Tears of the Abyss - Part 1

Story by Arcarno on SoFurry

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#3 of Tears of the Abyss

He can feel her wrapping herself around him. Eager like a bitch in heat. The city loves Dreamers. They are among the few who know she has a soul. They can also weave dreams that make her forget all the nasty things going on within her borders.

Nellis has no time for her right now. His target is almost within reach. Maybe he will pay her a visit later on and sing her to sleep. Time to shift planes again.

The kid hasn't got a chance. One moment he is running along a dark corridor, the next a shadow peels itself from the wall and lunges at him. Nellis has him pinned to the floor in no time. He decides that this is not the time to follow the Law of Mental Integrity and invades the Kha'Purr's mind. He finds panic and a strong desire to survive.

He blocks out the panic and makes the kitten focus on what he is about to tell him.

"Hear me out now, will you? Think for a moment. If what you told me is true, you are going to need someone who has the same abilities as them to protect you. I know trust won't come easy, but as it is, I am the only one you got. Sorry, kid."

Big emerald eyes staring at him full of doubt. Then he can feel the jaguar's body relax a bit. To be on the safe side he briefly checks the kid's mind again. _ Splendid . _Message received and understood.

Nellis releases the jaguar from his grip and stands up, extending a helpful paw that the kid ignores.

The wolf shrugs and instead uses it to activate his ACT. A familiar voice, slightly annoyed and with a hint of concern: "Where are you, Nellis? I've send in the team and ..."

"I need a favor, Nasur."

There is a brief silence, then he hears the voice again, this time without the annoyance but twice as much concern: "So you did find something after all. What do you need?"

"I need the Rule of Exception applied to the whole case. And I am taking someone with me for further questioning. Before you ask: no, our usual witness protection won't suffice this time."

"Understood. We meet at the usual place?"

Nellis ponders for a moment. "I'll call you when we get there. Oh, and Nasur?"


"Be careful. This one's going to be a real mindfuck."

Another brief moment of silence. "Thanks for the warning. I'll take ... appropriate measures."

"You do that. Laters."

Nellis ends the connection and turns to the jaguar. "You'll have to hide for a while. I'll take you to my place where I have a number of ways to protect you from any attacks coming through The Dream."

The kid can barely contain his excitement. "But what about my job? My friends and family?"

"The less they know the better. Don't make them a target. And don't worry about your job, we'll arrange something with your employer. Consider yourself on paid vacation from now on."

This time the kid's excitement is real. Typical. The cats have a short attention span and an even shorter memory when it comes to bad stuff happening to them. It just doesn't stick to them.

The jaguar looks at him pleadingly. "Can I get some stuff from my apartment first?"

The wolf shakes his head. "We need to go. Now. If you want, I can later have someone from the Department bring a few items over to my place."

Ignoring the jaguar's pout he activates his ACT again and calls a cab. Useful little tool, even though he usually dislikes anything mage-tech. Made by Anuvian Crystal Technologies, most avant-garde corp in the whole world and pride of the Anuvian Empire. Everyone is using ACTs these days. They are convenience incarnate and the applications are endless.

You could order snacks, plan a party, invite guests, hire a contract killer, kill those guests and call the clean up service, all through the little device on your wrist. Just place your paw firmly on the big crystal in the center of the metallic contraption and then link your mind to the Energy Web.

All hail ACT. _ Awfully Convenient Trash _. Those who like them pronounce them "Assets". Those who don't say "Acids". Nellis prefers the latter.

They wait in awkward silence. The jaguar is shifting nervously on the spot, rubbing his paws together to fend off the cold. This is when Nellis notices the boy is still wearing his PJ's.

Sand colored. _ With spots . _Original. He looks at the jaguar's face. Haunted. _ Lost _. The wolf sighs. Maybe some small talk will help. Nellis usually avoids it like hell, mainly because he is terrible at it. Others though seem to find comfort in it, so maybe it will make the kitten feel better.

"You got a name, kid?"

The Kha'Purr blinks a few times, then nods hesitantly. "Francis. Francis Velour."

"Alright, Francis." What comes now?_ Hobbies . _No, too intimate. _ Job . _Yes, better. "So where do work at?"

"Sector C, near the docking bays. The Prowl."

Nellis knows the place. The constant sound of waves thundering against the coast. Sailors and merchants, laughing, cursing, drinking. The strong scent of salt and metal, mingling in corrosion.

A bulbous building that looks like the city has vomited a monstrosity of steel and crystal shards onto the glittering floor of the harbor promenade.

New Canis's favorite hang-out for visitors from the Dreaming Isles. Exotic food and dancers. Maybe a bit more if you pay the price. Nellis nods. It makes sense. _ Of course _. The cats were perfect for the business. Always friendly, cheerful, eager to please.

A small impulse coming from his ACT saves him the trouble of following through with the conversation.

"Cab's here, we gotta go now. C'mon, kid."

The Kha'Purr glares at him angrily but follows him nonetheless. "Don't call me kid. I am 22!"

The wolf nods. "That's nice, kid."

Together they walk down the dark corridor towards the soft humming of engines in the distance.