Finding Some Inspiration

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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Writer's block? Say it ain't so! Ildac wants to write so badly, but he just can't seem to find his muse. Good thing his muse has decided to do all the finding this time and, even better, wants to help the fox get over this writing problem of his...

I came upon this idea last night as a sort of epiphany, and I just had to write it out and share it with you all. Ahead you will find snake sexing and hypnosis. :3 Not much more to say except "enjoy the read"!

Characters are (c) AnubusKiren

The sound of fingers striking keys was always a familiar sound at Ildac's house. Story after story involving sensual hypnotic adventures had been plucked from the fox's mind and written out in the sexiest way he could manage, over the span of three years. At first he could crank out stories like crazy, fresh ideas never far from the angel's mind. But as time went on and his methods improved, he found himself lacking the energy he once had for story writing.

"No..." the white-furred angelfox grumbled, clicking out of one window and opening up another. He scrolled to the bottom, watched the blinking cursor for a moment, then clicked the X at the top once more, "No..!"

He opened another story. Then another. Another, another, and another. "No, no, no, no! Dammit, what the hell's wrong with me?" Ildac slumped back into his chair, sighing heavily and rubbing his temples, "I used to be so quick. So full of ideas. What the hell happened?"

The fox stared at the screen, now sitting at the desktop--a pinup of a certain colorful wolfess--and opened up his document folder. Stories about snakes, dragons, femdom, assassins... Was this really it? Was this all the creativity he had in him, or was there something more to milk from his tired, distracted brain?

"What I wouldn't give for my muse to just come out and slap me in the face." Ildac sighed again and put his head down on his desk, sliding the keyboard back into its drawer, "Goddess knows I need some inspiration..."

He must have fallen asleep, as the last thing Ildac recalled was shutting his eyes and resting his head on his arms. He yawned and stretched, groaning when he felt a soreness in his back, "Dammit... I should just go to bed when I'm tired."

The fox checked the time. Almost four in the morning. He started to get up, then remembered that he'd left the computer on. He took hold of the mouse and shook it to put the computer out of sleep mode, squinting when the screen suddenly came to life and filled the room with a bright white light. It was nearly blinding in the dark room, and it took him a second to realize that it was just a blank white screen.

"That's weird..." he mumbled, swishing the mouse around again and finding that his cursor was gone. The fox groaned and chalked it up to a problem with his computer, reaching for the power button and pressing it. Nothing happened.

"Alright, what the hell." he pressed and held the button three more times and sighed, mumbling profanities and starting to bend down to find the plug strip's power switch. He stopped in his tracks, however, when the computer screen began to... bulge.

"Oooookaaaaaay..." Ildac pushed his chair back and grabbed a thick textbook from the shelf next to his bed to shield himself with in case the monitor up and exploded. The screen continued to bulge outward in the middle, the plastic splitting as a long band of light emerged from the monitor, floating in the air and growing in length and thickness. Gradually the bright light on the screen faded, flowing out from the "hole" it had made to escape, leaving his monitor wholly intact without a hint of damage from this odd entity's escape. The light began to solidify, dulling in its radiance and taking form; a vaguely triangular snout at the end with two deep, pitch-black eyes, and a long, winding, scaly body floating lazily in the air. Two feathered wings, as brilliantly white as the scales, formed a quarter of the way down the serpent's body, completing its transformation, leaving the mildly baffled fox staring.

"Greetings, Ildac." the snake spoke in a beautiful feminine, almost musical tone, her head looming down over the angel as he held up his book to protect himself, "Do not fear. I am here to help."

"Help with what? Computer troubles? Everything seems to be working fine since you um... exited it." he lowered his book shield a bit, not entirely convinced that this snake was harmless, "So who are you? How do you know me?"

"Why Ildac, I'm surprised at you!" the snake giggled girlishly, circling him once and then draping herself around his body with her soft, warm coils, "I am your muse. The avatar of your love for hypnotism. The aspect of your mind that seeks to give form to the sensual ideas in your naughty little head."

Ildac felt the book tugged from his hands, and he made no attempt to resist. He was far too busy forming the best skeptical expression he possibly could without going overboard, "My muse. My actual, metaphysical muse. The name I give to something purely psychological, without form or thought, mostly in the spirit of being humorous or to make excuses. That muse?"

