Unorthodox - Prequal

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Territ gets a new Master.

WARNING: Contains sex with dead and undead beings.

Unorthodox - Prequal - July 08, 2012 Oral/Necro Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2012 The Gay Furry Association

"Slave..." Territ jumped up and ran. There were days he cursed being the only slave in the house. Other days he gave thanks, as he didn't think he could bear to see another being abused as he was. More than once the rabbit had 'serviced' his Master after a long evening - Awaiting the male's return from whatever tavern Master liked... Or disliked. If Master was in a Good mood, Territ would only have to endure the groping, the half-erect cock rubbing on his ass for a little while. Then Master would piss on his rump and pass-out.

If he was in a Foul Mood... The rabbit still winced from the stripes on his back. He Always kept his passage lubed as Master would sometimes throw the male on his belly and Fuck him roughly. As he knelt, the bunny noticed something odd - Master looked... Different. Smelled different too. Master didn't reek of booze, or cheap perfume. Someone was behind the canine... Master never brought home friends. A gloved hand lifted his chin, and the male *Shuddered*...

"What is your name?"

"Territ Ser..." A wave of dizziness made the rabbit sway, and he heard something like tiny *Popping* noises come from all around him. He almost moaned from the bliss of not being eaten alive by fleas for the first time in - Ever! But why would Master bring a Mage home? And why was Master so quiet? It wasn't until the slave closed the door and got the fire stoked that he noticed something that made him Gasp - A collar! Around Master's neck? But... He reached out and touched the metal ring in astonishment, his own leather strap long since rotted away. The wolf didn't growl at him, didn't even bother looking at him.

"Master?" The rabbit said quietly, Still unsure what was going on. A hollow laugh made him start...

"Master no more. It seems he cheated the wrong beings. The ring is more brace than collar - They only cut it halfway off."

The slave jerked back, almost peeing himself as the head turned and the glazed-over eyes stared at him. How could this be? The only beings who could raise the dead were... Were... He let out a scream as the wolf reached between his legs, gripping his nuts firmly. He couldn't move his head as he watched the paw slide up and tease his cock out of it's holder. He couldn't make his legs move as the thing slid to it's knees, taking the hot flesh into a cool muzzle. The dead have no need of breathing so even as his erection slid down the male's throat, there was no gagging, no coughs or ragged breaths. Just hard suction, movement of mouth over skin. Fingers gripped his ass roughly, blunt claws digging in as the wolf bobbed on the moaning rabbit's dick, twisting his thin lips around the sheath, pushing it down to engulf the last inch, teeth pressing to taut skin.

Territ froze completely, his orgasm removing all reason. His hips bucked, his balls contracted... Cream flowed in long sticky spurts down the hungry wolf's gullet. And not until the last drop was pulled out of said balls did the male relent and lean back. The rabbit saw a trail of while trickle down the gray chest... And it wasn't coming from the bunny's cock!

"You seem to have a leak." came from the being clothed in a black robe, leaning down to adjust the wolf's collar... And Territ knew nothing more.

* * * * * *

When the slave could see again, he jerked up off the cot... To sigh and sit back. No Cum-Hungry Zombie Wolf stared back at him. No laughing skeleton asking if he enjoyed his Master's muzzle between his legs. The bunny got up, got a drink of water and shook his head.

"Feeling better?" The bony hand caressed his cheek, making Territ go hot then cold.

"Master...?" The bunny shivered again.

"Ah. Your former Master is back on the junk-heap, where I found him. I have use of his body, but peasants have an aversion to watching zombies shuffle past. Even those who might deserve it. So... You have any plans, now you are free?"

The rabbit shivered... Free. Free to starve, or to be re-collared and sent to someplace Worse than here. He knelt. "Master? Please take me."

Again, the gloved hand slid across his face, vermin exploding all over his body. "Cum for me..."

Jerking off was not easy, but when Master gives an order, you obey... Bony jaws clamped onto his throbbing meat, skeletal hands caressed his rump, a finger flicked across his puckered hole. Territ screamed, blasting his seed and life-force into the necromancer's mouth, hips shuddering, body arching up... Then bending over the man as his legs turned to water, gripping the bony shoulders roughly, barely able to pant.

"Master..." he whispered, as the hand again slid across his face. He briefly wondered if the sorcerer was endowed... But a soft laugh and a finger touching his nose made him .

"Is there anything here you wish to take with you?"

The rabbit shook his head, shivering a little as a warm cloak was settled on his shoulders - Thankfully it was just cloth. He wondered if Master would collar him again, scrambling over to open the door. Again, he shivered as Master caressed his face. This time because his balls lurched and heat suffused his being, making him pant a little. He didn't even look back as he followed New Master into the night.

The End