn't look like Miri at all, her opening clearly dripping of pre and blood looked exhausted yet had a sinister look upon her face.

Standing up to his four legs once more, Tirol stumbled forward looking stunned and shock about what had just happened as he began to approach Miri slowly. "Miri...I-I don't-"

"Shut up, Tirol! How could you do such a thing? I thought our relationship was something important to you and yet here I find you clearly fucking this...this whore! At the very place that you nearly died! How could you!" she cried a painful expression playing across her face, tears ready to fall from her eyes from what she was experiencing. At that moment the other female wolf approach with the sinister look still playing across her face.

"Well he sure doesn't love you now, did you see-" the female tortured Miri revealing that it was Jasmine that Tirol had been taking so aggressively. However, she was indeed not in the mood as Miri jerked around sending a series of fury swipes nailing the bitch violently across the head sending her sprawling to the sandbank nearby. Tirol tried to approach Miri again however, she jerked around facing him her fangs bore ready to tear out his throat a pained expression on her face.

"Miri, I swear I didn't-"

"Don't! Just stay away from me!" she cried one last time before taking off back toward the village a clear sob in her voice that caused Tirol to cringe in pain as he had done something that he had never meant to do. There came a dark chuckle from the sandbank as tears began to roll down his cheeks his eyes closed tightly trying to push out the awful memories from his mind.

"Soooo...shall we finish what we started or should we go to your-" Jasmine said starting to walk toward him however stopped when he growled hard and very loudly at her causing her to stop in confusion and startlement.

"You know, I may have considered volunteering for the bloodline part if Miri had talked with me about it, but what you did just now...that's unforgivable! Don't you care for anyone but yourself! You just ruined a relationship just to get what you wanted and now you think after what just happened I am just going to continue what just happened!" Tirol growled snarling ready to tear out Jasmine's throat for all of the misery that she caused him. The sudden change caused Jasmine to back away clearly afraid of being killed right there and then for her actions. "I NEVER HAD A LIFE UNTIL MIRI CAME INTO IT AND WHAT SHE GAVE ME IS MORE THAN WHAT YOU COULD EVER HAVE! STAY AWAY FROM ME OR I WILL DO WHAT MIRI THREATENED TO DO!"

"Tirol...I-I'm sorry, I-"

"BULLSHIT YOU DIDN'T!" Tirol snarled once more before taking off once more desperate to try to fix what just happened leaving a startled Jasmine standing there at the sandbanks alone once more.