"That muse!"

"But you're just a... a thought! Hell, not even a thought! You're a desire! How does a desire float out of my computer monitor?"

The snake muse giggled again, smiling a mysterious smile, "Who's to say this isn't all in your head to begin with, mmm?"

"That... You..." Ildac struggled for an answer, but found none.

"It's not, of course." she snickered at the irritated expression that followed this, "I am here, and that's all there is to it."

"What a cop-out."

"Don't question your muse!" the tip of the snake's tail bapped him on the nose, bringing a little yip from the fox, "Now, my angelic friend, what seems to be the problem?"

Ildac rubbed his nose, lifting a brow speculatively, "As my muse, shouldn't you know exactly what my problem is?"

"Do you want to get bapped again?"

"You make a compelling argument." he leaned back against his "muse's" coils, reaching up and running his fingers over her scales experimentally, finding them wonderfully warm to the touch, "Well, I simply can't find the desire to write these days."

"Not true! You just finished a story, didn't you?" the tip of her tail slipped under his chin, tickling his neck gently and making him squirm in place.

"Mmff..." Ildac batted at the tail, "Yeah, but only because I had a solid idea and a good picture for inspiration. Lately, all the stories I start on my own just seem... like a chore."

The serpentine muse lowered her head, bumping her nose affectionately against the fox's snout, leaning in to nuzzle his cheek, "My dear angel, I think you're looking at your stories in the wrong way."

"Yeah?" the fox blushed a little when he felt a loop of coils slide between his legs, grinding gently against his thigh, only a pair of PJ pants between it and his fur, "So how should I be looking at them?"

"Something to be enjoyed, and not an obligation! In the beginning, you wrote because you enjoyed it, and not because you felt you needed to." her tongue flicked out, circling Ildac's ear and bringing on another squirming fit, "But as you got better, and more people came to read your stories, you felt you needed to be more professional. More consistent with your writing. Am I wrong?"

"No, you're absolutely... right." he had to pause to keep himself from moaning, his body pinned to his chair now as more smooth, warm coils enveloped him, curling around his body and beginning to massage his tired form, "But that's normal, right?"

"Oh, of course it is, dear." the snake giggled again, her snout hovering just in front of his ear, allowing her to hiss to him in a quiet and sinfully smooth whisper, "But you need to step back and see things as they are. You're writing for free right now. You have no obligations that you haven't set for yourself. You must free yourself from these self-imposed limits on your creativity... and I am here to help you do just that."

The fox practically melted in her grasp, and every flick of her tongue against his ear made him arch and writhe in place, soaking up those seductive whispers with ease. He'd forgotten that aside from being his inspiration made flesh, she also represented his love for hypnosis. It was no wonder that she was making him swoon so easily. His arm raised up before it could be trapped by her coils, a hand gently stroking over the back of the snake's neck as he murmured, "Do you... have a name? What should I call you?"

"I am your creation, Ildac." the snake hissed, her head slowly floating out in front of him, her deep black eyes staring intensely into his own blue and green ones, "You've chosen every little detail as to my appearance, my personality, my species... all subconsciously, of course. And you may do so, as well, with my name."

Ildac took a moment to work out a nice, pretty name for his wonderful muse. Something... smooth. Something that could be hissed and whispered easily, and when spoken in such a way, could bring the listener to their knees. Something exotic. Something...

"Seria." the muse hissed, and the effect was most telling. Just as Ildac had imagined, the mere utterance of her name in that tone sent chills down his spine.

"H-How did you..."

"Have I not established that I am part of you, Ildac?" the snake, Seria, poked his forehead with her tail tip, "Now, without any further interruptions..."

Ildac's eyes went wide as those deep black eyes of hers changed. The all too familiar appearance of a maelstrom of colors, drifting and flowing out from her pupils like ink, had him instantly transfixed, his head swaying with hers as she began to move back and forth like a pendulum, "W-Waaaait..."

"What, would you like me to sssing to you?" Seria snickered, flicking out her tongue and taking on a musical tone, "Trussst in meeee..."

