Chapter 6: The Great One Incarnate

Story by Bloodgod245 on SoFurry

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#6 of Spyro: Light shall triumph

In my last story Galinoth had found some ancient tunnels that led to the chamber where he made his discovery. He wondered around a bit until he found another chamber where the artefact had laid dormant for 30,000 years. (Sorry forgot to mention how old it was). The Dragons talon was an ancient weapon of un-imaginable power. Then as he was preparing to enact the prayer of protection, the Talon unleashed a deadly shockwave that gravely injured our hero. The others had felt the blast as they were training.

Ignitus announced that they should search for Galinoth. After a while Cynder had found the wounded dragon and with Naomi's help brought him back to the temple. When they put him down they then discovered he was dying.

With sadness etched all over them, they made their way back to the dojo only to be ambushed by dark apes. They were captured and put in cages. Just as Skullblaze was going to execute Naomi his weapon froze and shattered, followed by the doors to the dojo where our shadowy figure appeared. (Sorry that the intro was so long?).

Chapter 6: The Great one Incarnate

What the dragons saw was a monstrous warrior at least as big as Ignitus, if not bigger.

His armour was the colour of pure ice. On one arm was mounted what looked like a Guardian raptor, but different. And with the "raptor" was a strange weapon that was glowing a bright blue in the middle. Spyro wanted to know what that weapon was, so he asked Naomi.

"What is that strange weapon Naomi?" asked spyro.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's a plasma blaster." She replied. The awe and fear in her voice was evident

"What is a plasma blaster?" asked Cynder.

"A plasma blaster is the most lethal hand held weapon that was ever made by my people; you can cut scores of the enemy down in a single blast, we thought they were all destroyed during the great catastrophe." She replied.

The others were horrified that such a weapon existed. They were even more shocked at what it could do. But then Naomi noticed something in the other hand. It struck fear into the very core of her soul.

"May the great one protect us!" she screamed.

This concerned the others as they did not know what it was.

"What is that?" asked Cynder. Fear was also present in her voice.

"By the great gods, it's the Dragons talon!" she screeched.

"What's the Dragons talon?" Asked Terrador.

"It's a weapon of great power that only one has ever wielded it, it is said that it can wipe out whole armies with just one stroke of its deadly blade!" she screeched. Naomi was now hysterical. She began the prayer of protection as soon as she finished speaking.

The others were shocked to hear that this blade could do all that. They were scared of it, and at the same time they were in awe of it.

"So you are the vile scum that has attacked this holy place?" the figure asked in an ominous voice that put fear into everyone around it including the dark apes.

"Yeah, what are you gunna do about it freak?" he retorted.

"Ha...ha...ha..., you call me a freak, you are the one who has dedicated his life to the corrupt being known as the dark master." The strange warrior replied.

"Dark apes' ATTACK!!" Skullblaze bellowed.

Within moments the apes were moving on the shadowy figure. The strange thing was that he wasn't moving. It's was as if he wasn't even going to fight back.

"Pitiful..." was the only word he said, and then he let out a barrage of fire from the "Raptor". The projectiles from the gun were blowing scores of apes to pieces. Naomi had just finished here prayer when the firing had begun.

"I know what that gun is now." Naomi said. Fear was even more evident in her voice.

"What is it?" spyro asked.

"It's a weapon we traded from a race that we have liberated from the clutches of evil, its called a Storm bolter, the shells it fires are explosive, hence the apes been blown to pieces." She replied.

Then searing heat erupted in the room as the warrior fired the plasma blaster. The others had now seen what that terrifying weapon could do. And they wished they hadn't because it was burning apes alive and no one deserved to die like that.


By now almost three quarters of the attacking apes had been cut down or killed by the warrior. After what seemed like forever, where as only minutes had passed by, there was silence. The firing had stopped and everyone could see what carnage that the warrior had caused. Then they noticed that the only figure left was Skullblaze. They could see fear in his eyes. Not normal fear, but pure fear. He had seen the destruction wrought by this warrior and hid had shaken him badly.

Then the strangest thing happened, the warriors armour was changing colour!

It was changing colour! It was now the vibrant yellow that coloured all the armour of the guardians. Then spyro noticed that electricity was flowing around the Talon.

"Why is that happening?" he asked Naomi quizzically.

"There has been speculation that whoever shall wield the talon can control all elements, and rumour has it that the armour he wears changes colour to the element he is using." She replied. Fear was slowly giving away to wonder.

"Nominea Imperator." Bellowed the warrior.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning had struck Skull blaze square on the chest. Now the ape was in the air and couldn't move at all. The warrior was now approaching the whimpering ape with deliberate slowness that made the ape whimper even more.

"" Skullblaze stuttered.

"Now why should I grant mercy to one who has inflicted great suffering upon the inhabitants of this realm?" asked the warrior.

"Because to give mercy to those who desire it is the way of the guardians." Replied Naomi.

The warrior turned round with lightning speed. And in one step, he had covered the distance from where Skullblaze was hanging and where Naomi was imprisoned. Naomi was taken aback by this warriors speed.

"You are right, Naomi." Said the warrior.

"How do you know my name?" she asked. The fear was returning to her voice.

"I'll answer that soon." Replied the warrior.

He then muttered something. And Skullblaze fell to the floor. He was still whimpering when the warrior said something.

"Go now, but be warned, if we ever meet again I will kill you." He said.

Skullblaze was now angry. As soon as the warrior had turned his back to him he pounced. The warrior knew this was going to happen. He gripped the talon and swung it two handed at Skullblaze. The ape was shocked at this warriors speed as the blade cut him in two. That was Skullblazes's final action as a living being of this world.

"You granted him mercy, so why did you kill him?" This time it was Cynder who was screeching.

With what sounded like sadness in his voice he said:

"Yes I did Cynder, but he didn't take the opportunity to save himself, instead he tried to attack me from behind, I really didn't want to kill him though." He replied.

Everyone was taken aback by the reply. But they also backed off because they feared him, they knew what would happen to them if they tried to attack him.

"Thank you for rescuing us, brave warrior." Terrador said. Finally saying something in the gloomy silence.

"Yes, your timing was perfect because the vile ape was about to kill Naomi." Cyril said.

"I know what that ape was going to do." Replied the warrior.

"You do, but how?" Volteer asked. He was now very confused.

"The Talon Grants many powers, including the power to see the future." He replied.

"Really?" Naomi asked.

"Yes it does." Replied the warrior.

"Can you see what is going to happen to this world?" Spyro asked.

"I'm afraid it doesn't go that far into the future." The warrior replied, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Replied spyro.

"How did you get here?" Asked Cyril

"I was already here." The warrior replied.

Spyro swore he could feel (he couldn't see the warriors face because he was wearing a helmet) the warrior grinning while he was answering the question.

"How is that possible, Naomi and Galinoth were the only ones to survive the destruction of the fury, so how were you already here?" Volteer asked. He was now very confused.

"Do you want me to show you how I was here?" he asked

"Yes please." Spyro said.

"Before you do, can you do me a favour, my mate was exploring some caves when a shockwave ripped through them, seriously injuring him, we found him and brought him back here, it was only then we discovered that he was dying, it would honour him to see a great warrior like you, then could you show us who you are?" Naomi asked.

"I will show you who I am now, then I will go to him." He replied.

"Ok then." Conceded Naomi.

Hesitantly, the warrior took off his helmet to show everyone who he was. And when he did everyone one was shocked at what they now see.

I'll end chapter 6 here and let you ponder who it is!

Chapter 7 will be up around the next couple of days and chapter 8 will be up Christmas Eve/day. So ill keep the stories coming for you!