Werewolf on the Roof chpt 4

Story by Erigawn on SoFurry

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Chapter four..a little shorter than I would have liked, but ya'll needed something to keep fresh.

Walking in with Anna was a hole new experience on it's own. I mean One, I've never even held another peron's hand, excepetion of mom. Two: Having other people see you with a decent looking girl, especially me, you'll get some respect. Three: People get utlra jealous, and mainly the lead of the football team himself, his retardness, the one and only....Andrew Cane.

As soon as I walk in, all I get is face full of smelly football player hand, and a shove into the refreshment table.

"Heya looky here, Leotard got himself a date! Who'd a thought?" he shoved me against another wall, and took Anna in his arms, dancing with Anna like a foolish...well football player. The thing that hurt most about this? Anna wasn't complaining, though Jack, however, had a few words to say. While Sir Jockstrap danced around with Anna, taking another turn and knocking me into the punch bowl, not only ruining the suit but making everyone laugh along, striking the last nerve Jack could take, and intervened.

My hero right?

"Hey! MoFo! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Jack demanded, standing up to Cane, gut stuck out and all, A regular Iron Man, though underneath is still Tony Stark, and he doesn't have Captain America or Thor to back him up. The other sport players surrounded Jack.

"I hope you don't mean you." Cane said, arms crossed. They were having a mexican stand off, surrounded by other morons, one moron and one hero in the middle. What could possbily go wrong?

Well it goes a little like this..

First, Cane threw a swing at Jack, major mistake. Jack caught Cane's mit midair with his palm, and Cane started to groan in pain. Second, three or so of Cane's lankeys through themselves at Jack. Though before this Jack ducked, grabbed at the back of lanky number one's knee and pulled him to the ground, then sweeping his leg under lanky number two, making him fall onto number one. Number three? He ran off leaving his date hanging, smart choice. Then last off all Jack jumped and...pounced on Cane, pulling his lips back and..snarling at Cane. I coulda sworn that his teeth...were fangs.

Cane reared back in mortal terror and crawled off, leaving the gym with his goons close behind, leaving all their dates, if they had any to leave in the first place. Jack growled at them and looked at the other patrons in the room and regained his composure and stood straight, groombed back his hair, and offering his hand to me.

"Need a hand?" he said to me. His eyes earlier filled with blood lust, now generosity..and care. I took his hand disdainfully and pulled myself up. Look down at my suit. My night was ruined. People were laughing, at Cane, his lankys, and me. I looked at Anna for comfort, but she was laughing along with them...who needs enemies when you've got friends like that? I ripped off my bow tie and stormed from the room as the music began to play once more. Serena saw me leave the room covered in punch and looked at me solemnly, after having sex with someone, erasing there memory, and preparing him for her son, it's kinda hard not feel sympathetic.Completely understandable.

If there was one thing I hated..it was being made fun of, the butt of the joke...the underdog. I didn't want Jack's help, and his pleasent smile didn't help along. Something like this would happen every year, I'd get embarassed at the end of the year somehow, and to be not seen again until next year. I was burning with rage that I couldn't control, I stormed out and though the tux jacket down onto the sidewalks, and undone my first few buttons on my shirt and messed my hair up. I started in a brisk walk, a jog, then into a sprint, and ran to wherever my feet would take me. Away from the gym, from Anna, from Jack.


I watched in the doorway as Leo had ran off into the city darkness, I didn't understand. From what Anthony and my other brothers had told me, that there chosen mate would always accept them...so why didn't Leo accept me? Was something wrong? Did I offend? Is he allergic to canines or lupines? What? Something was deeply wrong in the pit of my stomach....and didn't want Leo to hate me..I just wanted the significant other...that special someone that everyone looks for, is that so hard for a werewolf to ask for?..don't answer that. It broke me wolf heart to see Leo crushed as he was, it angered me to the bone seeing his hurt face when Anna did nothing for him, the the want to comfort was stronger than the one for vengance, I followed Leo as far as the parking lot, and watched my love go.

"Go to him Jack," confined Serena, she said walking up behind me

"What did I do? for him to hate me, mom?"

"It's his pride...His both dominant and submissive, he must have equal balances or his body denies reality, and he'll shut himself out. It's human condition to be prideful, then crushed the next second. Go Jack," she said before walking back into the gym. I had to make a decision, and it wasn't hard to do. I followed Leo's trail, picking up his jacket, the familiar smell wafting into my nose, and carried it with me as I ran in search of Leo, the scent of sorrow strong in the air.

It wasn't difficult to find Leo, one I knew him well already, and his trail scent was easiest to tell from others, being in love with him and all. I found him on his roof, sitting alone. Tears rolling down his cheeks. I climbed the lattice wall decoration and placed his jacket around him and sat next to him.

"Hey..Leo..I," I tried to say

"Just leave...me alone..," he said, walking to the other end of the roof, burrying his head into his hands. I could sense his sadness and desperation for comfort off him easily, and my natural instinct to comfort my love and pack members was strong. I walked over to him and would not take no for an answer, I placed an arm around him and pulled up his face.