"Oh Goddess, no." Ildac whimpered, shaking his head as best as he could, though he could only manage to turn until his eyes would have to part from those beautiful colors, which his body would simply not allow, "I think I'd die from embarrassment."

"Aww, why?"

"I am yet to write a Kaa story, and I'm not starting now...!" his protests began to waver, the luster fading from his eyes as he began to lose his battle against Seria's mesmerizing display. He followed her swaying with lazy movements, mouth hanging agape as his entire body began to relax.

"I think you'd rather write stories about me instead, mmm?" the snake hissed, slowly lifting the fox into the air, her coils closing around his body and holding him securely in her grasp, "I'm much more interesting than a snake with a Winnie the Pooh voice."

"Is this you saying that, or is it just my subconscious thought speaking through you?"

"It's both."

"Fuck, I'm confused." the fox's pupils shrank down to pinpricks, and as his resistance fell before the power of Seria's gaze, the hypnotic colors mirrored in his eyes, flowing out slowly at first, but gradually gaining speed, "So... pretty..."

"Yes, they are, aren't they?" Seria turned him so that he was horizontal, letting him lay back on her apparently weightless coils as she hung in the air, "So pretty. Your favorite thing to just stare into."

"Yes... My favorite." Ildac's lips curled into a sleepy smile that quickly turned into an "o" face as Seria's tail tip curled around the growing bulge in his pants, "Ahhh..!"

The serpentine muse giggled and quickly stripped him, tugging off those loose pants and dropping them to the floor, "Honestly, why do you even wear pants?"

"Mistress always--"

"Tells you not to wear them, I know. You really ought to listen to her more." she smirked and wrapped her sneaky tail tip around the fox's growing erection, stroking him up and down swiftly as she continued to mesmerize him, "Now listen to me, Ildac. You're going to take this evening to heart. You're going to use it to fuel your creativity and write what you want to write. Understand me?"

"Y-Ye--ah! Yes!" the fox couldn't help but squirm and moan wantonly as Seria teased him, his body trapped in her winding, constricting coils, floating in the middle of his bedroom without a care in the world. His head spun, a thick, pleasurable fog having rolled in over his thoughts, replacing them with one powerful desire: to obey.

"Good boy." she giggled and pressed a kiss to his lips, flooding his vision with those enthralling colors, "Mmm now..."

Ildac let out a needy whimper as her stroking stopped, watching the serpent's lower neck readjust itself so that one of her large, feathered wings could brush delicately against his feet, bringing helpless giggles from his throat, "N-No tickles..!"

"Yes tickles." a powerful burst of hypnotic light silenced the fox's protests, "You love being tickled."

"I... I love being tickled." Ildac mindlessly repeated, his eyes going wide again, little whines of pleasure drifting from his lips as she tickled his feet with her feathers.

"Good foxy." Seria's tongue and tail tip got in on the tickling, flicking and brushing over his belly and under his arms, teasing the poor fox and reducing him to a moaning, giggling mess, his weakened body squirming within the hold of her powerful tail.

"P-Please... Please..!" the angel begged between bouts of laughter, rocking his head from side to side and actually managing to break eye contact with her for a brief moment. Not that it mattered, of course, the fox so deeply enthralled that he could have looked away for an hour and still be under her sway. The futility of the achievement was made solid by the reappearance of those swirling colors within his vision again, stealing his attention back from wherever his eyes had chosen to wander in their few seconds of freedom.

"But you loooove it." Seria hissed, looming over him and swaying her head so enticingly, weaving together a sexy, seductive dance before his eyes, "It makes you so hot, being tickled. Especially when you're hypnotized and bound while being tickled." she grinned at a loud moan slipping from the fox's lips. Clearly, he'd enjoyed that thought almost as much as he enjoyed living it. Or perhaps the simple utterance of the fact merely reinforced it in his empty, suggestible head. "Still, I know tickling can get old... and I want to do something else with you now."

Ildac's world spun as he was sat upright again, feeling Seria's coils slowly loosen from his body as she set him down on the bed, having him sit on his knees. Her tail slid down between his legs, looping past his furry backside and beginning to coil around his waist. Her smooth scales teased his balls and his taint as the thickening tail added more loops to her embrace, the seductive snake swaying before his eyes and keeping those pretty colors flowing freely into his mind, "Now you will kneel like the good slave and let your muse take care of you."

"A good... slave." these words weren't foreign in the least. He must have used them on a daily basis, for all the hypnotic fun he got up to. His body rocked in a perfect motion with her swaying, eager to follow those beacons of mesmerizing power that had so easily subdued him. He felt her tail slide around his upper belly, then around his chest and, preceding a sharp gasp from his lips, over his sensitive, perked nipples.

"Mmm good?" Seria hissed with a snicker, already knowing the answer. Her coils grinded firmly over the fox's chest, simultaneously massaging and teasing him, the thick loops of tail maneuvering around the bases of his wings to avoid crushing them against his back. Her coils pinned his arms at his sides, slid over his shoulders, stopping at the base of his neck and giving a firm squeeze to his entire upper body, "Much better. Now give us a kiss, slave."

Ildac's moans grew muffled and quiet as Seria's serpentine maw closed over his muzzle. It was a little awkward at first, but snake jaws were versatile things, and soon they were quite firmly lip locked. The snake's tongue invaded Ildac's mouth, coiling around his tongue and squeezing it in tune with her tail's rhythmic pulses around his body. Her tongue and saliva were impossibly sweet, almost intoxicating even, and the way that tongue slid around his mouth like it owned it...

Seria giggled around the fox's lips, her tail tip slithering downward, wrapping thicker coils around Ildac to give it some slack. It found the warmth between the angel's legs and slithered behind, feeling for his sensitive tail hole and tracing circles around it, making the poor, lucky fox arch and squirm. She pulled back from the kiss, a thin strand of saliva connecting them for a second before it fell away, her forked tongue flicking over the angel's still-parted lips, "I think I'll explore the deepest depths of this horny fox tonight. What say you?"

"Ahh... nngh..." Ildac's head swayed in a dazed motion, her sinfully sweet kiss having topped off the already deep trance she'd put him in. He grasped for words, but found none in his mind. All he could manage were dumb, ecstasy-fueled whimpers and groans.

"I'll take that as a yes." the snake giggled and swished her tail tip over his pucker for a few more seconds, then plunged it deep inside of him, quickly finding the fox's prostate and flickering over it. Ildac's reaction was most telling--his entire body stiffened, and his dripping cock twitched and throbbed, begging for attention! Attention that Seria would gladly give. Her head drifted down below the coils trapping Ildac in place, her eyes fading to their normal ebony, no longer needing the hypnotic colors to keep the entranced fox in check. She flicked her tongue experimentally over the drippy, needy foxcock, dragging another moan from Ildac's lips.

"S-Seria... ah...!" the fox's eyes still swirled helplessly with the kaleidoscopic colors even as they faded from view. His tongue hung slack from his muzzle, a little tendril of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth. He was so relaxed, and yet somehow so incredibly tense. The feeling of being filled by Seria's tail added to the attention of her magical tongue over his needy shaft had him sitting on the edge of orgasm. However, like all good trance sluts, Ildac would not cum until he was told.

The serpent giggled and gazed up at the moaning, squirming fox, giving him a few pulses of hypnotic light to reward his obedience, "Such a good boy you're being for your muse. Now, before I go ahead and push you into climax, I need you to promise me that you'll try real hard to write."

"I... promise, my muse... I'll try so hard..." Ildac arched eagerly in her coils, but didn't get very far. She had him tightly bound, and had no intention of letting him go until she was finished. He murmured again, spurred on by the pleasurable pulses of light in her eyes, "I promise..!"

Seria hummed and flicked her tongue out several more times, each time teasing the head of his shaft, causing his entire body to twitch. After a moment, she nodded, smiling brightly at the fox, "You seem sincere, so I find no reason to hold you back from what you so clearly desire. So sit back." her coils tilted Ildac onto his back, making him lay and stretch out on the bed, still tightly constricted, "Relax... and enjoy."

The snake's head fell out of view as he was laid down, but the sensations that followed were unmistakable. He felt a warm, wet orifice slip over his cock, the familiar feeling of a forked tongue slithering and coiling around it, and then a firm, demanding suction as Seria's mouth closed around his member. Ildac's toes curled, his head leaned back in a silent scream of pleasure, swirling eyes squeezing shut as his nerves went into overdrive.