"I ain't leaving this roof until you tell me what's wrong and what I did," I said, keeping my gaze stern, but caring still. Leo pulled his head out of my grasp and stared at the night moon.

"It's nothing I can't handle..," he stated. "It's nothing..," wiping a tear from his eye.

"I ain't gonna believe that Leo..tell me..,"

He looked at me, and not at me, but into my eyes, into my wolf heart, I loved the way he took things seriously, good wolf trait. "It's nothing Jack..," he said, then his eyes fell, he seemed to regret snapping. "I'm sorry...I've had a rough night.., though you know that..," he said, wrapping his jacket closer around him. He was a lost pup in a big world, and he needed a friend. I tigtened my hold on him and pulled him closer to me.

"It'll be alright...you'll see.., We've better get off this roof hunh? Don't wanna catch a cold during summer..," I said helping him up, arms around him. Luckily he needed the comfort so he would not object. My heart skipped a beat, as Leo looked at me ans smiled, and a thought stirring in his cute head.

"Hey Jack...me and Anna were gonna head off and watch a movie after the prom..," Leo said, pulling out two tickets "But seeing the conditions wanna head out with me to catch a film?"

I think I just felt a tremor in the earth, perfect oppritunity to make a move. I nearly started panting and rolling over to let Leo pet my belly.

"Sure..I haven't gotten any plans tonight, Lets get off your roof first..," I said, feeling the intinctal urge to go werewolf and hump Leo here and now since I was filled with so much joy.

"Alright..I left my car at the gym..think we can take your truck?" he asked, walking over to the side of the house were we climbed up

Jack- two, others- zip

"No prob..," I said.

So we climbed on down from the roof and Leo grabbed an inflatible matress out of his garage and placed it the back of the truck and we were off to the drive in theater. I've never actually been to a movie more than once, but hey, how often does a chance like this come along? Leo got into the passenger side and I drove, we got a spot in the front row, we got some snacks from the snack booth and layed against the back of the carrage of the truck and let the movie start. It was an older movie, but people enjoy older things and would sit and watch, trying to relive the past and let there worries flow away. I looked at Leo, he was starry eyed and was eating his chilie frys, though he would nod off now and then. Soon as the second film started, he was sleeping on my torso. I couldn't help but get some of a boner, I hoped no one would notice. He was so...adorable in his sleep. I wiped away his hair from his eyes and kissed his forhead, making him mur in his sleep and snuggle closer to me. I didn't pay attention to the second film, but let Leo cuddle me, and when it was over, I woke him gently and told him it was time to go back home. I was dissapointed in not mating with him tonight, but I'd digress. I had already thought of a plan. I'd go completely wolf form and follow him like a lost dog. Roll over, pant, maybe hump his leg. etc. Hopefully Leo had nothing against beastility. Cause I really want to get a good lick of Leo, soon.

Tonight wasn't yet over


Jack woke me as the movies were over. He drove us home and dropped me off at my own. I walked up lazily to my door and went to my room, and flopped on the bed, falling asleep almost instantainously. I woke with a mild head ache with the howling of some dog outside. I looked out my window, still in my dress clothes and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. There was a husky like dog down at my door, howling. He seemed lost. He looked up at me and tilted his head whining a little. I figured it'd keep on howling unless I gave him something to munch on. I had some dryed out jerky and dropped it down to the furry figure. He sniffed it at and gobbled it up, then looked at me, he walked to the wall of the house and jumped at and barked at me. He was a cute looking dog, grey fur, pretty eyes. I wonder if I could go down and get a better look without mom knowing. I dropped a few more pieced to keep the dog occupied and walked down to the front door, opening slowly, to see that the dog with sitting there, with my bow tie from earlier tonight. The dog must have been trained or something, and then lost. Poor thing.

I grabbed the bow tie from the dog's maw and reached out to pet it, but before I could I ran into the house and up the stairs, the sound of my bed being jumped on could be heard "What the?..," I said, hoping mom didn't hear that, then I realized that mom's car wasn't in the drive way, and not the one I used to get to the prom...where was she? Odd. I shruged, and walked up the stairs and saw the canine sitting on my bed patiently. He looked at me hesitantly and barked at me, turning in a circle in bed and laying down, his tail wagging in an empty spot where another could lay down.

I stepped closer to the dog while it continued to stare at me, It was a big dog, but I liked larger dogs better than them ankle biters. I knelt down and petted the dog between it's ears, not really worried about mom coming home and seeing him. The dog pushed against my hand and panted happily, after that it licked my face and started licking at my lips.

"h-hey...now.," I laughed "That tickles," I said, letting the dog push it's muzzle against my lips, as it pushed it's tongue into my mouth, slowly moving it around, it placed a paw on my shoulder to, restraining my movement, but not very effective, I pulled back and wiped the dog slob of my face and blushed a little, that being my first offical kiss on the lips...by a male none the less. The dog however wouldn't have anything of it. He jumped on me and nuzzled my face, dog kissing me again.