"Mmm yummy." Seria slurred slightly around the fox's cock, giggling and pushing her maw further down, enveloping even the swollen knot at the base, deepthroating the whole of that vulpine meat with ease. Instead of simply sliding up and down, the serpent decided to try something a little different. She coiled her tongue around the fox's knot, teasing the sensitive bulb of flesh expertly, and began to contract and squeeze with her throat muscles in a slow, rhythmic pattern, starting from the front and pushing the motion to the back, squeezing and massaging Ildac's cock from bottom to top. It was a sensation like no other, and the already ecstatic fox felt his mind nearly break from the intense pleasure.

"Seri--ahhh..! Nngghhh... Goddess..!" Ildac's heart pounded in his chest, every inch of his body tingling under his muse's wonderful touch. He spread his legs as wide as he could, stretching them and curling his toes, hips bucking against the snake's throat as he tried desperately to add to the sensation. The tail wriggling against his prostate moved faster in response, reducing him to a whimpering, moaning puddle of happy fox, the tension leaving his muscles again and forcing him to lay helpless under Seria's ministrations. He was her toy to play with for as long as she pleased.

"Ildac." her voice rang clearly in his head, "Can you hear me, my obedient little angel?"

"Y-Yes, my muse..!" he answered aloud, but the snake apparently didn't mind.

"I can tell you're close, foxy. I can see how badly you want to feed me your seed. Do you want to cum, Ildac?"

"Yes... Goddess, yes!"

The voice in his head giggled, and the snake between his legs grinned around his cock, "Are you sure you want to cum?"

Ildac whined and rocked his head from side to side, groaning out in pure sexual frustration, "Yessssss..!"



"Mmmm..." the snake hummed in his mind, flicking her tongue against his taint while she made him wait for her answer. Finally she spoke again, the motions of her throat increasing in intensity, milking him for his climax, "You seem pretty sure, so... cum!"

The room went silent for a split second, then filled with the sound of Ildac's ecstasy. His entire body tensed, hips rocking back and forth with each load he fed his muse, crying out loud each time he felt a hot rope of cum force its way from his needy, used dick. He fed her load after load, each slightly smaller and weaker than the last, every ejaculation seeming to take an eternity in his empty, pleasure-addled mind. Finally he felt the intense pleasure begin to taper off, smaller spurts of seed replacing the large gushes he'd begun with, until his body finally fell still, his ecstatic moans devolving into pleased little coos and whimpers. The fox lay there in Seria's coils, panting heavily and staring at the ceiling, eyes still swirling lazily.

Seria slowly, purposefully slipped herself free of Ildac's cock, suckling hard as her head pulled backward, finally releasing her grip on the spent member with a little 'pop'. She licked her lips slowly, savoring the taste of her satisfied angel, then loomed over him with deep, vivid colors flowing through her eyes once more, "Now, my angel... are you inspired?"

"Oh yes, my muse..." Ildac murmured dreamily, staring happily into those eyes of hers. If he was helpless before them earlier, then there was no chance of him resisting now. Every fiber of his being wanted to be sucked into those pretty colors and lulled into a deep, relaxing trance.

"Good!" she giggled and leaned down to kiss him again, holding his lips hostage for a full minute before pulling back, "Then for now, I would like for you to sleep for me. When you awaken, you will be refreshed, relaxed, renewed and eager to start a new project. Will you obey your muse and do this, Ildac?"

"Yes, Seria." the fox swooned as she released him from that deep kiss, giggling softly and feeling his eyelids begin to grow heavy, "I will obey... my muse..."

"Good boy." the serpent's body began to glow, deforming into the light she had begun as, her coils slowly becoming intangible and releasing Ildac from their grasp, "Then sleep for me. Sleep deeply for your muse. I will be guiding your creative hands, Ildac... and rest assured, I will be back to play again."

"Mmmm 'kay..." Ildac murmured dreamily as he watched Seria fade from his room, the light spreading out until it had vanished completely. He had no time to ponder what had happened today, as his eyes were soon drifting shut, and sleep was grasping at his tired mind. One thing was for certain, though: He had a lot of writing to do. After all, he would obey his muse. His mesmerizing, powerful, irresistible muse.