He was sure an affectionate fella.

He pushed his head into my crotch and sniffed it repeatingly. Then licking me through my pants. I murred and and my shaft grew in my pants, the thought of letting the canine lick me dick. I petted the dog's head passionatly and sat on by bed, the dog resting a paw on my lap, him looking at me desperatley, like a girl who lost her dad. He nuzzled under my neck and I looked down at his belly, his own doggie dong growing long, a knot at the base. I felt like butterflys were in my chest. I slowly reached out and touched the sensitive member, it twitched and shrunk back a little, than grew even longer, pre dripping from it. This dog clearly wanted to mate. I undid my pants and pulled them down, but before I could get down my boxers, the dog stuck it's muzzle up my boxer pant leg and started to lick my balls. I yelped and gasped, the feeling of a soft, dog tongue licking my sex...felt so good. I eagerly pulled them off and let my member poke it's self out infront of the cum happy canine. He quickly jumped at the chance and took me all into his beautiful muzzle, not knowing that Jack was actually sucking me off. The dog would lick and lick, suck and bob his furry head, anything to get some pre into his mouth. It felt so good. Even the dog jumped on me again and again, it's doggie cock prodding at me member, not getting an entrance into me. I reached my climax and shot jets of cum into the dogs muzzle. He quickly swallowed it down and licked the rest of it off me. He jumped on the bed next to me and nuzzled his head into my pillow, pushing up his sweet dog thighs, presenting his own genitals and member, and his tail hole. His cock throbbed as he whined, shaking his rear, obviosuly wanting me to mount. By now I was to enhanced in the moment that I didn't care. I got onto my knees on the bed and licked the dogs anal cavity, the dog panting happily. As soon as I got him well lubed I got up and stuck my cock into the dog. The warm sensation of another being around my length was unbelievable. The dog yelped and then quickly tightend his tail hole around me. It sending wave after wave of primal urge to pump the dog full of my jizz. I got into the doggy position and thrusted in and out of the dog, moaning loudly. The dog was laying his head on my pillow, in heaven as it seemed to me at the time. The god wrapped it's tail around me and took it all. I jammed my cock into the dog, with a final thrust giving the dog my seed. I tried to pull out but the dog wouldn't allow it, he growled at me, then whined, licking my face, wanting me to stay inside. I twisted myself and layed next to the dog. I didn't know where it came from, who it belonged to, or why it let me fuck it. But I didn't care, I hugged the pooch and it kinda hugged me back. It seemed to be..larger than before..at least by a few inches. It's face devoloped more human like expressions, starring at me possessively, I was his mate now, little did I know. He wouldn't let me go now..no I was his. I was Jack's

I layed there looking at the dog's eyes. They were..enchanting. They were sharp looking, beautiful. I always remembered dog's yes either being hazel, or blue, I knew that this wasn't a husky, it was to big. And no other canine would have those hypnotizing kind of eyes, the dog would stare back, blinking slowly, not panting like you'd think they would in such warm weather. He would lay there and seem to smile at me. His face half buried in my pillow and his fur. I couldn't think of what I was laying with. Husky?..some kinda of German Shepherd?..I didn't think so. I sat there, feeling..startled. I had just gone into sex immediatly..., and now afterwards I'm questioning it. I felt wrong...I felt bad..I felt attached to the dog at the same moment, and I wanted badly to be with it and be comforted by it. But I also wanted it gone.


That experience was amazing..I don't ususally let anyone but Anthony be Alpha, but I wanted to give Leo something special. Now I just wanted to get rid of his virginity as much as possible, yet something was holding me from getting up again. There. In his eyes, a shot of doubt, the same god damn look I've seen way to many times. Why couldn't Leo just accept the fact that he just mated with me and the end? It just didn't make me feel right, you know?, the way you feel when you know something's broken, and it will keep getting worse over time. I had to know, if Leo would accept me as me..If he would..just..love me. And not in wolf terms, no, I want him to love me for my fur, my eyes, my claws, and my fangs. I wanted Leo to mine forever, and if he didn't? That wasn't an option..I'd make him love me, cause if I couldn't have him, no one will.

I decided to take action, and as Leo finally started to sleep, when he awoke, he'd be sleeping in my arms. Not paws, my fur covered arms, and then it would be time for the truth. I was feeling confident. I let my self go into the in between, and grow out. My legs and arms grew into..well humanoid arms and legs, but covered in my fur. My neck grew long, my head just grew in size. my bones and orfans rearranged themselves, a barrel chested torso, covered in soft fur, I wrapped my self around Leo as his human shaft slipped out as my tail hole widened, and my own cock grew immensly, 16 inches in all, a knot the size of a small grape fruit. Leo would snuggle close to me, burying his head into my tuft of chest fur. I loved on him and pulled him close, almost my entire body covering him. I got up and closed the door, locking it it, and got back in bed with my lover, and covered both of us in the blanket at the end of the bed, and licked my long tongue on his neck. waiting for my love to wake, and see his future mate when the sun would rise.